Benedikt Peschl | Freie Universität Berlin (original) (raw)

Books by Benedikt Peschl

Research paper thumbnail of The First Three Hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā (Brill 2022, TOC)

The First Three Hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā (Ahunauuaiti Gatha), 2022

2022 book based on my PhD thesis (SOAS 2021). See\. Full ... more 2022 book based on my PhD thesis (SOAS 2021). See

Full reference:
Peschl, Benedikt. 2022. The first three hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā. The Avestan text of Yasna 28–30 and its tradition (Handbook of Oriental Studies — Corpus Avesticum 32/4). Leiden – New York: Brill.

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Papers by Benedikt Peschl

Research paper thumbnail of ‘God of Gods’: An Iranian Buddhist Epithet and Its Traces in Early Chinese Buddhist Translations

Indo-Iranian Journal, 2024

The Iranian flavour of the Chinese epithet of the Buddha, tianzhong tian 天 中 天, 'god among gods,'... more The Iranian flavour of the Chinese epithet of the Buddha, tianzhong tian 天 中 天, 'god among gods,' and its relationship with the Indo-Aryan parallel devātideva-, 'foremost god of gods,' have been repeatedly addressed. Past studies of the origin of the expressions sought to establish an ultimate connection to the Achaemenid royal title 'king of kings' (Old Persian xšāyaθiya-xšāyaθiyānām), assuming that the divine epithet was coined based on the royal one. However, the comparative Indo-Iranian evidence speaks for the considerable antiquity of the divine epithet '(foremost) god of gods'-Proto-Indo-Iranian *dai̯ u̯ ānām dai̯ u̯ a(tama)-, replaced by *bagānām baga(tama-) in Old Iranian-and against its secondary character in relation to 'king of kings'. The Middle Iranian corpora show a particularly broad usage of 'god of gods'-like epithets to refer to supreme figures worthy of veneration; the epithet therefore may be considered part of a pan-Iranian religious vocabulary during the first millennium ce. We further make the case that the Buddhist usage of the expression in Middle Iranian languages as well as the appearance of its equivalents in Chinese and Indo-Aryan sources is specifically due to the super-regional influence of a Bactrian prototype, *βαγανο βαγαδαμο.

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Research paper thumbnail of Traces of textual fluidity in the Zand: extracts from the Pahlavi Yasna in the old Pahlavi codex K20

Estudios Iranios y Turanios 6 (Festschrift J. Kellens), 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Avestan-Middle Persian tense mismatches in the Zand and the Middle Persian “performative preterite”

Avestan-Middle Persian tense mismatches in the Zand and the Middle Persian “performative preterite”, 2023


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Research paper thumbnail of Preterite Formations in Niya Prakrit and Khotanese: A Case of Grammatical Interference?

Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2022

Some features of the North-Western Prakrit that was used as the administrative language of the ki... more Some features of the North-Western Prakrit that was used as the administrative language of the kingdom of Kroraina (‘Niya Prakrit’) have in the past been more or less vaguely described as the result of language contact. One particularly striking feature that invites such an account is the innovative preterite of this Prakrit variety. We argue that, from a structural point of view, this formation and its morphosyntactic behaviour can be plausibly attributed to interference from Khotanese. In addition, a scenario involving Khotanese as a substratum language of Niya Prakrit may also be well accounted for from a historical and sociolinguistic perspective.

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Research paper thumbnail of Adpositional phrases in Indo-European: aspects of grammaticalization (2019)

Cotticelli Kurras, Paola and Sabine Ziegler (eds.), Tra semantica e sintassi: il ruolo della linguistica storica. Zwischen Semantik und Syntax: Die Rolle der historischen Sprachwissenschaft, Roma, 2019

The aim of this paper is to apply the parameters semanticity, bondedness and syntagmatic variabil... more The aim of this paper is to apply the parameters semanticity, bondedness and syntagmatic variability as laid out in Lehmann (2015) to measure the grammaticalization of spatial expressions in Old Hittite, Vedic Sanskrit, Homeric Greek, Latin, Umbrian, and Tocharian.

