Љиљана A Птицина | University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy (original) (raw)

Papers by Љиљана A Птицина

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Genre in Pekić's Early Opus

European Journal of Language and Literature

The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić’s prose. Genre definition of the pro... more The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić’s prose. Genre definition of the prose work The time of miracles is mainly analysed and explained, which theoreticians define differently, determining it as a chain, stories, but also as a novel. The analysis of the corpus, that is, the works The time of miracles and New Jerusalem is conducted through the prism of Bakhtin’s theory on the novel, with a brief resistance of Lukacs’ theory to Bakhtin’s when it comes to the analysis of Pekić’s prose. After the explanation of the characterisation of The time of miracles as a novel, we deal with chronotope, as genre definition, where the most common chronotopes that we encounter in Pekić’s prose are indicated. The novelties that Pekić brings to Serbian literature are reflected in one complete novelistic image, a parallel world, documented by historical sources, the witness’ stories, archeological sites. Generally speaking, the central point of his work is occupied by problematisi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophy of Existentialism in the Magus - the Motifs of Freedom and Suicide

European Journal of Language and Literature

John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs ... more John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs of freedom and suicide serving as its focal points, both closely related to freedom of choice and seen as crucial to the existentialist movement, as well as the author himself. This paper analyses Fowles’ novel The Magus through the prism of existentialism, which means that the basic existentialist concepts are identified and located within its text, as well as the influences of the key figures of this movement. The motifs of freedom and freedom of choice in context are interpreted and linked to the theories of Freud and Jung while special emphasis is placed on the role of the anima, that is, the female principle inside the male subconsciousness. This is precisely why a separate section of this paper is dedicated to female protagonists and their role in the novel. In his works, Fowles puts an emphasis on the freedom of the individual, which is portrayed through the freedom of the mind, i...

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Genre in Pekić's Early Opus

European Journal of Language and Literature, 2020

The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić's prose. Genre definition of the pro... more The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić's prose. Genre definition of the prose work The time of miracles is mainly analysed and explained, which theoreticians define differently, determining it as a chain, stories, but also as a novel. The analysis of the corpus, that is, the works The time of miracles and New Jerusalem is conducted through the prism of Bakhtin's theory on the novel, with a brief resistance of Lukacs' theory to Bakhtin's when it comes to the analysis of Pekić's prose. After the explanation of the characterisation of The time of miracles as a novel, we deal with chronotope, as genre definition, where the most common chronotopes that we encounter in Pekić's prose are indicated. The novelties that Pekić brings to Serbian literature are reflected in one complete novelistic image, a parallel world, documented by historical sources, the witness' stories, archeological sites. Generally speaking, the central point of his work is occupied by problematising man's position in the world in general-so, also in the past, present, but in the future as well. And precisely that and such his relation towards culture and existence-erudite, problematising, predictive, revealing-is "analogous to the correlations between chronotope within the work" (Bakhtin, 1989, p. 386).

Research paper thumbnail of Methodical approach to story processing of Borislav Pekić: Čovek koji je jeo smrt

ÉVKÖNYV - Papers of study, 2019

Као постмодерна, вишеслојна и вишезначењска, приповетка Борислава Пекића представља извесни изазо... more Као постмодерна, вишеслојна и вишезначењска, приповетка Борислава Пекића представља извесни изазов за сваког методичара практичара. У раду се нуди један од могућих методичких приступа за обраду, од којег су могућа извесна одступања при самом раду, што ће зависити од самог састава разреда, потом од њиховог интересо-вања, предзнања и мотивације за рад. Представљени приступ се ослања на проблем-ску наставу и наставу путем откривања, а делом и на оно што Младен Вилотијевић објашњава као претичућу наставу, када се садржај, који је неопходно обрадити у току само једног или два часа, унапред дозира, а ученици припремају и мотивишу за ус-вајање нових знања. Одлучили смо се да се у обради у највећој мери осврнемо на порт-ретизацију главног лика, те појам слободе, слободе избора и одговорности коју такав избор са собом носи.
Кључне речи: постмодернизам, приповетка, Пекић, Нови Јерусалим, проблемска настава, слобода, портретизација

A postmodern, multifaceted and multimeaningful Borislav Pekic's short story represents a challenge for any methodist, especially those in applied methods of teaching. One possible approach is represented in this paper and deviations are possible, which mainly depends on group organisation and composition, students' interests, previous knowledge and motivation. Problem solving method and discovery learning method are applied in this approach and partly a method explained by Mladen Vilotijevic as an outpacing teaching. This way of teaching is used when the content, meant for only one or two lessons, is being dosed in advance and students get prepared and motivated for learning process. In this paper a character portrayal prevails as well as the following topics: concept of freedom, freedom of choice and responsibilities that choices bring.

