[mood |awake]Next time I decide to launch myself into the sort of full on writing binge that pulls me away for weeks except for classes and in which I manage to get myself down to less than three hours of sleep a night, um...someone make me stop myself? No seriously, today, in one of those freaking wierd moments of clarity between putting stamps on the stuff I'd shoved under the desk because I've been too busy...(or lazy, take your pick) to actually get out for stamps, I managed to get a glance at the calendar. .........I'd no idea it was October already. No seriously. I vaguely knew that time was passing, that I've had some tests and quizzes, that a part of my brain is learning the material, but it's all been so mechanical. Jack London, the amazing human robot? Something about that one, I'm not okay with. There's more to life than books, a word file, and coffee, even when the coffee's really good...Um yeah. I do remember coffee and...the coffee's about it to be completely honnest. Hell...October. Well, I might as well get on with things. So Hey Eupheme, I'm back from the dark lands of the bitter recesses of my frentic mind, with hopes that I do not again make that bitter journey until sometime next semester at the earliest. I'd say "ever" but let's be predictable and truthful here, yeah? |