Petar Gabrić | Phillips-Universität Marburg (original) (raw)

Journal Articles by Petar Gabrić

Research paper thumbnail of Corrigendum: Differentiation between agents and patients in the putative two-word stage of language evolution

Frontiers in Psychology, Jan 17, 2022

[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.684022]

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Research paper thumbnail of Overlooked evidence for semantic compositionality and signal reduction in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

Animal Cognition, Nov 25, 2021

Recent discoveries of semantic compositionality in Japanese tits have enlivened the discussions o... more Recent discoveries of semantic compositionality in Japanese tits have enlivened the discussions on the presence of this phenomenon in wild animal communication. Data on semantic compositionality in wild apes are lacking, even though language experiments with captive apes have demonstrated they are capable of semantic compositionality. In this paper, I revisit the study by Boesch (Hum. Evol. 6:81–89, 1991) who investigated drumming sequences by an alpha male in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) community in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. A reanalysis of the data reveals that the alpha male produced semantically compositional combined messages of travel direction change and resting period initiation. Unlike the Japanese tits, the elements of the compositional expression were not simply juxtaposed but displayed structural reduction, while one of the two elements in the expression coded the meanings of both elements. These processes show relative resemblance to blending and fusion in human languages. Also unlike the tits, the elements of the compositional expression did not have a fixed order, although there was a fixed distribution of drumming events across the trees used for drumming. Because the elements of the expression appear to carry verb-like meanings, the compositional expression also resembles simple verb-verb constructions and short paratactic combinations of two clauses found across languages. In conclusion, the reanalysis suggests that semantic compositionality and phenomena resembling paratactic combinations of two clauses might have been present in the communication of the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans, not necessarily in the vocal modality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semantic fluency reveals reduced functional connectivity between subcategorical co-hyponyms in recent-onset inpatients with first-episode psychosis

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics (accepted), Aug 2021

Data on clustering and switching during semantic fluency (SF) in patients with first-episode psyc... more Data on clustering and switching during semantic fluency (SF) in patients with first-episode psychosis (PwFEP) are scant. We aimed to investigate (1) clustering and switching on SF in PwFEP using more detailed clustering analyses and (2) the possibility of disproportionate clustering deficits across different SF tasks in PwFEP and healthy subjects (HS), with the latter being suggested by the current literature on patients with schizophrenia. We recruited 22 Croatian-speaking PwFEP with schizophrenia features or symptoms and 22 HS matched in age, sex distribution, and handedness. All patients were medicated and had a mean illness duration of 1 month. The categories animals, trees, vegetables, fruits, and musical instruments were administered for SF. PwFEP produced significantly fewer correct words in the aggregate score, as well as across all categories. The switching rate was significantly higher in PwFEP, but no post hoc comparisons were significant. PwFEP also produced significantly smaller clusters, yet the post hoc comparisons for the tree and fruit task were not significant. A higher switching rate and smaller clusters indicate less efficient functional connectivity within subcategories of the given categories, but not necessarily between the subcategories. Although both less likely to produce a cluster once a switch has been uttered and less likely to produce clusters larger than two words compared to HS, the latter deficit was more pronounced. Our results further suggest that PwFEP might show normal clustering performance on some SF tasks. We discuss the results in the context of the hypothesis of semantic hyperactivation in psychoses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation between agents and patients in the putative two-word stage of language evolution

Frontiers in Psychology, Aug 11, 2021

Several scholars have proposed that there was a two-word stage in the course of language evolutio... more Several scholars have proposed that there was a two-word stage in the course of language evolution, in which utterances could not combine more than two words. These models agree that the putative two-word stage did not exhibit syntax. However, they disagree on whether or not there existed rules for inferring the semantic relationship between the two words expressing a compositional proposition. Focusing on semantically transitive events, I combine in the present paper language evolution models with previous empirical studies in linguistics to argue that the two-word stage was indeed governed by rules for inferring the compositional meaning of the utterance, in that (1) words were either associated with fixed (“predetermined”) semantic roles (i.e., agent, patient, predicate) or (2) there was a fixed order of semantic roles and the same words could be assigned different semantic roles in different utterances. Given the proposed existence of rules for producing and interpreting semantically compositional messages, it would appear that the putative two-word stage of language evolution did in fact exhibit syntax.

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Research paper thumbnail of Book review: Neanderthal Language: Demystifying the Linguistic Powers of Our Extinct Cousins

Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 702361, May 28, 2021

Recently, we have witnessed an explosion of studies and discussions claiming that Neanderthals en... more Recently, we have witnessed an explosion of studies and discussions claiming that Neanderthals engaged in a range of “symbolic” behaviors, including personal ornament use (Radovčić et al. 2015), funerary practices (Balzeau et al. 2020), visual arts (Hoffmann et al. 2018), body aesthetics (Roebroeks et al. 2012), etc. In Paleolithic archaeology, it has become mainstream to axiomatically infer from these putative behaviors that Neanderthals engaged in symbol use and that Neanderthals thus possessed some form of language. Rudolf Botha’s bombastic title "Neanderthal Language: Demystifying the Linguistic Powers of Our Extinct Cousins" provides a detailed and very critical overview of the archaeological hypotheses and speculations about Neanderthal language.

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Research paper thumbnail of Konferencija: Cognitive Science

Društvena istraživanja: Journal for General Social Issues, Jun 2019

Konferencija "Cognitive Science" održala se na Institutu "Jožef Stefan" u Ljubljani 11. listopada... more Konferencija "Cognitive Science" održala se na Institutu "Jožef Stefan" u Ljubljani 11. listopada 2018. u sklopu 21. Međunarodne multikonferencije "Information Society". Konferenciju "Cognitive Science" organiziralo je Slovensko društvo za kognitivnu znanost. Cilj konferencije bio je povezati stručnjake iz raznih disciplina koje se bave kognicijom te omogućiti razmjenu raznolikih i izazovnih ideja.

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparative and diachronic analysis of film title translations and appellative effect transfer into Croatian and German

Hieronymus: Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology, Dec 2017

Studies of film title translations remain scant to this day. The existing studies mainly focus on... more Studies of film title translations remain scant to this day. The existing studies mainly focus on investigating the sources of difficulties during the translation process. Although the studies employ different analytical approaches, the conclusion in almost all investigations is that the decisive objective during the translation process is the transfer or production of the appellative effect. This study investigates which strategies are employed during translation into Croatian and German and why, as well as possible diachronic changes in the choice of translation strategies. We created a corpus of 935 film titles from 1923 to 2017 and their translations into Croatian and German, which we first classified as direct translation, free translation, transcreation or transcription, and finally we quantitatively and qualitatively analysed the data. Our results show considerable differences between the two subcorpora in the choice of translation strategies and motivation, as well as in the patterns of diachronic change. Furthermore, correlations with specific cultural-historical processes are observed.

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Chapters by Petar Gabrić

Research paper thumbnail of Category fluency in Croatian-speaking patients with first-episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms

Language and Mind: Proceedings from the 32nd International Conference of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society, May 29, 2020

Despite extensive research, the picture of lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia remains to ... more Despite extensive research, the picture of lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia remains to be illuminated. Furthermore, research in first-episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms is lacking. By using the verbal fluency paradigm, it has recently been proposed that lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia might be caused by increased neural noise, resulting in stronger competition during lexical selection. The study recruited 22 first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients diagnosed with an acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder or acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia according to ICD-10 criteria and 22 matched control subjects. Subjects were administered the category fluency task using two lexical-semantic categories: animals and trees. We hypothesized that (1) the patients would produce significantly fewer clustered words and significantly smaller clusters compared to control subjects and that (2) the patients would have a significantly higher switching score compared to control subjects. Our hypotheses were confirmed only in the animal fluency task, while no differences were observed in tree fluency. Our results indicate that there are disproportionate deficits in the animal and tree fluency tasks. FEP patients produced significantly fewer clustered words and significantly smaller clusters while also having a significantly higher switching score compared to HS in animal fluency, implying that FEP patients had difficulties in maintaining attention to a particular lexical-semantic subcategory. Furthermore, our results suggest that neural noise possibly depends on the automaticity of links between concepts in the given lexical-semantic category. Our results also show that FEP patients display dysfunctional connectivity in the mental lexicon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Etika u arheologiji – od arheološkog iskopavanja do muzejskog izloška

Filozofija i znanost: zbornik radova s međunarodnog studentskog simpozija Udruženja studenata filozofije u Zagrebu, 15. i 16. svibnja 2014. godine, Dec 2014

Kulturna baština jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata suvremenoga društva. Upravo je arheologija kao ... more Kulturna baština jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata suvremenoga društva. Upravo je arheologija kao znanost bitan čimbenik koji iskopani arheološki nalaz analizom, interpretacijom i prezentacijom oblikuje u ono što će se u budućnosti zvati kulturnom baštinom. Međutim, na putu nalaza od iskopavanja do muzejskoga predstavljanja arheolozi i srodni stručnjaci nailaze na mnoge etičke dileme.
Etika u arheologiji jest tema koja se pojavila relativno kasno i to tek u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća zbog političkih i povijesnih prilika, ali i novih dostignuća u znanstvenoj metodologiji nakon 1950-ih godina. Arheologija se bavi istraživanjem prošlosti. Nakon pitanja kako i kada je određena zajednica živjela, postavlja se pitanje zašto bi se arheološka istraživanja uopće trebala provoditi. Koja je svrha arheologije i poznavanja prošlosti kada prošlost ima drugačije značenje za arheologa i običnoga čovjeka kao u slučaju Aboridžina i paleolitičkoga špiljskog slikarstva u Arnhem Landu? To su osnovna moralna pitanja s kojima se susreće teorijska arheologija. U praksi arheolog nailazi i na mnoga druga pitanja. Najprije je u pitanju arheolog koji već samim iskopavanjem uništava i Zemljinu površinu i često nečije privatno vlasništvo. Nadalje, arheolog mora pokazati odgovornost pri postupanju s posthumnim ostacima čiji se dijelovi nakon analiza iz određenih razloga uništavaju. Treba imati na umu da su ti osteološki nalazi posmrtni ostaci nečijega pretka. Slično ovome problemu, predstavljaju i etnoarheološka istraživanja kojima je cilj proučavanje života postojećih zajednica da bi se rekonstruirao život zajednica u daljoj prošlosti. Takva istraživanja ugrožavaju privatnost članova tih zajednica, a da kao takva gotovo nikada ne daju pouzdane i egzaktne rezultate. S druge strane, nisu samo arheolozi oni koji svojim lošim moralnim prosudbama mogu negativno utjecati na arheološku baštinu. Namjerno uništavanje kulturnih spomenika kao čin religijskoga ekstremizma, upotreba arheologije u političke svrhe kao u imenu i za zastavu države bivše jugoslavenske Republike Makedonije, ali i muzejske zbirke utemeljene na ukradenim nalazima poput zbirke British Museuma samo su dio suvremenih moralnih rasprava u okviru arheologije.

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Conference Proceedings Papers by Petar Gabrić

Research paper thumbnail of Palaeolithic toolmaking and the evolution of cognition and language

This paper reviews in short the current research on the hypothesis of coevolution between Palaeol... more This paper reviews in short the current research on the hypothesis of coevolution between Palaeolithic stone tool manufacture on one side, and cognition and specifically language on the other. Of particular interest are behavioral and neuroimaging studies.

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Published Conference Abstracts by Petar Gabrić

Research paper thumbnail of Wortflüssigkeitsleistungen bei Personen mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen

Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie (Journal of Neuropsychology) 31(3): 185–186, Sep 1, 2020

Reduzierte Leistungen der Wortflüssigkeit (WF) sind bei vielen psychiatrischen Populationen, wie ... more Reduzierte Leistungen der Wortflüssigkeit (WF) sind bei vielen psychiatrischen Populationen, wie Personen mit Schizophrenie (Berberian et al., 2016), Depression (Henry & Crawford, 2005) oder auch bipolarer Erkrankung (Raucher-Chéné et al., 2017), belegt. Weiterhin werden diese Defizite in Verbindung mit störungsübergreifenden Symptomen, wie der positiven (z. B. assoziative Auflockerung) und der negativen formalen Denkstörung (z. B. Spracharmut), gebracht (Docherty et al., 2011; Rosenkranz et al., 2019). Viele Studien berichten ausschließlich die semantische WF und lediglich die Gesamtzahl der korrekten Wörter. Rückschlüsse auf eine Ursache der Defizite sind dann nur eingeschränkt möglich. Ergänzende Analysen, wie die Auswertung von Fehlern, der generierten Unterkategorien (Cluster) und deren Wechsel könnten Hinweise auf spezifische lexikalisch-semantische Defizite liefern. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die WF bei Personen mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen und setzt sie in Relation zu störungsübergreifenden Symptomen sowie weiteren kognitiven Leistungen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Did early Homo have language? Neurocognition behind stone toolmaking

9th NeuRi Student Congress of Neuroscience. Abstract Book, Apr 2019

Recently, considerable interest for language evolution has arisen. Many researchers believe that ... more Recently, considerable interest for language evolution has arisen. Many researchers believe that language evolved via exaptation of domain-general cognitive systems such as long-term memory, visuospatial processing and executive functioning. Therefore, many studies on language evolution have focused on determining when specific cognitive functions, which might have supported language, developed. One approach in this area has been to establish the neurocognitive and neural correlates of specific behaviours during the Palaeolithic period (from ~3.3 mya to ~10 kya). The focus has been on stone-toolmaking-related behaviours because of the higher preservation of stone in the archaeological record compared to other materials. The earliest stone industry is the pre-Homo Lomekwian. It has been hypothesized based on experimental replication of the knapping process that the Lomekwian findings are suggestive of lesser functional lateralization of the motoric and prefrontal cortex compared to modern humans. The next stone industry – the Oldowan –, typically associated with Homo habilis, has been linked to more complex subsistence strategies and social behaviours. Neuroimaging studies have shown that Oldowan toolmaking predominantly involves frontoparietal sensorimotor areas and the cerebellum, which is why this industry has been described as cognitively relatively „ape-like“. The following industry, the Acheulean, taxonomically linked to Homo erectus and chronologically coinciding with significant brain enlargements in our genus, is believed to be more demanding in hierarchical and sequential action processing compared to earlier technologies. Additionally, neuroimaging studies have shown higher activation of the right Broca's area and temporal cortici during Acheulean compared to Oldowan toolmaking. Recently, a study by our lab comparing sidescraper manufacture, associated with Homo heidelbergensis and Neanderthals, and Oldowan toolmaking has found higher involvement of visuospatial and executive functions in the former task. While it is hard to generalize based on this data, we will suggest some implications for the existence of language in early Homo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic stone toolmaking and language: a preliminary experimental archaeological and psycholinguistic study

6th International Scientific Conference "Methodology and Archaeometry", 2018

Many authors suggest that there is a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone tool... more Many authors suggest that there is a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone toolmaking and language. This assumption is, firstly, supported by experimental studies showing positive effects of verbal compared to non-verbal demonstration during stone toolmaking acquisition in present-day humans. Secondly, it is backed by neurophysiological studies which demonstrate that both toolmaking and language activate overlapping brain regions and that they exhibit similar hemodynamic lateralization patterns in present-day humans. These studies have mainly been focused on Oldowan flaking and Acheulean handaxe manufacture. Studies on the effects of the verbal and non-verbal transmission modes currently suggest that both Oldowan and Acheulean acquisition are facilitated by non-linguistic gestures rather than purely spoken language. Furthermore, neuroimaging studies have found that the prefrontal cortex, an area typically associated with executive functioning, and the temporal cortex are activated more during Acheulean compared to Oldowan tasks. We recruited twelve Croatian-speaking subjects with no prior experience in knapping. Subjects were taught the Oldowan chopper and Mousterian sidescraper manufacture in a verbal teaching and non-verbal basic teaching condition. Tool quality was assessed by measurements of various physical attributes and a subjective evaluation by two assessors on a 5-point scale. Subjects were also tested on a neuropsychological battery assessing visual attention, verbal working memory, visuospatial processing, planning, cognitive flexibility, general executive functioning and lexical-semantic processing. We hypothesize that there will be no significant differences between the verbal and non-verbal groups in the chopper manufacture task, and that the verbal group will perform significantly better compared to the non-verbal group in the sidescraper manufacture task. Additionally, we hypothesize that chopper manufacture will be significantly positively correlated only with the visual processing tasks, while sidescraper manufacture will also be significantly positively correlated with the prefrontal functioning tasks. The obtained results will be interpreted within the framework of current evolutionary and cognitive theories.