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Talks by Benedikt Peschl

Research paper thumbnail of The formation of a Zoroastrian Middle Persian meta-liturgical terminology (expanded handout)

Preliminary thoughts and observations on the sources and constitution of the Zoroastrian Middle P... more Preliminary thoughts and observations on the sources and constitution of the Zoroastrian Middle Persian meta-liturgical terminology. Developed during corpus preparation for the MPCD project (Zoroastrian Middle Persian: Corpus and Dictionary). Basis for a more large-scale study and impulse for upcoming lexicographical work in MPCD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Avesta quotations in an old Pahlavi manuscript (M 51) and the role of the learned priesthood in medieval Zoroastrianism (2021)

Talk given at the Webinar on Iranian Studies, Department of Ancient Culture and Languages, Univer... more Talk given at the Webinar on Iranian Studies, Department of Ancient Culture and Languages, University of Tehran, January 21, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Yasna 28.11, Yašt 1.26 and the Warštmānsar Nask: untangling an intertextual network (2019)

Talk given at the 9th European Conference of Iranian Studies, Berlin, September 9–13, 2019. Publi... more Talk given at the 9th European Conference of Iranian Studies, Berlin, September 9–13, 2019. Published as chapter 23 of monograph "The first three hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā" (Brill 2022).

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Research paper thumbnail of The Pahlavi Version of the Gāthās (2018)

Talk given at the Annual Seminar of the World Zoroastrian Organisation, London, June 17, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Zu den Reflexen uriranischer Präsentien des Typs R(ā)-aya- im Sogdischen (2018)

Talk given at the University of Cologne, April 20, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Avestisch als Sprache der zoroastrischen Liturgie (2018)

Talk given at the University of Cologne, April 19, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Adpositional phrases in Indo-European: aspects of grammaticalization (2017)

Extended handout of a paper presented at the IG/SIG Conference in Verona, October 2017

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[Research paper thumbnail of Umlaut im sogdischen Verbalsystem [slides] (2017)](

Talk given at the 33rd Deutscher Orientalistentag (Sektion Indogermanistik / Indo-European Studie... more Talk given at the 33rd Deutscher Orientalistentag (Sektion Indogermanistik / Indo-European Studies), Jena, September 18–22, 2017. I have not yet had a chance to fill in the gaps that remain in the philological data underlying the paper. This piece of research is therefore still awaiting completion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Baγān ud yazdān: words for 'god' in Parthian (2017)

Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaea... more Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Torino, September 11–15, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple thematic presents with root vowel ā in Avestan: textual corruption, genuine Avestan innovation or PIE archaism? (2017)

Talk given at the Corpus Avesticum Meeting, Berlin, March 23–24, 2017. With an excursus on umlaut... more Talk given at the Corpus Avesticum Meeting, Berlin, March 23–24, 2017. With an excursus on umlaut in Bactrian.

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Research paper thumbnail of Root Semantics and Stative Present Perfects in the Rigveda (2016)

Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies, Vienna, Septembe... more Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies, Vienna, September 13–16, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The transmission of anaptyxis before the endings -bīš and -biiō in Avestan (2016)

Talk given at the workshop "Rencontre avestologique: Phonetics and Phonology in Avestan and Beyon... more Talk given at the workshop "Rencontre avestologique: Phonetics and Phonology in Avestan and Beyond", Paris, April 25–26, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Anaptyctic vowels in the Avestan manuscript tradition. A case study: anaptyxis in the present stem s(i)rinu- ‘to lean’ (2016)

Talk given at the Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Boston, March 18–21, 2016

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Book Reviews by Benedikt Peschl

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Bichlmeier, H. (2011), Ablativ, Lokativ und Instrumental im Jungavestischen

Kratylos, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The First Three Hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā (Brill 2022, TOC)

The First Three Hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā (Ahunauuaiti Gatha), 2022

