siti murtiningsih | Gadjahmada University (original) (raw)

Books by siti murtiningsih

Research paper thumbnail of Asas Filsafat Pendidikan

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Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Alat Perlawanan

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Papers by siti murtiningsih

Research paper thumbnail of Arisan Rukun': The Cultural Strategy of the Lahendong Community, North Sulawesi in Maintaining Brotherhood Ties from Generation to Generation (Study of Social Solidarity Theory of Emile Durkheim)

Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities

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Research paper thumbnail of Ideologi Film Kartun Animasi Anak (Refleksi Filosofis Atas Pedagogi Tersembunyi Dalam Dunia Disney)

Ideologically, Disney animation cartoon films do not just represent pedagogical values in the tra... more Ideologically, Disney animation cartoon films do not just represent pedagogical values in the traditional family culture, but also have conflicts between pedagogical values in general traditional family and Disney’s natural characteristic as a big corporation that lives in the capital industry. We can see these conflicts clearly in a few Disney’s box office films. “The Lion King” film shows a deep relation in nonsocial democracy, authority naturalization, hierarchy, unbalanced structure, and full of patriarchy ideology values. “Little Mermaid” film has a strictly unbalanced gender. We can see that from Ariel, one of the characters in this film. Although, she is a pretty and active woman, but she is still on the position where she must obey the romanticism which is dominated by men. “Cinderella” film shows a violence ideology in household, unbalanced gender, and dependency. Disney child animation cartoon film is able to reconstruct a “different world” for children around the world wh...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ontological Commitment and Its Implication to Semantical Objects of Religious Language

European Journal of Theology and Philosophy

This research is aimed at explaining and analyzing the ontological status of semantical objects o... more This research is aimed at explaining and analyzing the ontological status of semantical objects of religious language. This ontological status concern how every term in religious language refers to an object and how we interpret those terms, whether it represents the object itself or merely its sensual or constructive properties. This finding lies in the disputation between religious realism and non-realism. The results of this research are (1) every believer is exactly a realist because he or she has the ontological commitment to the object of the utterance, but (2) God exists independently from human thought and consciousness, (3) it is possible to put God as the object of intentional and semantic but only represents sensible qualities of the real object, and (4) the meaning of religious language depends on believer's ontological commitment on God's existence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teologi Tuhan Mati" (Tinjauan tentang Eksistensi Tuhan dan Otonomi Manusia dalam Perspektif Ateisme)

Dunia modern tak lepas dari poros entitas kenyataan yang menjadi objek penelahaan serius ilmu fil... more Dunia modern tak lepas dari poros entitas kenyataan yang menjadi objek penelahaan serius ilmu filsafat sepanjang masa: alam, manusia, Tuhan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutika Filosofis Hans-Georg Gadamer sebagai Basis Ontologis Multikulturalisme

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Research paper thumbnail of The Application of Model Thematic Learning to Building Basic Capability for Children with Special Needs

This research aims to explore the application of thematic learning model and finding its implicat... more This research aims to explore the application of thematic learning model and finding its implications to building basic capability for students with special needs. This descriptive research used a qualitative approach and the data collection technique in this research applied purposive sampling. This research on the first stage conducts a descriptive analysis of the data which is obtained from Special School Tegar Harapan, Yogyakarta, then on the second stage refers to analysis discussion towards the results on first stage using Philosophy of Education theory capability approach. The result of this research is that the thematic learning model could become an academic methodology in learning by the students in Special School Tegar Harapan. The thematic learning model also contributes to building basic capability for students in Special School Tegar Harapan, especially on a high education level. The application of model thematic learning for students Special School Tegar Harapan which...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kosmologi Sekala-Niskala Refleksi Estetika Lukisan I Nyoman Sukari