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Research paper thumbnail of Što nam semantička fluentnost može reći o semantičkoj hiperaktivaciji u psihozama i shizofreniji? = What can semantic fluency tell us about semantic hyperactivation in psychoses and schizophrenia?

Međunarodni transdisciplinarni simpozij “Bioetika i aporije psihe” = 2nd International Transdisciplinary Symposium “Bioethics and Aporia of Psyche”, Nov 2018

Jedna od relevantnih teorija koja nastoji objasniti leksičko-semantičke deficite u shizofreniji j... more Jedna od relevantnih teorija koja nastoji objasniti leksičko-semantičke deficite u shizofreniji jest teorija šireće aktivacije koja pretpostavlja da u shizofreniji pri pristupu leksičkom pamćenju dolazi do hiperaktivacije dijelova semantičkog pamćenja s kojima je povezan podražaj. U ovom ću izlaganju pri-kazat kako se s pomoću analize klasteriranja i izmjenjivanja u semantičkoj flu-entnosti može testirati teorija šireće aktivacije u shizofreniji. Budući da analiza klasteriranja i izmjenjivanja daje informacije o tome koliko dugo ispitanici zadržavaju pažnju na neposrednoj semantičkoj okolini prethodno aktivirane riječi, na temelju toga možemo pretpostavljati je li semantička aktivacija šira kod pacijenata u usporedbi sa zdravima. Istraživanje predstavlja dio projek-ta »Klinička lingvistika: psiholingvistički parametri u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi i izvršnim funkcijama kod osoba oboljelih od shizofrenije« u sklopu kratkoročne potpore Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (voditeljica: Vlasta Erdeljac).
A relevant theory aiming to explain lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia is the far-spreading activation theory. The theory assumes that during lexical access in schizophrenia there is hyperactivation of those parts of the semantic memory which are somehow connected with the stimulus. In this presentation, I will show how we can use clustering and switching analysis of semantic fluency output to test the far-spreading activation theory. Because the clustering and switching analysis tell us how much the subjects maintained their attention to the direct semantic environment, from the analysis, we can assume whether schizophrenia patients demonstrate wider semantic activation compared to healthy subjects or not. This research was supported by a grant for the project “Clinical Linguistics: psycholinguistic parameters in lexical-semantic processing and executive functioning in schizophrenia patients” from the University of Zagreb (project head: Vlasta Erdeljac).

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza produkcije klastera u testu kategorijske fluentnosti kod pacijenata s prvom epizodom shizofrenije = Analysis of cluster production in a category fluency test in first-episode schizophrenia patients

Jezik i um. Knjiga sažetaka = Language and Mind. Book of Abstracts, May 2018

Shizofrenija je kronična psihička bolest koju karakteriziraju deluzije, halucinacije, afektivni d... more Shizofrenija je kronična psihička bolest koju karakteriziraju deluzije, halucinacije, afektivni deficiti, katatonija te formalni poremećaj mišljenja. Formalni poremećaj mišljenja očituje se kao nekoherentan govor koji sadrži nejasno povezane asocijacije. Mnogi autori na temelju leksičko-semantičkih testova pretpostavljaju da se specifični simptomi shizofrenije mogu objasniti deficitima u leksičko- semantičkoj obradi. Pacijenti oboljeli od prve epizode shizofrenije također pokazuju slabije rezultate na svim leksičko-semantičkim testovima u usporedbi s kontrolnim skupinama, no nešto bolje u usporedbi s kroničnim pacijentima. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti deficite u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi kod pacijenata oboljelih od prve epizode shizofrenije te usporediti rezultate ove studije s rezultatima studija s kroničnim pacijentima oboljelih od shizofrenije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo dvadeset pacijenata Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče s prvom epizodom shizofrenije i dvadeset kontrolnih ispitanika. U studiji je korišten test kategorijske fluentnosti u kojem su ispitanici trebali nabrajati članove zadane leksičko-semantičke kategorije u jednoj minuti. Pretpostavke su da će pacijenti pokazati kvantitativne i kvalitativne razlike u odgovorima i klasterima u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Budući da su mnoge studije leksičko semantičke obrade u shizofreniji ukazale na deficite u obradi kategorijskih odnosa, smatra se da su deficiti u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi rezultat promjena u pristupu tom dijelu leksičko-semantičkog sustava ili u samom sustavu. Novije studije kategorijske fluentnosti kvalitativno analiziraju odgovore tražeći nizove odgovora koji se mogu semantički povezati. Smatra se da takvi klasteri odražavaju kognitivne mehanizme pretraživanja mentalnog leksikona te se povezuju s leksičko-semantičkom obradom. U analizi ovog istraživanja kvantitativno je analiziran omjer ispravnih te neispravnih odgovora koje su činili nečlanovi zadane kategorije i perseveracije. Klaster je analiziran kao niz od barem dvaju semantički povezanih pojmova dok se samostalni pojmovi nisu određivali kao klaster. Time je opisan odnos ukupnog broja produciranih pojmova, broja klastera i broja pojmova u klasteru kako bi se utvrdio stupanj deficita u pretraživanju s pomoću mehanizma klastera u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati analizirani su i interpretirani u skladu s aktualnim psiholingvističkim i kognitivnoneuroznanstvenim teorijama. Procjena specifičnih jezičnih poremećaja leksičko-semantičkog sustava može dati značajan doprinos kliničkoj dijagnostici.

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Research paper thumbnail of Važnost lingvističkih istraživanja leksičko-semantičke obrade u shizofreniji = Importance of linguistic research on lexic and semantic processing in schizophrenia

1. Međunarodni transdisciplinarni simpozij “Bioetika i aporije psihe” = 1st International Transdisciplinary Symposium “Bioethics and Aporia of Mind", Nov 2017

Shizofrenija je psihički poremećaj koji pogađa oko 1 % ljudske populacije. Uz deluzije i halucina... more Shizofrenija je psihički poremećaj koji pogađa oko 1 % ljudske populacije. Uz deluzije i halucinacije kao često navođene simptome od začetaka istraživanja početkom 20. stoljeća ističe se nekoherentan govor pun nejasno povezanim asocijacijama koji se povezuje s formalnim poremećajem mišljenja. Stoga su jezična testiranja rano imala znatnu ulogu. Lingvistička istraživanja u shizofreniji vršila su se na razini riječi, rečenice i diskursa, a najčešće su služila u interpretaciji leksičko-semantičke obrade s ciljem razjašnjenja vidljivih komunikacijskih poteškoća. Unatoč opstojnosti lingvističkih istraživanja njihova je primjena u kliničkoj dijagnostici skromna, no s izrazitim potencijalom. U izlaganju ćemo se osvrnuti i na nužnost interdisciplinarnosti te ukratko predstaviti istraživanja lingvističkog laboratorija Odsjeka za lingvistiku FFZG-a. S obzirom na filozofski karakter Simpozija tematizirat će se i shizofrenija kao specifično ljudski fenomen.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that afflicts around 1% of the human population. Along with delusions and hallucinations as the frequently cited symptoms since the beginnings of the research in the early 20th century, there is also emphasized the incoherent speech full of vaguely related associations which is linked to the formal thought disorder. Therefore, language testing had a significant role early on. Linguistic research in schizophrenia was conducted on the level of words, sentences, and discourse. It mainly served in the inter­pretations of the lexical semantic processing with the goal of clarifying the app­arent communication difficulties. Despite the survival of linguistic research, its application in clinical diagnostics is modest but it has great potential. In the presentation, we will also touch upon the necessity of interdisciplinarity, and briefly present the research of the linguistic laboratory of the Department of Linguistic at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb. Considering the philosophical character of the symposium, schizo­phrenia will also be thematised as a specifically human phenomenon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lingvistika i slobodna volja: u kojoj je mjeri jezik arbitraran?

Identitet slobode, sloboda identiteta. 3. regionalni studentski simpozij, Split, 6.-7. listopada 2016., Oct 2016

Jezik se smatra specifičnim komunikacijskim sustavom čovjeka. Danas se jednom od glavnih odlika j... more Jezik se smatra specifičnim komunikacijskim sustavom čovjeka. Danas se jednom od glavnih odlika jezika smatra arbitrarnost koju je jedan od utemeljitelja moderne lingvistike Ferdinand de Saussure definirao otprilike kao proizvoljan odnos između izraza riječi i njezinog značenja. Prema principu arbitrarnosti, dakle, svaka je riječ mogla glasiti drugačije. Nasuprot principu arbitrarnosti nalazi se lingvistički naturalizam koji traži logičnu vezu između jezičnih znakova i pojava koje oni predstavljaju. Ta se dihotomija može povezati s dvama filozofskim konceptima slobodne volje i determinizma koji ovisno o definiciji nalažu da čovjek djeluje svojim slobodnim odabirom odnosno da su sadašnji događaji nužan rezultat prošlih bez mogućnosti biranja. Budući da princip arbitrarnosti omogućuje gotovo neograničeno mnogo raspleta pri imenovanju pojava, konceptualno je sličan slobodnoj volji. Međutim, indijski neuroznanstvenik Vilayanur S. Ramachandran je 2001. proveo psiholingvistički eksperiment na temelju čijih je rezultata zaključio da mozak neproizvoljno povezuje određene glasove s određenim oblicima. Ispitanici u eksperimentu, govornici engleskog i tamilskog, morali su imenovati dva oblika, šiljasti i obli, a mogući izrazi za imenovanje bili su kiki i bouba. Oko 95% ispitanika je izraz kiki povezalo sa šiljastim oblikom, a bouba s oblim. Ramachandran je pretpostavio da taj tzv. učinak kiki/bouba implicira da imenovanje u jeziku nije u potpunosti arbitrarno s obzirom da, u ovom slučaju, mozak određenim glasovima i oblicima dodijeljuje apstraktna značenja. Iako je učinak kiki/bouba repliciran u mnogim studijama, nisu jasni njegovi uzroci i implikacije, no budući da predstavlja most između lingvistike i teorije slobodne volje, daljnja bi istraživanja dala uvid ne samo u teoriju jezika i njegovo porijeklo, već i u općenite mogućnosti čovjekovog djelovanja.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sinteza globalnih problema financiranja obrazovnog sustava i njihova veza sa siromaštvom = Synthesis of the global problems in education financing and their relationship with poverty

14. Lošinjski dani bioetike = 14th Lošinj Days of Bioethics, May 2015

Izlaganje je usmjereno na razmatranje nekih načina i problema finan-ciranja obrazovanja u zemljam... more Izlaganje je usmjereno na razmatranje nekih načina i problema finan-ciranja obrazovanja u zemljama u razvoju koje provode reforme obrazova-nja. Budući da postoji opća suglasnost o važnosti ulaganja u ljudski kapital kao jedan od nacionalnih resursa, nastoji se pokazati da dio novca nami-jenjen obrazovanju odlazi u druge sektore. Zbog nedostatka financijskih sredstava, kvaliteta nastave često je upitna, a vidljivo je i odustajanje su-dionica i sudionika već tijekom primarnog obrazovanja. Pokazalo se da su kvaliteta primarnog obrazovanja i socio-ekonomska pozadina važni fak-tori koji određuju daljnje školovanje te generiranje sudionica i sudionika visokoobrazovanog sustava, a to je i razlog problematiziranja uspješnosti politike smanjenja siromaštva povećanjem broja sudionica i sudionika u obrazovanju. Zbog konsenzusa o tome da se reforme obrazovnih susta-va u globaliziranom društvu provode isključivo radi poboljšanja uloge obrazovanja kao proizvođača ljudskog kapitala koji će zadovoljiti potrebe neoliberalnog tržišta rada, izlaganje nastoji naglasiti i potrebu za transfor-macijama obrazovnog sustava koje bi bile društveno korisne i usmjerene budućnosti.
The presentation discusses ways of and issues related to education fi-nancing in developing countries which have implemented certain reforms of the educational system. Since it is the general opinion that investing in the human capital as one of the national resources is of great importance, one should emphasize the fact that certain amounts of money intended for education is being channelled elsewhere. Since there is insufficient fund-ing, the quality of education is questionable and one cannot overlook the decrease in number of participants already during primary education. It is clear that the quality of primary education and the socioeconomic back-ground are key factors which determine the continuation of education and attendance of higher education which illustrates the problem of the effi-ciency of poverty reduction through increasing the number of participants in education. It is the general opinion that reforms of educational systems in the globalized society are to be implemented in order to improve the role of education as a producer of human capital which will fulfil the needs of the neoliberal market. Because of this the presentation also emphasizes the need for transformations of the educational system which would be of common purpose and future-oriented.

