Sudhir Aggarwal | Florida State University (original) (raw)

Papers by Sudhir Aggarwal

Research paper thumbnail of Audit: Automated Disk Investigation Toolkit

Software tools designed for disk analysis play a critical role today in forensics investigations.... more Software tools designed for disk analysis play a critical role today in forensics investigations. However, these digital forensics tools are often difficult to use, usually task specific, and generally require professionally trained users with IT backgrounds. The relevant tools are also often open source requiring additional technical knowledge and proper configuration. This makes it difficult for investigators without some computer science background to easily conduct the needed disk analysis. In this paper, we present AUDIT, a novel automated disk investigation toolkit that supports investigations conducted by non-expert (in IT and disk technology) and expert investigators. Our proof of concept design and implementation of AUDIT intelligently integrates open source tools and guides non-IT professionals while requiring minimal technical knowledge about the disk structures and file systems of the target disk image.

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Research paper thumbnail of Specifying and Analyzing Protocols with SPANNER

IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of Constrained Diameter Steiner Trees for Multicast Conferences in Overlay Networks

Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks, 2004

We consider a variation of a constrained Steiner minimal tree problem that is applicable for mult... more We consider a variation of a constrained Steiner minimal tree problem that is applicable for multicast conferencing. We assume a network having a cost and delay values associated with each edge. Then, we find an optimal shared tree with minimal cost subject to the constraint that the delay between any two nodes of the tree must be bounded by some

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Multiprocessor/Distributed Real-Time Systems Using the ASSERTS Toolkit

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1999

We describe a real-time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary a... more We describe a real-time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary analysis and simulation capabilities to assist the designer of multiprocessor/distributed real-time systems. ASSERTS allows users to describe the parameters of the hardware platform, interconnection and the kernel, the programming model (shared or distributed memory) and the task system for the purpose of simulation and analysis. The simulation component

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Research paper thumbnail of A Training Tool for Internet Crimes Against Children Cases

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of WIRE-a WWW-based information retrieval and extraction system

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Research paper thumbnail of Anti-Cyberstalking: The Predator and Prey Alert (PAPA) System

First International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE'05), 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence handling in proactive cyberstalking investigations: the PAPA approach

First International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE'05), 2005


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Research paper thumbnail of Infrastructure for the synchronization and coordination of concurrent Java component programs

Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2000

... Sandeep Mitra ... The foremost example is Linda [12] and her variants ([13],[14],[15]), whose... more ... Sandeep Mitra ... The foremost example is Linda [12] and her variants ([13],[14],[15]), whose principles are also the basis for recent coordination libraries added to conventional programming languages such as Java (eg, Shade/Jada [7]). Linda has the notion of a tuple space, and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Password Cracking Using Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars

2009 30th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Database exploration with dynamic abstractions

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1994

For the efficient management of a large database we need a more friendly user-interface, more pow... more For the efficient management of a large database we need a more friendly user-interface, more powerful abstraction capabilities, and more flexible data structures than is usually provided. A new database system called SCOPE was developed with the following three objectives: (1) unsophisticated end-users should be able to explore and navigate in a database system fairly intuitively, (2) the structures and

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Research paper thumbnail of Specification and automated implementation of coordination protocols in distributed controls for flexible manufacturing cells

Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1994

This paper describes a new specification model called the Dynamic Coordinated Concurrent Activiti... more This paper describes a new specification model called the Dynamic Coordinated Concurrent Activities (DCCA) model and shows its utility for the specifica-tion of coordination protocols needed in manufactur-ing control systems. The principal advantage of this model lies an the ease ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing metrics for password creation policies by attacking large sets of revealed passwords

Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security - CCS '10, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of X-Online: An Online Interface for Digital Decryption Tools

Second International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE'07), 2007

... Sudhir Aggarwal* Daniel Beech* Rajarshi Das* Breno de Medeiros* Eric Thompson† ... The silo s... more ... Sudhir Aggarwal* Daniel Beech* Rajarshi Das* Breno de Medeiros* Eric Thompson† ... The silo should provide the computing resources at a central reference site—which in practice could be implemented as multiple silos at various locations—and would be accessed through a ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Incorporating Accountability into Internet E-mail