Philosophical reflection provides an understanding of all the activities of various components of... more Philosophical reflection provides an understanding of all the activities of various components of the work of human works as a related entity in a network with one another. Language, myth, religion, and art and artists as human creators are not unrelated, but rather integrated into a single bond. I Nyoman Sukari as an artist, has a pluralistic and multicultural variety of artistic achievements bringing all the charm, experience, mystery, stories, mythology of Bali and Java inherent in his body, mind, and soul. The philosophical issues in Sukari's paintings are full of Balinese locality values and their multicultural nature; religiosity, mythology, history, scale, tradition art, cross-culture, and contemporary or globalization issues become more complex and multi-layered in aesthetic and metaphysical terms. In this article, I will investigate and study with a hermeneutic-metaphysical approach; what is the nature of the art for I Nyoman Sukari, how far the basic principles of Hind...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relevansi Ontologi Brahman dan Ātman dalam Kitab Īṣāvasya Upaniṣad dengan Pluralitas Agama di Indonesia

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi), 2021

Indonesia is a plurality country which is indicated by the diversity of ethnicities, races, custo... more Indonesia is a plurality country which is indicated by the diversity of ethnicities, races, customs, languages, and religions. Plurality, including religion, can have implications for cooperation but also conflict. The facts show that the plurality of religions in Indonesia is in trouble. But inherently, all religions, including Hinduism, also have values that can overcome the problem of plurality, which is hidden in its theological concepts. This study aims to explore the Brahman and Ātman in the Īṣāvasya Upaniṣad ontologically and its relevance to the plurality of religions in Indonesia. This research is library research using a qualitative approach. The material objects of the research are Brahman and Ātman in the Īśāvasya Upaniṣad. Data collection in this study was carried out through document studies on primary and secondary data sources. Data analysis in this study used methodical steps of descriptive, interpretative, and holistic analysis. The results showed that the study of...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Pendidikan DI Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Filsafat

Education is a very important field for humans. Education is needed by humans in order to live a ... more Education is a very important field for humans. Education is needed by humans in order to live a civilized and dignified life. The essence of education from ancient to modern times has remained the same, namely shaping human character. Education in Indonesia is an effort to achieve national goals, namely to educate the nation. This paper is based on a brief study of the journey of education in Indonesia from the pre-colonial era to the reform era. This paper seeks to answer the question of how the history of education in Indonesia in general. How is the education policy in every era, how is the implementation of education in Indonesia from a philosophical perspective. This research is a philosophical study of the actual problem, namely education. In this study, a linear method was used through several stages, namely perception, reflection and conception. The elements of the method used are interpretation, analysis-synthesis, historical continuity, and idealization. From this resear...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relasi Filsafat Dan Sinema: Sebuah Proyeksi Atas Pemikiran Gilles Deleuze Dalam Cinema 1, Cinema 2 Dan What is Philosophy?

The background of this study was the lack of philosophical practice in responding the existence a... more The background of this study was the lack of philosophical practice in responding the existence and the development of cinema as a new entity. Cinema emerged in the end of 19th century and started to develop along the 20th century until today century. Recognizing that unproductive phenomena, Gilles Deleuze considered Henri Bergson as an exception. It was because shortly after the Lumiere brothers represented cinematograph, Bergson came up with the discourse about the importance of the new way of thinking in understanding movement. Bergson composed a concept about movement-image and time-image

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Research paper thumbnail of Considering the Effective Online Learning Design: Distance Learning and Digital Divide in the Pandemic Era

The year of 2020 is a year of global health crisis that left an impact on social and economic lif... more The year of 2020 is a year of global health crisis that left an impact on social and economic life. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the pattern of human life and the way of interaction between people, including the education. The application of distance learning models during social distancing now becomes a necessity. However, its application is not that easy, given the vast conditions of the region in Indonesia with a variety of conditions. Various parties felt pessimistic about the application of this distance learning model. The raised common reason is always related to infrastructure and facilities. The question arises whether the digital divide in distance learning only related to infrastructure issues. This research is trying to identify several perspectives on the possibility of designing some interesting online learnings in order to achieve the target of learning achievement in the midst of this pandemic situation. There are many ways to design the online learning. Therefo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Justice Ontology; A Study of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb’s Ijtihād

