Planet Hamster (original) (raw)

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
5:36 pm - No purging
Monday, May 8th, 2006
5:53 pm - Offline journals
Monday, October 31st, 2005
10:01 pm - Comment Stats Meme from Scrapdog
Saturday, February 5th, 2005
11:35 am - Absinth conversation with Spoz
Thursday, January 27th, 2005
11:02 am - I borrow phrases, but if Spoz wants to say I steal 'em... *laughs*
Sunday, October 17th, 2004
9:26 pm - Previous entry...
Uh, the previous entry of Sept. 2 was posted by my sister while we were in her room at Melissa's. I'm too lazy to delete it, so it stays. :PSo no, I did NOT write that stuff about zits on the moon. Got it? :Pcurrent mood: bored (comment on this)
Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
5:55 pm - Zit on the moon
I just mooned my sister and boy does it feel good. She enjoyed the texture of my bootious maximus supreme. ho ho ho! i love my sister! (comment on this)
Tuesday, January 6th, 2004
4:18 pm - Another edition of the Friday Five? I'm spoiled, really.. ;)
What one thing are you most looking forward to . . .1., really.2. ...over the next week?I could say the Committee retreat or the special church meeting on Sunday, but then I'd be lying. (I really don't want the latter to happen, and the former is an obligation)I could say Awana starting again from the holiday break, but I won't be able to make it because of the aforementioned Committee retreat. Too bad. :(I could say getting an email from a certain person, but I don't know when he'll next check his mail. Besides, I have no claim to him or his letters other than that of friendship. (which could be a big claim in itself, but that's another story)So then what *am* I looking forward to in the next week? Seeing my friends, and spending time with the kids at church. I know it sounds like what I look forward to every single week, but this week isn't filled with special events. (a good thing, actually.. I need time to relax and be by myself for a change!)3. ...this year?Vernon and Sarah's wedding. Daniel and Michelle's wedding. They're both in July. Can't think of anything else this year quite yet.4. ...over the next five years?In 2005, Anita and Jeff's wedding. (yes, all I look forward to is my friends' weddings! HAHAHA..) But I can't think of anything else.. although I feel like I *should* have other things in mind.But for now, the best I can do is "building relationships with my family and friends." Those are very important to me.5. ...for the rest of your life?Can you tell I hate these sorts of questions? *nervous laugh* I have no idea. Don't know if I'll get married and have kids, though that would be something. Maybe a job would be nice, too. Building the aforementioned relationships would be very excellent, too.Sorry, that's the best I can do with this set of questions. Maybe next week's will be better....current mood: busy (comment on this)
Sunday, January 4th, 2004
3:29 pm - Sunday happenings.. busy day, forbye!
church today was all right.. prayer meetings galore! Tim lost his wedding ring on Friday whilst shoveling snow.. people were looking for it, but couldn't find it yet.. Jeff and Anita formally announced their engagement.. Cindy wore six layers of clothing: she gets cold easily.. gave everyone their birthday cards late, but still appreciated.. (Justin and Joe even said that to me.. nice to know!) played with David and Hien; they're so cute!David has chicken pox scars on his face.. told Hien that I was definitely older than Steph.. also told her that I hadn't had chicken pox yet, either.. she was very surprised: "I thought you had it when you were a kid!"nope, I haven't had it yet.. hope I never will, either!talked to Dave for a while about stuff, as well.. his take on Tim's wedding ring: "If it gets found in THIS neighborhood, it'll be gone! And no, I don't have it.. see?"Becky and Belinda leave tomorrow for school / home.. Jen and Dawn both got back on Friday from holiday.. we told Citrus and Danielle about Steph looking for them on Friday.. I got a ride from Vernon to Daniel's tomorrow for the special prayer meeting.. so it wasn't TOO bad a day, all things considered.. bugged Citrus and Danielle some more afterwards..saw Eric H. later on at lunch in the Pho restaurant..he, Jon, Nathan, and I will see LOTR: ROTK later on.. it'll be good for us since it's Silvercity Riverport.. wooyeah! might watch Fromage on Much later on, too.. Jon is trying to get that 50 Cent song P.I.M.P. in my head.. just shut up and sing that with Dave since you're both cheap! ;)I also just checked my email, to find a very nice was from a good friend of mine that I hadn't heard from in a bit..I'll reply to it later on, since we're going out now..that definitely made me smile, and remember happy times..probably a good thing to go crazy now before the movie..three and a half hours without going crazy is doable, even for me! ;)current mood: busy (comment on this)
Saturday, January 3rd, 2004
6:49 pm
We're going to see Steph and Melissa off at the airport later tonight.. things will get much quieter after they're gone. :D (considering you can hear my sister from a mile away) Getting to know Melissa has been interesting this past week.Still, I'm glad I get to go home on Monday.. that will be extremely cool, and what I was wishing for myself even a couple of weeks ago. My mom scheduled another "stabwound therapy" appointment, but says that since I'm so unappreciative / ungrateful ( *rolleyes* she dragged me into this in the first place).. she won't schedule any more unless I request it. No, I don't think I will either!She bought me another tensor bandage, which I think I'll just stash away somewhere and not use.. I don't think I need it at all. I'll be just happy to be in my own space for a permanent time. Next weekend, I won't even be here.. that'll be a refreshing break from them, all right! :)current mood: tired (2 comments | comment on this)
11:49 am - Survey.. thanks to sjenkins
3:39 am - Friday Five.. thanks, Julie!
