fms_a - Profile (original) (raw)
on 5 June 2009 (#20484435)
Food, Math, Sex and Art - a community for people who like all four
This is a sharing and discussion community.
- Keep content user interesting. Pictures, links and book recs are a go. Being off topic or insulting is a no.
- NSFW content is allowed. Put it behind a cut with appropriate warnings, though, please.
- This is not a place for telling your sexual exploits. "Sex" is allowed, but we'd prefer links to photography or fun toys to personal anecdotes. If it's really awesome, link to a story in your journal about it.
- This is not a paper review committee. Link us to something interesting - don't ask us to check your homework.
- Please don't use this community as a hookup thread. If you meet someone interesting, they have a userinfo and journal. Take it somewhere else.
- This is a fun place. DON'T HARASS THE MEMBERS.
algebra, analysis, art, baking, cooking, design, drawing, dynamics, education, fashion, food, gay, geometry, lesbian, math, number theory, painting, sex, topology, toys
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