FILIZ YALCIN TILFARLIOGLU | University of Gaziantep (original) (raw)
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Aug 1, 2018
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
This study mainly investigated (a) the relationship among grammar learning strategies, self-effic... more This study mainly investigated (a) the relationship among grammar learning strategies, self-efficacy and learner autonomy and (b) their effects on academic success. Investigating all of them gives some clues for classroom practice. The study was conducted at Gaziantep University Foreign Languages Higher School with the participation of 350 students from four different proficiency levels (elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate). The data were collected through a questionnaire that has three parts with 65-items. The data collected through the questionnaires were analyzed by means of the quantitative method including calculating descriptive statistics. According to analysis results, there is a positive relationship between grammar learning strategies and academic success (r=.185 p>.01), self-efficacy and academic success (r=.455 p>.01) and learner autonomy and academic success (r=.120 p>.01). When grammar learning strategies, self-efficacy and learner autonomy were investigated together, it was observed that there was a statistically positive relationship with academic success (r=.472 p>.01).
Son yillarda Ingiliz Dili Egitimi alaninda iletisimsel yaklasimin onemi siklikla gundeme gelirken... more Son yillarda Ingiliz Dili Egitimi alaninda iletisimsel yaklasimin onemi siklikla gundeme gelirken, ogrencinin dogal bir yetenegi olan iletisim yetisi temel alinmaktadir. Avrupa dil calismalari iletisimsel yontemin getirdigi bir zorunluluk oldugu icin, tum egitimlerin ve calismalarin iletisimsel yaklasima gore duzenlenmesi gerekmektedir (Onursal, 2006). Bu yaklasimin oneminin yeterince vurgulanmasina ragmen, okullarda kullanilan ders kitaplari, iletisimsel yaklasim acisindan yetersiz kalabilmektedir. Ogretmenlerin ders kitabi hakkinda yeteri kadar bilgiye sahip olmadigi ve ogrencilerin kitaba karsi negatif bir tutum gosterdikleri durumlarda olasi sorunlar yasanabilmektedir. Arastirmamizda Impulse Ingilizce ders kitabindaki aktiviteler, iletisimsel yaklasim yonunden degerlendirildikten sonra, ogrencilerin ilgili kitap hakkindaki gorusleri incelenmistir. Arastirmamizi bir devlet Anadolu Lisesi'nde okuyan ogrencilerinin, ders kitabina yonelik gorusleri, ne tur aktiviteleri ogrenmek ...
This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a lit... more This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a literary text. More specifically, we will focus on the translation of linguistic politeness and politic behavior in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. While there is only one Turkish translation (1962) of the play, for the analysis of the Spanish translations we have chosen two from different eras, one from 1955 and another from 1997, with the intention of demonstrating how these translations have become a reflection of the socio-cultural situation of the target country at the moment they were written. Key words: linguistic politeness, politic behaviour, power, gender, translation Este texto demuestra cómo los cambios que han sucedido en las relaciones de género y poder afectan el proceso de traducción de un texto literario. Concretamente, nos centramos en la traduc-ción de las formas de cortesía y del comportamiento político en la obra El Crisol de Arthur Miller. Mientras sólo hay una traducció...
empathy levels and their achievement in foreign language learning were correlated in this study. ... more empathy levels and their achievement in foreign language learning were correlated in this study. 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a lit... more This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a literary text. More specifically, we will focus on the translation of linguistic politeness and politic behavior in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. While there is only one Turkish translation (1962) of the play, for the analysis of the Spanish translations we have chosen two from different eras, one from 1955 and another from 1997, with the intention of demonstrating how these translations have become a reflection of the socio-cultural situation of the target country at the moment they were written.