Food Allergies:None that I know of.Foods I Don't Eat, Ever:Durian, stinky tofu, certain innards...Foods I Don't Prefer, But Will Eat Occasionally or Pick Out of Mixed Dishes:Can't think of anything right now.. will get back to this if I do.Pizza Preferences:Almost anything goes.. except for feta cheese and garlic.General Principles About My Food Preferences:I like Chinese food, as well as western food. Heck, I'll try almost anything once. Don't get me to try anything stinky or generally disgusting, because I won't. (or bitter melon) Ethnic food is all right by me, as well. Hmm.. guess I'm easy to please.(it's 3:40 AM right now, so I'm not thinking coherently.. I'll get back to these if there's something to add when I'm thinking more rationally)current mood: blah (8 comments | comment on this)
1:10 am - Let's forget about ourselves...
Saw a couple of "blasts from the past" today on the bus heading to Stepho's (a Greek restaurant with a LOT of food). Salman was from my difficult days years ago, and John Jugovic was from the even more distant past.. newspaper routes, anyone? ;) John spouted some pretty interesting opinions; the mad cow beef should be taken to Ethiopia because if those people ate it, they'd feel better. (but they'd DIE!) There was also the one about some club he was at: apparently, they had too many guys / chunky girls. He also said certain places had more skinny girls and ethnic girls, which he liked. It was weird listening to him on the bus.. my siblings and I all looked at each other when the two got on.Jon, Steph, Melissa, and I met Erin and Margaret for lunch. The platters at the restaurant are huge, but we managed to finish ours. (plus an appetizer of fried cheese.. yummy) Discussed church unity, school, the Canucks-Avs hockey game, plans for today and tomorrow, and other things. It doesn't matter what the results of the vote are to us, but we know it's a very contentious issue.I spent a lot of time at Chapters today, reading a book on toxic relationships.. thank goodness I've recently managed to escape one entirely, although the ones that are still in my life need work. Also read other things: comic books, a book of letters that Ann Landers wrote her daughter, and some book about "Do It Anyway: the 10 Paradoxical Commandments."Went to church later on (saw Steph and Melissa on the bus there, actually), and learned the happy news that my friends Anita and Jeff are engaged. They've known each other a LONG time, believe me! Everyone was so happy for them.. they've only been going out for a year, but they've known for a long time that this is what they wanted. :) Eunice is back in Fellowship now, too: very good news to hear, as well.Later on, we went to Red Robin's: finally saw Eric H., as he's been away in China visiting his girlfriend. Their sticker pictures look so cute! He thanked me for the ecard I'd sent him, and Nathan said that there was a real one in his room somewhere. Sean, Adela, Nathan, Jon, Steph, Melissa, Eric, and I talked about a lot of things: road rage, relationship advice, English, hockey, dentistry, the DAT, Eric's trip, etc.Very good time out.. just what I needed to forget about certain personal things that have been happening lately. ;)current mood: awake (comment on this)
Friday, January 2nd, 2004
12:22 am - I am the master!
Just got back from the one-litre bubble tea place. I am the master of bubble tea suckage, as I finished my coffee bubble tea within two games of Big Two. :D My brother was trying to teach me how to play (again), and they wanted to leave before they finished theirs. Fine by me.. it was cold and icy out.My sister just stimulated her pressure points for a fart (right below your wrist, I think), and got the desired results. Let's just say the air's not clear upstairs yet.current mood: awake (2 comments | comment on this)
Thursday, January 1st, 2004
1:54 am - Hmm.. first entry of 2004..
HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! May it be filled with blessings and happiness, and be a better year than 2003 was to you. current mood: amused (8 comments | comment on this)
Wednesday, December 31st, 2003
9:44 pm
I find it highly amusing that my mom and grandma are watching The Two Towers right now. My mom didn't even understand the first LOTR movie, since she fast-forwarded through all the "boring" parts. (she does this with a lot of movies, then complains that the movie had no plot and was difficult to understand)My grandma doesn't understand much English to start with, so she got my mom to explain it to her. I can just imagine the explanation... aiya.current mood: awake (20 comments | comment on this)
4:10 pm
Cindy's "stolen neighbor cat" decided to come in the computer room, and we hung out for a bit. Quite lovely to have the company of a cat, even if it did block the screen and press random keys. :) At least I'm not allergic to them like my sister and Becky!It was an interesting experience getting out of the snow at Cindy's. With the help of shovels and neighbors, we made it through. I actually got to go home this afternoon, and found some love for me this week. Thanks for the card, lel. :)Also got another card which was totally unexpected. I don't know why he sent it (seeing as how we're not exactly friends), but I was surprised and neutral about this one. Guess it's all I can do, eh? ;) At least my name was in there, although a cheesy / dodgy joke was also included. (sorry, I can't vote for either the Democrat or Republican parties in 2004 or any other year! :P) I was oddly appreciative of it, despite the conflicted feelings I still have.My sister just called to say that the car was dead, and BCAA would be coming to do something about it. Lovely stuff.. I wish I could stay at home, but we have a dinner to go to. Ah well, I'll be here on a permanent basis soon enough.. always stuff to look forward to! There *is* a light at the end of this tunnel, and I'll focus on it.current mood: confused (comment on this)
12:04 pm - Sleepover reflections..
It's still snowing here currently.. we've had more than a foot of now, and that's crazy! Melissa says that whenever her family goes to Vancouver from Mississauga, they bring the snow with them. Dianne just got back from Toronto, and she brought the rain with her when she went. So it's reversed weather: Toronto's raining, and Vancouver's snowing like mad.In other news, Dianne thinks I sleep like a moth. She went into the room where I was sleeping, and her sister (Cindy) told her to be quiet since I was in there. Dianne couldn't see me, even when Cindy told her that I was on the couch. All she saw was a pile of blankets. (actually, I was in a sleeping bag.. but I guess she couldn't tell since it was dark in the room!)Had an interesting breakfast consisting of fried chicken, granola cereal, and half a huge chocolate muffin. Quite a nice change from the usual. Am going soon, partly because of all the snow.. but had a very nice time away from my mom.. who'd better be in a more genial frame of mind today! (unlike yesterday.. that was a bad time, let me tell you!)current mood: determined (comment on this)
1:51 am - The rest of the day in point form..
well, the last day of 2003 is now upon us.. what should we do? I personally have no idea.. I can tell you that I treated Steph and Melissa to lunch.. we finally got to go at 2:15 because Mom delayed us.. she was in some kind of a bad mood, too.. which wasn't fair.. it was snowing outside, but we brought Jon his violin.. didn't expect him to take a picture of me with a camera! Cindy, Vanessa, Steph, Melissa, Fidela, Emily, Chrystal, Becky, Jackie, and I were at the house.. discussed the church issues, Eric's health, food, pictures, life.. the holidays, Fidela's getting into Wheaton, Melia's vomiting.. we also watched Freaky Friday.. (body-switching!) played Scrabble, Speed Scrabble, Phase Ten, and Dutch Blitz.. Steph got the Phase Ten Deluxe edition; it came in a tin box.. and it even included a pad of scoresheets and cardholders! I managed to use my 10-point "Z," and a double letter score.. too bad "gauze" or "tensely" didn't win the game for me.. since it was still snowing at 11:30, it was time to play in it.. certainly hope we'll have very good luck driving home later!current mood: exhausted (comment on this)
Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
12:52 pm - Sound on banner ads? Say it ain't so...
