ff_eye_candy - Profile (original) (raw)
on 15 August 2004 (#4194626)
This community is for fans of the Final Fantasy series of games and movies by Square Enix. All skill levels are welcome!
gunshou: gunshou [at] livejournal [dot] com
rusalkatrix: rusalkatrix [at] livejournal [dot] com
Thank you, anarchys_savior for creating this contest. Thank you static_affair and illegalseagull, former mods, for all your hard work; you're welcome back to mod anytime.
The lovely community header was made by margyydoodle, who won the week 66 header challenge.
The CSS was originally coded by Nadia @ artphilia.
[+] Each week, one of the mods will post a challenge. Each challenge will have a theme to which all submissions must relate. A base blank, an uncropped image, and icon-making resources are provided each challenge.
Sunday morning, EST: submission closes, voting begins, new theme posted
Tuesday morning, EST: voting ends, winners posted
[+] Only members of the community may submit icons. Members may submit up to three icons per challenge unless otherwise indicated.
[+] ALL icons submitted must conform to the theme in some way. You may use the blank, the image, and/or an image of your own choosing for your three icons. Regardless of whether or not you use the given images, your icon has to involve the theme. So if the theme is men, you can't icon Rosa that week.
Or Vaan. Srsly, he's not a man in any sense of the word and you know it. I might allow Paine.
[+] You may add animations to your icon, but
gunshou hates making animated banners, so be prepared to plug your icon into a static banner should you win during her banner week.
[+] Your icon must fit LJ standards. 100 pixels in width by 100 pixels in height or fewer, file-size 40KB or less, and in .gif, .jpg, or .png format. What's the difference in file formats? .JPG is smaller, but crappier. .PNG is generally best quality. .GIF is primarily for animations.
[+] Icons should be newly made for the contest and should not be used or showcased before the contest winners are announced. Submit only your original work. Fanart is allowed if specified, but please credit the artist in your submission post. And DO NOT take fanart images if the artist expressly states s/he does not wish her/his work modified.
Submission example:
url: YOURLINK.HERE/image
character(s): Balthier, Vaan, Basch; FFXII
(community icon by gunshou)
[+] Please don't vote for your own icon or ask others to vote for your icon. IP address are logged, so play fairly.
[+] Make sure to take note of how many icons to vote for, and any special categories there may be. If we get 10 or more people submitting, with 15 or more icons to vote for, we may add special categories. Or we may keel over from shock.
[+] Strategic voting (i.e., voting for lesser quality icons so as give your own icons a better chance against better quality icons) is stupid, obvious, and will result in warnings leading to bannings. Seriously,
gunshou hates this; don't do it.
[+] You are asked to vote for an icon you'd most like to see a tutorial on in out sister comm ffec_tactics. This vote and the tutorial write-up are completely optional. Any member can post tutorials of their icons to FFECT at any time - don't wait to be voted in!
[+] Vote by leaving a screened comment in the voting post. Comment example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, tutorial. Add comments if you like, but only the mods will see them.
[+] Votes are weighted, with 1st receiving three points, 2nd two points, and 3rd one point. This helps prevent ties. So order counts when you vote!
[+] In the event of a tie, gunshou will ask a non-iconmaking friend to break it. This is because she hates having to post tiebreaker polls, but she may do just that if she feels it necessary.
The non-iconmaking friend is a sucker for Yuna and Aeris icons. Just sayin'.
[+] Mod's discretion rule: in the event of a tie, if gunshou can't find a friend online, the tie will be broken in favor of the contestant who has not already placed elsewhere in the poll.
[+] The Mod's Choice award is neither 4th place nor a leftover vote, but a genuine favorite of your mod. It may or may not be awarded depending on number of participants and/or how the mod feels that week.
[+] Get involved! Make icons and vote! We realize life can be hectic and you have priorities outside of iconning, but you should either make icons, vote, or both each week.
[+] Really, please vote. Please. Or gunshou will cry a lot and assign lots of homework to her students, who will hate you all. And rusalkatrix will send Pallas' cats after you to maul you in your sleep.
Hall of Fame
A compilation of all our previous winners and banners can be found here.
Needing bannermakers! Please comment here.
Want to affiliate? Please leave a comment here.
COMMUNITY AFFILIATES - spring cleaning 3/18/07. If you would like to (re-)affiliate with us, please comment here. Thank you!
CLEARED FOR SPRING CLEANING - please re-affiliate!
chateu_aiguille // iconage // trixicons
choco_awards // ff_awards// ff12_awards // ff_jeopardy // ff_males // ff_party // final_whisper // yuna_awards
bof_awards // dgray_awards // fantasy_awards // ghibli_icontest // ouranhostawards // videogame_lims // xeno_lims
adobe, aeris, aerith, anime, art, auron, bahamut, baralai, barret, black mage, blitzball, blue mage, brushes, cactuar, cecil, celes, chocobo, chocobos, cid, cloud, dagger, edea, edgar, eidolon, enix, espers, faris, ff, ff1, ff10, ff2, ff3, ff4, ff5, ff6, ff7, ff8, ff9, ffi, ffii, ffiii, ffiv, ffix, ffv, ffvi, ffvii, ffviii, ffx, ffxi, final fantasies, final fantasy, final fantasy 10, final fantasy 2, final fantasy 3, final fantasy 4, final fantasy 5, final fantasy 6, final fantasy 7, final fantasy 8, final fantasy 9, final fantasy games, final fantasy i, final fantasy ii, final fantasy iii, final fantasy iv, final fantasy ix, final fantasy movie, final fantasy mystic quest, final fantasy series, final fantasy soundtrack, final fantasy v, final fantasy vi, final fantasy vii, final fantasy viii, final fantasy x, final fantasys, fonts, freya, garland, garnet, gippal, graphic arts, graphics, icon challenges, icon contests, iconning, icons, image editing, irvine kinneas, jasc, kefka, khimari, kiros, kuja, laguna, leblanc, lulu, moogle, nooj, paine, paint shop pro, photoshop, playstation, ps, ps2, psp, quina, quistis, rikku, rinoa, seifer, selphie, seymour guado, spira, squall, square, square enix, squaresoft, tidus, tifa, ultimecia, video games, vivi, wakka, ward, yevon, yuna, zell, zidane