2022 book based on my PhD thesis (SOAS 2021). See\. Full ... more 2022 book based on my PhD thesis (SOAS 2021). See

Full reference:
Peschl, Benedikt. 2022. The first three hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā. The Avestan text of Yasna 28–30 and its tradition (Handbook of Oriental Studies — Corpus Avesticum 32/4). Leiden – New York: Brill.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘God of Gods’: An Iranian Buddhist Epithet and Its Traces in Early Chinese Buddhist Translations

Indo-Iranian Journal, 2024

The Iranian flavour of the Chinese epithet of the Buddha, tianzhong tian 天 中 天, 'god among gods,'... more The Iranian flavour of the Chinese epithet of the Buddha, tianzhong tian 天 中 天, 'god among gods,' and its relationship with the Indo-Aryan parallel devātideva-, 'foremost god of gods,' have been repeatedly addressed. Past studies of the origin of the expressions sought to establish an ultimate connection to the Achaemenid royal title 'king of kings' (Old Persian xšāyaθiya-xšāyaθiyānām), assuming that the divine epithet was coined based on the royal one. However, the comparative Indo-Iranian evidence speaks for the considerable antiquity of the divine epithet '(foremost) god of gods'-Proto-Indo-Iranian *dai̯ u̯ ānām dai̯ u̯ a(tama)-, replaced by *bagānām baga(tama-) in Old Iranian-and against its secondary character in relation to 'king of kings'. The Middle Iranian corpora show a particularly broad usage of 'god of gods'-like epithets to refer to supreme figures worthy of veneration; the epithet therefore may be considered part of a pan-Iranian religious vocabulary during the first millennium ce. We further make the case that the Buddhist usage of the expression in Middle Iranian languages as well as the appearance of its equivalents in Chinese and Indo-Aryan sources is specifically due to the super-regional influence of a Bactrian prototype, *βαγανο βαγαδαμο.

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Research paper thumbnail of Traces of textual fluidity in the Zand: extracts from the Pahlavi Yasna in the old Pahlavi codex K20

Estudios Iranios y Turanios 6 (Festschrift J. Kellens), 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Avestan-Middle Persian tense mismatches in the Zand and the Middle Persian “performative preterite”

Avestan-Middle Persian tense mismatches in the Zand and the Middle Persian “performative preterite”, 2023


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Research paper thumbnail of Preterite Formations in Niya Prakrit and Khotanese: A Case of Grammatical Interference?

Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2022

Some features of the North-Western Prakrit that was used as the administrative language of the ki... more Some features of the North-Western Prakrit that was used as the administrative language of the kingdom of Kroraina (‘Niya Prakrit’) have in the past been more or less vaguely described as the result of language contact. One particularly striking feature that invites such an account is the innovative preterite of this Prakrit variety. We argue that, from a structural point of view, this formation and its morphosyntactic behaviour can be plausibly attributed to interference from Khotanese. In addition, a scenario involving Khotanese as a substratum language of Niya Prakrit may also be well accounted for from a historical and sociolinguistic perspective.

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Research paper thumbnail of Adpositional phrases in Indo-European: aspects of grammaticalization (2019)

Cotticelli Kurras, Paola and Sabine Ziegler (eds.), Tra semantica e sintassi: il ruolo della linguistica storica. Zwischen Semantik und Syntax: Die Rolle der historischen Sprachwissenschaft, Roma, 2019

The aim of this paper is to apply the parameters semanticity, bondedness and syntagmatic variabil... more The aim of this paper is to apply the parameters semanticity, bondedness and syntagmatic variability as laid out in Lehmann (2015) to measure the grammaticalization of spatial expressions in Old Hittite, Vedic Sanskrit, Homeric Greek, Latin, Umbrian, and Tocharian.

