đŸ„ (original) (raw)


Get my pussy up get my money up

A gif of Walter White falling to his knees before crying with his face to the ground, except it has been reversed so that he is rising.ALT

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i have probably told this story before but in community college a friend and i took an english class as a night class that was longer (like three hours) so it didn’t have to meet as many days. and while the professor was going over the syllabus she mentioned we wouldn’t always need to stay the whole three hours

so my friend was like “do you think we’ll be home by eight on tuesdays”

and the professor was like “??? do you have a schedule conflict?” and she seemed rightfully a bit peeved about this because we were clearly precocious college teens and she was an older lady with a smoker’s rasp that also didn’t want to be there

so i was like “no it’s fine, it’s just that house is on at eight” because this friend would also come over to my place to watch new episodes of house as they aired because my dad didn’t care that she smoked during the commercial breaks

and the professor was like “oh shit you’re right, yeah you’ll be home by eight on those days”

house heritage post

screenshot of hashtags reading: i would've killed to watch house as it was airing but unfortunately i was a kindergartner when it debutedALT

#i was in elementary school (don’t remember exactly how old) when I watched it with my mom#i fondly remember trying to tell my friend I wanted to play House but we had a fundamental misunderstanding#I wanted to pretend to be Dr. House while she thought we were doing normal house things like being a mom and child or something (via @andrewmarie)

sorry i know you added these tags like three days ago but they didn’t really hit me until last night when i was trying to sleep

undone by the vision of a small child saying they want to play house and then a jump cut to that same small child limping with a stick cane and eating m&m minis from the plastic tube while pretending to do medical crimes

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first image: it is sunny. Ryan Parker, wearing a dress and makeup, says "I'm going undercover as a woman to find out what they go through every day." second image:  it is now dark. Ryan Parker says "I've discovered women are called 'faggot' a lot."ALT

No joke this vine has a better understanding of transmisogyny than 40% of this website

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My leftover pasta looked so beautiful in the microwave

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tumblr gets a lot more fun when you stop taking your blog and notes and followers so seriously and you just do what you want and not care if people dont like it

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AITA for realizing that my best friend is actually a ghost and not telling him because i’m worried that if he realizes he’s dead he’ll finally be able to accept it and fully pass on and i won’t be able to hang out with him anymore?

AITA if i’ve been dead for a while but haven’t told my best friend yet because he doesn’t seem to have realized i’m a ghost and if he does i’m worried that he’ll finally be able to accept it and let me go and i can’t bear the thought of losing him?

AITA for killing that guy

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How to say “Apricot” in some of the languages of the Americas & Europe, and the word’s etymological origin

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In love with his new design

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friendships end. relationships end. fictional man whos doing even worse than you is forever

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little doveđŸ•Šïž

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hate all of u tagging this as jar jar binks

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