Al-Ahkam, 2021

The paper was conducted to discover the nature of justice in the view of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb... more The paper was conducted to discover the nature of justice in the view of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb and to reveal his ijtihād from the point of view of a philosophical theory of justice. This research includes philosophical research that is historical-factual about a character with the type of library research then analyzes and presents it in a descriptive form. This paper finds that the essence of justice in the view of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb is acceptable behavior that is animated by the principle of equality. 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb has applied the principle of equality before the law. He treats reason and revelation in harmony and balance in his ijtihād . 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb drew inspiration from the intellect that Allah had given him by capturing universal values brought by the Koran, such as justice and equality, which are valid forever. This research contributes to the flexibility of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb in ijtihād , which is imbued with the principle of equality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pembungkaman Pers Pada Masa Orde Baru

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimensi Pemikiran Karl Marx Tentang Penghayatan Beragama Dalam Film PK

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Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini dalam perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan John Dewey

Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini merupakan jenjang awal pendidikan bagi seorang anak sejak lahir h... more Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini merupakan jenjang awal pendidikan bagi seorang anak sejak lahir hingga usia enam tahun. Keberhasilan Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini memiliki peranan penting bagi pendidikan anak pada jenjang sekolah dasar dan jenjang selanjutnya. Banyak model program dan kurikulum PAUD yang dikenal memiliki fitur utama dan keunggulan masing-masing. Oleh sebab itu, model pembelajaran dan pengasuhan yang tepat bagi anak usia dini menjadi perhatian penting bagi orangtua dan ahli pendidikan untuk anak usia dini. Pertimbangan lain terhadap standar kurikulum, kompetensi guru hingga sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran yang menentukan kualitas pendidikan untuk anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif bidang Filsafat. Bahan penelitian adalah pustaka-pustaka yang berkaitan dengan objek material dan objek formal. Metode yang digunakan adalah hermeneutika filosofis, dengan unsurunsur metodis sebagai berikut: analisis hasil bersifat deskripsi, kesinambungan hi...

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Research paper thumbnail of KONSEP KEBEBASAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MENURUT KI HADJAR DEWANTARA DAN PAULO FREIRE(Refleksi Kritis Atas Persoalan Pendidikan Indonesia)

Liberty concept in education is the basic of freedom education. Freedom education is an education... more Liberty concept in education is the basic of freedom education. Freedom education is an education which has capability to create humanist condition and capable to return purpose of education as tool to treat human as a human. Freedom education was born as critical of traditional education concept or banking education concept. Education not again has meaning as tool to be saving knowledge , but as tool to concientitation. Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Paulo Freire are figure of education giving freedom education concept. They are making position of education as tool to introduce human back to basic humanity. In this research, Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Paulo Freire thinking examined as a material object. Furthermore their thought will be analyzed by using liberty concept as formal object. Therefore, the researcher directs this research to the problems about: the liberty essence in education, Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Paulo Freire thinking about education and relevance Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Pa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Life-Based Postmodern Deconstruction Learning Model to Improve Student Creative Thinking

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Research paper thumbnail of Video Games Dalam Perspektif Teori Simulacra Jean Baudrillard Dan Kontribusinyabagi Pendidikan DI Indonesia

The title of the research is �The Philosophy of Education of Video Games in the Perspective of ... more The title of the research is �The Philosophy of Education of Video Games in the Perspective of Simulacra Theory of Jean Baudrillard and Its Relevance with Education in Indonesia.� In the era of digital age, it is clearly seen how video games penetrate the children daily life and it is believed to be an impact on their cognitive and affective processes. The engagement power brought by video games has opened a new issue related to the internalization of values and identity formation in children. The tradition of learning and working hard are threatened by the effects of video game games. Children seem to be alienated from their real social relations. At an early age, they are trapped by the pseudo-reality. Based on the background, the author analyses the effects of video games in the process of internalizing the value of education especially in children. This research is aimed to investigate the formation of identity and self-perception of children. It would be answered the questi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Asas Filsafat Pendidikan

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Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Alat Perlawanan

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Research paper thumbnail of Arisan Rukun': The Cultural Strategy of the Lahendong Community, North Sulawesi in Maintaining Brotherhood Ties from Generation to Generation (Study of Social Solidarity Theory of Emile Durkheim)

Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities

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Research paper thumbnail of Ideologi Film Kartun Animasi Anak (Refleksi Filosofis Atas Pedagogi Tersembunyi Dalam Dunia Disney)