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Theses by Petar Gabrić

Research paper thumbnail of Evolucija sintakse i semantike iz psiholingvističke i neurolingvističke perspektive

Thesis for: MA in Linguistics, Emphasis on Cognitive Linguistics | Advisor: Ranko Matasović, 2019

U ovome radu iznio sam pregled odabranih studija i rasprava koje se bave evolucijom semantike i s... more U ovome radu iznio sam pregled odabranih studija i rasprava koje se bave evolucijom semantike i sintakse. Fokus je bio na psiholingvističkoj i neurolingvističkoj literaturi. Uočeni su mnogi problemi u studijama i raspravama o evoluciji semantike i sintakse: nedostatak empirijskih studija, manjak komunikacije između stručnjaka različitih znanstvenih disciplina te mali udio lingvističkih studija i rasprava. Akumulirano znanje o evoluciji jezika sugerira da je jezik egzaptirao iz postojećih kognitivnih domena, suprotno modularnim pretpostavkama evolucije jezika. Također, neke životinje pokazuju određeni semantički i sintaktički kapacitet u svojoj vokalizacijskoj komunikaciji. Studije leksičke semantike pokazuju da je ona utjelovljena, tj. ovisna o senzorimotoričkim informacijama. Najutljelovljenije su riječi koje označuju radnje te konkretne riječi u usporedbi s apstraktnim riječima koje pokazuju manji stupanj utjelovljenosti. Ipak, moguće je da apstraktne riječi filogenetski proizlaze iz konkretnih. Također se čini da su određeni aspekti sintakse utjelovljeni, pri čemu su se najutjelovljenijima pokazali semantički tranzitivni događaji, no postoje i argumenti da je i obrada sintaktičke tranzitivnosti barem djelomično utjelovljena. Nadalje, razne studije ukazuju na pravilo istaknutosti agensa odnosno subjekta na temelju kojeg agens odnosno subjekt načelno u određenim tipovima rečenica dolazi na prvo mjesto u rečenici. To potvrđuju dominantna frekvencija redova riječi SOV i SVO u jezicima svijeta, kognitivna istaknutost agensa tijekom obrade tranzitivnih događaja, prevladavanje nominativno- akuzativnih jezika u odnosu na ergativno- apsolutivne te neurofiziološke studije koje pokazuju da se prva sintaktička sastavnica kognitivno automatski obrađuje kao agens dok morfosintaksa rečenice ne pokaže drugačije. Moguće je da je istaknutost agensa odnosno subjekta rezultat načina na koji Brocino područje obrađuje prototipne tranzitivne događaje. U posljednjem dijelu rada tematizira se model protojezika i teorija jezičnih fosila, no nema jasnih zaključaka. Konačno, pregled literature podupire tezu da su semantika i sintaksa evoluirali gradualno egzaptacijom iz određenih kognitivnih domena te da su i semantika i sintaksa u nekakvoj filogenetskoj vezi sa životinjskim komunikacijskim sustavima.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prijevod s njemačkog na hrvatski ; Prijevod s hrvatskog na njemački = Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische ; Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche

Thesis for: MA in German Language and Literature, Emphasis on Translation, Module A: Translator | Advisor: Inja Skender Libhard, 2019

Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und de... more Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und der Alkohol" (NDR Fernsehen) Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche: zwei Kapitel aus der Publikation "Darovi zemlje: neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava" (Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu/Muzej Slavonije Osijek/Sveučilište u Zagrebu Filozofski fakultet)

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Research paper thumbnail of Corrigendum: Differentiation between agents and patients in the putative two-word stage of language evolution

Frontiers in Psychology, Jan 17, 2022

[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.684022]

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Research paper thumbnail of Overlooked evidence for semantic compositionality and signal reduction in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

Animal Cognition, Nov 25, 2021

Recent discoveries of semantic compositionality in Japanese tits have enlivened the discussions o... more Recent discoveries of semantic compositionality in Japanese tits have enlivened the discussions on the presence of this phenomenon in wild animal communication. Data on semantic compositionality in wild apes are lacking, even though language experiments with captive apes have demonstrated they are capable of semantic compositionality. In this paper, I revisit the study by Boesch (Hum. Evol. 6:81–89, 1991) who investigated drumming sequences by an alpha male in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) community in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. A reanalysis of the data reveals that the alpha male produced semantically compositional combined messages of travel direction change and resting period initiation. Unlike the Japanese tits, the elements of the compositional expression were not simply juxtaposed but displayed structural reduction, while one of the two elements in the expression coded the meanings of both elements. These processes show relative resemblance to blending and fusion in human languages. Also unlike the tits, the elements of the compositional expression did not have a fixed order, although there was a fixed distribution of drumming events across the trees used for drumming. Because the elements of the expression appear to carry verb-like meanings, the compositional expression also resembles simple verb-verb constructions and short paratactic combinations of two clauses found across languages. In conclusion, the reanalysis suggests that semantic compositionality and phenomena resembling paratactic combinations of two clauses might have been present in the communication of the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans, not necessarily in the vocal modality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semantic fluency reveals reduced functional connectivity between subcategorical co-hyponyms in recent-onset inpatients with first-episode psychosis

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics (accepted), Aug 2021

Data on clustering and switching during semantic fluency (SF) in patients with first-episode psyc... more Data on clustering and switching during semantic fluency (SF) in patients with first-episode psychosis (PwFEP) are scant. We aimed to investigate (1) clustering and switching on SF in PwFEP using more detailed clustering analyses and (2) the possibility of disproportionate clustering deficits across different SF tasks in PwFEP and healthy subjects (HS), with the latter being suggested by the current literature on patients with schizophrenia. We recruited 22 Croatian-speaking PwFEP with schizophrenia features or symptoms and 22 HS matched in age, sex distribution, and handedness. All patients were medicated and had a mean illness duration of 1 month. The categories animals, trees, vegetables, fruits, and musical instruments were administered for SF. PwFEP produced significantly fewer correct words in the aggregate score, as well as across all categories. The switching rate was significantly higher in PwFEP, but no post hoc comparisons were significant. PwFEP also produced significantly smaller clusters, yet the post hoc comparisons for the tree and fruit task were not significant. A higher switching rate and smaller clusters indicate less efficient functional connectivity within subcategories of the given categories, but not necessarily between the subcategories. Although both less likely to produce a cluster once a switch has been uttered and less likely to produce clusters larger than two words compared to HS, the latter deficit was more pronounced. Our results further suggest that PwFEP might show normal clustering performance on some SF tasks. We discuss the results in the context of the hypothesis of semantic hyperactivation in psychoses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation between agents and patients in the putative two-word stage of language evolution

Frontiers in Psychology, Aug 11, 2021

Several scholars have proposed that there was a two-word stage in the course of language evolutio... more Several scholars have proposed that there was a two-word stage in the course of language evolution, in which utterances could not combine more than two words. These models agree that the putative two-word stage did not exhibit syntax. However, they disagree on whether or not there existed rules for inferring the semantic relationship between the two words expressing a compositional proposition. Focusing on semantically transitive events, I combine in the present paper language evolution models with previous empirical studies in linguistics to argue that the two-word stage was indeed governed by rules for inferring the compositional meaning of the utterance, in that (1) words were either associated with fixed (“predetermined”) semantic roles (i.e., agent, patient, predicate) or (2) there was a fixed order of semantic roles and the same words could be assigned different semantic roles in different utterances. Given the proposed existence of rules for producing and interpreting semantically compositional messages, it would appear that the putative two-word stage of language evolution did in fact exhibit syntax.

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Research paper thumbnail of Book review: Neanderthal Language: Demystifying the Linguistic Powers of Our Extinct Cousins

Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 702361, May 28, 2021

Recently, we have witnessed an explosion of studies and discussions claiming that Neanderthals en... more Recently, we have witnessed an explosion of studies and discussions claiming that Neanderthals engaged in a range of “symbolic” behaviors, including personal ornament use (Radovčić et al. 2015), funerary practices (Balzeau et al. 2020), visual arts (Hoffmann et al. 2018), body aesthetics (Roebroeks et al. 2012), etc. In Paleolithic archaeology, it has become mainstream to axiomatically infer from these putative behaviors that Neanderthals engaged in symbol use and that Neanderthals thus possessed some form of language. Rudolf Botha’s bombastic title "Neanderthal Language: Demystifying the Linguistic Powers of Our Extinct Cousins" provides a detailed and very critical overview of the archaeological hypotheses and speculations about Neanderthal language.

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Research paper thumbnail of Konferencija: Cognitive Science

Društvena istraživanja: Journal for General Social Issues, Jun 2019

Konferencija "Cognitive Science" održala se na Institutu "Jožef Stefan" u Ljubljani 11. listopada... more Konferencija "Cognitive Science" održala se na Institutu "Jožef Stefan" u Ljubljani 11. listopada 2018. u sklopu 21. Međunarodne multikonferencije "Information Society". Konferenciju "Cognitive Science" organiziralo je Slovensko društvo za kognitivnu znanost. Cilj konferencije bio je povezati stručnjake iz raznih disciplina koje se bave kognicijom te omogućiti razmjenu raznolikih i izazovnih ideja.

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparative and diachronic analysis of film title translations and appellative effect transfer into Croatian and German

Hieronymus: Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology, Dec 2017

Studies of film title translations remain scant to this day. The existing studies mainly focus on... more Studies of film title translations remain scant to this day. The existing studies mainly focus on investigating the sources of difficulties during the translation process. Although the studies employ different analytical approaches, the conclusion in almost all investigations is that the decisive objective during the translation process is the transfer or production of the appellative effect. This study investigates which strategies are employed during translation into Croatian and German and why, as well as possible diachronic changes in the choice of translation strategies. We created a corpus of 935 film titles from 1923 to 2017 and their translations into Croatian and German, which we first classified as direct translation, free translation, transcreation or transcription, and finally we quantitatively and qualitatively analysed the data. Our results show considerable differences between the two subcorpora in the choice of translation strategies and motivation, as well as in the patterns of diachronic change. Furthermore, correlations with specific cultural-historical processes are observed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Category fluency in Croatian-speaking patients with first-episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms

Language and Mind: Proceedings from the 32nd International Conference of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society, May 29, 2020

Despite extensive research, the picture of lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia remains to ... more Despite extensive research, the picture of lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia remains to be illuminated. Furthermore, research in first-episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms is lacking. By using the verbal fluency paradigm, it has recently been proposed that lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia might be caused by increased neural noise, resulting in stronger competition during lexical selection. The study recruited 22 first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients diagnosed with an acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder or acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia according to ICD-10 criteria and 22 matched control subjects. Subjects were administered the category fluency task using two lexical-semantic categories: animals and trees. We hypothesized that (1) the patients would produce significantly fewer clustered words and significantly smaller clusters compared to control subjects and that (2) the patients would have a significantly higher switching score compared to control subjects. Our hypotheses were confirmed only in the animal fluency task, while no differences were observed in tree fluency. Our results indicate that there are disproportionate deficits in the animal and tree fluency tasks. FEP patients produced significantly fewer clustered words and significantly smaller clusters while also having a significantly higher switching score compared to HS in animal fluency, implying that FEP patients had difficulties in maintaining attention to a particular lexical-semantic subcategory. Furthermore, our results suggest that neural noise possibly depends on the automaticity of links between concepts in the given lexical-semantic category. Our results also show that FEP patients display dysfunctional connectivity in the mental lexicon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Etika u arheologiji – od arheološkog iskopavanja do muzejskog izloška

Filozofija i znanost: zbornik radova s međunarodnog studentskog simpozija Udruženja studenata filozofije u Zagrebu, 15. i 16. svibnja 2014. godine, Dec 2014

Kulturna baština jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata suvremenoga društva. Upravo je arheologija kao ... more Kulturna baština jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata suvremenoga društva. Upravo je arheologija kao znanost bitan čimbenik koji iskopani arheološki nalaz analizom, interpretacijom i prezentacijom oblikuje u ono što će se u budućnosti zvati kulturnom baštinom. Međutim, na putu nalaza od iskopavanja do muzejskoga predstavljanja arheolozi i srodni stručnjaci nailaze na mnoge etičke dileme.
Etika u arheologiji jest tema koja se pojavila relativno kasno i to tek u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća zbog političkih i povijesnih prilika, ali i novih dostignuća u znanstvenoj metodologiji nakon 1950-ih godina. Arheologija se bavi istraživanjem prošlosti. Nakon pitanja kako i kada je određena zajednica živjela, postavlja se pitanje zašto bi se arheološka istraživanja uopće trebala provoditi. Koja je svrha arheologije i poznavanja prošlosti kada prošlost ima drugačije značenje za arheologa i običnoga čovjeka kao u slučaju Aboridžina i paleolitičkoga špiljskog slikarstva u Arnhem Landu? To su osnovna moralna pitanja s kojima se susreće teorijska arheologija. U praksi arheolog nailazi i na mnoga druga pitanja. Najprije je u pitanju arheolog koji već samim iskopavanjem uništava i Zemljinu površinu i često nečije privatno vlasništvo. Nadalje, arheolog mora pokazati odgovornost pri postupanju s posthumnim ostacima čiji se dijelovi nakon analiza iz određenih razloga uništavaju. Treba imati na umu da su ti osteološki nalazi posmrtni ostaci nečijega pretka. Slično ovome problemu, predstavljaju i etnoarheološka istraživanja kojima je cilj proučavanje života postojećih zajednica da bi se rekonstruirao život zajednica u daljoj prošlosti. Takva istraživanja ugrožavaju privatnost članova tih zajednica, a da kao takva gotovo nikada ne daju pouzdane i egzaktne rezultate. S druge strane, nisu samo arheolozi oni koji svojim lošim moralnim prosudbama mogu negativno utjecati na arheološku baštinu. Namjerno uništavanje kulturnih spomenika kao čin religijskoga ekstremizma, upotreba arheologije u političke svrhe kao u imenu i za zastavu države bivše jugoslavenske Republike Makedonije, ali i muzejske zbirke utemeljene na ukradenim nalazima poput zbirke British Museuma samo su dio suvremenih moralnih rasprava u okviru arheologije.

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Research paper thumbnail of Palaeolithic toolmaking and the evolution of cognition and language

This paper reviews in short the current research on the hypothesis of coevolution between Palaeol... more This paper reviews in short the current research on the hypothesis of coevolution between Palaeolithic stone tool manufacture on one side, and cognition and specifically language on the other. Of particular interest are behavioral and neuroimaging studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wortflüssigkeitsleistungen bei Personen mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen

Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie (Journal of Neuropsychology) 31(3): 185–186, Sep 1, 2020

Reduzierte Leistungen der Wortflüssigkeit (WF) sind bei vielen psychiatrischen Populationen, wie ... more Reduzierte Leistungen der Wortflüssigkeit (WF) sind bei vielen psychiatrischen Populationen, wie Personen mit Schizophrenie (Berberian et al., 2016), Depression (Henry & Crawford, 2005) oder auch bipolarer Erkrankung (Raucher-Chéné et al., 2017), belegt. Weiterhin werden diese Defizite in Verbindung mit störungsübergreifenden Symptomen, wie der positiven (z. B. assoziative Auflockerung) und der negativen formalen Denkstörung (z. B. Spracharmut), gebracht (Docherty et al., 2011; Rosenkranz et al., 2019). Viele Studien berichten ausschließlich die semantische WF und lediglich die Gesamtzahl der korrekten Wörter. Rückschlüsse auf eine Ursache der Defizite sind dann nur eingeschränkt möglich. Ergänzende Analysen, wie die Auswertung von Fehlern, der generierten Unterkategorien (Cluster) und deren Wechsel könnten Hinweise auf spezifische lexikalisch-semantische Defizite liefern. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die WF bei Personen mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen und setzt sie in Relation zu störungsübergreifenden Symptomen sowie weiteren kognitiven Leistungen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Did early Homo have language? Neurocognition behind stone toolmaking