I was just checking my mail, when I was very surprised to hear non-Subwoofer noise coming out of the speakers. It actually sounded like a movie preview, so at first I thought my sister had left her laptop open to some movie site. Then I realized it was coming from my computer!It turned out to be a movie preview that was directly related to the banner ad up at the top of that particular page. The movie sounds dodgy, and I probably wouldn't watch a movie that was promoted in that way. Movie previews / commercials / trailers, fine. But movie previews in the form of a banner ad *and* annoying sound? I think not!Kinda freaked me out for a few moments, but I guess the banner ad people have found a new annoying weapon for those of us who won't actually click on the ads. "Bombard them with intrusive sound!" I can imagine the suggestion being made at a meeting, too.I think I liked it better when they were just there at the top of the screen. That way, I wouldn't have to devote more than a smidgen of my consciousness to the ads... ah well.And I'd also like to welcome lilaznffairy421 to my world. It may be a little boring, but it'll be okay as long as we don't get snippy at each other! :DEdit: I'm going to the fat camp sleepover at Cindy's tonight.. it'll be fun. She'd love to see me there, and of course I can come. Eat all this fattening food and such.. wooyeah! :)current mood: busy (6 comments | comment on this)
1:04 am - Quizzes.. hidden behind a cut tag, so you'll be less annoyed at me! :D
Sunday, December 28th, 2003
7:37 pm - the infamous journal..
Went to Daiso (the Japanese $2 store) this afternoon with Melissa. There was so much stuff there.. too bad I didn't understand the Japanese characters which were written on most of the products. Melissa tried to make sense of it, but couldn't really. We didn't buy anything, but it was amusing and fun to see the cute novelty things for sale. (anything and everything, from feminine products to cosmetics to utensils to stationery)My sister advised Melissa to read the infamous "bombing journal" kept during our road trip to San Francisco in 2000. It was lost for a while, then unfortunately it was found again. Everyone in our family wrote in it, and that was the start of our jokes about "bombing." Of course, you couldn't say that too loud anywhere we went. (especially not on the USS Hornet)It was also the start of the "A-1 Steak Sauce" jokes. Everyone started talking like hicks whenever it was mentioned. :D I remember going to the Sizzler one night for dinner; the waitress gave us HP steak sauce. As soon as she was gone, my sister said in a hick accent: "Hey! This ain't no A-1 Steak Sauce!" The next time the waitress came around, she had some for us. Very good joke; it's still in use today, especially whenever Eric's around.current mood: irritated (comment on this)
Saturday, December 27th, 2003
9:15 pm - I finished retyping my brother's essay!
Despite interruptions, it only took about three hours or so for a 12-page paper. Viper says I'm the "typing queen," and I'd better not take it anywhere else. I don't think I will.. hahaha. :) Here it is, in case you music geeks want to take a look at it. ;)**( Read more...Collapse )**So yes, I do indeed rock! The comments on the essay: "Excellent paper. Nice personal tone in some of the observations. You say only the most relevant things, which is nice. A+ 93."Woohoo for me and my beloved brother! :)current mood: accomplished (comment on this)
3:34 pm - Friday Five on a Saturday..
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?Being able to reconnect with friends both old and new. Don't know if that's much of an accomplishment, but then that's my boring life for you!2. What was your biggest disappointment?Realizing that I can still be driven too much by my inner child.3. What do you hope the new year brings?Something to fulfill my days.. like a volunteer job at the hospital. That, or love with someone.4. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be?I don't know if I will; they seem too easy to break with a shrug and an "I tried..."5. What are your plans for New Year's Eve? I have no idea right now. Probably nothing really fancy.. stay at home, maybe?current mood: annoyed (comment on this)
2:40 am - Good times rule..
Life of Brian was pretty funny. I like British humor.. classic understatement rules. :D It was a good thing our friend Cindy went upstairs before the full frontal nudity scenes, though.. she would have been SO embarrassed to see that! Oh my... Afterwards, we pretty much all went upstairs to meet Melissa.. she and Vivian had a conversation for at least half an hour about anime, of all things. Nathan and Dave were taking digicam pictures, and Nate even took mini-movies of the conversations. Adela arrived later on to chill out after working. We talked about dim sum, Dave and Cindy's shellfish allergies (Cindy's sister Dianne is "mean" in that she orders a LOT of shrimp dishes when she's with either of them), and what Sean was like as a kid. (very bad news, and his mild-mannered dad once threw chopsticks at him in a restaurant.. you'd think his mom would do that!)Sean told us his San Francisco drunk story, then Steph responded with hers.. good times, good times. Talked about the small group activities, plans for tomorrow, what we did during the past few days, working from home, the time Vivian's family and ours went on a San Francisco road trip and ate all the Blue Diamond sample almonds (that was hilarious!), church, friends, and a bunch of other stuff. It was a long night, but totally worth it! :DLife works in funny ways, or what goes around will come around to you eventually. I gave my brother a $25 Chapters gift card for Christmas, and guess what my present from Melissa's family was? (I've never met them, but they ARE incredibly generous!) The exact same thing, right down to the denomination and the card design. Very cool. :)current mood: amused (6 comments | comment on this)
Friday, December 26th, 2003
9:30 pm - Fun at Nathan's..