Ideologically, Disney animation cartoon films do not just represent pedagogical values in the tra... more Ideologically, Disney animation cartoon films do not just represent pedagogical values in the traditional family culture, but also have conflicts between pedagogical values in general traditional family and Disney’s natural characteristic as a big corporation that lives in the capital industry. We can see these conflicts clearly in a few Disney’s box office films. “The Lion King” film shows a deep relation in nonsocial democracy, authority naturalization, hierarchy, unbalanced structure, and full of patriarchy ideology values. “Little Mermaid” film has a strictly unbalanced gender. We can see that from Ariel, one of the characters in this film. Although, she is a pretty and active woman, but she is still on the position where she must obey the romanticism which is dominated by men. “Cinderella” film shows a violence ideology in household, unbalanced gender, and dependency. Disney child animation cartoon film is able to reconstruct a “different world” for children around the world wh...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ontological Commitment and Its Implication to Semantical Objects of Religious Language

European Journal of Theology and Philosophy

This research is aimed at explaining and analyzing the ontological status of semantical objects o... more This research is aimed at explaining and analyzing the ontological status of semantical objects of religious language. This ontological status concern how every term in religious language refers to an object and how we interpret those terms, whether it represents the object itself or merely its sensual or constructive properties. This finding lies in the disputation between religious realism and non-realism. The results of this research are (1) every believer is exactly a realist because he or she has the ontological commitment to the object of the utterance, but (2) God exists independently from human thought and consciousness, (3) it is possible to put God as the object of intentional and semantic but only represents sensible qualities of the real object, and (4) the meaning of religious language depends on believer's ontological commitment on God's existence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teologi Tuhan Mati" (Tinjauan tentang Eksistensi Tuhan dan Otonomi Manusia dalam Perspektif Ateisme)

Dunia modern tak lepas dari poros entitas kenyataan yang menjadi objek penelahaan serius ilmu fil... more Dunia modern tak lepas dari poros entitas kenyataan yang menjadi objek penelahaan serius ilmu filsafat sepanjang masa: alam, manusia, Tuhan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutika Filosofis Hans-Georg Gadamer sebagai Basis Ontologis Multikulturalisme

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Research paper thumbnail of The Application of Model Thematic Learning to Building Basic Capability for Children with Special Needs

This research aims to explore the application of thematic learning model and finding its implicat... more This research aims to explore the application of thematic learning model and finding its implications to building basic capability for students with special needs. This descriptive research used a qualitative approach and the data collection technique in this research applied purposive sampling. This research on the first stage conducts a descriptive analysis of the data which is obtained from Special School Tegar Harapan, Yogyakarta, then on the second stage refers to analysis discussion towards the results on first stage using Philosophy of Education theory capability approach. The result of this research is that the thematic learning model could become an academic methodology in learning by the students in Special School Tegar Harapan. The thematic learning model also contributes to building basic capability for students in Special School Tegar Harapan, especially on a high education level. The application of model thematic learning for students Special School Tegar Harapan which...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kosmologi Sekala-Niskala Refleksi Estetika Lukisan I Nyoman Sukari

Philosophical reflection provides an understanding of all the activities of various components of... more Philosophical reflection provides an understanding of all the activities of various components of the work of human works as a related entity in a network with one another. Language, myth, religion, and art and artists as human creators are not unrelated, but rather integrated into a single bond. I Nyoman Sukari as an artist, has a pluralistic and multicultural variety of artistic achievements bringing all the charm, experience, mystery, stories, mythology of Bali and Java inherent in his body, mind, and soul. The philosophical issues in Sukari's paintings are full of Balinese locality values and their multicultural nature; religiosity, mythology, history, scale, tradition art, cross-culture, and contemporary or globalization issues become more complex and multi-layered in aesthetic and metaphysical terms. In this article, I will investigate and study with a hermeneutic-metaphysical approach; what is the nature of the art for I Nyoman Sukari, how far the basic principles of Hind...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relevansi Ontologi Brahman dan Ātman dalam Kitab Īṣāvasya Upaniṣad dengan Pluralitas Agama di Indonesia