9th NeuRi Student Congress of Neuroscience. Abstract Book, Apr 2019

Recently, considerable interest for language evolution has arisen. Many researchers believe that ... more Recently, considerable interest for language evolution has arisen. Many researchers believe that language evolved via exaptation of domain-general cognitive systems such as long-term memory, visuospatial processing and executive functioning. Therefore, many studies on language evolution have focused on determining when specific cognitive functions, which might have supported language, developed. One approach in this area has been to establish the neurocognitive and neural correlates of specific behaviours during the Palaeolithic period (from ~3.3 mya to ~10 kya). The focus has been on stone-toolmaking-related behaviours because of the higher preservation of stone in the archaeological record compared to other materials. The earliest stone industry is the pre-Homo Lomekwian. It has been hypothesized based on experimental replication of the knapping process that the Lomekwian findings are suggestive of lesser functional lateralization of the motoric and prefrontal cortex compared to modern humans. The next stone industry – the Oldowan –, typically associated with Homo habilis, has been linked to more complex subsistence strategies and social behaviours. Neuroimaging studies have shown that Oldowan toolmaking predominantly involves frontoparietal sensorimotor areas and the cerebellum, which is why this industry has been described as cognitively relatively „ape-like“. The following industry, the Acheulean, taxonomically linked to Homo erectus and chronologically coinciding with significant brain enlargements in our genus, is believed to be more demanding in hierarchical and sequential action processing compared to earlier technologies. Additionally, neuroimaging studies have shown higher activation of the right Broca's area and temporal cortici during Acheulean compared to Oldowan toolmaking. Recently, a study by our lab comparing sidescraper manufacture, associated with Homo heidelbergensis and Neanderthals, and Oldowan toolmaking has found higher involvement of visuospatial and executive functions in the former task. While it is hard to generalize based on this data, we will suggest some implications for the existence of language in early Homo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic stone toolmaking and language: a preliminary experimental archaeological and psycholinguistic study

6th International Scientific Conference "Methodology and Archaeometry", 2018

Many authors suggest that there is a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone tool... more Many authors suggest that there is a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone toolmaking and language. This assumption is, firstly, supported by experimental studies showing positive effects of verbal compared to non-verbal demonstration during stone toolmaking acquisition in present-day humans. Secondly, it is backed by neurophysiological studies which demonstrate that both toolmaking and language activate overlapping brain regions and that they exhibit similar hemodynamic lateralization patterns in present-day humans. These studies have mainly been focused on Oldowan flaking and Acheulean handaxe manufacture. Studies on the effects of the verbal and non-verbal transmission modes currently suggest that both Oldowan and Acheulean acquisition are facilitated by non-linguistic gestures rather than purely spoken language. Furthermore, neuroimaging studies have found that the prefrontal cortex, an area typically associated with executive functioning, and the temporal cortex are activated more during Acheulean compared to Oldowan tasks. We recruited twelve Croatian-speaking subjects with no prior experience in knapping. Subjects were taught the Oldowan chopper and Mousterian sidescraper manufacture in a verbal teaching and non-verbal basic teaching condition. Tool quality was assessed by measurements of various physical attributes and a subjective evaluation by two assessors on a 5-point scale. Subjects were also tested on a neuropsychological battery assessing visual attention, verbal working memory, visuospatial processing, planning, cognitive flexibility, general executive functioning and lexical-semantic processing. We hypothesize that there will be no significant differences between the verbal and non-verbal groups in the chopper manufacture task, and that the verbal group will perform significantly better compared to the non-verbal group in the sidescraper manufacture task. Additionally, we hypothesize that chopper manufacture will be significantly positively correlated only with the visual processing tasks, while sidescraper manufacture will also be significantly positively correlated with the prefrontal functioning tasks. The obtained results will be interpreted within the framework of current evolutionary and cognitive theories.

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Research paper thumbnail of Što nam semantička fluentnost može reći o semantičkoj hiperaktivaciji u psihozama i shizofreniji? = What can semantic fluency tell us about semantic hyperactivation in psychoses and schizophrenia?

Međunarodni transdisciplinarni simpozij “Bioetika i aporije psihe” = 2nd International Transdisciplinary Symposium “Bioethics and Aporia of Psyche”, Nov 2018

Jedna od relevantnih teorija koja nastoji objasniti leksičko-semantičke deficite u shizofreniji j... more Jedna od relevantnih teorija koja nastoji objasniti leksičko-semantičke deficite u shizofreniji jest teorija šireće aktivacije koja pretpostavlja da u shizofreniji pri pristupu leksičkom pamćenju dolazi do hiperaktivacije dijelova semantičkog pamćenja s kojima je povezan podražaj. U ovom ću izlaganju pri-kazat kako se s pomoću analize klasteriranja i izmjenjivanja u semantičkoj flu-entnosti može testirati teorija šireće aktivacije u shizofreniji. Budući da analiza klasteriranja i izmjenjivanja daje informacije o tome koliko dugo ispitanici zadržavaju pažnju na neposrednoj semantičkoj okolini prethodno aktivirane riječi, na temelju toga možemo pretpostavljati je li semantička aktivacija šira kod pacijenata u usporedbi sa zdravima. Istraživanje predstavlja dio projek-ta »Klinička lingvistika: psiholingvistički parametri u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi i izvršnim funkcijama kod osoba oboljelih od shizofrenije« u sklopu kratkoročne potpore Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (voditeljica: Vlasta Erdeljac).
A relevant theory aiming to explain lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia is the far-spreading activation theory. The theory assumes that during lexical access in schizophrenia there is hyperactivation of those parts of the semantic memory which are somehow connected with the stimulus. In this presentation, I will show how we can use clustering and switching analysis of semantic fluency output to test the far-spreading activation theory. Because the clustering and switching analysis tell us how much the subjects maintained their attention to the direct semantic environment, from the analysis, we can assume whether schizophrenia patients demonstrate wider semantic activation compared to healthy subjects or not. This research was supported by a grant for the project “Clinical Linguistics: psycholinguistic parameters in lexical-semantic processing and executive functioning in schizophrenia patients” from the University of Zagreb (project head: Vlasta Erdeljac).

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza produkcije klastera u testu kategorijske fluentnosti kod pacijenata s prvom epizodom shizofrenije = Analysis of cluster production in a category fluency test in first-episode schizophrenia patients

Jezik i um. Knjiga sažetaka = Language and Mind. Book of Abstracts, May 2018

Shizofrenija je kronična psihička bolest koju karakteriziraju deluzije, halucinacije, afektivni d... more Shizofrenija je kronična psihička bolest koju karakteriziraju deluzije, halucinacije, afektivni deficiti, katatonija te formalni poremećaj mišljenja. Formalni poremećaj mišljenja očituje se kao nekoherentan govor koji sadrži nejasno povezane asocijacije. Mnogi autori na temelju leksičko-semantičkih testova pretpostavljaju da se specifični simptomi shizofrenije mogu objasniti deficitima u leksičko- semantičkoj obradi. Pacijenti oboljeli od prve epizode shizofrenije također pokazuju slabije rezultate na svim leksičko-semantičkim testovima u usporedbi s kontrolnim skupinama, no nešto bolje u usporedbi s kroničnim pacijentima. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti deficite u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi kod pacijenata oboljelih od prve epizode shizofrenije te usporediti rezultate ove studije s rezultatima studija s kroničnim pacijentima oboljelih od shizofrenije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo dvadeset pacijenata Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče s prvom epizodom shizofrenije i dvadeset kontrolnih ispitanika. U studiji je korišten test kategorijske fluentnosti u kojem su ispitanici trebali nabrajati članove zadane leksičko-semantičke kategorije u jednoj minuti. Pretpostavke su da će pacijenti pokazati kvantitativne i kvalitativne razlike u odgovorima i klasterima u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Budući da su mnoge studije leksičko semantičke obrade u shizofreniji ukazale na deficite u obradi kategorijskih odnosa, smatra se da su deficiti u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi rezultat promjena u pristupu tom dijelu leksičko-semantičkog sustava ili u samom sustavu. Novije studije kategorijske fluentnosti kvalitativno analiziraju odgovore tražeći nizove odgovora koji se mogu semantički povezati. Smatra se da takvi klasteri odražavaju kognitivne mehanizme pretraživanja mentalnog leksikona te se povezuju s leksičko-semantičkom obradom. U analizi ovog istraživanja kvantitativno je analiziran omjer ispravnih te neispravnih odgovora koje su činili nečlanovi zadane kategorije i perseveracije. Klaster je analiziran kao niz od barem dvaju semantički povezanih pojmova dok se samostalni pojmovi nisu određivali kao klaster. Time je opisan odnos ukupnog broja produciranih pojmova, broja klastera i broja pojmova u klasteru kako bi se utvrdio stupanj deficita u pretraživanju s pomoću mehanizma klastera u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati analizirani su i interpretirani u skladu s aktualnim psiholingvističkim i kognitivnoneuroznanstvenim teorijama. Procjena specifičnih jezičnih poremećaja leksičko-semantičkog sustava može dati značajan doprinos kliničkoj dijagnostici.

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Research paper thumbnail of Važnost lingvističkih istraživanja leksičko-semantičke obrade u shizofreniji = Importance of linguistic research on lexic and semantic processing in schizophrenia

1. Međunarodni transdisciplinarni simpozij “Bioetika i aporije psihe” = 1st International Transdisciplinary Symposium “Bioethics and Aporia of Mind", Nov 2017

Shizofrenija je psihički poremećaj koji pogađa oko 1 % ljudske populacije. Uz deluzije i halucina... more Shizofrenija je psihički poremećaj koji pogađa oko 1 % ljudske populacije. Uz deluzije i halucinacije kao često navođene simptome od začetaka istraživanja početkom 20. stoljeća ističe se nekoherentan govor pun nejasno povezanim asocijacijama koji se povezuje s formalnim poremećajem mišljenja. Stoga su jezična testiranja rano imala znatnu ulogu. Lingvistička istraživanja u shizofreniji vršila su se na razini riječi, rečenice i diskursa, a najčešće su služila u interpretaciji leksičko-semantičke obrade s ciljem razjašnjenja vidljivih komunikacijskih poteškoća. Unatoč opstojnosti lingvističkih istraživanja njihova je primjena u kliničkoj dijagnostici skromna, no s izrazitim potencijalom. U izlaganju ćemo se osvrnuti i na nužnost interdisciplinarnosti te ukratko predstaviti istraživanja lingvističkog laboratorija Odsjeka za lingvistiku FFZG-a. S obzirom na filozofski karakter Simpozija tematizirat će se i shizofrenija kao specifično ljudski fenomen.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that afflicts around 1% of the human population. Along with delusions and hallucinations as the frequently cited symptoms since the beginnings of the research in the early 20th century, there is also emphasized the incoherent speech full of vaguely related associations which is linked to the formal thought disorder. Therefore, language testing had a significant role early on. Linguistic research in schizophrenia was conducted on the level of words, sentences, and discourse. It mainly served in the inter­pretations of the lexical semantic processing with the goal of clarifying the app­arent communication difficulties. Despite the survival of linguistic research, its application in clinical diagnostics is modest but it has great potential. In the presentation, we will also touch upon the necessity of interdisciplinarity, and briefly present the research of the linguistic laboratory of the Department of Linguistic at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb. Considering the philosophical character of the symposium, schizo­phrenia will also be thematised as a specifically human phenomenon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lingvistika i slobodna volja: u kojoj je mjeri jezik arbitraran?

Identitet slobode, sloboda identiteta. 3. regionalni studentski simpozij, Split, 6.-7. listopada 2016., Oct 2016

Jezik se smatra specifičnim komunikacijskim sustavom čovjeka. Danas se jednom od glavnih odlika j... more Jezik se smatra specifičnim komunikacijskim sustavom čovjeka. Danas se jednom od glavnih odlika jezika smatra arbitrarnost koju je jedan od utemeljitelja moderne lingvistike Ferdinand de Saussure definirao otprilike kao proizvoljan odnos između izraza riječi i njezinog značenja. Prema principu arbitrarnosti, dakle, svaka je riječ mogla glasiti drugačije. Nasuprot principu arbitrarnosti nalazi se lingvistički naturalizam koji traži logičnu vezu između jezičnih znakova i pojava koje oni predstavljaju. Ta se dihotomija može povezati s dvama filozofskim konceptima slobodne volje i determinizma koji ovisno o definiciji nalažu da čovjek djeluje svojim slobodnim odabirom odnosno da su sadašnji događaji nužan rezultat prošlih bez mogućnosti biranja. Budući da princip arbitrarnosti omogućuje gotovo neograničeno mnogo raspleta pri imenovanju pojava, konceptualno je sličan slobodnoj volji. Međutim, indijski neuroznanstvenik Vilayanur S. Ramachandran je 2001. proveo psiholingvistički eksperiment na temelju čijih je rezultata zaključio da mozak neproizvoljno povezuje određene glasove s određenim oblicima. Ispitanici u eksperimentu, govornici engleskog i tamilskog, morali su imenovati dva oblika, šiljasti i obli, a mogući izrazi za imenovanje bili su kiki i bouba. Oko 95% ispitanika je izraz kiki povezalo sa šiljastim oblikom, a bouba s oblim. Ramachandran je pretpostavio da taj tzv. učinak kiki/bouba implicira da imenovanje u jeziku nije u potpunosti arbitrarno s obzirom da, u ovom slučaju, mozak određenim glasovima i oblicima dodijeljuje apstraktna značenja. Iako je učinak kiki/bouba repliciran u mnogim studijama, nisu jasni njegovi uzroci i implikacije, no budući da predstavlja most između lingvistike i teorije slobodne volje, daljnja bi istraživanja dala uvid ne samo u teoriju jezika i njegovo porijeklo, već i u općenite mogućnosti čovjekovog djelovanja.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sinteza globalnih problema financiranja obrazovnog sustava i njihova veza sa siromaštvom = Synthesis of the global problems in education financing and their relationship with poverty

14. Lošinjski dani bioetike = 14th Lošinj Days of Bioethics, May 2015

Izlaganje je usmjereno na razmatranje nekih načina i problema finan-ciranja obrazovanja u zemljam... more Izlaganje je usmjereno na razmatranje nekih načina i problema finan-ciranja obrazovanja u zemljama u razvoju koje provode reforme obrazova-nja. Budući da postoji opća suglasnost o važnosti ulaganja u ljudski kapital kao jedan od nacionalnih resursa, nastoji se pokazati da dio novca nami-jenjen obrazovanju odlazi u druge sektore. Zbog nedostatka financijskih sredstava, kvaliteta nastave često je upitna, a vidljivo je i odustajanje su-dionica i sudionika već tijekom primarnog obrazovanja. Pokazalo se da su kvaliteta primarnog obrazovanja i socio-ekonomska pozadina važni fak-tori koji određuju daljnje školovanje te generiranje sudionica i sudionika visokoobrazovanog sustava, a to je i razlog problematiziranja uspješnosti politike smanjenja siromaštva povećanjem broja sudionica i sudionika u obrazovanju. Zbog konsenzusa o tome da se reforme obrazovnih susta-va u globaliziranom društvu provode isključivo radi poboljšanja uloge obrazovanja kao proizvođača ljudskog kapitala koji će zadovoljiti potrebe neoliberalnog tržišta rada, izlaganje nastoji naglasiti i potrebu za transfor-macijama obrazovnog sustava koje bi bile društveno korisne i usmjerene budućnosti.
The presentation discusses ways of and issues related to education fi-nancing in developing countries which have implemented certain reforms of the educational system. Since it is the general opinion that investing in the human capital as one of the national resources is of great importance, one should emphasize the fact that certain amounts of money intended for education is being channelled elsewhere. Since there is insufficient fund-ing, the quality of education is questionable and one cannot overlook the decrease in number of participants already during primary education. It is clear that the quality of primary education and the socioeconomic back-ground are key factors which determine the continuation of education and attendance of higher education which illustrates the problem of the effi-ciency of poverty reduction through increasing the number of participants in education. It is the general opinion that reforms of educational systems in the globalized society are to be implemented in order to improve the role of education as a producer of human capital which will fulfil the needs of the neoliberal market. Because of this the presentation also emphasizes the need for transformations of the educational system which would be of common purpose and future-oriented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolucija sintakse i semantike iz psiholingvističke i neurolingvističke perspektive

