Yannis G.S. Papadopoulos | Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (original) (raw)
Papers by Yannis G.S. Papadopoulos
This introduction to the special issue The Cold War of Labor Migrants: Opportunities, struggles a... more This introduction to the special issue The Cold War of Labor Migrants: Opportunities, struggles and adaptations across the Iron Curtain and beyond seeks to bring forward the conversation between the history of the Cold War and migration studies. It is the result of a workshop convened by the Working Group 'Labor Migration History', of the European Labor History Network. It maps out the academic debate on international labor migration and it critically engages with its western-centric approach. It introduces the seven contributions which, from different geographic and thematic perspectives, reassess the importance of non-Western experiences in shaping the entanglement between international labor migration and the Cold War. Two lines of inquiry feature prominently in this special issue. The first is a reassessment of the relevance of the regulation of international migration as a political terrain on which the Cold War divide was both constructed and deconstructed by different institutional actors, which, at various levels, were empowered by the existence of Cold War rivalry. The second, is the agency of migrants and aims to explore the fluidity, opportunism and creativity in the ways that migrants themselves experienced state control because of the particular Cold War socioeconomic and political context.
Labor History, 2023
In 1954 the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) launched a program for the ... more In 1954 the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) launched a program for the recruitment of domestic workers from Greece for Canada, Australia and New Zealand. ICEM gave single women of rural background and with scarce resources the opportunity to migrate and later sponsor the migration of their relatives. Furthermore, ICEM assisted them with orientation and language courses, training programs and loans, and oversaw their transportation and recruitment, as well as of their adjustment to work and life in economically and “culturally” developed countries. In doing so, the Committee tried to imbue women from the periphery of the “Free World” with “superior” western technical skills, cultural values and modern behavioral patterns that reproduced the dominant gender, ethnic, race and class prejudices of the destination countries. The article highlights the way receiving states expanded their capacity to control their borders and select the “qualities” of their foreign female workforce, by standardizing their skills, behaviors and rights. By comparing the implementation of the scheme in three British Commonwealth countries, it problematizes the role of the international organizations in the construction of labor patterns and the dissemination of hegemonic Western gendered economic, social and cultural scripts in a peripheral European country. It also explores the changes brought about by the ICEM in domestic work and women’s response to intergovernmen- tal migration planning.
Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 2022
This article examines the birth and evolution of the idea of land settlement as a way to combine ... more This article examines the birth and evolution of the idea of land settlement as a way to combine and resolve two issues diachronically considered problematic: on the one hand, the underdevelopment in Latin America due to a certain extent to the lack of labour force that could exploit the immense lands available; on the other hand, the overpopulation in Europe accompanied by volatile problems such as unemployment, particularly in critical times such as between and after the two World Wars. Based on archival material retrieved from the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington D.C., the Archives of the FDR Presidential Library and Museum in New York, the Archives of the IOM Office in Athens and the São Paulo State Archive, we attempt to provide a genealogy of this idea since the Interwar period and the ways in which it has materialised by governments and international organisations, namely the ILO and the ICEM.
Immigrants and Minorities, 2021
The article focuses on the importance of the migration experience in transform- ing the ‘identifi... more The article focuses on the importance of the migration experience in transform- ing the ‘identifications’ of Greek-Orthodox Ottoman subjects in relation to the historical reality of their country of origin and their host country, the United States, as well as the country that from the beginning claimed their loyalty as a national centre, Greece. Subsequently, it examines the terms that defined the construction of religious, social and political diaspora groupings and the atti- tudes that conditioned their participation in the Greek nationalist project.
Although ‘rival’ ethnic groups in the United States came to blows during periods of violence in the Ottoman Empire, it appears that they also reconstructed in their daily life a ‘deterritorialized Ottoman space’ based on their origin in a common city or region or common cultural characteristics. There are hints that immigrants’ common references or memories led to the construction of a ‘nostalgic Ottomanism’ when the Empire dissolved, contributing to the survival of cultural elements and the continuation of social and labour relations with persons from rival ethnic groups.
The 'Asia Minor Catastrophe' followed by the influx of Anatolian refugees is a seminal moment in ... more The 'Asia Minor Catastrophe' followed by the influx of Anatolian refugees is a seminal moment in modern Greek history that reshaped to a great extent Greek national identity. In the analysis that follows I will try to trace how the Ottoman past, the 'uprooting experience' and the refugees' effort to integrate into Greek society are represented in some Greek films of the 1960s and 1970s. These films bear testimony to the acculturation process that led to the development of an Asia Minor and Pontic ethnic identity. Moreover, they reflect the construction of divergent collective memories, which accommodated the refugee experience in the framework of twentieth-century Greek history. As various scholars have pointed out, ethnic identity is the result of a group's interaction with the taxonomies imposed on it by state agents and broader society and the fluctuation of the accepted boundaries of difference in a modern national state. Besides, Fredrik Barth noted that 'the nature of continuity of ethnic units depends on the maintenance of a boundary whose cultural features may change and yet the continuing dichotomization between members and outsiders allows us to specify the nature of continuity, and investigate the changing cultural form and content'. 1 The Greek Orthodox inhabitants of Anatolia did not form a culturally homogeneous group although they participated in the common Ottoman culture. 2 Even among Greek-speaking Christians, customs and dialect varied considerably from place to place and Turkish-speaking Christians often had more in common with their Muslim co-villagers than with the Christians from another village or region. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the contribution of various networks and identity entrepreneurs, at least the Greekspeaking Orthodox Christians of western Anatolia, where Greek state influence was more firmly established, had accepted that they belonged to a broader 'imaginary community' relative to the Kingdom of Greece. 3 After their resettlement in Greece