got rid of the absolute final memory dragon.. ICQ2Go at Nathan's, that is.. wooyeah, I'm cleansed! Nathan, me, Jon, Steph, Eric, David, Justin L., Cindy, Vivian, Karen, Jessica, and Sean are here right now.. Eric calls my blogging "an illegal activity".. sure, dude.. Melissa will be here in a bit after Steph picks her up.. we've talked about Awana, Benjamin, Timothy, Xmas.. Sean's trip to California / Mexico, kids, parents, spoiling.. shopping, music, food, friends, GameCube, and more.. Alan is now attempting to play guitar backwards.. yay? now we're watching Life of Brian.. (Monty Python) yup, I definitely like time with friends.. it's the best! :Dcurrent mood: cheerful (comment on this)
3:14 pm - Boxing Day
The mall was crazily crowded today, of course. I went with my sister Steph, Jessica, Andrew, and Louis (who's gay, but a totally nice guy). Apparently, Louis' time in Toronto has turned him totally ghetto.. we aren't jealous of his body, our moms can't be connected with most of the stuff we do, and there was some other stuff too. :D Had a good time at lunch talking about metrosexuals, ghetto-isms, and more. Went through the mall for a little while, before we all had to go home and do various things.Later on, Steph will drive me to Nathan's.. there's a potluck / hang-out evening planned. She'll leave to pick up her Toronto friend Melissa, then return with her in tow. Great way to get introduced to a bunch of people at once when you're practically right off the plane, too.. I like it. :Dcurrent mood: busy (2 comments | comment on this)
3:22 am - Quizzy goodness...
phlegmaticYou are Phlegmatic. You have a peace-lovingnature, and make a good listener and a faithfulfriend. You do have a tendency to be selfishand stubborn in your worst moments, and yourworrying can lean towards paranoia. Phlegmaticsshould consider careers as accountants,diplomats, engineers, and administrators. Youare a somewhat reluctant leader, but yourpracticality and steady nerve under pressuremakes you a natural choice for leadershiproles. Which of the Humours are you? brought to you by QuizillaWhat Flavour Are You? I tashte like Alcohol.I tashte like Alcohol.Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer. What Flavour Are You? current mood: nostalgic (comment on this)
Thursday, December 25th, 2003
6:27 pm - Presents..
Finally did it just now. Got a Roots backpack (I already have a backpack, but whatever..), eight packs of gum (also from my parents), the newest edition of the Guinness Book of Records (so my mom actually WAS telling the truth this year), and The Vinyl Café Diaries by Stuart McLean. (from my brother)They gave me the gum so I can give it to the kids and save money. That was also their rationale last year in giving me 16 packs of the stuff. Ah well, can't complain TOO much about a gift.Should add that I got a photo frame from my friends Denise, Brian, and Julie.. plus a Mashimaro notebook, stickers, and Botticelli chocolates from my friend Yazmine. Of course, there were the holiday cards from my friends.. including one from my Maryland friend Dan. So that's it for me this year.. which is all right.current mood: calm (4 comments | comment on this)
3:45 pm
Watched Pirates of the Caribbean on DVD yesterday night. It was quite a funny movie. :)The Awana kids were quite cute today when they sang for the Chinese Congregation. I helped look after them later on, and spent time with my friends that way. We watched a VeggieTales movie, and an Adventures in Odyssey movie that we'd seen last year. (Avalanche country)That's about it for now, as I haven't even opened presents yet. Had no time to.. maybe later.current mood: bored (comment on this)
Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
9:18 pm - New friends..
11:16 am - Notes to self about warning shots across the bow, Subwoofer songs, and Spoz
Notes to self:Whenever I really get to missing a certain someone, it's probably a sign that something else is about to start. Heed the warning shot across the bow.Only listen to Subwoofer's Head in a Box when the parents are out of the house. (like now) Given that it's a rough demo whose only words seem to be "so fucking paranoid / what the fuck," that would be very good advice!Laugh at Spoz's humor... I've saved a lot of it, after all. ;)current mood: bitchy (comment on this)
1:45 am - Hmm.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas one day early. That is all. Hope it finds you well. (might forget tomorrow, y'see)current mood: curious (2 comments | comment on this)
Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003
11:00 pm - Kempy, killing dragons, and a new car..