Research paper thumbnail of Onlajn podučavanje srpskog kao stranog jezika – prednosti i nedostaci

Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje Zbornik Videm: SLAVIC LANGUAGES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND CULTURE, 2019

In the paper, problems that the learners of Serbian as a foreign language and their teachers face... more In the paper, problems that the learners of Serbian as a foreign language and their teachers face will be discussed. The online teaching and individual approach online are emphasized. For the presented research quantitative approach was used, based on online questionnaires
and the analysis of content of the online platform for learning languages. The outcome of the research has been analysed and explained. The paper will provide information on analysis of teachers and learners of Serbian as a foreign language, as well as advantages and disadvanta-
ges of online teaching of Serbian as a foreign language.

Research paper thumbnail of Учење руског језика у основним школамана територији општине Сомбору периоду између 1950. године и 2017.

Študentska sekcija Zveze društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije Ljubljana 2019 5. Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistovTHE SLAVS FROM THE TURN OF 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES UNTIL NOW: LINGUISTIC, HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL CHANGES AND LITERATURE, 2019

У раду ће бити истражено изучавање руског језика у oсновношколским установама на територији општи... more У раду ће бити истражено изучавање руског језика у oсновношколским установама на територији општине Сомбор од 1950. до 2017. године. Истраживање ће помоћи тренутним тежњама да руски језик добије свој значај као први страни језик у школама. Пажња ће бити усмерена на заступљеност руског језика у плану и програму. Посветиће се пажња коришћеним методама поучавања данас, анализирана на основу упитника и интервјуа. Анализираће се документација из школских архива и на основу тога утврдити да ли су ученици постизали неки запажен успех из овог предмета. Квалитативном и квантитативном методологијом анализираће се подаци добијени упитницима и интервјуом. Упитником ће бити испитани ставови ученика виших разреда према учењу руског језика, о ставовима према методама и уџбеницима који се користе, као и ставови о руској култури. Кроз упитник и интервју биће анализирани и ставови предавача
руског језика у основним школама који се односе на услове за предавање овог језика, заинтересованост ђака, методе које се примењују у подучавању и слично. Истраживање је показало да постоји заинтересованост за учење руског језика, али недостаје директан контакт са језиком. У основним школама на испитиваној територији он је присутан са 21%, али само као други страни језик.

Research paper thumbnail of Odnos dželata i žrtve kod Pekića, Borhesa i Lagerkvista/ THE RELATION BETWEEN THE EXECUTIONER AND THE VICTIM IN PEKIC’S NOVEL


In the paper, the postmodern theory elements are being examined based on the Pekic’s novel How to... more In the paper, the postmodern theory elements are being examined based on the Pekic’s novel How to Quiet a Vampire in the comparison to The Hangman by Lagerquist, Deutsches Requiem, The Garden of Forking Paths, a collection of short stories A Universal History of Infamy (The Cruel Redeemer Lazarus Morell, A Theologian in Death) by Borges as well as a drama Sky Battalion by Lebovic and Obrenovic. The comparative method has been used to examine the relation between the executioner and his victim. Through the prism of the corpus, examined is
the way how different social circumstances lead to the problem of absence of freedom in the human spirit, as well as psychological background and connection in the relation executioner – victim. The paper also deals with the motif of the Christ as one of the most powerful Christian symbols and thus the symbol of men and his existence throughout the centuries. Today it is more and more necessary to reassess the myths on which our civilization lies on as the ground foundation. Demolishing one of the most present myths in the history of human civilization is supposed to show or reveal that the civilization is built on unstable foundation. It is required to analyze the concept of freedom which is here usually related to freedom of choice. This concept
is always present-day and war related as well as the Pekic’s novel. The relation between the executioner and the victim considers some absence of freedom, so it is crucial to understand that concept and determine the level of its presence or absence. The freedom of choice is undisputable, one can choose between the executioner and the victim, which depends on the one’s moral.

Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophy of Existentialism in the Magus -the Motifs of Freedom and Suicide

European Journal of Language and Literature, 2019

John Fowles' literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs ... more John Fowles' literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs of freedom and suicide serving as its focal points, both closely related to freedom of choice and seen as crucial to the existentialist movement, as well as the author himself. This paper analyses Fowles' novel The Magus through the prism of existentialism, which means that the basic existentialist concepts are identified and located within its text, as well as the influences of the key figures of this movement. The motifs of freedom and freedom of choice in context are interpreted and linked to the theories of Freud and Jung while special emphasis is placed on the role of the anima, that is, the female principle inside the male subconsciousness. This is precisely why a separate section of this paper is dedicated to female protagonists and their role in the novel. In his works, Fowles puts an emphasis on the freedom of the individual, which is portrayed through the freedom of the mind, ideas, choice and spirit. It is cruel, always demanding action as well as acceptance and adaptation. By remodelling our own character, we also remodel the future generations and our visions of the world. The protagonist in this novel is chosen to remodel his own character, to turn from a collector into a creator, to stop depriving people of the content and to bring about a positive creative act instead. Human border acts such as suicide also belong to this field of interest. There are three cases of suicide in The Magus and this paper analyses their role as a symbol of the protagonist's metamorphosis upon threading onto the mythical ground.



In the paper lexical units from Borislav Pekic’s novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan have b... more In the paper lexical units from Borislav Pekic’s novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan have been analysed. Those lexical units which refer to personification of the buildings, that is houses owned by the main character, as well as those lexical units that refer to emotional connection between the householder and houses are part of the research corpus. In accordance with conceptual analysis, conceptual metaphor will be explained as well as the application of this method in our analysis. Conceptual metaphors have been classified into ontological and structural and then the function of the personification in the novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan, being the most obvious type of ontological metaphors, as stated by Lakoff, is explained.

Research paper thumbnail of Анализа Турнијеовог Краља виловњака у контексту идеологије и постмодернистичког поимања мита

Зборник радова са 8. научног скупа младих филолога, 2016

Анализа Турнијеовог Краља виловњака у контексту идеологије и постмодернистичког поимања мита2 Ком... more Анализа Турнијеовог Краља виловњака у контексту идеологије и постмодернистичког поимања мита2 Компаративним приступом анализира се постмодернистички роман Краљ виловњак Мишела Турнијеа. Овом анализом жели се утврдити у којој мери налазимо паралеле са Гетеовом истоименом баладом, те на који начин нацистичка идеологија као миље утиче на развој главног јунака. Аутор романа мит из скандинавске митологије премешта у модерно доба, доба цветања нацистичке идеологије, у којој се налазе повољни услови за развој монструозних особина човека. Такође се анализира и сам главни јунак, који је специфичан већ по свом имену које наговештава и карактеристике, те поларност саме личности. Постмодернисти дају опипљивост митовима трансформишући их, постављајући их у садашњост, у савремену свакодневницу обичног човека и имају за циљ да укажу на нестабилност традиционалног јединственог идентитета, постављајући мит у потпуно другачије окружење, истичући улогу читаоца и сваког појединца у интерпретацији митова.

Research paper thumbnail of Lirski elementi u pripovetkama Klajsta i Hofmana (pesma u prozi)

The prose poem is convenient form of expressing used by German storytellers such as Kleist and Ho... more The prose poem is convenient form of expressing used by German storytellers such as Kleist and Hoffmann. Using the comparative analysis, lyrical elements in prose works of these two authors have been found. In general, those are the element of fantasy, rhythmicity, musicality, the theme of the double, the inner stage of the characters. Due to confirmation, these elements are compared with another German author - Goethe and his ballad The Erlking. Analyses of presence of lyrical elements in prose showed a need to step out from the patterns established by classicism, romanticism and to think outside the box in general, to ramble and give the spirit freedom. That has resulted in mixture of genres, which later led to significant shifts in modern literary trends.