Thesis for: MA in Linguistics, Emphasis on Cognitive Linguistics | Advisor: Ranko Matasović, 2019

U ovome radu iznio sam pregled odabranih studija i rasprava koje se bave evolucijom semantike i s... more U ovome radu iznio sam pregled odabranih studija i rasprava koje se bave evolucijom semantike i sintakse. Fokus je bio na psiholingvističkoj i neurolingvističkoj literaturi. Uočeni su mnogi problemi u studijama i raspravama o evoluciji semantike i sintakse: nedostatak empirijskih studija, manjak komunikacije između stručnjaka različitih znanstvenih disciplina te mali udio lingvističkih studija i rasprava. Akumulirano znanje o evoluciji jezika sugerira da je jezik egzaptirao iz postojećih kognitivnih domena, suprotno modularnim pretpostavkama evolucije jezika. Također, neke životinje pokazuju određeni semantički i sintaktički kapacitet u svojoj vokalizacijskoj komunikaciji. Studije leksičke semantike pokazuju da je ona utjelovljena, tj. ovisna o senzorimotoričkim informacijama. Najutljelovljenije su riječi koje označuju radnje te konkretne riječi u usporedbi s apstraktnim riječima koje pokazuju manji stupanj utjelovljenosti. Ipak, moguće je da apstraktne riječi filogenetski proizlaze iz konkretnih. Također se čini da su određeni aspekti sintakse utjelovljeni, pri čemu su se najutjelovljenijima pokazali semantički tranzitivni događaji, no postoje i argumenti da je i obrada sintaktičke tranzitivnosti barem djelomično utjelovljena. Nadalje, razne studije ukazuju na pravilo istaknutosti agensa odnosno subjekta na temelju kojeg agens odnosno subjekt načelno u određenim tipovima rečenica dolazi na prvo mjesto u rečenici. To potvrđuju dominantna frekvencija redova riječi SOV i SVO u jezicima svijeta, kognitivna istaknutost agensa tijekom obrade tranzitivnih događaja, prevladavanje nominativno- akuzativnih jezika u odnosu na ergativno- apsolutivne te neurofiziološke studije koje pokazuju da se prva sintaktička sastavnica kognitivno automatski obrađuje kao agens dok morfosintaksa rečenice ne pokaže drugačije. Moguće je da je istaknutost agensa odnosno subjekta rezultat načina na koji Brocino područje obrađuje prototipne tranzitivne događaje. U posljednjem dijelu rada tematizira se model protojezika i teorija jezičnih fosila, no nema jasnih zaključaka. Konačno, pregled literature podupire tezu da su semantika i sintaksa evoluirali gradualno egzaptacijom iz određenih kognitivnih domena te da su i semantika i sintaksa u nekakvoj filogenetskoj vezi sa životinjskim komunikacijskim sustavima.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prijevod s njemačkog na hrvatski ; Prijevod s hrvatskog na njemački = Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische ; Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche

Thesis for: MA in German Language and Literature, Emphasis on Translation, Module A: Translator | Advisor: Inja Skender Libhard, 2019

Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und de... more Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und der Alkohol" (NDR Fernsehen) Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche: zwei Kapitel aus der Publikation "Darovi zemlje: neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava" (Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu/Muzej Slavonije Osijek/Sveučilište u Zagrebu Filozofski fakultet)

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychiatric symptoms are differentially associated with verbal fluency performance in patients with schizophrenia and affective disorders

2021 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS), Apr 19, 2021

Despite verbal fluency (VF) being a common task in psychiatric research, there is very little con... more Despite verbal fluency (VF) being a common task in psychiatric research, there is very little consensus on the nature of VF deficits in psychiatric populations and their implications for our knowledge about cognitive and specifically linguistic functioning in these populations. Previous studies have found that negative symptoms, including alogia, are associated with poorer overall VF production in patients with schizophrenia (SCH), while studies investigating positive symptoms, including formal thought disorder, have yielded mixed results. Because most studies didn’t analyze additional VF measures such as clustering and lexical characteristics, it remains unclear whether the association between negative and positive symptoms and VF performance in patients with schizophrenia reflects abnormalities in linguistic and/or semantic processing or other aspects of cognition. Furthermore, it is uncertain whether these associations are specific to patients with schizophrenia, while the associations with manic and depressive symptoms are understudied.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative and qualitative differences in performance within the semantic and letter fluency tasks

12th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, 2020

INTRODUCTION: Traditionally, verbal fluency research has differentiated between semantic (SF) and... more INTRODUCTION: Traditionally, verbal fluency research has differentiated between semantic (SF) and letter fluency (LF). However, although linguistic research has strongly suggested that there are pronounced differences in the processing of different types of semantic categories, most researchers in this domain have uncritically assumed that there are no category-specific effects in verbal fluency. Limited research on SF has thus far revealed that disproportionate performances across different categories are in certain contexts associated with category size, while clinical populations might show normative deficits in one category, but not the other. Nevertheless, this issue remains poorly investigated, particularly in LF.

METHODS: We recruited 16 Croatian-speaking students from the University of Zagreb. For verbal fluency, we administered the categories animals and trees (SF), and the letters K and M (LF) (60 s). Participants further performed on a neuropsychological battery encompassing the Trail Making Test (TMT), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), digit span, and lexical decision (LD). Paired-sample t-tests, and Spearman correlation coefficients and regression analyses were used for statistical analyses.

RESULTS: On the animal compared to the tree task participants produced more words, had lower intrusion rates, produced larger clusters, and were faster in inter-cluster transitions. Furthermore, while the total production of animals was positively predicted by the number of clusters, in trees it was positively predicted by cluster size. A negative relationship between performance on TMT and speed of inter-cluster transitions was found in trees, and a positive relationship between performance on WCST and the same fluency variable in animals. Higher digit span was associated with lower clustering rates in animals, but with higher clustering rates in trees, while accuracy on abstract LD trials was positively associated with total production on trees. Analyses of LF revealed that participants produced more words and were faster in inter-cluster transitions on the K compared to the M task. Total production in K was predicted by cluster size, but in M it was predicted by switching. Accuracy on TMT negatively predicted total production and the number of clusters for M. Also, performance on WCST was positively associated with clustering rates and inter-cluster transition speed on M.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that there are important differences in the phenomena and processes underlying performance on different SF and LF tasks. While the differences in the two SF tasks might be partly explained by presumed differences in category size, higher rates of intrusions in the tree task suggest that the boundaries of the category trees are less fixed compared to the category animals. Additionally, disproportionate relationships with neuropsychological variables suggest that clustering in trees might rely more on working memory and abstract semantic processes. Regarding LF, we found that performance on K relies more on clustering compared to M, while the neuropsychological data suggested that performance on the M task was inversely associated with visual attention, possibly suggesting that visuospatial imagery strategies might hinder optimal performance. Also, data suggest that clustering on the M, but not the K task is an executively relatively demanding process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Neural noise caused by executive dysfunction accounts for lexical-semantic deficits in first-episode psychosis

V Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Clínica, Nov 2018

Lexical-semantic deficits in first-episode psychosis have been relatively explored, but few quest... more Lexical-semantic deficits in first-episode psychosis have been relatively explored, but few questions remain answered. The aim of this study was to investigate the preservation of category relations in the mental lexicon of first-episode psychosis patients with schizophrenic symptoms or symptoms similar to schizophrenia. The study recruited 24 first- episode psychosis patients from the University Psychiatric Hospital “Vrapče” in Zagreb and 24 matched control subjects. Subjects performed a lexical-semantic categorization task where they had to determine which of the four possible answers was a hyponym of the given lexical- semantic category. The task consisted of 10 categories, and each category was tested using 5 different exemplar hyperonyms. Other than the target word, three distractors were presented: a semantical-pragmatically related distractor, meronym and lexical-semantically unrelated word. Research was guided by two hypotheses: (1) the patient group would show significantly less correct answers compared to the control group, and (2) the patients would choose significantly more semantical- pragmatically related distractors, but not other distractors. Our hypotheses were modeled after the recent findings of Berberian et al. (2016) and Gabrić et al. (in press) who suggest stronger neural noise during lexical-semantic processing and a dysfunction of automated connections in the mental lexicon of first- episode psychosis and schizophrenia patients due to deficits in executive functioning. Both hypotheses were confirmed. Our results support the hypothesis that there is no significant damage to the mental lexicon in first-episode psychosis and that lexical-semantical deficits can be attributed to stronger neural noise in the mental lexicon of patients. This further implies that lexical-semantic deficits in first-episode psychosis are largely due to deficits in executive functioning and specifically inhibition. In addition, our results suggest that stronger neural noise in first-episode psychosis causes an outward shift of lexical-semantic category boundaries, but doesn’t include meronyms and semantically unrelated words.

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Research paper thumbnail of Does animacy feature facilitate lexical-semantic processing in first-episode psychosis?

17th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference, Oct 2018

Background It is widely assumed that lexical-semantic deficits in first-episode psychosis occur a... more Background It is widely assumed that lexical-semantic deficits in first-episode psychosis occur as a syndrome of a dysfunctional neural connectivity and global functional changes in brain regions that are crucial for language processing because of a broadly distributed network disorder. Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate deficits of mental lexicon access in psychosis. Furthermore, the question that has arisen is the role of lexical-semantic features of animacy in lexical-semantic processing in regard to executive functions. Concepts that share the animacy feature also suppose more correlated intercategory features. On the other hand, inanimate concepts have more distinctive features. Furthermore, the correlation of intercategory features increases the automation of connections in the mental lexicon and presupposes activation of a higher number of clusters. Method Specific aspects of lexical-semantic processing were tested in The University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče on 30 patients with diagnosed first-episode psychosis who were matched with a control group consisting of 30 healthy participants.Analysis confirmed that there are differences in clustering and switching strategies between the patients and the control group. Results The results of this study have demonstrated that patients have fewer automated links in all tested lexical-semantic categories, but the animate category features are shown to be most preserved. On account of these results we can assume that different lexical-semantic categories produce a neural noise of different intensity. Conclusions The contribution of this study is in line with determining language classifiers which could help in additional diagnosing of the acute disorder and could potentially enable the prediction of the course of the disorder and its functional outcome.

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Research paper thumbnail of Verbal fluency and working memory interaction

10th International Workshop on Language Production, Jul 2018

Focus of this study was to review which aspects of working memory, and to what extent, are associ... more Focus of this study was to review which aspects of working memory, and to what extent, are associated with verbal fluency. It is generally believed that working memory consists of the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad and the central executive. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of the visuospatial sketchpad and central executive with semantic and phonemic fluency. Our research hypotheses were (1) there will be a positive correlation between the visuospatial sketchpad and semantic fluency, (2) the correlation effect sizes will differ depending on semantic category and (3) there will be a positive correlation between the central executive and both fluency tasks. The visuospatial sketchpad was assessed with the Spatial Working Memory test, and the central executive with the Attention Switching Task (both tests are part of the CANTAB test battery). The study included 20 participants, ranging from 18 to 30 years of age. According to Levelt et al. (1999) lexical access is the ability to retrieve grammatical representations and sound forms of words from the mental lexicon, and the executive control ability controls and regulates thought and direct behavior toward a general goal. Furthermore, in performing the semantic fluency task, a validated tool for lexical access assessment, participants rely on existing links between concepts or words in word retrieval (e.g., cat) and can automatically activate semantically associated words (e.g., dog, tiger), while in performing the phonemic fluency task such associations need to be inhibited. In accordance with Levet’s model, the results of this study suggest that the central executive functions may play a great role in the performance of both fluency tasks, and that the visuospatial component has an important role only in semantic fluency. Therefore, differences in the two fluencies likely depend on different mechanisms of the mental lexicon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leksičko-semantička kategorizacija kod pacijenata oboljelih od shizofrenije = Lexical-semantic categorisation in patients of schizophrenia

Konferencija i radionica za doktorande “Istraživačke metode u primijenjenoj lingvistici”. Knjižica sažetaka = Doctoral Conference and Workshop “Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Book of Abstracts, Jun 2017

Shizofrenija je kronični psihijatrijski poremećaj koji zahvaća 1% populacije, a čije se očitovanj... more Shizofrenija je kronični psihijatrijski poremećaj koji zahvaća 1% populacije, a čije se očitovanje kod pacijenata razlikuje prema simptomima. Simptomi se dijele na pozitivne i negativne s obzirom na to je li aktivnost normalnih funkcija povećana ili smanjena. Pozitivni simptomi uključuju halucinacije, deluzije i dezorganiziranost mišljenja te pacijenti s navedenim simptomima najčešće dobro reagiraju na liječenje. Negativni se odnose na socijalnu i emocionalnu otupjelost, osiromašen govor,umanjenu izražajnost i avoliciju te je za pacijente s potonjim simptomima terapija slabijeg učinka.Poremećaj jezične produkcije i recepcije jedan je od glavnih kliničkih i dijagnostičkihobilježja shizofrenije. Jezični deficiti podrazumijevaju govorne deficite uzrokovane disocijacijom kognitivnih funkcija te deficite u leksičko‐semantičkoj obradi. Govorni se deficiti, ovisno o stupnju, očituju u nepovezanim rečenicama ili skupinama rečenica unutar diskursa te ponavljanju jezičnih elemenata što govor može činiti nerazumljivim. Nadalje, dosadašnja su istraživanja pokazala da pacijenti oboljeli od shizofrenije postižu slabije rezultate u odnosu na kontrolneispitanike na brojnim leksičko‐semantičkim zadacima te da se odstupanja najčešće očituju u proizvodnji atipičnih ili nepovezanih leksičkih jedinica za određene leksičko‐semantičke kategorije. Cilj je ove studije istražiti razlike u produkciji i recepciji leksičko‐semantičkih kategorija kod pacijenata oboljelih od shizofrenije. Leksičko‐semantička kategorizacija podrazumijeva postojanje određenih semantičkih odnosa u mentalnom leksikonu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo deset pacijenata s dijagnosticiranom shizofrenijom i kontrolna grupa od deset ispitanika. U studiji su korištena dva tipa zadataka. Prvi je namijenjen istraživanju jezične produkcije, odnosno kategorijalne fluentnosti, a drugi testiranju recepcije leksičko‐semantičkih kategorija. Pretpostavka je da će pacijenti oboljeli od shizofrenije imati slabije rezultate na oba testa u usporedbi s kontrolnom grupom ispitanika te da će dati bolje rezultate u zadatku provjere recepcije, nego u zadatku jezične produkcije. S obzirom na to da dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju kako shizofrenija uzrokuje dezorganizaciju leksičko‐semantičkog sustava u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike, smatra se da je taj sustav narušen, između ostalog, zbog deficita u jezičnom oblikovanju kategorija. Dobiveni rezultati protumačeni su u skladu s aktualnim psiholingvističkim teorijama. Procjena specifičnih jezičnih poremećaja leksičko‐semantičkog sustava može dati značajan doprinos u kliničkoj praksi.
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder, affecting 1% of the population, characterized and manifested by various symptoms. The symptoms can be divided into positive and negative ones, depending on the increase or decrease in patient’s normal functioning. Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and confusion of thought, and patients showing these symptoms generally react well to (clinical) treatment. Negative symptoms, on the other hand, include social and emotional dullness, deprived speech, decreased expressiveness, and avolition, and the treatment of such patients seems to be less effective. Language production and reception impairments are one of the main clinical and diagnostic features of schizophrenia. The impairments include speech deficits caused by cognitive dissociation, as well as deficits in lexical-semantic processing. The speech deficits, depending on the severity, are manifested as unrelated sentences or as errors of a higher discourse level, as well as repetitions of particular linguistic elements, rendering the speech unintelligible. Furthermore, previous research has shown that patients suffering from schizophrenia achieve less successful results in numerous lexical-semantic tasks compared to a control group, with these deviations being most evident in the production of atypical or unrelated lexical units belonging to specific semantic categories. This study aimed to examine the differences in production and reception of lexical-semantic categories in schizophrenia patients. Lexical-semantic processing implies the occurrence of certain semantic relations in the mental lexicon. The study included ten patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and a control group of ten participants. The study included two types of language tasks; the first one aimed at language production, and the second one aimed at language reception of lexical-semantic categories. The hypotheses claimed that patients with schizophrenia would obtain lower results on both tasks compared to the control group, and that patients with schizophrenia would obtain better results in the tasks aimed at language reception, that the tasks aimed at language production. Since recent studies have shown that schizophrenia causes a disorganization in the lexical-semantic system compared to the healthy subjects, it is claimed that the lexical-semantic system is disrupted, partially, due to the deficits in the language category-organization. The obtained results are interpreted in line with the most recent psycholinguistics theories. Assessing specific language impairments in the lexical-semantic system can significantly contribute to clinical treatments (in schizophrenia).

