fergie_ic - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 April 2007 (#12682040)

Select Members , Moderated


Welcome to fergie_ic - Stacy Ferguson icon challeneges communtiny.
Different pictures will be posted every week and members will have the
opportunity to creatively design their own icon or other graphic based on the picture provided.
Members will vote and decide which icon they like best, and banners/awards
will be given based on that.


1. Icons must fit the LJ standarts: max 40 kb 100x100 px in either JPG, GIF or PNG format.
2. The contest will be anonymous. Don't post your icons elsewhere,
including your own journal before the winners are announced.
3. No animation.
4. No premade icons.
5. Use only your own icons made for the challenge.
6. You can use texture, brush, gradient and everything you want to create fabulous icons.
7. You must be a member of community to enter.
8. Comments will be screened.
9. Submissions must be in the following format:

10. Put all the icons and url in one comment.
11. If entering is open and the deadline is over, you may enter challenges.


Vote for 3 icons (unless otherwise stated) - 1st, 2nd ; 3rd.
Voting is weighted: a 1st place vote is worth 3 points, 2nd place worth 2 points and 3rd place worth 1 point.
There will be 3 winners for each challenge (1st, 2nd ; 3rd places) plus a moderator's choice, unless otherwise stated.
If you don't vote you can't win.
The results will be screened until the winners are announced.
Don't tell your friends to vote for you.
Don't vote for yourself.
If voting is open and the deadline is over, you may vote.


Awards will be given to first, second, third place and mod's choice.
There may be some special awards for special challenges.
The winners will recieve banners.


Challenges begin: Friday/Saturday
Challenges end: Friday
Voting: Friday - Sunday
Winners announeced: Sunday/Monday, depending in ties.
Banners posted: Friday at the latest.

To look throw all our challenges you can use tags.


satc_ic fergie_ic
jlo_lims aniston_lims jolie_lims
nelly_lims travel_lims secretdesirez
rihanna_stills girlicious_fans leona_challenge
Our banner-makers: supc4ik, t00tsy, i_we_youCREDITS
Profile Layout Header Banner