( KempyCollapse ) **( Killing dragonsCollapse )**Oh yes, I should add that our family's bought a new car. Well, it's not exactly new.. but we're sort of in a bind. Uncle William (the mechanic) knows the car and the owner quite well, so it'll be all right.. I certainly hope! Two cars again.. woohoo!current mood: awake (4 comments | comment on this)
11:48 am - Technorati
This site is interesting. Input a URL into the search field, and it'll tell you how many inbound and outbound links there are to it.No idea what makes a link inbound or outbound, but it's all good. :)Should add that I stole this from theferrett.current mood: blah (comment on this)
Monday, December 22nd, 2003
11:20 pm - Quiz time..
SidheSidhe. You are noble by birth, and tend to be proudof to be one of the shining host. You excel atsocial situations and reciting older rhetoric,however you sometimes have problems seeing whatis right under your nose. What Type of Changeling Are You? (Now Including Pictures for Each Kith) brought to you by QuizillaNightNIGHT MAGICK - Night Magick is a completecurriculum of magical development based on theYin primal force, as opposed to the majorreligions of the world, which are predominantlyYang. You emphasize the use and balanceddevelopement of the Physical/Etheric Body, theAstral/Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and theCausal Body. Through regular and consistentpractice, you, the Night Magician will developpsychic abilities, increased vitality, strongerfocus, and union with your Oversoul. What is Your Magick Path? brought to you by Quizilla current mood: awake (comment on this)
3:19 pm - Song in my head..
Here's a song that's in my head right now. The lyrics aptly describe how I do NOT feel about a certain person. ;) Don't you just *love* the irony? Hahahaha!Artist: ExtremeSong: _Hole Hearted_Life's ambition occupies my timePriorities confuse the mindHappiness one step behindThis inner peace I've yet to findRivers flow into the seaYet even the sea is not so full of meIf I'm not blind why can't I seeThat a circle can't fitWhere a square should beThere's a hole in my heartThat can only be filled by youAnd this hole in my heartCan't be filled with the things I doHole heartedHole heartedThis heart of stone is where I hideThese feet of clay kept warm insideDay by day less satisfiedNot fade away before I dieRivers flow into the seaYet even the sea is not so full of meIf I'm not blind why can't I seeThat a circle can't fitWhere a square should beThere's a hole in my heartThat can only be filled by youAnd this hole in my heartCan't be filled with the things I doThere's a hole in my heartThat can only be filled by youShould've know from the startI'd fall short with the things I doHole heartedHole heartedHole heartedHole heartedcurrent mood: determined (2 comments | comment on this)
Sunday, December 21st, 2003
11:38 pm
Saturday, December 20th, 2003
11:56 pm - Greek food
I had a good time tonight with everyone. Talked about a lot of stuff, and ate a bunch of souvlaki / Greek food. Introduced both my siblings to my friend Andy, who's a fashion consultant.. he can help Jon get a new tux for concerts and stuff. My brother's orchestra friend Tally showed up, and we decided to go to Dragon Ball for bubble tea. Jon's other orchestra friend Adam showed up there, and we all had a good time. We saw Derek there, and had lots of joking, banter, and discussion about various things. :) Later on, we had to illegally put six people in a five-person car.. ah, memories of MissionsFest in January... ;)Steph said Dawn's always thinking about food. A sample Bible Study discussion last year would go like this: "What did Jesus say in this passage?" Then Dawn would answer, "Steak..." Her explanation was that she'd been eating Trinity cafeteria food (which is really gross) all week.. good excuse! :)My system seems to be in rebellion again, as it was in September. I don't think it's normal that you have the urge to do "3-1" every time you ingest something! Then again, it had stopped a few months ago perhaps because I didn't have to think about a certain stressor anymore. This time, I've not been thinking about that much.. no idea what's up with that. It even comes with lovely burps that smell.. not what I want for Christmas!current mood: busy (comment on this)
4:47 pm - Friday Five
1. List your five favorite beverages.Bubble tea, iced tea, yin-yang (half milk coffee and half milk tea), root beer, water. (yes, I apparently have a thing for tea.. hahaha)2. List your five favorite websites.Spoz's Rant, TechTales, Facts About Multiples, the Phobia List, and The Surrealist Compliment Generator.3. List your five favorite snack foods.chips (almost any flavor), crackers, ice cream, chocolate, and fries (and I wonder why I can't lose any weight! Hahaha..)4. List your five favorite board and / or card games.War, Scrabble, the Game of Life, Balderdash, and Blackjack.5. List your five favorite computer and / or game system games.Lenny Loosejocks Solitaire, Text Twist, Breath of Fire II, Super Mario 3, and Tetris. (yes, I am aware that some of these are "old skool" stuff..)current mood: busy (comment on this)
12:10 am - Wonton, cigarettes, and health..