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Research paper thumbnail of Support for a novel, simple method for calculating word frequency of output on language production tasks

International Workshop on Language Production 2021, Nov 10, 2021

Introduction: Studies consistently report that patients with schizophrenia exhibit qualitative ab... more Introduction: Studies consistently report that patients with schizophrenia exhibit qualitative abnormalities on language production tasks. These abnormalities are possibly associated with the severity of psychotic symptoms. Despite this, some studies have conflictingly suggested that patients with schizophrenia exhibit similar word frequency (WF) effects on lexical tasks compared to healthy subjects. Given that previous studies calculated WFs from language corpora, we aimed to investigate the relationship between WF and psychotic symptoms using a novel, simple method for calculating WF. Methods: Thirty-six patients with schizophrenia were included in the study. The severity of positive symptoms was measured using the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS). One semantic and one letter fluency task were administered with the patients instructed to produce as many animal anmes and words beginning with the letter p in 60 s, respectively. Every response in the output was assigned (1) a corpus-based WF, extracted from the German-language lexical database dlexDB, and (2) a within-sample WF. The within-sample WF was calculated as the raw number of participants who produced the word. Spearman’s correlations were computed between the WF variables and symptoms. Results: Corpus-based WF exhibited skewed, kurtic, and/or non-normal distribution. Contrastingly, within-sample WF displayed normal, non-skewed, and non-kurtic distribution. There were no significant correlations between corpus-based WF and symptoms on both tasks. Conversely, within-sample WF on semantic fluency was significantly negatively and weakly correlated with the global SAPS score, as well as subscales measuring delusions and bizarre behavior. Further, within-sample WF on letter fluency was significantly positively and weakly correlated with the subscale measuring bizarre behavior of the SAPS scale. Conclusion: The differences in the data distribution patterns between corpus-based WF and within-sample WF indicate that different methodological frameworks may have better use of one or the other variable type. Further, significant correlations with positive symptoms were observed only for within-sample WF. It can be concluded that within-sample WF may be more appropriate for analyzing verbal fluency output in psychiatric research compared to corpus-based WF.

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Research paper thumbnail of Language evolution: the earliest words and sentences

Linguistisches Kolloquium 2020/21, Philipps University of Marburg, 2021

An explorative and narrative review of the literature on language evolution with an emphasis on t... more An explorative and narrative review of the literature on language evolution with an emphasis on the psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics of lexical semantics and syntax. Based on my thesis for an M. A. degree in Linguistics.

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Research paper thumbnail of The evolution of syntax: what do we know?

Linguistisches Kolloquium 2019/20, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 2019

An explorative and narrative review of the literature on language evolution with an emphasis on t... more An explorative and narrative review of the literature on language evolution with an emphasis on the psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics of lexical semantics and syntax. Based on my thesis for an M. A. degree in Linguistics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semantische Wortflüssigkeit in der Erstpsychose: Ergebnisse hängen von der gegebenen semantischen Kategorie ab

XXXII. Workshop Klinische Linguistik. Abstractheft, May 2019

Lexikalisch-semantische Defizite in der Schizophrenie und den Psychosen allgemein werden oft im R... more Lexikalisch-semantische Defizite in der Schizophrenie und den Psychosen allgemein werden oft im Rahmen einer Hyperaktivation des semantischen Netzwerkes erklärt. Dieses Modell fand Unterstützung in sowohl verhaltensbezogonenen als auch neurophysiologischen Studien, und neulich wurden ähnliche Thesen durch Studien der Wortflüssigkeit proponiert. Bei der semantischen Wortflüssigkeit hat der Proband möglichst so viele Mitglieder der gegebenen semantischen Kategorie in begrenzter Zeit zu nennen. Die semantische Wortflüssigkeit bietet eine Vielzahl analytischer Ansätze an. Jedoch bleibt die Interpretation oftmals schwierig, vor allem aus mangelndem Verständnis der heterogänen kognitiven Prozesse, denen die semantische Wortflüssigkeit unterliegt. In diesem Vortrag liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den Strategien von Clustering und Switching. Studien zeigen, dass an Erstpsychose und Schizophrenie erkrankte Patienten deutlich weniger Wörter an allen semantischen Kategorien produzieren, wobei Menschen mit erhöhtem Psychose-Risiko mindestens in der Kategorie Tiere von gesunden Probanden übertroffen werden. Bezüglich des Clustering und Switching sind die Studienergebnisse unbeständig, was am Gebrauch verschiedener semantischer Kategorien und an unterschiedlichen statistischen Ansätzen liegen mag. Aufgrund der Studien von Bozikas et al. (2005) und Berberian et al. (2016) kann man vermuten, dass chronische Schizophrenie-Patienten Clustering-Defizite in der Kategorie Tiere aufweisen, aber nicht (unbedingt) in den Kategorien Gegenstände und Obst. Dies deutet mögliche unverhältnismäßige Defizite in verschiedenen semantischen Kategorien bei Schizophrenie-Patienten an. In unserer Studie nahmen 22 Patienten mit akuten vorübergehenden psychotischen Störungen (F23.1 und F23.2 nach ICD-10) und 22 gesunde Probanden (GP) teil. Den Probanden wurden fünf semantische Kategorien als Teil der Wortflüssigkeitsaufgabe gegeben: Tiere, Bäume, Gemüse, Obst und Musikinstrumente. Die Patienten produzierten in allen Kategorien deutlich weniger Wörter im Vergleich zu den GP. Folglich deutet dies an, dass die Wortflüssigkeitsdefizite in den frühesten Erkrankungsphasen präsent sind. Weiterhin wurde die These der semantischen Hyperaktivation teilweise bestätigt. Die These sagt voraus, dass die Patienten deutlich kleinere Cluster und deutlich höheres Switching wegen starker lexikalischer Konkurrenz aufzeigen werden. Die Patienten produzierten deutlich kleinere Claster in den Kategorien Tiere, Gemüse und Musikinstrumente, und auch im Gesamtergebnis. Bei den Bäumen und beim Obst gab es keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen. Die Anzahl klasterierter Wörter und das Switchingergebnis unterschieden sich nur bei den Tieren. Keine anderen deutlichen Unterschiede wurden beobachtet. Eine deutliche semantische Hyperaktivation ist also in manchen Kategorien existent, in manchen aber vermutlich nicht. Zusätzlich scheint es, dass die ausgeprägsten Defizite in der Kategorie Tiere zu finden sind. Wir erklären diese unverhältnismäßigen Ergebnisse im Rahmen einer dichteren interlexikalischen Verbundenheit und einer größeren Anzahl automatisierter interlexikalischer Verbindungen in der Kategorie Tiere im Vergleich zu anderen Kategorien in dieser Studie. Diese Forschung wurde durch die Projekte “Klinička lingvistika: psiholingvistički parametri u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi i izvršnim funkcijama kod osoba oboljelih od shizofrenije” (Universität Zagreb; Projektleiterin: Dr. Vlasta Erdeljac) und „Leksičko-semantička obrada kod pacijenata s prvom epizodom shizofrenije“ (Philosophische Fakultät Zagreb; Projektleiter: Petar Gabrić, 11-831-1006) unterstützt.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predstavljanje projekta “Eksperimentalni pristup koevoluciji jezika i kamenog oruđa”

Ujedinjeni Filozofski – Mozaik riječi, Apr 2019

U ovom ćemo radu predstaviti studentski istraživački projekt „Eksperimentalni pristup koevoluciji... more U ovom ćemo radu predstaviti studentski istraživački projekt „Eksperimentalni pristup koevoluciji jezika i kamenog oruđa“ u kojem smo istraživali vezu između izrade dvaju tipova paleolitičkog kamenog oruđa te evolucije uma i specifično jezika. O evoluciji uma i jezika dugo se u velikom dijelu tog područja raspravljalo samo u okvirima antropologije i arheologije. Međutim, u novije doba u te su se rasprave uključile i lingvistika, psihologija i neuroznanost. Jedna od istaknutih teorija jest tzv. tehnološka hipoteza koja pretpostavlja koevolucijsku vezu između paleolitičkog kamenog oruđa i jezika. S jedne strane, tehnološku hipotezu podupiru studije koje pokazuju uključenost određenih moždanih područja poput Brocinog područja i ventralnog premotoričkog korteksa tijekom izrade određenih tipova kamenog oruđa, pri čemu se ta ista područja na ovaj ili onaj način povezuju i s jezičnim funkcijama u mozgu. S druge strane, studije koje istražuju učinke pojedinih tipova prenošenja znanja na usvajanje izrade kamenog oruđa pokazuju da jezične upute ne facilitiraju usvajanje izrade. U našem projektu 13 je ispitanika bez prethodnog znanja izrade kamenog oruđa učilo izrađivati oldovanski sjekač i, uvjetno rečeno, musterijensko strugalo. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u verbalnu, u kojoj su od demonstratora dobili jezične upute, i neverbalnu skupinu, u kojoj je demonstrator podučavao s pomoću gesti. Ispitanici su riješili i bateriju neuropsiholoških testova u programu PEBL kojima su se testirali vizualna pažnja, vizuospacijalna obrada, planiranje, kognitivna fleksibilnost i jezična obrada. Rezultati preliminarno pokazuju da izrada strugala koje se načelno veže uz neandertalce zahtijeva veći vizuospacijalni i izvršni kapacitet u usporedbi s izradom sjekača, koje se uglavnom veže uz Homo habilisa i eventualno australopitecine. Rezultati ne pokazuju jasno postoje li razlike u usvajanju između verbalne i neverbalne skupine u obama zadacima. Preliminarni rezultati slažu se s dosadašnjim istraživanjima koja sugeriraju da su se pojavom ašelejena i/ili specifično Homo erectusa pojavile i kognitivne sposobnosti bliske onima današnjeg Homo sapiensa, a koje potencijalno uključuju i komunikacijske sposobnosti koje podsjećaju na jezik. Projekt je financiran iz sredstava Odsjeka za arheologiju i Odsjeka za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Voditelj projekta bio je Petar Gabrić. Suradnici na projektu bili su Marko Banda, prof. dr. sc. Ivor Karavanić i Luka Bulian.

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Research paper thumbnail of Predstavljanje projekta “Leksičko-semantička obrada kod pacijenata oboljelih od prve epizode shizofrenije”

Ujedinjeni Filozofski – Mozaik riječi, Apr 2019

U ovom ćemo radu predstaviti studentski istraživački projekt „Leksičko-semantička obrada kod paci... more U ovom ćemo radu predstaviti studentski istraživački projekt „Leksičko-semantička obrada kod pacijenata s prvom epizodom shizofrenije“ u kojem smo istraživali leksičko- semantičke deficite kod pacijenata s prvom epizodom psihoze s simptomima/obilježjima shizofrenije. Shizofrenija je kronična psihička bolest koju obilježavaju i specifični deficiti u jezičnoj obradi. Fokus u dosadašnjim istraživanjima bio je na leksičko-semantičkim deficitima u shizofreniji i općenito psihozama. U našem su projektu kao ispitanici sudjelovali pacijenti iz Klinike za psihijatriju „Vrapče“ kojima je dijagnosticiran akutni polimorfni psihotični poremećaj sa simptomima shizofrenije ili akutni psihotični poremećaj nalik na shizofreniju (prema MKB-10). Ispitanici su rješavali leksičko-semantičke testove koji su uključivali verbalnu fluentnost, produkciju asocijacija, semantičku odluku, semantičku kategorizaciju te produkciju i recepciju metafora. Uz to, ispitanici su rješavali bateriju neuropsiholoških testova CANTAB. Projekt je ostvaren suradnjom Odsjeka za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta (prof. dr. sc. Vlasta Erdeljac) i Klinike za psihijatriju „Vrapče“ (prof. dr. sc. Ninoslav Mimica MD). Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Projekt je financiran iz sredstava Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za sufinanciranje studentskih projekata, i Odsjeka za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Voditelj projekta bio je Petar Gabrić. Provoditelji projekta bili su Buga Bosanac, Iva Kužina i Mija Vandek. Suradnici na projektu bili su dr. sc. Martina Sekulić Sović (Odsjek za lingvistiku) i Aleksandar Savić MD (Klinika za psihijatriju „Vrapče“).

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Research paper thumbnail of Eksperimentiranje s prastarim kamenim oruđem: proučavanje pračovječnog uma

PsihOS Fest. Program i knjiga sažetaka, Feb 2019

Evolucija uma, a specifično jezika tema je koja u posljednje vrijeme privlači sve veću pažnju u n... more Evolucija uma, a specifično jezika tema je koja u posljednje vrijeme privlači sve veću pažnju u naučnoj zajednici. O toj se temi donedavna raspravljalo uglavnom u antropološkim i arheološkim krugovima, a zbog pretpostavljene koevolucijske veze između uma i jezika s jedne strane te prastarog kamenog oruđa s druge. Novija su saznanja iz psihologije, neuroznanosti i lingvistike doprinijela teorijskom i metodološkom širenju područja evolucije uma. Dosadašnje su studije unutar tog teorijsko-metodološkog okvira istraživale, generalno rečeno, (1) učinak pojedinih oblika prenošenja znanja na usvajanje izrade pojedinih tipova kamenog oruđa te (2) neurofiziologiju usvajanja, izrade i promatranja izrade kamenog oruđa. Rezultati tih studija daju općenito za zaključiti da uporaba gesta pospješuje usvajanje izrade oruđa, no ne i uporaba jezika. Iako je teško generalizirati na temelju tih rezultata, predlažemo neke implikacije koje bi oni mogli imati za postojanje jezika u arhaičnim vrstama hominina.