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi), 2021

Indonesia is a plurality country which is indicated by the diversity of ethnicities, races, custo... more Indonesia is a plurality country which is indicated by the diversity of ethnicities, races, customs, languages, and religions. Plurality, including religion, can have implications for cooperation but also conflict. The facts show that the plurality of religions in Indonesia is in trouble. But inherently, all religions, including Hinduism, also have values that can overcome the problem of plurality, which is hidden in its theological concepts. This study aims to explore the Brahman and Ātman in the Īṣāvasya Upaniṣad ontologically and its relevance to the plurality of religions in Indonesia. This research is library research using a qualitative approach. The material objects of the research are Brahman and Ātman in the Īśāvasya Upaniṣad. Data collection in this study was carried out through document studies on primary and secondary data sources. Data analysis in this study used methodical steps of descriptive, interpretative, and holistic analysis. The results showed that the study of...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Pendidikan DI Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Filsafat

Education is a very important field for humans. Education is needed by humans in order to live a ... more Education is a very important field for humans. Education is needed by humans in order to live a civilized and dignified life. The essence of education from ancient to modern times has remained the same, namely shaping human character. Education in Indonesia is an effort to achieve national goals, namely to educate the nation. This paper is based on a brief study of the journey of education in Indonesia from the pre-colonial era to the reform era. This paper seeks to answer the question of how the history of education in Indonesia in general. How is the education policy in every era, how is the implementation of education in Indonesia from a philosophical perspective. This research is a philosophical study of the actual problem, namely education. In this study, a linear method was used through several stages, namely perception, reflection and conception. The elements of the method used are interpretation, analysis-synthesis, historical continuity, and idealization. From this resear...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relasi Filsafat Dan Sinema: Sebuah Proyeksi Atas Pemikiran Gilles Deleuze Dalam Cinema 1, Cinema 2 Dan What is Philosophy?

The background of this study was the lack of philosophical practice in responding the existence a... more The background of this study was the lack of philosophical practice in responding the existence and the development of cinema as a new entity. Cinema emerged in the end of 19th century and started to develop along the 20th century until today century. Recognizing that unproductive phenomena, Gilles Deleuze considered Henri Bergson as an exception. It was because shortly after the Lumiere brothers represented cinematograph, Bergson came up with the discourse about the importance of the new way of thinking in understanding movement. Bergson composed a concept about movement-image and time-image

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Research paper thumbnail of Considering the Effective Online Learning Design: Distance Learning and Digital Divide in the Pandemic Era

The year of 2020 is a year of global health crisis that left an impact on social and economic lif... more The year of 2020 is a year of global health crisis that left an impact on social and economic life. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the pattern of human life and the way of interaction between people, including the education. The application of distance learning models during social distancing now becomes a necessity. However, its application is not that easy, given the vast conditions of the region in Indonesia with a variety of conditions. Various parties felt pessimistic about the application of this distance learning model. The raised common reason is always related to infrastructure and facilities. The question arises whether the digital divide in distance learning only related to infrastructure issues. This research is trying to identify several perspectives on the possibility of designing some interesting online learnings in order to achieve the target of learning achievement in the midst of this pandemic situation. There are many ways to design the online learning. Therefo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Justice Ontology; A Study of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb’s Ijtihād

Al-Ahkam, 2021

The paper was conducted to discover the nature of justice in the view of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb... more The paper was conducted to discover the nature of justice in the view of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb and to reveal his ijtihād from the point of view of a philosophical theory of justice. This research includes philosophical research that is historical-factual about a character with the type of library research then analyzes and presents it in a descriptive form. This paper finds that the essence of justice in the view of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb is acceptable behavior that is animated by the principle of equality. 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb has applied the principle of equality before the law. He treats reason and revelation in harmony and balance in his ijtihād . 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb drew inspiration from the intellect that Allah had given him by capturing universal values brought by the Koran, such as justice and equality, which are valid forever. This research contributes to the flexibility of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb in ijtihād , which is imbued with the principle of equality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pembungkaman Pers Pada Masa Orde Baru

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimensi Pemikiran Karl Marx Tentang Penghayatan Beragama Dalam Film PK