I had a good time tonight talking with everyone. Making wonton was really an experience, and it allowed us to bond more. :) A few people are back for Christmas break, and the girls in particular were really loud. Heck, my sister's back in town! ;) It was good seeing them again for sure.Our friend Dave wants to jokingly spite the BC Lung Association next year. His small group is doing some kind of 48-story climb to raise money for said association and its research. His idea involves buying gag / candy cigarettes, and smoking them on the way up: "Yeah, I'm glad someone's doing something for this.. thanks." We know smoking is bad for your health and everything, but that wouldn't go over very well. Luckily, he means it as a joke.Eric didn't look so well at all, and hasn't gotten the results of yesterday's tests back yet. We're not sure he's been out much the last month or so. Glad he felt he could make it out, though. We were going to go to Dragon Ball for bubble tea later, but the place was so packed that we decided to go home instead. Good thing, too.. Eric wasn't feeling so well by that point. He's been sleeping a lot lately, so perhaps 11:20 PM was too late for him with his health problems. Maybe he'll make it to church on Sunday...current mood: calm (8 comments | comment on this)
Friday, December 19th, 2003
2:36 pm - Not again..
Went to the acupuncturist's office.. my sister and my mom think I secretly like it / am grateful for it. That's definitely not the truth, since I didn't ask for it in the first place.Today, she decided to put suction cups on my leg to improve the circulation.. as well as the too-firm massage and the needles. And yes, I could feel the cups AND the needles. My mom says that since it's all for my own good, I should continue to go. Keeps on repeating "no pain, no gain" as if it's a mantra, and continually reminding me of how much this (would) cost if I had to pay for it myself.They keep on bringing up the past sacrifices they made for me, as if they'd have any bearing on the present. I don't know about liking it, and I might be grateful for it if my mom didn't always bring up how much it costs.. or if I actually WANTED to go. My friend Corey was right about pressure points hurting, though.. I felt this session more than last time. (Maybe because the muscles were stimulated from just the other day? They need rest too, y'know!)So of course, she schedules yet ANOTHER appointment without my consent for next Tuesday.. let's just say I'm using up all my quota of cuss words. (not to my mom, but most certainly aimed at her) Did I mention the acupuncturist is making me wear a tensor bandage on my foot to "encourage" it to grow straighter? I don't think it will grow back, although she certainly seems to think the muscles will after so long not using them. I want this to be over, that's all..But there are good bits to the day coming up, besides the sushi lunch I just had. I'm going to see Eric M. for the first time in about six weeks, since Steph's driving. (despite what my mom thinks, I am NOT man-crazy!) I wouldn't go, but their group is making wonton and having dessert.. it'll be a good excuse to get away from these paint fumes and (quite frankly) my parents. Time with friends is always good for a recharge, haha! :)current mood: irritated (6 comments | comment on this)
Thursday, December 18th, 2003
6:40 pm - Aiya...
Yes, I should be more firm. Then again, she'll twist it into "But it's helpful and you WILL do it because I want you to!" (insert misc. reasoning about ICBC and "I'm your mother!" in there, too)My mom scheduled another acupressure appointment without my knowledge, then told me when it was a fait accompli. *sigh*.. I really don't like it at all, but what am I supposed to do about it? Can't really scream at her when I'm here for about another two weeks or so. (her house, etc., etc.)So I'm in for one tomorrow.. she wants me to try one more time. Knowing her, she'll stretch that into however many more times she wants me to go.. without considering that it may not be for me. Sure, it might help.. but she thinks I only like the massage therapy because it's relaxing. (which is SO not true) "No pain, no gain".. my eye!Although I must admit that I'm excited about seeing my sister's friend Melissa, I can't help but think how crowded this place is gonna be in a week! *thud* At least the handyman will be gone by then.. doing a lot of work, he is.I just wish they'd see my side of it, instead of getting all worked up about their sacrifice of years past.. what does THAT have to do with it? Yes, I know they gave up stuff for me.. and still do. Sigh....Ah well, only one more memory dragon left to slay! I'll get on my sister's laptop soon, believe me.. :Dcurrent mood: bitchy (3 comments | comment on this)
5:00 pm - No idea what MST3K is, but I *had* to send the second quiz to Spoz!
ServoYou are Tom Servo. You're pretty smart, and yoursinging voice is quite nice. You have greatself-esteem, but no one knows why, since yourarms don't work and you have no legs. Which MST3K Character Are You? brought to you by QuizillabananaYou are a banana! Good job, captain obvious. which rejected character are you? brought to you by QuizillaMust see this one again.. it's on the computer, after all. Good thing I didn't send this or the spozdog comic to a certain someone. ;) If you want the movie, let me know.. it's really funny. :)current mood: cold (comment on this)
12:14 am - Sister's home!