Journal of Digital Forensic Practice, 2009

... FIGURE 2 Layered E-mail trust relationships. Bob Alice MUA AUM PEM, S/MIME, PGP, etc. XM XM P... more ... FIGURE 2 Layered E-mail trust relationships. Bob Alice MUA AUM PEM, S/MIME, PGP, etc. XM XM PGP, X.509, DH, etc. SPF, DKIM, etc. domain peer user MTA MTA FIGURE 3 An enveloped (layered E-mail message. user message mua/user headers mta/mx headers ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A software environment for the specification and analysis of problems of coordination and concurrency

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1988

The SPANNER software environment for the specification and analysis of concurrent process coordin... more The SPANNER software environment for the specification and analysis of concurrent process coordination and resource sharing coordination is described. In the SPANNER environment, one can formally produce a specification of a distributed computing problem, and then verify its validity through reachability analysis and simulation. SPANNER is based on a finite-state machine model called the selection/resolution model. The capabilities of SPANNER

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Research paper thumbnail of Spanner: A Tool for the Specification, Analysis, and Evaluation of Protocols

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of ASSERTS: a toolkit for real-time software design, development and evaluation

Cell Biology International, 1997

We describe a real time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary a... more We describe a real time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary analysis and simulation capabilities to assist the real time system designer. ASSERTS is configuration independent and allows users to describe the parameters of the hardware platform, interconnection and the kernel and the task system for the purpose of simulation and analysis. The simulation component of ASSERTS is

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Research paper thumbnail of A flexible multicast routing protocol for group communication

Computer Networks, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Adding liveness properties to coupled finite-state machines

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 1990

... Titre du document / Document title. Adding liveness properties to coupled finite-statemachine... more ... Titre du document / Document title. Adding liveness properties to coupled finite-statemachines. Auteur(s) / Author(s). AGGARWAL S. ; COURCOUBETIS C. ; WOLPER P. ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Audit: Automated Disk Investigation Toolkit

Software tools designed for disk analysis play a critical role today in forensics investigations.... more Software tools designed for disk analysis play a critical role today in forensics investigations. However, these digital forensics tools are often difficult to use, usually task specific, and generally require professionally trained users with IT backgrounds. The relevant tools are also often open source requiring additional technical knowledge and proper configuration. This makes it difficult for investigators without some computer science background to easily conduct the needed disk analysis. In this paper, we present AUDIT, a novel automated disk investigation toolkit that supports investigations conducted by non-expert (in IT and disk technology) and expert investigators. Our proof of concept design and implementation of AUDIT intelligently integrates open source tools and guides non-IT professionals while requiring minimal technical knowledge about the disk structures and file systems of the target disk image.

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Research paper thumbnail of Specifying and Analyzing Protocols with SPANNER

IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of Constrained Diameter Steiner Trees for Multicast Conferences in Overlay Networks

Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks, 2004

We consider a variation of a constrained Steiner minimal tree problem that is applicable for mult... more We consider a variation of a constrained Steiner minimal tree problem that is applicable for multicast conferencing. We assume a network having a cost and delay values associated with each edge. Then, we find an optimal shared tree with minimal cost subject to the constraint that the delay between any two nodes of the tree must be bounded by some

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Multiprocessor/Distributed Real-Time Systems Using the ASSERTS Toolkit

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1999

We describe a real-time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary a... more We describe a real-time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary analysis and simulation capabilities to assist the designer of multiprocessor/distributed real-time systems. ASSERTS allows users to describe the parameters of the hardware platform, interconnection and the kernel, the programming model (shared or distributed memory) and the task system for the purpose of simulation and analysis. The simulation component

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Research paper thumbnail of A Training Tool for Internet Crimes Against Children Cases

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of WIRE-a WWW-based information retrieval and extraction system

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Research paper thumbnail of Anti-Cyberstalking: The Predator and Prey Alert (PAPA) System