Research paper thumbnail of Simbolizam i mitologija u Geteovom "Kralju vilenjaka"

Apart from Fisherman, The Alder King is the first typical ballade in classicism and the early cla... more Apart from Fisherman, The Alder King is the first typical ballade in classicism and the early classical period of Goethe’s work. Even today it heavily attracts attention of different art forms. Eeriness of Goethe’s ballad and its almost magical effect on reader arouse author’s search for hidden symbols and their research. Mythological background analysis in Norse and German mythology was inevitably. In order to make this interpretation more complete, title of the ballad had been etymologically analyzed as well.

Conference by Љиљана A Птицина

Research paper thumbnail of Slovanski jeziki v šolstvu, znanosti,  literaturi in kulturi  / Slavic Languages in Education, Science,  Literature and Culture

by Lidija Rezoničnik, Nina Zavašnik, Maja Šebjanič Oražem, Tjaša Markežič, Urška Vranjek Ošlak, Veronika Šoster, Ivana Zajc, Luka Kropivnik, Aleksandra Wojtaszek, Љиљана A Птицина, Elvira Mezit, and Urska Vranjek

5. Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, Ljubljana 2017 / 5th International Conferenc... more 5. Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, Ljubljana 2017 / 5th International Conference for Young Humanists, Ljubljana 2017

Book Reviews by Љиљана A Птицина

Research paper thumbnail of Владушић.docx

"Veliki juriš" Slobodana Vladušića, 2018

Бесмисао рата, бесмисао погибије човека зарад туђих игранки – то би била једно од општих осећања ... more Бесмисао рата, бесмисао погибије човека зарад туђих игранки – то би била једно од општих осећања присутних у роману. Како сам нагласила, велики јуриш је јуришање на самог себе, огромна унутрашња борба човека притиснутог ратом. Наизглед споредно, одвијају се игре шпијуна где се не зна ко за кога ради, али је извесно да ти људи рат доживљавају другачије од војника, као да и они сами носе те црне рукавице, заштићени су од директне борбе, налазе путеве за преживљавање. То је трговина, идеалима места нема. Идеали су на бојишту и за њих гину сељаци, трговци, мужеви, очеви. Ко су данас ти људи који су преживели све страхоте? Где им је данас место у друштву након толико времена које брише осећај поноса, које доноси другачије моралне вредности?

Research paper thumbnail of Having said Goodnight by Pierre Mejlak (a book review)

Što se tiče prevoda na engleski (priče su u originalu pisane na malteškom jeziku), priče su lako ... more Što se tiče prevoda na engleski (priče su u originalu pisane na malteškom jeziku), priče su lako čitljive s aspekta jezika, prilagođene, rekla bih, srednjeobrazovnom profilu ljudi, ali su, s druge strane upečatljiva poređenja, kojima se Mejlak služi. Tako, na primer, nailazimo na sledeće: „nos koji (…) je izgledao kao razmrskana ljuska kikirikija, koje kao da je otvarao neko ko nikada pre to nije činio“ (196), „sahrana je bila zanimljiva poput otkucaja sata usred besane noći“ (57). Priča Tvoje poslednje leto, Ejmi je čitavo jedno poređenje, prepuno personifikacija, u kojem nesrećni dečak umesto drugara skuplja iskorišćene šibice, a potom spomen slike umrlih sugrađana.

Books by Љиљана A Птицина

Research paper thumbnail of A book of poetry

Conference Presentations by Љиљана A Птицина

Research paper thumbnail of ICSS_17_Proceedings_ISBN_9788890970061.pdf


John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs ... more John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs of freedom and suicide serving as its focal points, both closely related to freedom of choice and seen as crucial to the existentialist movement, as well as the author himself. This paper analyses Fowles’ novel The Magusthrough the prism of existentialism, which means that the basic existentialist concepts are identified and located within its text, as well as the influences of the key figures of this movement.The motifs of freedom and freedom of choice in context are interpreted and linked to the theories of Freud and Jung while special emphasis is placed on the role of the anima, that is, the female principle inside the male subconsciousness. This is precisely why a separate section of this paper is dedicated to female protagonists and their role in the novel. In his works, Fowles puts an emphasis on the freedom of the individual, which is portrayed through the freedom of the mind, ideas, choice and spirit. Itis cruel, always demanding action as well as acceptance and adaptation. By remodelling our own character, we also remodel the future generations and our visions of the world. The protagonist in this novel is chosen to remodel his own character, to turn from a collector into a creator, to stop depriving people of the content and to bring about a positive creative act instead. Human border acts such as suicide also belong to this field of interest. There are three cases of suicide in The Magus and this paper analyses their role as a symbol of the protagonist’s metamorphosis upon threading onto the mythical ground.