Απόπειρες ελέγχου των ελλήνων µεταναστών στις ΗΠΑ στις αρχές του εικοστού αιώνα 1 Σε µια περίοδο ... more Απόπειρες ελέγχου των ελλήνων µεταναστών στις ΗΠΑ στις αρχές του εικοστού αιώνα 1 Σε µια περίοδο εθνικιστικής έξαρσης και διαδοχικών πολέµων στα Βαλκάνια αλλά και ανάδειξης των ΗΠΑ σε µεγάλη δύναµη, οι έλληνες µετανάστες στο Νέο Κόσµο απέκτησαν ιδιαίτερη σηµασία για το ελληνικό κράτος. Οι επίσηµοι και άτυποι εκπρόσωποι του ελληνικού κράτους αντιµετώπισαν τους µετανάστες ως «προσωρινά διαµένοντες» στο εξωτερικό, οι οποίοι δεν έπρεπε να αφοµοιωθούν στο αµερικανικό περιβάλλον. Το ελληνικό κράτος ενδιαφέρθηκε κυρίως να εξασφαλίσει συνεχή ροή προσόδων από τους µετανάστες και να αξιοποιήσει την παρουσία των µεταναστών στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες στο πλαίσιο της αλυτρωτικής πολιτικής του. Από την άλλη οι ηγετικές οµάδες των ελληνικών κοινοτήτων στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες επιδίωξαν να διαµορφώσουν µια αµερικανική εθνοτική οµάδα της οποίας η ελληνικότητα θα ήταν περιγεγραµµένη από τα αποδεκτά όρια συλλογικής διαφοράς στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες, µια αµερικανική ελληνικότητα η οποία θα όριζε αυτόνοµα τη σχέση της µε την Ελλάδα. Πρώιµος εκφραστής της δεύτερης αυτής τάσης αναδείχθηκε ο εκδότης της µεγαλύτερης κυκλοφορίας ελληνόφωνης εφηµερίδας στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες, της Ατλαντίδας. Αν και οι ελληνικές κυβερνήσεις δεν κατόρθωσαν να θέσουν τις ελληνικές κοινότητες των ΗΠΑ υπό τον έλεγχό τους και να ανακόψουν την πορεία αφοµοίωσης, οι µετανάστες δεν σταµάτησαν να ενδιαφέρονται για τις πολιτικές εξελίξεις στην Ελλάδα. Για να κατανοήσουµε το µετασχηµατισµό των ελλήνων µεταναστών σε ελληνοαµερικανική κοινότητα και τις µεταβαλλόµενες σχέσεις τους µε την Ελλάδα, είναι αναγκαίο να εξετάσουµε τα διεθνικά δίκτυα που συνδέουν τις κοινωνίες υποδοχής και αποστολής αλλά και τις εσωτερικές διαιρέσεις στο εσωτερικό των µεταναστευτικών κοινοτήτων (Βεντούρα 2009: 33). Η διαδικασία µετασχηµατισµού συνδέεται µε την εξέλιξη των ελληνοαµερικανικών σχέσεων, της κοινωνικής θέσης των µεταναστών στο πλαίσιο της αµερικανικής κοινωνίας και του διεθνούς περιβάλλοντος. 1. Η Πανελλήνιος Ένωσις: µια ατελέσφορη προσπάθεια να αξιοποιηθούν οι µετανάστες ως όργανο της ελληνικής εξωτερικής πολιτικής. Η αύξηση του µεταναστευτικού ρεύµατος στα τέλη του 19ου και τις αρχές του εικοστού αιώνα αντιµετωπίστηκε από τις ελληνικές κυβερνήσεις µε θετικό βλέµµα λόγω της σηµασίας των εµβασµάτων των µεταναστών για την ελληνική οικονοµία και της ελπίδας ότι, µε την παλιννόστησή τους, οι Έλληνες µετανάστες θα αποτελούσαν φορείς εκσυγχρονισµού. Οι µετανάστες θεωρούνταν προσωρινοί απόδηµοι οι οποίοι «αφοµοιούντες προς εαυτούς κατά τε τους τύπους και την ουσίαν τον πολιτισµόν, εν µέσω του οποίου διαβιούσιν, επανερχόµενοι ανυψούσι το επίπεδον του παρ'ηµίν αφοµοιωθέντος συγχρόνου πολιτισµού» (Μετανάστευσις 1906: 17). Αργότερα όµως η µετανάστευση άρχισε να θεωρείται επικίνδυνη λόγω της αραίωσης του πληθυσµού σε πολλές επαρχίες, της µείωσης του εργατικού δυναµικού και του περιορισµού του αριθµού των στρατευσίµων (Ρέπουλης 1912: 88-90). Ήταν έντονος ο φόβος ότι οι µετανάστες κάτω από την επίδραση του ξένου περιβάλλοντος ήταν πιθανό να «αποβάλλωσι την σφραγίδα του εθνικού χαρακτήρος» (Ρέπουλης 1912: 80, 99, Laliotou 2004: 59). Όπως και τα µέλη άλλων εθνοτικών οµάδων στις ΗΠΑ, οι µετανάστες από την Ελλάδα τουλάχιστον στα πρώτα χρόνια της εγκατάστασής τους, λειτουργούσαν στο πλαίσιο περισσότερο
H διαµόρφωση της πολιτικής των Ηνωµένων Πολιτειών στην διάρκεια του Μικρασιατικού Πολέµου και η α... more H διαµόρφωση της πολιτικής των Ηνωµένων Πολιτειών στην διάρκεια του Μικρασιατικού Πολέµου και η αντιµετώπιση των «εξ Ανατολών κινδύνων» Οι επαφές ανάµεσα στην Οθωµανική Αυτοκρατορία και τις ΗΠΑ ξεκίνησαν στα τέλη του 18 ου αιώνα. Λόγω της εγκατάστασης αµερικανών εµπόρων στα λιµάνια της Αυτοκρατορίας η κυβέρνηση των ΗΠΑ ενδιαφέρθηκε να εξασφαλίσει, στο πλαίσιο των διοµολογήσεων, τα δικαιώµατα των υπηκόων της που είχαν εγκατασταθεί σε οθωµανικά εδάφη. Και η Οθωµανική Αυτοκρατορία όµως επιδίωξε από τις αρχές του 19 ου αιώνα να καλλιεργήσει τις σχέσεις της µε τις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες ως αντίβαρο στις πιέσεις που της ασκούσαν οι δυτικοευρωπαϊκές δυνάµεις. Η την άποψη ότι "το µέλλον του κόσµου εξαρτάτο από την αγγλοαµερικανική συνεργασία" 1. Η αµερικανική κυβέρνηση ήταν διατεθειµένη να αναγνωρίσει τη βρετανική πρωτοκαθεδρία στην περιοχή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου στο βαθµό που εξασφαλίζονταν τα αµερικανικά εµπορικά και οικονοµικά συµφέροντα, συµπεριλαµβανοµένης της εξόρυξης πετρελαίου. Ο πρόεδρος Wilson ήταν δεδηλωµένος αγγλόφιλος. Εµπνεόταν από την βρετανική πολιτική παράδοση από την περίοδο της ακαδηµαϊκής του σταδιοδροµίας και πίστευε ότι η φιλελεύθερη δηµοκρατία ήταν κατεξοχήν αγγλοσαξονικό δηµιούργηµα 2. Η σκέψη του όµως είχε επηρεαστεί εξίσου από το κίνηµα του "κοινωνικού ευαγγελίου" (social gospel), της νοµιµοποίησης, µέσω της χριστιανικής διδασκαλίας, των αναγκαίων κοινωνικών µεταρρυθµίσεων υπέρ των κατωτέρων στρωµάτων 3. Για τον Wilson, σε αυτά τα συµφραζόµενα, το αποικιοκρατικό "χρέος του λευκού ανθρώπου" ερµηνευόταν ως η υποχρέωση της Βρετανίας και των Ηνωµένων Πολιτειών να διαπαιδαγωγήσουν πολιτικά τον κόσµο και να επιβάλουν την κατάργηση της µυστικής διπλωµατίας και την ηθική στο πλαίσιο των διεθνών σχέσεων. Ήλπιζε ότι στο εξής η διεθνής ισορροπία θα στηριζόταν στη συγκρότηση δηµοκρατικών εθνικών κρατών τις σχέσεις των οποίων θα ρύθµιζε η Κοινωνία των Εθνών 4. Μετά την ήττα της Γερµανίας κύριος αντίπαλος της «Οικουµένης» υπό αγγλοσαξονική καθοδήγηση που φιλοδοξούσαν να εγκαθιδρύσουν η Βρετανία και οι Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες αναδείχθηκε η Σοβιετική Ένωση. Επανέκαµψε έτσι µε νέο µανδύα ο φόβος του ρωσικού επεκτατισµού, ενισχυµένος από την κοινωνική απειλή που αποτελούσε ο κοµµουνισµός, όπως εκδηλωνόταν στις επαναστάσεις στη Γερµανία και την Ουγγαρία. Σύµφωνα µε τον Lloyd George "ο Μπολσεβικισµός είναι ηφαίστειον το οποίον εκπέµπει λάβαν, την οποίαν η Ευρώπη και η Αµερική έχουν καθήκον να εµποδίσουν του να κατακαύση τον λοιπόν κόσµον" 5. Ο προβληµατισµός αυτός επηρρέαζε και τη στάση των δύο χωρών για τη ρύθµιση µελλοντικού καθεστώτος των εδαφών της Οθωµανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. Μετά τη διάλυση της Αυτοκρατορίας η Ελλάδα και η Αρµενία, οι δύο χριστιανικές χώρες της περιοχής, θα αποτελούσαν τους πόλους ισορροπίας της νέας τάξης πραγµάτων στην περιοχή, ενώ το διεθνές κράτος των Στενών θα εξασφάλιζε την ελευθερία της ναυσιπλοΐας και θα ήλεγχε την
Yannis G.S. Papadopoulos, Profesor visitante en la Universidad de Brasilia (UnB). Doctor en historia por la Universidad Panteion de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas.