It was actually good seeing my sister at the airport. While there, my brother thought I should go to the acupuncture. No matter how I tried to explain that it really wasn't for me, I got nowhere. Then again, maybe I should do this to humor Mom.. *sigh*We went for dinner at Boston Pizza, and our friend Erin decided to go with us. Naturally, she got lost along the way by missing an exit into town and having to go back on the bridge. (you can almost guarantee she will get lost when going anywhere) Later, we hung out at the house for a while before someone came up with the idea to go to the mall.My siblings and I had plenty of opportunity to laugh at Erin's driving habits and other embarrassing stories about her. That girl will have a LONG roast at her wedding banquet: the people who aren't in the know will wonder about the insane laughter coming from those who ARE in the know! That night at Boston Pizza after Fellowship was the best!Jon called Eric, whose electrocardiogram is tomorrow. Erin talked to him for a bit, and he said that her embarrassing stories / lack of direction while driving is all anyone ever talks about. That was deliciously funny, but even she was laughing. :)Later on, we went to the one-litre bubble tea place.. I had ½ coffee, ½ tea. Likely, I'll be up till 2 or something.. which may not be a good thing with my parents and other people around; oh well. We played War, Blackjack, and poker with this extremely ancient set of cards. (BBT places always have decks of cards and magazines) It was good that we also got to talk a bit.I persuaded my brother to drive back to my place so I could sort out my mail and get some essentials. I'm pleased to report I got my 2004 bus pass, and a lovely Christmas card from my friend Dan in Maryland. That was a nice surprise. :)Now I'm back at my brother's, just whiling away time on the computer. My sister just set up her laptop, so we've started on being exceedingly lazy again. ;) (messaging each other from three feet away, that is) Nice day, on the whole.. time with friends is good, as well as seeing my sister again. (but don't tell her that.. she thinks I'm not as enthused as I should be in her eyes!)current mood: bouncy (8 comments | comment on this)
Wednesday, December 17th, 2003
3:29 pm - Six Degrees of Separation, LJ-style..
12:01 pm - Paint fumes, how I smell thee..
The acupuncture wouldn't have hurt, except for the fact that the doctor also did some acupressure with some firm force. So it wasn't really the acupuncture itself, but the acupressure. My mom asked me if I felt the needles.. well, I likely wouldn't have felt much if you hadn't mentioned it. *rolleyes* Afterwards, I felt a little better.. but then it wasn't my idea in the first place, so maybe that affects it? ;)The downstairs of the house smells like paint.. those fumes are always a good thing for my brain to get further loopy. Since my parents want to downsize and sell this house, they've hired a handyman to fix up the house by painting various areas of it. (plus do some general fixing up) Which I guess is a good thing for the potential open houses they'll have, eh? My sister is also coming back from Mississauga in a few hours, so it'll be something to see her again. Five people in the house again.. I can just imagine what it'll be like with seven people in about ten days! Her friend Melissa is coming from Mississauga to stay with us on Boxing Day until they have to go back for school. Then to make matters a bit more complicated, our grandma's staying with us on Dec. 28 for at least a few days. (my cousin's still going to be in Hong Kong, and Grandma doesn't want to be in the house alone)That's my day so far..current mood: busy (comment on this)
1:45 am - Me want hugs! :)
Tuesday, December 16th, 2003
10:56 pm
During the last few days, I have been shaken at least four times. If *someone* is commenting on your entries, please put a warning to me somewhere in said entry. Thanks muchly.current mood: awake (comment on this)
6:49 pm - Aftermath..
I feel like a human pincushion, or did when I was at the doctor's office. She only understands Mandarin and a very little bit of English. Contrary to my mom's claims that it wouldn't hurt, it did. I went through both acupuncture and acupressure, and the most ridiculous question of the session was: "Do you feel any pain?" Uh, yes. Definitely do, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was bruised as well.My mom said I should go one more time, but I don't know about it. Besides, she made me go this afternoon.. shouldn't I be able to make my own decisions? Sheesh.. I think she's using the accident as an excuse for her to drag me into acupuncture. Her philosophy seems to be: "No pain, no gain." I can appreciate that, but this should be MY decision.. not hers!This whole entire post sounds like I'm not putting my best foot forward, but allow me some venting!current mood: annoyed (20 comments | comment on this)