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Research paper thumbnail of The formation of a Zoroastrian Middle Persian meta-liturgical terminology (expanded handout)

Preliminary thoughts and observations on the sources and constitution of the Zoroastrian Middle P... more Preliminary thoughts and observations on the sources and constitution of the Zoroastrian Middle Persian meta-liturgical terminology. Developed during corpus preparation for the MPCD project (Zoroastrian Middle Persian: Corpus and Dictionary). Basis for a more large-scale study and impulse for upcoming lexicographical work in MPCD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Avesta quotations in an old Pahlavi manuscript (M 51) and the role of the learned priesthood in medieval Zoroastrianism (2021)

Talk given at the Webinar on Iranian Studies, Department of Ancient Culture and Languages, Univer... more Talk given at the Webinar on Iranian Studies, Department of Ancient Culture and Languages, University of Tehran, January 21, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Yasna 28.11, Yašt 1.26 and the Warštmānsar Nask: untangling an intertextual network (2019)

Talk given at the 9th European Conference of Iranian Studies, Berlin, September 9–13, 2019. Publi... more Talk given at the 9th European Conference of Iranian Studies, Berlin, September 9–13, 2019. Published as chapter 23 of monograph "The first three hymns of the Ahunauuaitī Gāθā" (Brill 2022).

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Research paper thumbnail of The Pahlavi Version of the Gāthās (2018)

Talk given at the Annual Seminar of the World Zoroastrian Organisation, London, June 17, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Zu den Reflexen uriranischer Präsentien des Typs R(ā)-aya- im Sogdischen (2018)

Talk given at the University of Cologne, April 20, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Avestisch als Sprache der zoroastrischen Liturgie (2018)

Talk given at the University of Cologne, April 19, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Adpositional phrases in Indo-European: aspects of grammaticalization (2017)

Extended handout of a paper presented at the IG/SIG Conference in Verona, October 2017

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[Research paper thumbnail of Umlaut im sogdischen Verbalsystem [slides] (2017)](

Talk given at the 33rd Deutscher Orientalistentag (Sektion Indogermanistik / Indo-European Studie... more Talk given at the 33rd Deutscher Orientalistentag (Sektion Indogermanistik / Indo-European Studies), Jena, September 18–22, 2017. I have not yet had a chance to fill in the gaps that remain in the philological data underlying the paper. This piece of research is therefore still awaiting completion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Baγān ud yazdān: words for 'god' in Parthian (2017)

Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaea... more Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Torino, September 11–15, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple thematic presents with root vowel ā in Avestan: textual corruption, genuine Avestan innovation or PIE archaism? (2017)

Talk given at the Corpus Avesticum Meeting, Berlin, March 23–24, 2017. With an excursus on umlaut... more Talk given at the Corpus Avesticum Meeting, Berlin, March 23–24, 2017. With an excursus on umlaut in Bactrian.

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Research paper thumbnail of Root Semantics and Stative Present Perfects in the Rigveda (2016)

Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies, Vienna, Septembe... more Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies, Vienna, September 13–16, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The transmission of anaptyxis before the endings -bīš and -biiō in Avestan (2016)

Talk given at the workshop "Rencontre avestologique: Phonetics and Phonology in Avestan and Beyon... more Talk given at the workshop "Rencontre avestologique: Phonetics and Phonology in Avestan and Beyond", Paris, April 25–26, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Anaptyctic vowels in the Avestan manuscript tradition. A case study: anaptyxis in the present stem s(i)rinu- ‘to lean’ (2016)

Talk given at the Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Boston, March 18–21, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Bichlmeier, H. (2011), Ablativ, Lokativ und Instrumental im Jungavestischen

Kratylos, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Goldman, L. (2015), Rašn Yašt. The Avestan Hymn to 'Justice'

Indo-Iranian Journal, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Pirart, É. (ed.) (2013), Le sort des gâthâs et autres études iraniennes in memoriam Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin

Kratylos, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Cantera, A. (2014), Vers une édition de la liturgie longue zoroastrienne

Kratylos, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Schmitt, R. (2014), Wörterbuch der altpersischen Königsinschriften

Kratylos, 2015

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