Thales Speroni, Investigador postdoctoral de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Doctor en sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) y por la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Plazo para envío de artículos: 30 de octubre de 2021 https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/obmigra_periplos/about/submissions
Desde el siglo XIX hasta el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, millones de europeos emigraron a América del Sur. Esa tendencia se ha mantenido en las décadas siguientes, pero, desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX, los países de América del Sur fueron progresivamente constituyéndose también como lugares de generación de emigrantes. Junto con los Estados Unidos, el continente europeo (en especial el sur de Europa) se ha convertido en un destino prioritario para los emigrantes sudamericanos. Muchos de ellos son descendientes de europeos que emigraron a finales de los siglos XIX y XX a América del Sur y que movilizaron ese "capital étnico" para facilitar su integración y adquisición de la ciudadanía en el país receptor. Los países europeos tendieron a adoptar un enfoque diferenciado hacia estos inmigrantes considerados más fácilmente asimilables, aunque en muchos casos han sido estigmatizados como “pseudoeuropeos”.
Este número temático tiene como objetivo discutir, desde miradas críticas, reflexivas e interdisciplinarias, las representaciones e implicaciones sociales de las circularidades transhistóricas entre las dos orillas del Atlántico. Este número está especialmente abierto a contribuciones que busquen analizar cómo se producen simultáneamente el pasado, el presente y el futuro de esas movilidades. El presupuesto teórico de este número temático es que el pasado recordado construye y está construido por el presente interpretado, así como por los futuros imaginados. Aunque varios académicos estudian la movilidad entre América del Sur hacia Europa, hasta ahora son escasos los estudios sobre los impactos de la migración transgeneracional en las sociedades de origen y destino.
Este número responde a la necesidad emergente del estudio de la movilidad transgeneracional y sus impactos en los discursos, actitudes y normativas vinculadas a la ciudadanía. En particular, se buscan perspectivas críticas e interdisciplinarias que analicen las movilidades transgeneracionales y transcontinentales entre la América del Sur y la Europa, y sus consecuencias para la definición de las bases raciales y étnicas de las concepciones de ciudadanía.
Este call for papers invita a que se presenten artículos que, desde diferentes perspectivas disciplinarias y objetos de análisis, aborden las interfaces entre el pasado, el presente y el futuro de las migraciones entre América del Sur y Europa. En particular, se incitan contribuciones que aborden los siguientes ejes:
Histórico: movilidad entre Europa y América del Sur e impacto en las sociedades emisoras y receptoras;
Crítico-normativo: las desigualdades e injusticias que marcan los puentes entre las formas de entendimiento y la construcción de políticas institucionales en el pasado y el presente de las movilidades entre Europa y América del Sur;
Legal: la evolución histórica de las políticas migratorias y la circularidad de los marcos normativos entre América del Sur y Europa;
Familiar y generacional: El papel y las implicaciones de la ascendencia europea para las inmigraciones sudamericanas en la Europa contemporánea;
Museológico: las formas en que los museos representan los vínculos entre el pasado, el presente y el futuro de las migraciones entre América del Sur y Europa;
Medios: los distintos modos en que los medios narran las migraciones pasadas y presentes entre los dos continentes;
Actitudinal: las posibles diferencias en las actitudes sociales en relación con las migraciones pasadas y presentes;
Ético-normativo: las implicaciones éticas y normativas de las circularidades transhistóricas entre América del Sur y Europa.
Estos temas son de orientación. Se pueden aceptar propuestas sobre otros temas y abordajes relacionados con el tópico del monográfico.
Autores(as) interesados(as) pueden enviar su propuesta de publicación para nuestro e-mail: periplosrism@gmail.com
Yannis G.S. Papadopoulos, Professor Visitante da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Doutor em História pela Universidade Panteion de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.
Thales Speroni, pesquisador de pós-doutorado na Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona (UAB). Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona (UAB) e pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Prazo para submissão de artigos: 30 de outubro de 2021 https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/obmigra_periplos/about/submissions
Do século 19 até o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial, milhões de europeus emigraram para a América do Sul. Essa tendência se manteve nas décadas seguintes, mas, desde as últimas décadas do século 20, os países da América do Sul progressivamente se firmaram como locais de geração de imigrantes. Junto com os Estados Unidos, o continente europeu (especialmente o sul da Europa) tornou-se um destino prioritário para os emigrantes sul-americanos. Muitos deles são descendentes de europeus que emigraram para a América do Sul no final dos séculos XIX e XX e que mobilizaram este “capital étnico” para facilitar a sua integração e aquisição da cidadania no país de acolhimento. Os países europeus tenderam a adotar uma abordagem diferenciada em relação a esses imigrantes considerados mais facilmente assimiláveis, embora em muitos casos tenham sido estigmatizados como “pseudo-europeus”.
Este número temático pretende discutir, a partir de perspectivas críticas, reflexivas e interdisciplinares, as representações e implicações sociais das circularidades trans-históricas entre as duas margens do Atlântico. Este número está especialmente aberto a contribuições que busquem analisar como o passado, o presente e o futuro dessas mobilidades ocorrem simultaneamente. O pressuposto teórico deste número temático é que o passado lembrado se constrói e é construído pelo presente interpretado, bem como pelos futuros imaginados. Embora vários acadêmicos estudem a mobilidade entre a América do Sul e a Europa, até o momento são poucos os estudos sobre os impactos da migração transgeracional nas sociedades de origem e destino.
Esta questão responde à necessidade emergente de estudar a mobilidade transgeracional e seus impactos nos discursos, atitudes e regulamentações relacionadas à cidadania. Em particular, buscam-se perspectivas críticas e interdisciplinares que analisam as mobilidades transgeracionais e transcontinentais entre a América do Sul e a Europa e suas consequências para a definição das bases raciais e étnicas das concepções de cidadania.