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Genre in Pekić's Early Opus

European Journal of Language and Literature

The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić’s prose. Genre definition of the pro... more The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić’s prose. Genre definition of the prose work The time of miracles is mainly analysed and explained, which theoreticians define differently, determining it as a chain, stories, but also as a novel. The analysis of the corpus, that is, the works The time of miracles and New Jerusalem is conducted through the prism of Bakhtin’s theory on the novel, with a brief resistance of Lukacs’ theory to Bakhtin’s when it comes to the analysis of Pekić’s prose. After the explanation of the characterisation of The time of miracles as a novel, we deal with chronotope, as genre definition, where the most common chronotopes that we encounter in Pekić’s prose are indicated. The novelties that Pekić brings to Serbian literature are reflected in one complete novelistic image, a parallel world, documented by historical sources, the witness’ stories, archeological sites. Generally speaking, the central point of his work is occupied by problematisi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophy of Existentialism in the Magus - the Motifs of Freedom and Suicide

European Journal of Language and Literature

John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs ... more John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs of freedom and suicide serving as its focal points, both closely related to freedom of choice and seen as crucial to the existentialist movement, as well as the author himself. This paper analyses Fowles’ novel The Magus through the prism of existentialism, which means that the basic existentialist concepts are identified and located within its text, as well as the influences of the key figures of this movement. The motifs of freedom and freedom of choice in context are interpreted and linked to the theories of Freud and Jung while special emphasis is placed on the role of the anima, that is, the female principle inside the male subconsciousness. This is precisely why a separate section of this paper is dedicated to female protagonists and their role in the novel. In his works, Fowles puts an emphasis on the freedom of the individual, which is portrayed through the freedom of the mind, i...

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Genre in Pekić's Early Opus

European Journal of Language and Literature, 2020

The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić's prose. Genre definition of the pro... more The paper presents the analysis of genre definition of Pekić's prose. Genre definition of the prose work The time of miracles is mainly analysed and explained, which theoreticians define differently, determining it as a chain, stories, but also as a novel. The analysis of the corpus, that is, the works The time of miracles and New Jerusalem is conducted through the prism of Bakhtin's theory on the novel, with a brief resistance of Lukacs' theory to Bakhtin's when it comes to the analysis of Pekić's prose. After the explanation of the characterisation of The time of miracles as a novel, we deal with chronotope, as genre definition, where the most common chronotopes that we encounter in Pekić's prose are indicated. The novelties that Pekić brings to Serbian literature are reflected in one complete novelistic image, a parallel world, documented by historical sources, the witness' stories, archeological sites. Generally speaking, the central point of his work is occupied by problematising man's position in the world in general-so, also in the past, present, but in the future as well. And precisely that and such his relation towards culture and existence-erudite, problematising, predictive, revealing-is "analogous to the correlations between chronotope within the work" (Bakhtin, 1989, p. 386).

Research paper thumbnail of Methodical approach to story processing of Borislav Pekić: Čovek koji je jeo smrt

ÉVKÖNYV - Papers of study, 2019

Као постмодерна, вишеслојна и вишезначењска, приповетка Борислава Пекића представља извесни изазо... more Као постмодерна, вишеслојна и вишезначењска, приповетка Борислава Пекића представља извесни изазов за сваког методичара практичара. У раду се нуди један од могућих методичких приступа за обраду, од којег су могућа извесна одступања при самом раду, што ће зависити од самог састава разреда, потом од њиховог интересо-вања, предзнања и мотивације за рад. Представљени приступ се ослања на проблем-ску наставу и наставу путем откривања, а делом и на оно што Младен Вилотијевић објашњава као претичућу наставу, када се садржај, који је неопходно обрадити у току само једног или два часа, унапред дозира, а ученици припремају и мотивишу за ус-вајање нових знања. Одлучили смо се да се у обради у највећој мери осврнемо на порт-ретизацију главног лика, те појам слободе, слободе избора и одговорности коју такав избор са собом носи.
Кључне речи: постмодернизам, приповетка, Пекић, Нови Јерусалим, проблемска настава, слобода, портретизација

