forever_poly - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 February 2007 (#12248017)

This Community is to be a Drama free Poly Community. It is for open discussion of all issues relating to being poly. We accept that there may be differences of opinion but expect that these differences not turn into drama or flame wars. Be nice to each other, we are all brothers and sisters in this.

We recognize that it is through communities such as this that others can meet and perhaps grow attached, however this is not a dating community if you find yourself wanting to know a person more intimately take it to personal journals or e-mail.

Introductions are not required but would be greatly appreciated. We want to be a community where we feel like we know each other.

We want to encourage you to bring your problems to the group if you really are at a loss. What this means is if multiple partners are members of this group we should respect the need of our partners to ask questions that may pertain to our relationship. Please do not take out your frustrations on your partner publicly, that is something that should always remain private. However everyone should be aware that their partners may see things they've said here and should speak with caution.

Ok so there may be more rules later but we hope there don't need to be.

Enjoy your stay at forever_poly !!!

alternative lifestyles, alternative relationships, alternative sexuality, dating, group marriage, love, loving more, multiple marriage, multiple partners, open marriage, open relationship(s), poly, polyamorous, polyamory, polyfi, polyfidelity, relationships, reproductive rights, same sex marriages, same-sex marriage