Esta chamada de artigos convida à submissão de artigos que, a partir de diferentes perspectivas disciplinares e objetos de análise, abordem as interfaces entre o passado, o presente e o futuro das migrações entre a América do Sul e a Europa. Em particular, são incentivadas contribuições que abordem os seguintes eixos:
Histórico: mobilidade entre a Europa e a América do Sul e impacto nas sociedades de envio e recebimento;
Crítico-normativo: as desigualdades e injustiças que marcam as pontes entre as formas de compreensão e de construção de políticas institucionais no passado e no presente da mobilidade entre a Europa e a América do Sul;
Jurídico: a evolução histórica das políticas migratórias e a circularidade dos marcos regulatórios entre a América do Sul e a Europa;
Família e geração: o papel e as implicações da ancestralidade europeia para os imigrantes sul-americanos na Europa contemporânea;
Museológico: as formas como os museus representam as ligações entre o passado, o presente e o futuro das migrações entre a América do Sul e a Europa;
Meios de comunicação: as diferentes formas como os meios de comunicação narram as migrações passadas e presentes entre os dois continentes;
Atitudinal: possíveis diferenças nas atitudes sociais em relação às migrações passadas e presentes;
Ético-normativo: as implicações éticas e normativas das circularidades trans-históricas entre a América do Sul e a Europa.
Esses tópicos são para orientação. Podem ser aceitas propostas sobre outros tópicos e abordagens relacionadas ao tema da monografia.
Autores(as) interessados(as) podem enviar a proposta de publicação para nosso e-mail: periplosrism@gmail.com
Historika, 2021
The article examines the relation of Greek-American organizations and the Archdiocese of North an... more The article examines the relation of Greek-American organizations and the Archdiocese of North and South America with the US government and the regime of the colonels. At the same time, it presents the organization of the resistance by immigrants against the junta and the controversies caused by the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. The Greek lobby, contrary to what is believed, was the result of a conflict and not a united stance within the Greek-American community.
Ser Social, 2020
This article critically assesses the reception policies for asylum seekers in Greece. We will exa... more This article critically assesses the reception policies for asylum seekers in Greece. We will examine the activity of international / intergovernmental organizations that were in charge of managing refugee flows during the Post-WWII period and the characteristics of the European Union (EU) immigration policy. It is based on the premise that the reception of refugees by the EU over time does not contribute to their social integration; on the contrary, inadequate reception conditions serve to repel and dissuade them from entering European territory. The reception policies implemented in Greece are examples of these guidelines and objectives.
Postcolonialism Cross-Examined Multidirectional Perspectives on Imperial and Colonial Pasts and the Neocolonial Present, 2019
During the 1960s Greek films started to deal with the trauma of Anatolian refugees, and after 197... more During the 1960s Greek films started to deal with the trauma of Anatolian refugees, and after 1974 several television series, based mainly on novels written by refugee authors, introduced to the broader Greek public the life of Greek Orthodox populations during the last years of the Ottoman Empire, including the atrocities they endured and their difficult period of resettlement in Greece. Between 2004 and 2008, the film director Kostas Koutsomytis adapted for television three novels dealing with life in Anatolia during the early twentieth century, with a nostalgic gaze on an era of harmonious ethnic cohabitation that was shattered by nationalism and foreign intervention. These TV series aired during the first decade of the twenty-first century, reflecting the Greco-Turkish rapprochement but also an idealization of the Ottoman "Belle Epoque" era, contributed to the shaping of public attitudes towards the Turks and the modifying of long-standing stereotypes.
Memory and Postcolonial Studies Synergies and New Directions, 2019
This chapter discusses the construction of a 'shared memory' of the late Ottoman years and the Gr... more This chapter discusses the construction of a 'shared memory' of the late Ottoman years and the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-22 in Greece, focusing on Public TV series produced in Greece during the last quarter of the twentieth century. These series show traces of the gradual recognition of the refugee trauma and the contribution of Anatolian Greeks to modern Greek culture. Without necessarily contesting pre-existing stereotypes, cultural products dealing with these memory themes served as a means of integrating both the Anatolian Greek and the Ottoman, Turkish "other" into popular culture and everyday life.
This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlyin... more This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlying the notion of international “migration management” by tracing the establishment and the activities of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) in the early Cold War era. The ICEM was renamed the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 1989, after having been gradually transformed into one of the main “migration management” bodies in the world. The studies comprising the volume explore the historical processes and the ideological premises that led to a comparatively high degree of intergovernmental cooperation and to a coordinated approach to the regulation of European population outflows in the post-World War II era, and investigate how migration regulation was conceived in the past and how it was actually implemented. They focus on the initial years of the ICEM’s history, mainly the 1950s, during which the organization galvanized its constitution, its strategies and policies and arranged for the resettlement of almost one million Europeans in overseas countries. They analyze the specificity of the processes leading to the establishment of international organizations in the immediate post-war period: highly dependent on the salience of nation-states, yet partly inspired by and requesting transnational political, social and cultural agency and knowledge.
This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlyin... more This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlying the notion of international “migration management” by tracing the establishment and the activities of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) in the early Cold War era. The ICEM was renamed the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 1989, after having been gradually transformed into one of the main “migration management” bodies in the world. The studies comprising the volume explore the historical processes and the ideological premises that led to a comparatively high degree of intergovernmental cooperation and to a coordinated approach to the regulation of European population outflows in the post-World War II era, and investigate how migration regulation was conceived in the past and how it was actually implemented. They focus on the initial years of the ICEM’s history, mainly the 1950s, during which the organization galvanized its constitution, its strategies and policies and arranged for the resettlement of almost one million Europeans in overseas countries. They analyze the specificity of the processes leading to the establishment of international organizations in the immediate post-war period: highly dependent on the salience of nation-states, yet partly inspired by and requesting transnational political, social and cultural agency and knowledge.
The article examines the diversified agendas of different social groups in the Greek-American com... more The article examines the diversified agendas of different social groups in the Greek-American community after the end of WWI, along with the integration of Greek immigrants during the Interwar Period, with particular emphasis on the formation of intercultural associations and the immigrants’ growing participation in the political life of the USA.
This introduction to the special issue The Cold War of Labor Migrants: Opportunities, struggles a... more This introduction to the special issue The Cold War of Labor Migrants: Opportunities, struggles and adaptations across the Iron Curtain and beyond seeks to bring forward the conversation between the history of the Cold War and migration studies. It is the result of a workshop convened by the Working Group 'Labor Migration History', of the European Labor History Network. It maps out the academic debate on international labor migration and it critically engages with its western-centric approach. It introduces the seven contributions which, from different geographic and thematic perspectives, reassess the importance of non-Western experiences in shaping the entanglement between international labor migration and the Cold War. Two lines of inquiry feature prominently in this special issue. The first is a reassessment of the relevance of the regulation of international migration as a political terrain on which the Cold War divide was both constructed and deconstructed by different institutional actors, which, at various levels, were empowered by the existence of Cold War rivalry. The second, is the agency of migrants and aims to explore the fluidity, opportunism and creativity in the ways that migrants themselves experienced state control because of the particular Cold War socioeconomic and political context.