A postmodern, multifaceted and multimeaningful Borislav Pekic's short story represents a challenge for any methodist, especially those in applied methods of teaching. One possible approach is represented in this paper and deviations are possible, which mainly depends on group organisation and composition, students' interests, previous knowledge and motivation. Problem solving method and discovery learning method are applied in this approach and partly a method explained by Mladen Vilotijevic as an outpacing teaching. This way of teaching is used when the content, meant for only one or two lessons, is being dosed in advance and students get prepared and motivated for learning process. In this paper a character portrayal prevails as well as the following topics: concept of freedom, freedom of choice and responsibilities that choices bring.

Research paper thumbnail of Onlajn podučavanje srpskog kao stranog jezika – prednosti i nedostaci

Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje Zbornik Videm: SLAVIC LANGUAGES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND CULTURE, 2019

In the paper, problems that the learners of Serbian as a foreign language and their teachers face... more In the paper, problems that the learners of Serbian as a foreign language and their teachers face will be discussed. The online teaching and individual approach online are emphasized. For the presented research quantitative approach was used, based on online questionnaires
and the analysis of content of the online platform for learning languages. The outcome of the research has been analysed and explained. The paper will provide information on analysis of teachers and learners of Serbian as a foreign language, as well as advantages and disadvanta-
ges of online teaching of Serbian as a foreign language.

Research paper thumbnail of Учење руског језика у основним школамана територији општине Сомбору периоду између 1950. године и 2017.

Študentska sekcija Zveze društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije Ljubljana 2019 5. Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistovTHE SLAVS FROM THE TURN OF 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES UNTIL NOW: LINGUISTIC, HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL CHANGES AND LITERATURE, 2019

У раду ће бити истражено изучавање руског језика у oсновношколским установама на територији општи... more У раду ће бити истражено изучавање руског језика у oсновношколским установама на територији општине Сомбор од 1950. до 2017. године. Истраживање ће помоћи тренутним тежњама да руски језик добије свој значај као први страни језик у школама. Пажња ће бити усмерена на заступљеност руског језика у плану и програму. Посветиће се пажња коришћеним методама поучавања данас, анализирана на основу упитника и интервјуа. Анализираће се документација из школских архива и на основу тога утврдити да ли су ученици постизали неки запажен успех из овог предмета. Квалитативном и квантитативном методологијом анализираће се подаци добијени упитницима и интервјуом. Упитником ће бити испитани ставови ученика виших разреда према учењу руског језика, о ставовима према методама и уџбеницима који се користе, као и ставови о руској култури. Кроз упитник и интервју биће анализирани и ставови предавача
руског језика у основним школама који се односе на услове за предавање овог језика, заинтересованост ђака, методе које се примењују у подучавању и слично. Истраживање је показало да постоји заинтересованост за учење руског језика, али недостаје директан контакт са језиком. У основним школама на испитиваној територији он је присутан са 21%, али само као други страни језик.

Research paper thumbnail of Odnos dželata i žrtve kod Pekića, Borhesa i Lagerkvista/ THE RELATION BETWEEN THE EXECUTIONER AND THE VICTIM IN PEKIC’S NOVEL


In the paper, the postmodern theory elements are being examined based on the Pekic’s novel How to... more In the paper, the postmodern theory elements are being examined based on the Pekic’s novel How to Quiet a Vampire in the comparison to The Hangman by Lagerquist, Deutsches Requiem, The Garden of Forking Paths, a collection of short stories A Universal History of Infamy (The Cruel Redeemer Lazarus Morell, A Theologian in Death) by Borges as well as a drama Sky Battalion by Lebovic and Obrenovic. The comparative method has been used to examine the relation between the executioner and his victim. Through the prism of the corpus, examined is
the way how different social circumstances lead to the problem of absence of freedom in the human spirit, as well as psychological background and connection in the relation executioner – victim. The paper also deals with the motif of the Christ as one of the most powerful Christian symbols and thus the symbol of men and his existence throughout the centuries. Today it is more and more necessary to reassess the myths on which our civilization lies on as the ground foundation. Demolishing one of the most present myths in the history of human civilization is supposed to show or reveal that the civilization is built on unstable foundation. It is required to analyze the concept of freedom which is here usually related to freedom of choice. This concept
is always present-day and war related as well as the Pekic’s novel. The relation between the executioner and the victim considers some absence of freedom, so it is crucial to understand that concept and determine the level of its presence or absence. The freedom of choice is undisputable, one can choose between the executioner and the victim, which depends on the one’s moral.

Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophy of Existentialism in the Magus -the Motifs of Freedom and Suicide

European Journal of Language and Literature, 2019

John Fowles' literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs ... more John Fowles' literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs of freedom and suicide serving as its focal points, both closely related to freedom of choice and seen as crucial to the existentialist movement, as well as the author himself. This paper analyses Fowles' novel The Magus through the prism of existentialism, which means that the basic existentialist concepts are identified and located within its text, as well as the influences of the key figures of this movement. The motifs of freedom and freedom of choice in context are interpreted and linked to the theories of Freud and Jung while special emphasis is placed on the role of the anima, that is, the female principle inside the male subconsciousness. This is precisely why a separate section of this paper is dedicated to female protagonists and their role in the novel. In his works, Fowles puts an emphasis on the freedom of the individual, which is portrayed through the freedom of the mind, ideas, choice and spirit. It is cruel, always demanding action as well as acceptance and adaptation. By remodelling our own character, we also remodel the future generations and our visions of the world. The protagonist in this novel is chosen to remodel his own character, to turn from a collector into a creator, to stop depriving people of the content and to bring about a positive creative act instead. Human border acts such as suicide also belong to this field of interest. There are three cases of suicide in The Magus and this paper analyses their role as a symbol of the protagonist's metamorphosis upon threading onto the mythical ground.



In the paper lexical units from Borislav Pekic’s novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan have b... more In the paper lexical units from Borislav Pekic’s novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan have been analysed. Those lexical units which refer to personification of the buildings, that is houses owned by the main character, as well as those lexical units that refer to emotional connection between the householder and houses are part of the research corpus. In accordance with conceptual analysis, conceptual metaphor will be explained as well as the application of this method in our analysis. Conceptual metaphors have been classified into ontological and structural and then the function of the personification in the novel The Pilgrimage of Arsenije Njegovan, being the most obvious type of ontological metaphors, as stated by Lakoff, is explained.

Research paper thumbnail of Анализа Турнијеовог Краља виловњака у контексту идеологије и постмодернистичког поимања мита

Зборник радова са 8. научног скупа младих филолога, 2016

Анализа Турнијеовог Краља виловњака у контексту идеологије и постмодернистичког поимања мита2 Ком... more Анализа Турнијеовог Краља виловњака у контексту идеологије и постмодернистичког поимања мита2 Компаративним приступом анализира се постмодернистички роман Краљ виловњак Мишела Турнијеа. Овом анализом жели се утврдити у којој мери налазимо паралеле са Гетеовом истоименом баладом, те на који начин нацистичка идеологија као миље утиче на развој главног јунака. Аутор романа мит из скандинавске митологије премешта у модерно доба, доба цветања нацистичке идеологије, у којој се налазе повољни услови за развој монструозних особина човека. Такође се анализира и сам главни јунак, који је специфичан већ по свом имену које наговештава и карактеристике, те поларност саме личности. Постмодернисти дају опипљивост митовима трансформишући их, постављајући их у садашњост, у савремену свакодневницу обичног човека и имају за циљ да укажу на нестабилност традиционалног јединственог идентитета, постављајући мит у потпуно другачије окружење, истичући улогу читаоца и сваког појединца у интерпретацији митова.

Research paper thumbnail of Lirski elementi u pripovetkama Klajsta i Hofmana (pesma u prozi)

The prose poem is convenient form of expressing used by German storytellers such as Kleist and Ho... more The prose poem is convenient form of expressing used by German storytellers such as Kleist and Hoffmann. Using the comparative analysis, lyrical elements in prose works of these two authors have been found. In general, those are the element of fantasy, rhythmicity, musicality, the theme of the double, the inner stage of the characters. Due to confirmation, these elements are compared with another German author - Goethe and his ballad The Erlking. Analyses of presence of lyrical elements in prose showed a need to step out from the patterns established by classicism, romanticism and to think outside the box in general, to ramble and give the spirit freedom. That has resulted in mixture of genres, which later led to significant shifts in modern literary trends.

