flammifera, posts by tag: firefly - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

and banner bright with living flame / to gleam thereon-- J.R.R. Tolkien
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journal tinkering Jun. 2nd, 2006 @ 10:42 am
My last set of icons felt personally appropriate and generally useful, so that new-icon-urge did not appear for awhile. However, it has been creeping up on me, and yesterday it appeared in full force. Thus, I have a new, exciting icon set! I'm very fond of my new default icon, the wizard Howl from the Diana Wynne Jones book & Miyazake movie Howl's Moving Castle; 'reviews' for both aremay be forthcoming. I'm also very excited about several icons from the FFVII movie Advent Children. Still obsessed with silver-haired boys. And, of course, I have an appropriate icon for my dancing posts and an icon of my adored duo of doctors. (I think it's likely I'll re-watch both seasons of House, M.D. over the summer. I should buy the DVDs, since it's clear I like the show well enough to support it financially.) This is the first time in awhile -- perhaps since the beginning? -- that I haven't had a Severus Snape icon, but don't worry, I'm still obsessed with him...as you can tell from the picture on my info page; I'm just settling into a long wait for HP7.I've also rewritten my bio, now more pithy and less chatty. (My whole writing style needs to be less chatty, as this parenthetical illustrates.) The bio contains an excellent movie quote, since everyone knows I like to sprinkle those everywhere in my life. I've also re-titled my journal, and I've quite satisfactorily revised my interest list. I think it's a good snapshot of both long-held and new interests, and I like the unique interests I have -- not just because they're unique but because they're odd and fun interests.Hmm, perhaps now I should do some work while I'm, y'know, at work.the audience: One South Broad, Philadelphia, PAthe feeling: excitedexcitedthe bard: secretaries talking Tags: advent children, being shallow, dancing, fandom, firefly, flame bearer, harry potter, house md (6 sparks | spark a light)
the weekend -- dancing friends and domino friends Oct. 3rd, 2005 @ 03:30 pm
I am turning into such a hippy. Yesterday I biked to the grocery store, bought vegetables and rice, and packed it neatly into my Trader Joe's cloth bag -- avoiding the accumulation of plastic bag has become somewhat of a personal crusade because of the large number by my fridge from all sorts of moving-related shopping trips. This evening before rapper practice, it's the produce store for more vegetables and Trader Joe's for Luna bars.( Friday night was Serenity and drinking in Old CityCollapse ) ( Saturday was hacking at plants and dancingCollapse )I slept most of Sunday, went grocery shopping, and meant to start on seasoning 'my' wok, but Marty was driving out to Swat to make a delivery, so I went to hang out. Evenings at YH are always fun. :) I brought the rest of the oatmeal cookies that I made for the bridal shower of one of the attorneys on Fri., the firstfruits of my new kitchen. flurious was making jambalaya, and Louisa made chocolate chip & pecan cookies. There was dominoes, although I wasn't focusing on it as much as I could've, so grumpy_sysadmin and I lost by like 170. (We actually beat the crack duo of Raf and Louisa last time!)I'm not sure why I actually wrote a journal entry on this past weekend. I'd thought about going home but ended up staying in Philly and had a good time doing all my current favorite things, although (mostly because I was exhausted, I think) it wasn't as spectactularly fun as last weekend with the martini party and brunch at Le Beau Monde. ::shrug:: I guess I just had time at work today, so I decided to just type it up. I think I was so amazed by the English dance Sat. that I wanted to write about it, and I just did the whole weekend while I was at it.I have a holiday tomorrow. :)the feeling: optimisticoptimisticthe bard: Give the Fiddler a Dram (Finale), the Chieftains Tags: biking, dancing, firefly, life, yh (11 sparks | spark a light)
memes Sep. 30th, 2005 @ 12:11 pm
I usually don't gack memes from people, but this is the BEST MEME EVER! Because Firefly is so quotable. :) And I'm going to see Serenity tonight with my new _Firefly_-watching buddy, loveschak. (I'll be thinking of Em and ultranurd, though, my original watching buddies...) So, as hard as it is to choose, here's possibly my favorite quote from the show._When you see this on your friends list, quote some Firefly._Jayne: 'Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy....Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.'His expression during that line is just high-larious. -----And while I'm doing these things, I usually try to be good about answering other peoples' tags, so here goes 7 songs I've been listening to recently (better yet, in rough order of enjoyment), as harrietvane requested. (However, I refuse to tag people in turn.) This is actually a good time to do that meme, anyway, because I've been listening constantly to myalexandria's gigantic graduation mix CD, so the songs will be varied. During August, it would've all been Catalan rock. :)_List seven songs you are into right now. No matter the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artist, and the song in your Livejournal along with your seven songs._1. 'Everything You Mean to Me', Naked to the World2. 'There She Goes', Nickel Creek3. 'Johnny Feelgood', Liz Phair4. 'Walking in Memphis', Marc Cohn5. 'Rumpshaker', Wrecks N' Effect6. 'The Lady Came from Baltimore', Joan Baez7. 'Butterfly', Crazy Town [not on the mix, just got stuck in my head this morning as I looked through documents]----Hmm...now back to the spreadsheet of sulfuric acid plants that needs to be done today.the feeling: optimisticoptimisticthe bard: The Littlest Birds, Be Good Tanyas Tags: catalan rock, firefly, music (3 sparks | spark a light)