Labor History, 2023
In 1954 the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) launched a program for the ... more In 1954 the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) launched a program for the recruitment of domestic workers from Greece for Canada, Australia and New Zealand. ICEM gave single women of rural background and with scarce resources the opportunity to migrate and later sponsor the migration of their relatives. Furthermore, ICEM assisted them with orientation and language courses, training programs and loans, and oversaw their transportation and recruitment, as well as of their adjustment to work and life in economically and “culturally” developed countries. In doing so, the Committee tried to imbue women from the periphery of the “Free World” with “superior” western technical skills, cultural values and modern behavioral patterns that reproduced the dominant gender, ethnic, race and class prejudices of the destination countries. The article highlights the way receiving states expanded their capacity to control their borders and select the “qualities” of their foreign female workforce, by standardizing their skills, behaviors and rights. By comparing the implementation of the scheme in three British Commonwealth countries, it problematizes the role of the international organizations in the construction of labor patterns and the dissemination of hegemonic Western gendered economic, social and cultural scripts in a peripheral European country. It also explores the changes brought about by the ICEM in domestic work and women’s response to intergovernmen- tal migration planning.
Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 2022
This article examines the birth and evolution of the idea of land settlement as a way to combine ... more This article examines the birth and evolution of the idea of land settlement as a way to combine and resolve two issues diachronically considered problematic: on the one hand, the underdevelopment in Latin America due to a certain extent to the lack of labour force that could exploit the immense lands available; on the other hand, the overpopulation in Europe accompanied by volatile problems such as unemployment, particularly in critical times such as between and after the two World Wars. Based on archival material retrieved from the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington D.C., the Archives of the FDR Presidential Library and Museum in New York, the Archives of the IOM Office in Athens and the São Paulo State Archive, we attempt to provide a genealogy of this idea since the Interwar period and the ways in which it has materialised by governments and international organisations, namely the ILO and the ICEM.
Immigrants and Minorities, 2021
The article focuses on the importance of the migration experience in transform- ing the ‘identifi... more The article focuses on the importance of the migration experience in transform- ing the ‘identifications’ of Greek-Orthodox Ottoman subjects in relation to the historical reality of their country of origin and their host country, the United States, as well as the country that from the beginning claimed their loyalty as a national centre, Greece. Subsequently, it examines the terms that defined the construction of religious, social and political diaspora groupings and the atti- tudes that conditioned their participation in the Greek nationalist project.
Although ‘rival’ ethnic groups in the United States came to blows during periods of violence in the Ottoman Empire, it appears that they also reconstructed in their daily life a ‘deterritorialized Ottoman space’ based on their origin in a common city or region or common cultural characteristics. There are hints that immigrants’ common references or memories led to the construction of a ‘nostalgic Ottomanism’ when the Empire dissolved, contributing to the survival of cultural elements and the continuation of social and labour relations with persons from rival ethnic groups.
The 'Asia Minor Catastrophe' followed by the influx of Anatolian refugees is a seminal moment in ... more The 'Asia Minor Catastrophe' followed by the influx of Anatolian refugees is a seminal moment in modern Greek history that reshaped to a great extent Greek national identity. In the analysis that follows I will try to trace how the Ottoman past, the 'uprooting experience' and the refugees' effort to integrate into Greek society are represented in some Greek films of the 1960s and 1970s. These films bear testimony to the acculturation process that led to the development of an Asia Minor and Pontic ethnic identity. Moreover, they reflect the construction of divergent collective memories, which accommodated the refugee experience in the framework of twentieth-century Greek history. As various scholars have pointed out, ethnic identity is the result of a group's interaction with the taxonomies imposed on it by state agents and broader society and the fluctuation of the accepted boundaries of difference in a modern national state. Besides, Fredrik Barth noted that 'the nature of continuity of ethnic units depends on the maintenance of a boundary whose cultural features may change and yet the continuing dichotomization between members and outsiders allows us to specify the nature of continuity, and investigate the changing cultural form and content'. 1 The Greek Orthodox inhabitants of Anatolia did not form a culturally homogeneous group although they participated in the common Ottoman culture. 2 Even among Greek-speaking Christians, customs and dialect varied considerably from place to place and Turkish-speaking Christians often had more in common with their Muslim co-villagers than with the Christians from another village or region. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the contribution of various networks and identity entrepreneurs, at least the Greekspeaking Orthodox Christians of western Anatolia, where Greek state influence was more firmly established, had accepted that they belonged to a broader 'imaginary community' relative to the Kingdom of Greece. 3 After their resettlement in Greece