Research paper thumbnail of Simbolizam i mitologija u Geteovom "Kralju vilenjaka"

Apart from Fisherman, The Alder King is the first typical ballade in classicism and the early cla... more Apart from Fisherman, The Alder King is the first typical ballade in classicism and the early classical period of Goethe’s work. Even today it heavily attracts attention of different art forms. Eeriness of Goethe’s ballad and its almost magical effect on reader arouse author’s search for hidden symbols and their research. Mythological background analysis in Norse and German mythology was inevitably. In order to make this interpretation more complete, title of the ballad had been etymologically analyzed as well.

Research paper thumbnail of Владушић.docx

"Veliki juriš" Slobodana Vladušića, 2018

Бесмисао рата, бесмисао погибије човека зарад туђих игранки – то би била једно од општих осећања ... more Бесмисао рата, бесмисао погибије човека зарад туђих игранки – то би била једно од општих осећања присутних у роману. Како сам нагласила, велики јуриш је јуришање на самог себе, огромна унутрашња борба човека притиснутог ратом. Наизглед споредно, одвијају се игре шпијуна где се не зна ко за кога ради, али је извесно да ти људи рат доживљавају другачије од војника, као да и они сами носе те црне рукавице, заштићени су од директне борбе, налазе путеве за преживљавање. То је трговина, идеалима места нема. Идеали су на бојишту и за њих гину сељаци, трговци, мужеви, очеви. Ко су данас ти људи који су преживели све страхоте? Где им је данас место у друштву након толико времена које брише осећај поноса, које доноси другачије моралне вредности?

Research paper thumbnail of Having said Goodnight by Pierre Mejlak (a book review)

Što se tiče prevoda na engleski (priče su u originalu pisane na malteškom jeziku), priče su lako ... more Što se tiče prevoda na engleski (priče su u originalu pisane na malteškom jeziku), priče su lako čitljive s aspekta jezika, prilagođene, rekla bih, srednjeobrazovnom profilu ljudi, ali su, s druge strane upečatljiva poređenja, kojima se Mejlak služi. Tako, na primer, nailazimo na sledeće: „nos koji (…) je izgledao kao razmrskana ljuska kikirikija, koje kao da je otvarao neko ko nikada pre to nije činio“ (196), „sahrana je bila zanimljiva poput otkucaja sata usred besane noći“ (57). Priča Tvoje poslednje leto, Ejmi je čitavo jedno poređenje, prepuno personifikacija, u kojem nesrećni dečak umesto drugara skuplja iskorišćene šibice, a potom spomen slike umrlih sugrađana.

Research paper thumbnail of ICSS_17_Proceedings_ISBN_9788890970061.pdf


John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs ... more John Fowles’ literary opus is largely based on the philosophy of existentialism, with the motifs of freedom and suicide serving as its focal points, both closely related to freedom of choice and seen as crucial to the existentialist movement, as well as the author himself. This paper analyses Fowles’ novel The Magusthrough the prism of existentialism, which means that the basic existentialist concepts are identified and located within its text, as well as the influences of the key figures of this movement.The motifs of freedom and freedom of choice in context are interpreted and linked to the theories of Freud and Jung while special emphasis is placed on the role of the anima, that is, the female principle inside the male subconsciousness. This is precisely why a separate section of this paper is dedicated to female protagonists and their role in the novel. In his works, Fowles puts an emphasis on the freedom of the individual, which is portrayed through the freedom of the mind, ideas, choice and spirit. Itis cruel, always demanding action as well as acceptance and adaptation. By remodelling our own character, we also remodel the future generations and our visions of the world. The protagonist in this novel is chosen to remodel his own character, to turn from a collector into a creator, to stop depriving people of the content and to bring about a positive creative act instead. Human border acts such as suicide also belong to this field of interest. There are three cases of suicide in The Magus and this paper analyses their role as a symbol of the protagonist’s metamorphosis upon threading onto the mythical ground.