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Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini dalam perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan John Dewey

Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini merupakan jenjang awal pendidikan bagi seorang anak sejak lahir h... more Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini merupakan jenjang awal pendidikan bagi seorang anak sejak lahir hingga usia enam tahun. Keberhasilan Pendidikan untuk anak usia dini memiliki peranan penting bagi pendidikan anak pada jenjang sekolah dasar dan jenjang selanjutnya. Banyak model program dan kurikulum PAUD yang dikenal memiliki fitur utama dan keunggulan masing-masing. Oleh sebab itu, model pembelajaran dan pengasuhan yang tepat bagi anak usia dini menjadi perhatian penting bagi orangtua dan ahli pendidikan untuk anak usia dini. Pertimbangan lain terhadap standar kurikulum, kompetensi guru hingga sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran yang menentukan kualitas pendidikan untuk anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif bidang Filsafat. Bahan penelitian adalah pustaka-pustaka yang berkaitan dengan objek material dan objek formal. Metode yang digunakan adalah hermeneutika filosofis, dengan unsurunsur metodis sebagai berikut: analisis hasil bersifat deskripsi, kesinambungan hi...

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Research paper thumbnail of KONSEP KEBEBASAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MENURUT KI HADJAR DEWANTARA DAN PAULO FREIRE(Refleksi Kritis Atas Persoalan Pendidikan Indonesia)

Liberty concept in education is the basic of freedom education. Freedom education is an education... more Liberty concept in education is the basic of freedom education. Freedom education is an education which has capability to create humanist condition and capable to return purpose of education as tool to treat human as a human. Freedom education was born as critical of traditional education concept or banking education concept. Education not again has meaning as tool to be saving knowledge , but as tool to concientitation. Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Paulo Freire are figure of education giving freedom education concept. They are making position of education as tool to introduce human back to basic humanity. In this research, Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Paulo Freire thinking examined as a material object. Furthermore their thought will be analyzed by using liberty concept as formal object. Therefore, the researcher directs this research to the problems about: the liberty essence in education, Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Paulo Freire thinking about education and relevance Ki Hadjar Dewantara and Pa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Life-Based Postmodern Deconstruction Learning Model to Improve Student Creative Thinking

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Research paper thumbnail of Video Games Dalam Perspektif Teori Simulacra Jean Baudrillard Dan Kontribusinyabagi Pendidikan DI Indonesia

The title of the research is �The Philosophy of Education of Video Games in the Perspective of ... more The title of the research is �The Philosophy of Education of Video Games in the Perspective of Simulacra Theory of Jean Baudrillard and Its Relevance with Education in Indonesia.� In the era of digital age, it is clearly seen how video games penetrate the children daily life and it is believed to be an impact on their cognitive and affective processes. The engagement power brought by video games has opened a new issue related to the internalization of values and identity formation in children. The tradition of learning and working hard are threatened by the effects of video game games. Children seem to be alienated from their real social relations. At an early age, they are trapped by the pseudo-reality. Based on the background, the author analyses the effects of video games in the process of internalizing the value of education especially in children. This research is aimed to investigate the formation of identity and self-perception of children. It would be answered the questi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pembungkaman Pers Pada Masa Orde Baru (Refleksi Filosofis atas Kebebasan Pers Indonesia Masa Orde Baru)

The research wants to describe the condition of press stifling in the New Orde. Then, it tries ma... more The research wants to describe the condition of press stifling in the New Orde. Then, it tries make a philosophical reflection about the condition of arangement and practical standart of jurnalism in Indonesia post New Orde. The research uses the "philosophical-hermeneutics" method. At the second stage, data are analyzed by philosophical reflection about the stifling of press in the New Orde. The data are collected by library inquiry. The result of this research are: at the end of New Orde regime, the stifling of press and the controling of press are still done. Threfore, there is no space for the press freedom at the time. The press freedom is the symbol of democration. The probelm of democration is really the only press freedom. It will be an agenda of probelm when we require the democratization in large scale. However, without some press freedom there is no ooportunity to get dome democration. It is the significant meaning of press freedom for attempting a democratization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan Dan Relevansinya Dengan Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa

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