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Research paper thumbnail of Verbal fluency as a measure of lexical-semantic processing in psychotic disorders and schizophrenia

Clinical Linguistics Workshop "Interdisciplinary Linguistic and Psychiatric Research on Language Disorders", Nov 2018

We firstly introduce the notion of lexical- semantic deficits in schizophrenia and the concept of... more We firstly introduce the notion of lexical- semantic deficits in schizophrenia and the concept of semantic fluency. We follow with a review of semantic fluency studies in schizophrenia patients. Thereafter, we present the results of two studies from our lab. In a study of semantic fluency in first-episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms, we found disproportionate deficits across different lexical-semantic categories in the patient group. In another study of on the neuropsychological background of verbal fluency in healthy Croatian speakers, we found that animal fluency is highly correlated with visual object recognition, while tree fluency is also highly correlated with cognitive flexibility and visual episodic memory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj žanra na prevođenje engleskih filmskih naslova na njemački: korpusna analiza

7. Studentska lingvistička konferencija STULIKON, May 2018

Studije prevođenja filmskih naslova relativno su rijetke. Većina je dosadašnjih studija bila foku... more Studije prevođenja filmskih naslova relativno su rijetke. Većina je dosadašnjih studija bila fokusirana na izvore poteškoća i ulogu apelativnog efekta pri prevođenju. Studije su nerijetko koristile nesustavnu metodologiju i male uzorke zbog čega priroda prevođenja filmskih naslova nije jasna. Neke su studije i teorijski pregledi uočili da eksplikacija žanra može predstavljati motivaciju pri odabiru strategije prevođenja. Tek je nekolicina studija bila fokusirana na efekt žanra na proces prevođenja te je zaključila da različiti žanrovi vjerojatno imaju specifični utjecaj na proces, no nedostaju sustavne studije koje bi bolje objasnile stanje stvari. Cilj ove studije bio je ispitati efekt žanra na odabir strategije prevođenja na njemački i njegovu motivaciju. Ručno smo izradili dva korpusa od po 240 originalnih engleskih naslova filmova praizvedenih od 2009. do 2016. te njihovih prijevoda na njemački. Naslovi su bili ravnomjerno raspoređeni po godinama. Prvi je korpus sadržavao naslove horora, a drugi romantičnih komedija. Ispitali smo frekvenciju odabranih strategija prevođenja: izravni prijevod, slobodni prijevod, transkreacija i prijepis (s potklasifikacijama). Također smo ispitali motivaciju odabira strategija u koju smo uključili serijski efekt, personalizaciju, kraćenje, morfosintaktičke poteškoće te dodavanje leksema s istaknutom emocionalnomn konotacijom, podnaslova i ključnih riječi. Rezultati dvaju korpusa uspoređeni su s kontrolnim, žanrovski nespecificiranim korpusom koji je s eksperimentalnima bio izjednačen u godini premijere, a sastojao se od 120 originalnih engleskih naslova i njihovih prijevoda. Rezultati pokazuju značajni efekt žanra na odabir i strategije prevođenja i njegovu motivaciju.

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Research paper thumbnail of Neuropsihološka testiranja u shizofreniji s naglaskom na leksičko-semantičku obradu i izvršne funkcije

LingChat, Mar 2018

U prezentaciji je predstavljen pregled studija leksičko-semantičke obrade i izvršnih funkcija kod... more U prezentaciji je predstavljen pregled studija leksičko-semantičke obrade i izvršnih funkcija kod pacijenata oboljelih od shizofrenije.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Little Ice Age and how it was captured in the visual arts

IV. International Congress of Art History Students, 4th to 6th November 2015, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Nov 2015

This presentation will discuss the term Little Ice Age, which was originally coined by François É... more This presentation will discuss the term Little Ice Age, which was originally coined by François Émile Matthes in 1939. Today, this term is conventionally used to describe a period between AD 1350 and 1850 during which Europe and other regions neighboring the North Atlantic experienced unusually cold conditions. Periods of cooler conditions and expanded glaciation in Europe and regions outside of Europe made an impact on agriculture, health, the economy, social unrest, as well as art and literature. This presentation should clarify our claim that the Little Ice Age might be the cause of decreased plant growth, crop failures, and an increase in human and livestock mortality due to famine and illness at that time. Our presentation consists of three parts. Firstly, it will present the history of the Little Ice Age. Secondly, it will concentrate on a number of different aspects of everyday life and lifestyles which document climate changes during the Little Ice Age, when summers were shorter and cooler, while winters were longer and colder than normal. Finally, art will be given special attention, because the climate has been pictorially captured in paintings. The depiction of winter in graphic illustrations also provides a lot of information about the harsh climate conditions associated with the Little Ice Age. For instance, painters and paintings such as The Frozen Thames by Abraham Hondius or The Thames Frost Fair from the17th century show the frozen river Thames where frost fairs were held in winters between the 17th century and early 19th century. To sum up, this presentation will briefly explain the causes and consequences reflected in the living conditions of the cold period, while focusing on the Little Ice Age as a phenomenon which resulted in new activities such as curling, ice skating etc. Also, our thesis is that the Little Ice Age was closely connected to the art and literature of the time. This thesis will be supported through artworks which reflect these dramatic climate changes. There will be time for questions at the end of the talk.

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Research paper thumbnail of Noviji pristupi u tumačenju otisaka dlanova u paleolitičkoj špiljskoj umjetnosti pomoću fizičke biometrije

Međunarodna konferencija "Antropologija danas", Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 28.-29. svibnja 2015. Knjiga sažetaka, May 2015

1879. godine otkrivene su paleolitičke slike u špilji Altamiri tijekom istraživanja kojeg je od 1... more 1879. godine otkrivene su paleolitičke slike u špilji Altamiri tijekom istraživanja kojeg je od 1875. vodio Marcelino de Sautuola. Međutim, tek je 1902. priznata tada za slikarstvo nepojmljivo velika starost slika u Altamiri i započela povijest tumačenja paleolitičke špiljske umjetnosti. Najčešći prikazi u paleolitičkoj špiljskoj umjetnosti su oni zoomorfni, no veliki dio prikaza čine i otisci (pozitivi i negativi) dlanova. Otisci dlanova smatraju se jednim od najstarijih oblika špiljske umjetnosti pa je tako nekim primjercima određena starost od 37 500 godina prije sadašnjosti. Tradicionalno se ikonografija paleolitičke špiljske umjetnosti objašnjavala teorijama larpurlartizma, šamanizma i magije love, ali otisci dlanova su bili slabo pokriveni tim interpretacijama. U suvremenoj antropologiji i arheologiji otisci dlanova počeli su se sagledavati izvan umjetničkog konteksta. Mjerenjem duljina prstiju i dlana te omjerom duljina određenih prstiju pokušava se ustanoviti spol i razdoblje životnog ciklusa osobe koja je ostavila otisak. Preciznije rečeno, u recentnijim studijama se osim duljina svih prstiju osim palca i dlana koriste i omjer duljine kažiprsta i prstenjaka te kažiprsta i malog prsta. Te studije su pokazale kako su većinu otisaka napravile žene, a ne muškarci kako se tradicionalno smatralo ili djeca što je smatrao američki paleobiolog R. Dale Guthrie. Nadalje, pokazalo se da je seksualni dimorfizam bio izraženiji u paleolitiku nego što je danas, barem u pogledu mjera dlana. Ovakve analize mogu dalje pomoći u određivanju rodnih uloga, rituala i životnog vijeka u razdoblju ljudske prošlosti u kojem je rekonstrukcija bilo kakva aspekta društvenog sustava u najmanju ruku izazov. Iako ni ova metoda analize nije savršena, predstavlja potpuno drugačiji izvor informacija o paleolitičkim ljudima od onih koji su dosad u znanosti bili dostupni. Štoviše, ovakav tip analize je dodatno osvjestio da tradicionalni pristupi u proučavanju rodnih uloga i važnosti žene u prapovijesti nemaju uporišta u čvrstim dokazima. Uza sve to, na pitanje čemu su ti otisci dlanova služili i dalje je vrlo teško ili gotovo nemoguće dati jasan odgovor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Postmodernistički trendovi u arheologiji – usporedba tradicionalne, procesualne i postprocesualne arheologije

Međunarodni simpozijum studenata filozofije "Mit, tradicija, identitet: budućnost slobode", Nov 2014

Postmodernizam je u arheologiju doveo pojam postprocesualne arheologije. Postprocesualna arheolog... more Postmodernizam je u arheologiju doveo pojam postprocesualne arheologije. Postprocesualna arheologija je zapravo zajedničko ime za sve postmodernističke trendove u arheologiji. Ono što je svim postprocesualnim arheologijama zajedno jest empatični pristup koji pokušava otkriti misli pojedinca koji je živio u nekoj prošloj zajednici. No, neki postmodernistički trendovi u arheologiji pokušali su je odvojiti od znanosti te uvesti tip znanstvenog relativizma prema kojem svaka teorija može biti točna. Svojim izlaganjem usporedit ću tradicionalnu, procesualnu i postprocesualnu arheologiju te se kritički osvrnuti na određene trendove postprocesualne arheologije.

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance on verbal fluency tasks depends on the given category/letter: Preliminary data from a multivariable analysis

medRxiv, Jan 2, 2022

Verbal fluency tasks are often used in neuropsychological research and may have predictive and di... more Verbal fluency tasks are often used in neuropsychological research and may have predictive and diagnostic utility in psychiatry and neurology. However, researchers using verbal fluency have uncritically assumed that there are no category- or phoneme-specific effects on verbal fluency performance. We recruited 16 healthy young adult subjects and administered two semantic (animals, trees) and phonemic (K, M) fluency tasks. Because of the small sample size, results should be regarded as preliminary and exploratory. On the animal compared to the tree task, subjects produced significantly more legal words, had a significantly lower intrusion rate, significantly shorter first-response latencies and final silence periods, as well as significantly shorter between-cluster response latencies. These differences may be explained by differences in the category sizes, integrity of the categories' borders, and efficiency of the functional connectivity between subcategories. On the K compared to the M task, subjects produced significantly more legal words and had significantly shorter between-cluster response times. Counterintuitively, a corpus analysis revealed there are more words starting with ⟨m⟩ compared to ⟨k⟩ in the experimental language. Our results potentially have important implications for research utilizing verbal fluency, including decreased reproducibility, questionable reliability of diagnostic and predictive tools based on verbal fluency, decreased knowledge accumulation, and increased number of publications with potentially misleading clinical interpretations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zašto neki političari, novinari i zdravstveni djelatnici zagovaraju cijepljenje djece protiv covid-19?

OSF Preprints, 2021

U hrvatskim je medijima sve više govora o cijepljenju djece protiv covid-19, unatoč maloj ulozi d... more U hrvatskim je medijima sve više govora o cijepljenju djece protiv covid-19, unatoč maloj ulozi djece u prijenosu novog koronavirusa i njihovom malom riziku od teških simptoma, postojanju drugih oblika prevencije, činjenici da klinička ispitivanja nisu dovršena, raznih problema u provedenim ispitivanjima i rastućoj zabrinutosti oko sigurnosti cjepiva i mogućih štetnih učinaka. Cilj je ovog kratkog pregleda odabrane znanstvene literature potaknuti kvalitetnu javnu raspravu prije donošenja potencijalno ishitrenih odluka.

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Research paper thumbnail of Within-sample, but not corpus-based word frequency of verbal fluency output is associated with positive symptoms in schizophrenia

PsyArXiv, 2021

Previous research on word frequency during speech production in schizophrenia is scant and inconc... more Previous research on word frequency during speech production in schizophrenia is scant and inconclusive. Furthermore, there may exist methodological difficulties in utilizing corpus-based word frequencies, while adequate corpora are not available for all languages. We calculated (1) corpus-based and (2) within-sample word frequencies of output on verbal fluency in 36 patients with schizophrenia and tested their associations with positive and negative symptoms. Withinsample word frequency was calculated as the number of subjects in the sample who produced the word. Within-sample but not corpus-based word frequencies displayed normal, non-skewed, and non-kurtic data distributions. Within-sample but not corpus-based word frequencies were significantly correlated with the severity of delusions and bizarre behavior. We propose that the within-sample word frequency might be a valuable alternative to corpus-based word frequencies in clinical research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Infectious Disease on Humans and Our Origins

Anthropological Review, Mar 18, 2022

On May 16, 2020, the Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny organized the symp... more On May 16, 2020, the Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny organized the symposium “Impact of Infectious Disease on Humans and Our Origins”. The symposium aimed to gather experts on infectious diseases in one place and discuss the interrelationship between different pathogens and humans in an evolutionary context. The talks discussed topics including SARS-CoV-2, dengue and Zika, the notion of human-specific diseases, streptococci, microbiome in the human reproductive tract, Salmonella enterica, malaria, and human immunological memory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comment on “Semantic memory impairment across the schizophrenia continuum: a meta-analysis of category fluency performance” by Tan et al.