First International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE'05), 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence handling in proactive cyberstalking investigations: the PAPA approach

First International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE'05), 2005


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Research paper thumbnail of Infrastructure for the synchronization and coordination of concurrent Java component programs

Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2000

... Sandeep Mitra ... The foremost example is Linda [12] and her variants ([13],[14],[15]), whose... more ... Sandeep Mitra ... The foremost example is Linda [12] and her variants ([13],[14],[15]), whose principles are also the basis for recent coordination libraries added to conventional programming languages such as Java (eg, Shade/Jada [7]). Linda has the notion of a tuple space, and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Password Cracking Using Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars

2009 30th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Database exploration with dynamic abstractions

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1994

For the efficient management of a large database we need a more friendly user-interface, more pow... more For the efficient management of a large database we need a more friendly user-interface, more powerful abstraction capabilities, and more flexible data structures than is usually provided. A new database system called SCOPE was developed with the following three objectives: (1) unsophisticated end-users should be able to explore and navigate in a database system fairly intuitively, (2) the structures and

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Research paper thumbnail of Specification and automated implementation of coordination protocols in distributed controls for flexible manufacturing cells

Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1994

This paper describes a new specification model called the Dynamic Coordinated Concurrent Activiti... more This paper describes a new specification model called the Dynamic Coordinated Concurrent Activities (DCCA) model and shows its utility for the specifica-tion of coordination protocols needed in manufactur-ing control systems. The principal advantage of this model lies an the ease ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing metrics for password creation policies by attacking large sets of revealed passwords

Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security - CCS '10, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of X-Online: An Online Interface for Digital Decryption Tools

Second International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE'07), 2007

... Sudhir Aggarwal* Daniel Beech* Rajarshi Das* Breno de Medeiros* Eric Thompson† ... The silo s... more ... Sudhir Aggarwal* Daniel Beech* Rajarshi Das* Breno de Medeiros* Eric Thompson† ... The silo should provide the computing resources at a central reference site—which in practice could be implemented as multiple silos at various locations—and would be accessed through a ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Incorporating Accountability into Internet E-mail

Journal of Digital Forensic Practice, 2009

... FIGURE 2 Layered E-mail trust relationships. Bob Alice MUA AUM PEM, S/MIME, PGP, etc. XM XM P... more ... FIGURE 2 Layered E-mail trust relationships. Bob Alice MUA AUM PEM, S/MIME, PGP, etc. XM XM PGP, X.509, DH, etc. SPF, DKIM, etc. domain peer user MTA MTA FIGURE 3 An enveloped (layered E-mail message. user message mua/user headers mta/mx headers ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A software environment for the specification and analysis of problems of coordination and concurrency

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1988

The SPANNER software environment for the specification and analysis of concurrent process coordin... more The SPANNER software environment for the specification and analysis of concurrent process coordination and resource sharing coordination is described. In the SPANNER environment, one can formally produce a specification of a distributed computing problem, and then verify its validity through reachability analysis and simulation. SPANNER is based on a finite-state machine model called the selection/resolution model. The capabilities of SPANNER

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Research paper thumbnail of Spanner: A Tool for the Specification, Analysis, and Evaluation of Protocols

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of ASSERTS: a toolkit for real-time software design, development and evaluation

Cell Biology International, 1997

We describe a real time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary a... more We describe a real time software engineering toolkit called ASSERTS that provides complementary analysis and simulation capabilities to assist the real time system designer. ASSERTS is configuration independent and allows users to describe the parameters of the hardware platform, interconnection and the kernel and the task system for the purpose of simulation and analysis. The simulation component of ASSERTS is

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Research paper thumbnail of A flexible multicast routing protocol for group communication

Computer Networks, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Adding liveness properties to coupled finite-state machines

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 1990

... Titre du document / Document title. Adding liveness properties to coupled finite-statemachine... more ... Titre du document / Document title. Adding liveness properties to coupled finite-statemachines. Auteur(s) / Author(s). AGGARWAL S. ; COURCOUBETIS C. ; WOLPER P. ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). ...

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