Απόπειρες ελέγχου των ελλήνων µεταναστών στις ΗΠΑ στις αρχές του εικοστού αιώνα 1 Σε µια περίοδο ... more Απόπειρες ελέγχου των ελλήνων µεταναστών στις ΗΠΑ στις αρχές του εικοστού αιώνα 1 Σε µια περίοδο εθνικιστικής έξαρσης και διαδοχικών πολέµων στα Βαλκάνια αλλά και ανάδειξης των ΗΠΑ σε µεγάλη δύναµη, οι έλληνες µετανάστες στο Νέο Κόσµο απέκτησαν ιδιαίτερη σηµασία για το ελληνικό κράτος. Οι επίσηµοι και άτυποι εκπρόσωποι του ελληνικού κράτους αντιµετώπισαν τους µετανάστες ως «προσωρινά διαµένοντες» στο εξωτερικό, οι οποίοι δεν έπρεπε να αφοµοιωθούν στο αµερικανικό περιβάλλον. Το ελληνικό κράτος ενδιαφέρθηκε κυρίως να εξασφαλίσει συνεχή ροή προσόδων από τους µετανάστες και να αξιοποιήσει την παρουσία των µεταναστών στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες στο πλαίσιο της αλυτρωτικής πολιτικής του. Από την άλλη οι ηγετικές οµάδες των ελληνικών κοινοτήτων στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες επιδίωξαν να διαµορφώσουν µια αµερικανική εθνοτική οµάδα της οποίας η ελληνικότητα θα ήταν περιγεγραµµένη από τα αποδεκτά όρια συλλογικής διαφοράς στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες, µια αµερικανική ελληνικότητα η οποία θα όριζε αυτόνοµα τη σχέση της µε την Ελλάδα. Πρώιµος εκφραστής της δεύτερης αυτής τάσης αναδείχθηκε ο εκδότης της µεγαλύτερης κυκλοφορίας ελληνόφωνης εφηµερίδας στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες, της Ατλαντίδας. Αν και οι ελληνικές κυβερνήσεις δεν κατόρθωσαν να θέσουν τις ελληνικές κοινότητες των ΗΠΑ υπό τον έλεγχό τους και να ανακόψουν την πορεία αφοµοίωσης, οι µετανάστες δεν σταµάτησαν να ενδιαφέρονται για τις πολιτικές εξελίξεις στην Ελλάδα. Για να κατανοήσουµε το µετασχηµατισµό των ελλήνων µεταναστών σε ελληνοαµερικανική κοινότητα και τις µεταβαλλόµενες σχέσεις τους µε την Ελλάδα, είναι αναγκαίο να εξετάσουµε τα διεθνικά δίκτυα που συνδέουν τις κοινωνίες υποδοχής και αποστολής αλλά και τις εσωτερικές διαιρέσεις στο εσωτερικό των µεταναστευτικών κοινοτήτων (Βεντούρα 2009: 33). Η διαδικασία µετασχηµατισµού συνδέεται µε την εξέλιξη των ελληνοαµερικανικών σχέσεων, της κοινωνικής θέσης των µεταναστών στο πλαίσιο της αµερικανικής κοινωνίας και του διεθνούς περιβάλλοντος. 1. Η Πανελλήνιος Ένωσις: µια ατελέσφορη προσπάθεια να αξιοποιηθούν οι µετανάστες ως όργανο της ελληνικής εξωτερικής πολιτικής. Η αύξηση του µεταναστευτικού ρεύµατος στα τέλη του 19ου και τις αρχές του εικοστού αιώνα αντιµετωπίστηκε από τις ελληνικές κυβερνήσεις µε θετικό βλέµµα λόγω της σηµασίας των εµβασµάτων των µεταναστών για την ελληνική οικονοµία και της ελπίδας ότι, µε την παλιννόστησή τους, οι Έλληνες µετανάστες θα αποτελούσαν φορείς εκσυγχρονισµού. Οι µετανάστες θεωρούνταν προσωρινοί απόδηµοι οι οποίοι «αφοµοιούντες προς εαυτούς κατά τε τους τύπους και την ουσίαν τον πολιτισµόν, εν µέσω του οποίου διαβιούσιν, επανερχόµενοι ανυψούσι το επίπεδον του παρ'ηµίν αφοµοιωθέντος συγχρόνου πολιτισµού» (Μετανάστευσις 1906: 17). Αργότερα όµως η µετανάστευση άρχισε να θεωρείται επικίνδυνη λόγω της αραίωσης του πληθυσµού σε πολλές επαρχίες, της µείωσης του εργατικού δυναµικού και του περιορισµού του αριθµού των στρατευσίµων (Ρέπουλης 1912: 88-90). Ήταν έντονος ο φόβος ότι οι µετανάστες κάτω από την επίδραση του ξένου περιβάλλοντος ήταν πιθανό να «αποβάλλωσι την σφραγίδα του εθνικού χαρακτήρος» (Ρέπουλης 1912: 80, 99, Laliotou 2004: 59). Όπως και τα µέλη άλλων εθνοτικών οµάδων στις ΗΠΑ, οι µετανάστες από την Ελλάδα τουλάχιστον στα πρώτα χρόνια της εγκατάστασής τους, λειτουργούσαν στο πλαίσιο περισσότερο
H διαµόρφωση της πολιτικής των Ηνωµένων Πολιτειών στην διάρκεια του Μικρασιατικού Πολέµου και η α... more H διαµόρφωση της πολιτικής των Ηνωµένων Πολιτειών στην διάρκεια του Μικρασιατικού Πολέµου και η αντιµετώπιση των «εξ Ανατολών κινδύνων» Οι επαφές ανάµεσα στην Οθωµανική Αυτοκρατορία και τις ΗΠΑ ξεκίνησαν στα τέλη του 18 ου αιώνα. Λόγω της εγκατάστασης αµερικανών εµπόρων στα λιµάνια της Αυτοκρατορίας η κυβέρνηση των ΗΠΑ ενδιαφέρθηκε να εξασφαλίσει, στο πλαίσιο των διοµολογήσεων, τα δικαιώµατα των υπηκόων της που είχαν εγκατασταθεί σε οθωµανικά εδάφη. Και η Οθωµανική Αυτοκρατορία όµως επιδίωξε από τις αρχές του 19 ου αιώνα να καλλιεργήσει τις σχέσεις της µε τις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες ως αντίβαρο στις πιέσεις που της ασκούσαν οι δυτικοευρωπαϊκές δυνάµεις. Η την άποψη ότι "το µέλλον του κόσµου εξαρτάτο από την αγγλοαµερικανική συνεργασία" 1. Η αµερικανική κυβέρνηση ήταν διατεθειµένη να αναγνωρίσει τη βρετανική πρωτοκαθεδρία στην περιοχή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου στο βαθµό που εξασφαλίζονταν τα αµερικανικά εµπορικά και οικονοµικά συµφέροντα, συµπεριλαµβανοµένης της εξόρυξης πετρελαίου. Ο πρόεδρος Wilson ήταν δεδηλωµένος αγγλόφιλος. Εµπνεόταν από την βρετανική πολιτική παράδοση από την περίοδο της ακαδηµαϊκής του σταδιοδροµίας και πίστευε ότι η φιλελεύθερη δηµοκρατία ήταν κατεξοχήν αγγλοσαξονικό δηµιούργηµα 2. Η σκέψη του όµως είχε επηρεαστεί εξίσου από το κίνηµα του "κοινωνικού ευαγγελίου" (social gospel), της νοµιµοποίησης, µέσω της χριστιανικής διδασκαλίας, των αναγκαίων κοινωνικών µεταρρυθµίσεων υπέρ των κατωτέρων στρωµάτων 3. Για τον Wilson, σε αυτά τα συµφραζόµενα, το αποικιοκρατικό "χρέος του λευκού ανθρώπου" ερµηνευόταν ως η υποχρέωση της Βρετανίας και των Ηνωµένων Πολιτειών να διαπαιδαγωγήσουν πολιτικά τον κόσµο και να επιβάλουν την κατάργηση της µυστικής διπλωµατίας και την ηθική στο πλαίσιο των διεθνών σχέσεων. Ήλπιζε ότι στο εξής η διεθνής ισορροπία θα στηριζόταν στη συγκρότηση δηµοκρατικών εθνικών κρατών τις σχέσεις των οποίων θα ρύθµιζε η Κοινωνία των Εθνών 4. Μετά την ήττα της Γερµανίας κύριος αντίπαλος της «Οικουµένης» υπό αγγλοσαξονική καθοδήγηση που φιλοδοξούσαν να εγκαθιδρύσουν η Βρετανία και οι Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες αναδείχθηκε η Σοβιετική Ένωση. Επανέκαµψε έτσι µε νέο µανδύα ο φόβος του ρωσικού επεκτατισµού, ενισχυµένος από την κοινωνική απειλή που αποτελούσε ο κοµµουνισµός, όπως εκδηλωνόταν στις επαναστάσεις στη Γερµανία και την Ουγγαρία. Σύµφωνα µε τον Lloyd George "ο Μπολσεβικισµός είναι ηφαίστειον το οποίον εκπέµπει λάβαν, την οποίαν η Ευρώπη και η Αµερική έχουν καθήκον να εµποδίσουν του να κατακαύση τον λοιπόν κόσµον" 5. Ο προβληµατισµός αυτός επηρρέαζε και τη στάση των δύο χωρών για τη ρύθµιση µελλοντικού καθεστώτος των εδαφών της Οθωµανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. Μετά τη διάλυση της Αυτοκρατορίας η Ελλάδα και η Αρµενία, οι δύο χριστιανικές χώρες της περιοχής, θα αποτελούσαν τους πόλους ισορροπίας της νέας τάξης πραγµάτων στην περιοχή, ενώ το διεθνές κράτος των Στενών θα εξασφάλιζε την ελευθερία της ναυσιπλοΐας και θα ήλεγχε την
Yannis G.S. Papadopoulos, Profesor visitante en la Universidad de Brasilia (UnB). Doctor en historia por la Universidad Panteion de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas.