PsyArXiv, 2021

I read with great interest the study by Tan et al. (2020) who conducted a meta-analysis of semant... more I read with great interest the study by Tan et al. (2020) who conducted a meta-analysis of semantic fluency in people across the psychosis continuum. Among other analyses, the authors provide the first meta-analysis of clustering and switching on semantic fluency in patients with chronic schizophrenia, reporting that patients display significantly smaller “mean cluster sizes” compared to healthy subjects. I argue that there are serious concerns about the compatibility of the clustering data used in the meta-analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive performance and specific aspects of language processing are associated with Oldowan-like chert flaking and retouch

PsyArXiv, 2021

A vast amount of literature suggests a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone to... more A vast amount of literature suggests a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone toolmaking, and cognition and specifically language. However, empirical data remain limited to indirect findings of neurophysiological studies. Furthermore, most Oldowan studies have used chert and have not investigated retouch, even though quartz and lava were predominant raw materials during periods of chert unavailability, and even though chert was disproportionately more frequently used for retouch compared to other raw materials during periods of chert availability, at least in the Olduvai Gorge. The study recruited 13 young adults with no prior experience in knapping. Subjects were taught by an experienced knapper to produce quartz choppers and chert sidescrapers in either a verbal or gestural condition. Two raters rated on a 5-point scale the subjects’ performances on specific steps of the two stone toolmaking tasks. In a post-experimental interview, subjects stated which aspects of the tasks they preferred or disfavored. Subjects also performed on a neuropsychological battery encompassing visuospatial, executive functioning, and linguistic tasks. Given the small sample size, the results should be regarded as exploratory and preliminary. Our results are further limited to the early acquisition phase and may not reflect processes in modern experienced knappers. Descriptive data suggested better performance across all stone toolmaking variables in the verbal compared to gestural condition, but only flake quality on the sidescraper task was significantly different between groups. Analyses of the stone toolmaking variables suggested subjects perceived quartz and chert flaking very differently. Correlational and other analyses suggested that quartz chopper manufacture was not associated with cognitive performance. Conversely, chert flaking and retouch were strongly associated with visuospatial working memory, showing that subjects with a higher memory span produced better chert flakes and retouch. Retouch only was moderately associated with executive functioning measures, showing subjects who made fewer errors on the tasks were better on retouch. Specific aspects of chert flaking were also associated with verbal fluency performance, showing, among others, moderate and strong positive associations with the productivity and rate of production of syntactically transitive verbs on action fluency. Evolutionary implications can be drawn from our research only if we controversially assume similar results would have been obtained had we tested early hominins and not modern humans. Following this axiom, our results suggest that Oldowan hominins relied on modern-like visuospatial working memory during chert flaking and retouch, and, to a lesser degree, modern-like executive functioning during chert retouch. This is contrary to previous Oldowan studies suggesting no involvement of executive functioning during Oldowan-like flaking. Results from the linguistic tasks controversially suggest that some of the prerequisites for aspects of action language and syntactic transitivity (verb-object phrases) in modern humans were to some degree present in Oldowan hominin populations. Because Olduvai Gorge hominins readily incorporated chert for stone toolmaking in periods of chert availability, our results suggest that these cognitive capacities were phylogenetically not related to chert knapping. Finally, we propose that the quality of performance on Oldowan flaking and retouch may not reflect the full level of cognitive capacities of Oldowan populations. We provide the first direct evidence for an association between Palaeolithic stone toolmaking and cognitive performance in modern humans, while previous studies have inferred cognitive processes from neuroimaging data. We also provide the first direct evidence for an association between Palaeolithic stone toolmaking, and action language and simple syntactic transitivity in modern humans.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fake news, media manipulation, and health effects of 5G: a small-sample discourse-analytic case study of the Croatian news website

SocArXiv, 2020

A history of research on radio frequency radiation, and recent scant research on the newly emergi... more A history of research on radio frequency radiation, and recent scant research on the newly emerging 5G suggests that the expansion of 5G poses a possible public health issue. The media play a decisive role in how the public responds to a public health issue, and what it knows about it. However, there is an increasing amount of misinformation on health topics in the media. The present case study investigated whether the Croatian news website manipulates information on the health effects of 5G. We constructed one experimental corpus, containing all articles by on health effects of 5G, and two control corpora, one with articles about health effects of 5G published by reliable mainstream media, and one with articles about science (but not 5G) published by We assessed the presence of references, scientific references, misinformation, opinion expression, and opinion subjectivity. Compared to science articles, 5G articles were 10.78 times likelier to contain no references, 4.20 times likelier to contain no scientific references, 10.78 times likelier to contain misinformation, 288.14 times likelier to express the author's opinion on the issue, and 16.95 times likelier to express a subjective opinion. The simultaneous increase in misinformation and reduction in referencing suggests that misinformation doesn't stem from other unreliable sources of information, but that the misinformation is produced within An increase in opinion expression, and opinion subjectivity in the context of misinformation suggests that is manipulating the information on health effects of 5G. This is corroborated by the fact that the two types of misinformation identified in the present study included erroneous referencing, and denial of the existence of * Corresponding author. scientific literature on the topic. Furthermore, all articles on both 5G, and scientific topics were written by different authors, indicating that this phenomenon is systematic within We conclude that our data point to a manipulation of information on health effects of 5G by Still, the small sample size warrants a degree of caution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analiza strategija prevođenja filmskih naslova na hrvatski i njemački jezik

Rector's Prize of the University of Zagreb 2016/17, May 2017

Razni su autori predložili istaknutu ulogu filmskih naslova u razumijevanju filma u cjelini pri č... more Razni su autori predložili istaknutu ulogu filmskih naslova u razumijevanju filma u cjelini pri čemu prije svega naglašavaju apelativnu funkciju naslova koja za cilj ima navesti adresata poruke na konzumiranje proizvoda. Budući da se uz tekst filma kao djela za ciljno tržište načelno prevodi i naslov, odlučili smo provesti analizu strategija prevođenja filmskih naslova na hrvatski i njemački jezik. Izradili smo dva korpusa sastavljena od originalnih filmskih naslova (uglavnom na engleskom jeziku) i njihovih prijevoda na hrvatski i njemački jezik. U prvome korpusu analizirani su prijevodi 935 filmskih naslova koji su stajali za filmove praizvedene između 1923. i 2016. Prijevodi su kategorizirani prema korištenim strategijama prevođenja. Model strategija prevođenja izrađen je s obzirom na manipulacije značenjskim i/ili specifičnim jezičnim strukturama iz originala. Prvi smo korpus i dijakronijski analizirali kako bismo ustanovili eventualne promjene trendova i pokušali objasniti te promjene. Drugi je korpus korišten za analizu prijevoda naslova horora i romantičnih komedija kako bismo provjerili ima li žanr utjecaj na odabir strategije prevođenja naslova. Iz drugog smo korpusa analizirali prijevode 80-ak originalnih naslova horora i 60-ak originalnih naslova romantičnih komedija prema istome principu kao i prijevode iz prvog korpusa. Rezultati naše analize sugeriraju razlike u odabiru strategija prevođenja za hrvatsko i njemačko govorno tržište. Dok su naslovi na hrvatski jezik uglavnom izravno prevedeni, najčešća strategija prevođenja za njemačko govorno tržište je prijepis originalnog naslova, a često je i dodavanje struktura koje nisu prisutne u originalu. Analiza naslova horora i romantičnih komedija upućuje da i žanr filma utječe na odabir strategije prevođenja, s razlikama između dvaju tržišta.

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Research paper thumbnail of Izvještaj s konferencije "Cognitive Science" u Ljubljani

Konferencija "Cognitive Science" održala se na Institutu "Jožef Stefan" u Lju... more Konferencija "Cognitive Science" održala se na Institutu "Jožef Stefan" u Ljubljani 11. listopada 2018. u sklopu 21. Međunarodne multikonferencije "Information Society". Konferenciju "Cognitive Science" organiziralo je Slovensko društvo za kognitivnu znanost. Cilj konferencije bio je povezati stručnjake iz raznih disciplina koje se bave kognicijom te omogućiti razmjenu raznolikih i izazovnih ideja.

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Research paper thumbnail of Support for a novel, simple method for calculating word frequency of output on language production tasks

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Research paper thumbnail of Corrigendum: Differentiation Between Agents and Patients in the Putative Two-Word Stage of Language Evolution

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Eksperimentiranje s prastarim kamenim oruđem: proučavanje pračovječnog uma

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Research paper thumbnail of Lingvistika i slobodna volja: u kojoj je mjeri jezik arbitraran?

Sudjelovanje na 3. regionalnom studentskom simpoziju "Identitet slobode – sloboda identiteta... more Sudjelovanje na 3. regionalnom studentskom simpoziju "Identitet slobode – sloboda identiteta", 6.–7. listopada 2016., Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Split, Hrvatska

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Research paper thumbnail of Leksičko-semantička obrada kod pacijenata s prvom epizodom shizofrenije (11-831-1006)

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Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj žanra na prevođenje engleskih filmskih naslova na njemački: korpusna analiza

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Research paper thumbnail of Handout (methodology and results): Verbal fluency and working memory interaction

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Research paper thumbnail of Comment on “Semantic memory impairment across the schizophrenia continuum: a meta-analysis of category fluency performance” by Tan et al

I read with great interest the study by Tan et al. (2020) who conducted a meta-analysis of semant... more I read with great interest the study by Tan et al. (2020) who conducted a meta-analysis of semantic fluency in people across the psychosis continuum. Among other analyses, the authors provide the first meta-analysis of clustering and switching on semantic fluency in patients with chronic schizophrenia, reporting that patients display significantly smaller “mean cluster sizes” compared to healthy subjects. I argue that there are serious concerns about the compatibility of the clustering data used in the meta-analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Appendices

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Research paper thumbnail of Within-sample, but not corpus-based word frequency of verbal fluency output is associated with positive symptoms in schizophrenia

Previous research on word frequency during speech production in schizophrenia is scant and inconc... more Previous research on word frequency during speech production in schizophrenia is scant and inconclusive. Furthermore, there may exist methodological difficulties in utilizing corpus-based word frequencies, while adequate corpora are not available for all languages. We calculated (1) corpus-based and (2) within-sample word frequencies of output on verbal fluency in 36 patients with schizophrenia and tested their associations with positive and negative symptoms. Within-sample word frequency was calculated as the number of subjects in the sample who produced the word. Within-sample but not corpus-based word frequencies displayed normal, non-skewed, and non-kurtic data distributions. Within-sample but not corpus-based word frequencies were significantly correlated with the severity of delusions and bizarre behavior. We propose that the within-sample word frequency might be a valuable alternative to corpus-based word frequencies in clinical research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Category fluency in Croatian-speaking patients with first-episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms

Despite extensive research, the picture of lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia remains to ... more Despite extensive research, the picture of lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia remains to be illuminated. Furthermore, research in first- episode psychosis with schizophrenia features/symptoms is lacking. By using the verbal fluency paradigm, it has recently been proposed that lexical-semantic deficits in schizophrenia might be caused by increased neural noise, resulting in stronger competition during lexical selection. The study recruited 22 first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients diagnosed with an acute schizophrenia- like psychotic disorder or acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia according to ICD-10 criteria and 22 matched control subjects. Subjects were administered the category fluency task using two lexical-semantic categories: animals and trees. We hypothesized that (1) the patients would produce significantly fewer clustered words and significantly smaller clusters compared to control subjects and that (2) the patients would have a signif...

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Research paper thumbnail of Prijevod s njemačkog na hrvatski; Prijevod s hrvatskog na njemački = Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische; Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche

Ubersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen u... more Ubersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und der Alkohol" (NDR Fernsehen) Ubersetzung aus dem Kroa

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Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive performance and specific aspects of language processing are associated with Oldowan-like chert flaking and retouch

Experimental data suggesting a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone toolmaking... more Experimental data suggesting a co-evolutionary relationship between Palaeolithic stone toolmaking, and cognition and language remain limited to indirect findings of neurophysiological studies. Furthermore, retouch and quartz flaking remain uninvestigated. We recruited thirteen subjects and taught them to produce quartz choppers and chert sidescrapers in either a verbal or gestural condition. Two raters rated on a 5-point scale the subjects’ performances on specific steps of the two stone toolmaking tasks. Subjects also performed on a neuropsychological battery encompassing visuospatial, executive functioning, and linguistic tasks. Given the small sample size, the results should be regarded as exploratory and preliminary. There was only limited evidence that verbal compared to gestural teaching facilitated acquisition. Quartz chopper manufacture was not associated with cognitive performance. Conversely, chert flaking and retouch were moderately and strongly associated with visuospati...

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Research paper thumbnail of Prijevod s njemačkog na hrvatski; Prijevod s hrvatskog na njemački = Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische; Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche

Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen u... more Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und der Alkohol" (NDR Fernsehen) Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche: zwei Kapitel aus der Publikation "Darovi zemlje: neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava" (Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu/Muzej Slavonije Osijek/Sveučilište u Zagrebu Filozofski fakultet)

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolucija sintakse i semantike iz psiholingvističke i neurolingvističke perspektive

U ovome radu iznio sam pregled odabranih studija i rasprava koje se bave evolucijom semantike i s... more U ovome radu iznio sam pregled odabranih studija i rasprava koje se bave evolucijom semantike i sintakse. Fokus je bio na psiholingvističkoj i neurolingvističkoj literaturi. Uočeni su mnogi problemi u studijama i raspravama o evoluciji semantike i sintakse: nedostatak empirijskih studija, manjak komunikacije između stručnjaka različitih znanstvenih disciplina te mali udio lingvističkih studija i rasprava. Akumulirano znanje o evoluciji jezika sugerira da je jezik egzaptirao iz postojećih kognitivnih domena, suprotno modularnim pretpostavkama evolucije jezika. Također, neke životinje pokazuju određeni semantički i sintaktički kapacitet u svojoj vokalizacijskoj komunikaciji. Studije leksičke semantike pokazuju da je ona utjelovljena, tj. ovisna o senzorimotoričkim informacijama. Najutljelovljenije su riječi koje označuju radnje te konkretne riječi u usporedbi s apstraktnim riječima koje pokazuju manji stupanj utjelovljenosti. Ipak, moguće je da apstraktne riječi filogenetski proizlaze...

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Research paper thumbnail of Semantische Wortflüssigkeit in der Erstpsychose: Ergebnisse hängen von der gegebenen semantischen Kategorie ab

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Research paper thumbnail of Zašto neki političari, novinari i zdravstveni djelatnici zagovaraju cijepljenje djece protiv covid-19?

U hrvatskim je medijima sve više govora o cijepljenju djece protiv covid-19, unatoč maloj ulozi d... more U hrvatskim je medijima sve više govora o cijepljenju djece protiv covid-19, unatoč maloj ulozi djece u prijenosu novog koronavirusa i njihovom malom riziku od teških simptoma, postojanju drugih oblika prevencije, činjenici da klinička ispitivanja nisu dovršena, raznih problema u provedenim ispitivanjima i rastućoj zabrinutosti oko sigurnosti cjepiva i mogućih štetnih učinaka. Cilj je ovog kratkog pregleda odabrane znanstvene literature potaknuti kvalitetnu javnu raspravu prije donošenja potencijalno ishitrenih odluka.

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Research paper thumbnail of Translation from German into Croatian; Translation from Croatian into German

Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen u... more Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und der Alkohol" (NDR Fernsehen) Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche: zwei Kapitel aus der Publikation "Darovi zemlje: neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava" (Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu/Muzej Slavonije Osijek/Sveučilište u Zagrebu Filozofski fakultet)Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Kroatische: Dokumentarfilm "Na dann Prost! Die Deutschen und der Alkohol" (NDR Fernsehen) Übersetzung aus dem Kroatischen ins Deutsche: zwei Kapitel aus der Publikation "Darovi zemlje: neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava" (Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu/Muzej Slavonije Osijek/Sveučilište u Zagrebu Filozofski fakultet

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Research paper thumbnail of Važnost lingvističkih istraživanja leksičko-semantičke obrade u shizofreniji

Shizofrenija je psihički poremećaj koji pogađa oko 1 % ljudske populacije. Uz deluzije i halucina... more Shizofrenija je psihički poremećaj koji pogađa oko 1 % ljudske populacije. Uz deluzije i halucinacije kao često navođene simptome od začetaka istraživanja početkom 20. stoljeća ističe se nekoherentan govor pun nejasno povezanim asocijacijama koji se povezuje s formalnim poremećajem mišljenja. Stoga su jezična testiranja rano imala znatnu ulogu. Lingvistička istraživanja u shizofreniji vršila su se na razini riječi, rečenice i diskursa, a najčešće su služila u interpretaciji leksičko- semantičke obrade s ciljem razjašnjenja vidljivih komunikacijskih poteškoća. Unatoč opstojnosti lingvističkih istraživanja njihova je primjena u kliničkoj dijagnostici skromna, no s izrazitim potencijalom. U izlaganju ćemo se osvrnuti i na nužnost interdisciplinarnosti te ukratko predstaviti istraživanja lingvističkog laboratorija Odsjeka za lingvistiku FFZG-a. S obzirom na filozofski karakter Simpozija tematizirat će se i shizofrenija kao specifično ljudski fenomen.

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