fic_pinch_hit - Profile (original) (raw)

on 2 November 2007 (#14168069)

Fic Challenge Pinch-Hit Writers' Clearinghouse

Bringing together challenges and writers looking for one!

We are an "any fandom, any challenge" equal-opportunity destination!

Please post your requests for pinch-hitters using the following information.

fandom: name of challenge: minimum story length: story due date: other details: Whether it is a secret santa-type ficathon or a non-secret type ficathon

Pinch-hitters, you can pimp yourselves here too. If you don't want to sign up for a specific challenge, but you're generally available for any (for example) Rosenkranz/Guildenstern writing needs, comment in this thread and let people know! If your fic-writing fandom is new to us, we'll add it to the list here.

Also, if you have suggestions, please let the mods know -- this is your community and it needs to work well for you.

I do want to note that we reserve the right to delete any post or response, or ban anyone, who doesn't play nice.

Current Challenges:
Buffy is the Hero, Dammit (entry found here)
SG Rarepairings (entry found here)
Due South Seekrit Santa (entry found here/a>)

angel, arrested development, ats, babylon 5, babylon 5 extended universe, bandom, battle royale, battle royale ii, battlestar galactica, bsg, btvs, buffy the vampire slayer, canada rps, cardcaptors, challenges, chuck, classic dr who, community, crusade, dcu, digimon, dr. who, due south, fandom, farscape, fic, firefly, gilmore girls, good omens, hard core logo, harry potter, heroes, house, kyou kara maou, lord of the rings, lost, lotr, marvel, pirates of the caribbean, potc, red dwarf, roswell, sarah jane adventures, sentinel, sga, smallville, star trek: voyager, star wars, stargate: atlantis, supernatural, the o.c., torchwood, veronica mars, writing, x-men