Thales Speroni, Investigador postdoctoral de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Doctor en sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) y por la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Plazo para envío de artículos: 30 de octubre de 2021 https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/obmigra_periplos/about/submissions
Desde el siglo XIX hasta el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, millones de europeos emigraron a América del Sur. Esa tendencia se ha mantenido en las décadas siguientes, pero, desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX, los países de América del Sur fueron progresivamente constituyéndose también como lugares de generación de emigrantes. Junto con los Estados Unidos, el continente europeo (en especial el sur de Europa) se ha convertido en un destino prioritario para los emigrantes sudamericanos. Muchos de ellos son descendientes de europeos que emigraron a finales de los siglos XIX y XX a América del Sur y que movilizaron ese "capital étnico" para facilitar su integración y adquisición de la ciudadanía en el país receptor. Los países europeos tendieron a adoptar un enfoque diferenciado hacia estos inmigrantes considerados más fácilmente asimilables, aunque en muchos casos han sido estigmatizados como “pseudoeuropeos”.
Este número temático tiene como objetivo discutir, desde miradas críticas, reflexivas e interdisciplinarias, las representaciones e implicaciones sociales de las circularidades transhistóricas entre las dos orillas del Atlántico. Este número está especialmente abierto a contribuciones que busquen analizar cómo se producen simultáneamente el pasado, el presente y el futuro de esas movilidades. El presupuesto teórico de este número temático es que el pasado recordado construye y está construido por el presente interpretado, así como por los futuros imaginados. Aunque varios académicos estudian la movilidad entre América del Sur hacia Europa, hasta ahora son escasos los estudios sobre los impactos de la migración transgeneracional en las sociedades de origen y destino.
Este número responde a la necesidad emergente del estudio de la movilidad transgeneracional y sus impactos en los discursos, actitudes y normativas vinculadas a la ciudadanía. En particular, se buscan perspectivas críticas e interdisciplinarias que analicen las movilidades transgeneracionales y transcontinentales entre la América del Sur y la Europa, y sus consecuencias para la definición de las bases raciales y étnicas de las concepciones de ciudadanía.
Este call for papers invita a que se presenten artículos que, desde diferentes perspectivas disciplinarias y objetos de análisis, aborden las interfaces entre el pasado, el presente y el futuro de las migraciones entre América del Sur y Europa. En particular, se incitan contribuciones que aborden los siguientes ejes:
Histórico: movilidad entre Europa y América del Sur e impacto en las sociedades emisoras y receptoras;
Crítico-normativo: las desigualdades e injusticias que marcan los puentes entre las formas de entendimiento y la construcción de políticas institucionales en el pasado y el presente de las movilidades entre Europa y América del Sur;
Legal: la evolución histórica de las políticas migratorias y la circularidad de los marcos normativos entre América del Sur y Europa;
Familiar y generacional: El papel y las implicaciones de la ascendencia europea para las inmigraciones sudamericanas en la Europa contemporánea;
Museológico: las formas en que los museos representan los vínculos entre el pasado, el presente y el futuro de las migraciones entre América del Sur y Europa;
Medios: los distintos modos en que los medios narran las migraciones pasadas y presentes entre los dos continentes;
Actitudinal: las posibles diferencias en las actitudes sociales en relación con las migraciones pasadas y presentes;
Ético-normativo: las implicaciones éticas y normativas de las circularidades transhistóricas entre América del Sur y Europa.
Estos temas son de orientación. Se pueden aceptar propuestas sobre otros temas y abordajes relacionados con el tópico del monográfico.
Autores(as) interesados(as) pueden enviar su propuesta de publicación para nuestro e-mail: periplosrism@gmail.com
Yannis G.S. Papadopoulos, Professor Visitante da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Doutor em História pela Universidade Panteion de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.
Thales Speroni, pesquisador de pós-doutorado na Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona (UAB). Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona (UAB) e pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Prazo para submissão de artigos: 30 de outubro de 2021 https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/obmigra_periplos/about/submissions
Do século 19 até o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial, milhões de europeus emigraram para a América do Sul. Essa tendência se manteve nas décadas seguintes, mas, desde as últimas décadas do século 20, os países da América do Sul progressivamente se firmaram como locais de geração de imigrantes. Junto com os Estados Unidos, o continente europeu (especialmente o sul da Europa) tornou-se um destino prioritário para os emigrantes sul-americanos. Muitos deles são descendentes de europeus que emigraram para a América do Sul no final dos séculos XIX e XX e que mobilizaram este “capital étnico” para facilitar a sua integração e aquisição da cidadania no país de acolhimento. Os países europeus tenderam a adotar uma abordagem diferenciada em relação a esses imigrantes considerados mais facilmente assimiláveis, embora em muitos casos tenham sido estigmatizados como “pseudo-europeus”.
Este número temático pretende discutir, a partir de perspectivas críticas, reflexivas e interdisciplinares, as representações e implicações sociais das circularidades trans-históricas entre as duas margens do Atlântico. Este número está especialmente aberto a contribuições que busquem analisar como o passado, o presente e o futuro dessas mobilidades ocorrem simultaneamente. O pressuposto teórico deste número temático é que o passado lembrado se constrói e é construído pelo presente interpretado, bem como pelos futuros imaginados. Embora vários acadêmicos estudem a mobilidade entre a América do Sul e a Europa, até o momento são poucos os estudos sobre os impactos da migração transgeracional nas sociedades de origem e destino.
Esta questão responde à necessidade emergente de estudar a mobilidade transgeracional e seus impactos nos discursos, atitudes e regulamentações relacionadas à cidadania. Em particular, buscam-se perspectivas críticas e interdisciplinares que analisam as mobilidades transgeracionais e transcontinentais entre a América do Sul e a Europa e suas consequências para a definição das bases raciais e étnicas das concepções de cidadania.
Esta chamada de artigos convida à submissão de artigos que, a partir de diferentes perspectivas disciplinares e objetos de análise, abordem as interfaces entre o passado, o presente e o futuro das migrações entre a América do Sul e a Europa. Em particular, são incentivadas contribuições que abordem os seguintes eixos:
Histórico: mobilidade entre a Europa e a América do Sul e impacto nas sociedades de envio e recebimento;
Crítico-normativo: as desigualdades e injustiças que marcam as pontes entre as formas de compreensão e de construção de políticas institucionais no passado e no presente da mobilidade entre a Europa e a América do Sul;
Jurídico: a evolução histórica das políticas migratórias e a circularidade dos marcos regulatórios entre a América do Sul e a Europa;
Família e geração: o papel e as implicações da ancestralidade europeia para os imigrantes sul-americanos na Europa contemporânea;
Museológico: as formas como os museus representam as ligações entre o passado, o presente e o futuro das migrações entre a América do Sul e a Europa;
Meios de comunicação: as diferentes formas como os meios de comunicação narram as migrações passadas e presentes entre os dois continentes;
Atitudinal: possíveis diferenças nas atitudes sociais em relação às migrações passadas e presentes;
Ético-normativo: as implicações éticas e normativas das circularidades trans-históricas entre a América do Sul e a Europa.
Esses tópicos são para orientação. Podem ser aceitas propostas sobre outros tópicos e abordagens relacionadas ao tema da monografia.
Autores(as) interessados(as) podem enviar a proposta de publicação para nosso e-mail: periplosrism@gmail.com
Historika, 2021
The article examines the relation of Greek-American organizations and the Archdiocese of North an... more The article examines the relation of Greek-American organizations and the Archdiocese of North and South America with the US government and the regime of the colonels. At the same time, it presents the organization of the resistance by immigrants against the junta and the controversies caused by the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. The Greek lobby, contrary to what is believed, was the result of a conflict and not a united stance within the Greek-American community.
Ser Social, 2020
This article critically assesses the reception policies for asylum seekers in Greece. We will exa... more This article critically assesses the reception policies for asylum seekers in Greece. We will examine the activity of international / intergovernmental organizations that were in charge of managing refugee flows during the Post-WWII period and the characteristics of the European Union (EU) immigration policy. It is based on the premise that the reception of refugees by the EU over time does not contribute to their social integration; on the contrary, inadequate reception conditions serve to repel and dissuade them from entering European territory. The reception policies implemented in Greece are examples of these guidelines and objectives.
Postcolonialism Cross-Examined Multidirectional Perspectives on Imperial and Colonial Pasts and the Neocolonial Present, 2019
During the 1960s Greek films started to deal with the trauma of Anatolian refugees, and after 197... more During the 1960s Greek films started to deal with the trauma of Anatolian refugees, and after 1974 several television series, based mainly on novels written by refugee authors, introduced to the broader Greek public the life of Greek Orthodox populations during the last years of the Ottoman Empire, including the atrocities they endured and their difficult period of resettlement in Greece. Between 2004 and 2008, the film director Kostas Koutsomytis adapted for television three novels dealing with life in Anatolia during the early twentieth century, with a nostalgic gaze on an era of harmonious ethnic cohabitation that was shattered by nationalism and foreign intervention. These TV series aired during the first decade of the twenty-first century, reflecting the Greco-Turkish rapprochement but also an idealization of the Ottoman "Belle Epoque" era, contributed to the shaping of public attitudes towards the Turks and the modifying of long-standing stereotypes.
Memory and Postcolonial Studies Synergies and New Directions, 2019
This chapter discusses the construction of a 'shared memory' of the late Ottoman years and the Gr... more This chapter discusses the construction of a 'shared memory' of the late Ottoman years and the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-22 in Greece, focusing on Public TV series produced in Greece during the last quarter of the twentieth century. These series show traces of the gradual recognition of the refugee trauma and the contribution of Anatolian Greeks to modern Greek culture. Without necessarily contesting pre-existing stereotypes, cultural products dealing with these memory themes served as a means of integrating both the Anatolian Greek and the Ottoman, Turkish "other" into popular culture and everyday life.
This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlyin... more This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlying the notion of international “migration management” by tracing the establishment and the activities of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) in the early Cold War era. The ICEM was renamed the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 1989, after having been gradually transformed into one of the main “migration management” bodies in the world. The studies comprising the volume explore the historical processes and the ideological premises that led to a comparatively high degree of intergovernmental cooperation and to a coordinated approach to the regulation of European population outflows in the post-World War II era, and investigate how migration regulation was conceived in the past and how it was actually implemented. They focus on the initial years of the ICEM’s history, mainly the 1950s, during which the organization galvanized its constitution, its strategies and policies and arranged for the resettlement of almost one million Europeans in overseas countries. They analyze the specificity of the processes leading to the establishment of international organizations in the immediate post-war period: highly dependent on the salience of nation-states, yet partly inspired by and requesting transnational political, social and cultural agency and knowledge.
This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlyin... more This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlying the notion of international “migration management” by tracing the establishment and the activities of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) in the early Cold War era. The ICEM was renamed the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 1989, after having been gradually transformed into one of the main “migration management” bodies in the world. The studies comprising the volume explore the historical processes and the ideological premises that led to a comparatively high degree of intergovernmental cooperation and to a coordinated approach to the regulation of European population outflows in the post-World War II era, and investigate how migration regulation was conceived in the past and how it was actually implemented. They focus on the initial years of the ICEM’s history, mainly the 1950s, during which the organization galvanized its constitution, its strategies and policies and arranged for the resettlement of almost one million Europeans in overseas countries. They analyze the specificity of the processes leading to the establishment of international organizations in the immediate post-war period: highly dependent on the salience of nation-states, yet partly inspired by and requesting transnational political, social and cultural agency and knowledge.
The article examines the diversified agendas of different social groups in the Greek-American com... more The article examines the diversified agendas of different social groups in the Greek-American community after the end of WWI, along with the integration of Greek immigrants during the Interwar Period, with particular emphasis on the formation of intercultural associations and the immigrants’ growing participation in the political life of the USA.
This book explores the linkages between Southern Europe and South America in the post-World War I... more This book explores the linkages between Southern Europe and South America in the post-World War II period, through organized migration and development policies. In the postwar period, regulated migration was widely considered in the West as a route to development and modernization. Southern European and Latin American countries shared this hegemonic view and adopted similar policies, strategies, and patterns, which also served to promote their integration into the Western bloc. This book showcases how overpopulated Southern European countries viewed emigration as a solution for high unemployment and poverty, whereas huge and underpopulated South American developing countries such as Brazil and Argentina looked at skilled European immigrants as a solution to their deficiencies in qualified human resources. By investigating the transnational dynamics, range, and limitations of the ensuing migration flows between Southern Europe and Southern America during the 1950s and 1960s, this book sheds light on post-World War II migration-development nexus strategies and their impact in the peripheral areas of the Western bloc. Whereas many migration studies focus on single countries, the impressive scope of this book will make it an invaluable resource for researchers of the history of migration, development, international relations, as well as Southern Europe and South America.
This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlyin... more This collective volume examines the emergence of the policies, practices and discourses underlying the notion of international “migration management” by tracing the establishment and the activities of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) in the early Cold War era. The ICEM was renamed the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 1989, after having been gradually transformed into one of the main “migration management” bodies in the world. The studies comprising the volume explore the historical processes and the ideological premises that led to a comparatively high degree of intergovernmental cooperation and to a coordinated approach to the regulation of European population outflows in the period following the Second World War, and investigate how migration regulation was conceived in the past and how it was actually implemented. They focus on the initial years of the ICEM’s history, mainly the 1950s, during which the organization galvanized its constitution, its strategies and policies, and arranged for the resettlement of almost one million Europeans in overseas countries. They analyze the specificity of the processes leading to the establishment of international organizations in the immediate postwar period—highly dependent on the salience of nation-states, yet partly inspired by and requesting transnational political, social and cultural agency and knowledge.
During the 1950s the governments of countries in the periphery of the so-called “Free World”, eit... more During the 1950s the governments of countries in the periphery of the so-called “Free World”, either democratic or authoritarian, set as a priority the “modernization” of their societies since underdevelopment was considered as a source of social and political instability.
In this context migration policies that promoted either emigration or immigration became important part of the development strategies in sending and receiving countries respectively. The huge and under populated South American developing countries such as Brazil and Argentina looked at skilled European immigrants as a solution to their deficiencies in qualified human resources whereas overpopulated Southern European countries tried to get rid of their population “surplus” which was considered as a main factor for high unemployment, poverty and underdevelopment.
The conference aims at problematizing the connection between migration policies and strategies of development in the periphery of the “Western World” in the early post-WWII period.
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../reg.../WN_kEVmDfE3RwCJ2KdJMMKtOA
Programme: https://fromsouthtosouth.eu/en/stories/34/