This study is mainly focused on using quantitative design conducted with 975 students and part... more This study is mainly focused on using quantitative design conducted with 975 students and participants were randomly selected from 3 universities, 5 high schools, 2 middle schools and 1 primary school in Turkey and Iraq in order to analyze the suitability of English instruction from the perspective of learners towards innovative lean method. Within the context of the study, the students’ attitudes and opinions towards innovative Lean Educational method were revealed and some recommendations were developed for especially language teachers and researchers.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies
This study seeks to determine whether any significant relationship exists among EFL learners’ aut... more This study seeks to determine whether any significant relationship exists among EFL learners’ autonomy (LA), self-esteem (SE), and choice of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) as well as whether LA and SE are predictors of these strategies. To achieve these aims, this study employed a descriptive research design. Participants included 157 male and female undergraduate EFL learners, all within the age range of 17 to 25 years. They were studying English within the sub-disciplines of English Literature, Linguistics, and General English. Participants were administered the following three types of questionnaires adapted by the researcher: a) a 30-item VLS questionnaire based on that of Schmitt taxonomy (1997); b) a 30-item LA questionnaire developed by Sakai, et al. (2008); c) and a 30-item SE questionnaire based on Coopersmith’s SE inventory (1967). Upon conducting preliminary analyses of this study’s assumptions, the characteristics of the data were proven legitimate via correlation ...
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
To our knowledge, the present study is the first experimental example of the application of innov... more To our knowledge, the present study is the first experimental example of the application of innovative Lean Educational Method (LEM) in middle school English classes in Turkey. How to learn and teach foreign languages has become the preoccupation of teachers, researchers, educational authorities, parents, and students. All of the stakeholders in the education processes want to satisfy the learning needs of the students ideally. As a result of the relevant efforts, many teaching methods emerged in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). In this regard, this study primarily aims to introduce LEM and present its efficiency through an experiment.
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2012
Oz Derlem dilbilimi, 20. Yuzyilin ikinci yarisi ile birlikte cok onemli bir yontembilim haline ge... more Oz Derlem dilbilimi, 20. Yuzyilin ikinci yarisi ile birlikte cok onemli bir yontembilim haline gelmistir ve ozellikle iki turu Ingiliz Dili Egitimi'nde sikca uygulanmaktadir: (1) belirli bir dil kullanim turunden ziyade genel amaclar icin kullanilabilen genel derlem, (2) ogrencilerden elde edilen verilerle olusturulan ogrenci derlemi (Baker, Hardie, and McEnery, 2006). Bu calismanin ana amaci, yabanci dil olarak Ingilizce ogrenen ogrencilerin sozcuk bilgilerine, kurgusal olmayan yaratici duzyazi yoluyla yazilan metinlerin bir araya getirilmesiyle olusturulan bir ogrenci derleminin, genel derleme nisbeten daha iyi katkida bulunup bulunmadigini incelemektir. Calismanin evreni, dort farkli siniftan orta duzey Ingilizce bilgisine sahip 95 ogrenci olmakla beraber on-test/son-test uygulamasi yapilmistir. Bu siniflardan iki tanesi rasgele sekilde deney gruplari olarak secilmistir: birisine ogrenci derlemi uygulamasi yapilirken digerine genel derlem uygulanmistir. Arda kalan iki grupsa kontrol gruplari tayin edilmislerdir. Bagimsiz Orneklem t-Testi sonuclari, yabanci dil olarak Ingilizce ogrenen ogrencilerin sozcuk bilgilerine, genel derlemle kiyaslandiginda ogrenci derleminin kaydadeger bir katkisinin oldugunu gostermistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Ogrenci derlemi, Genel derlemler, Kurgusal olmayan yaratici duzyazi, Bilgisayar tabanli iletisim, Nitel veri, Nicel veri, Deneysel arastirma
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2012
The current study was carried out to examine L2 learners' VLS use habits and the relationship of ... more The current study was carried out to examine L2 learners' VLS use habits and the relationship of VLS with their vocabulary proficiency levels. In addition, language learners' beliefs about VLS in terms of usefulness were also studied to understand L2 learners' VLS use habits more deeply. To examine these matters, a descriptive research design was employed. The participants included 252 preparatory students from different proficiency groups (Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Pre-Intermediate, Beginner) at Gaziantep University Higher School of Foreign Languages. To collect the related data, they were given "Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire" and "Vocabulary Levels Test". The data analyses were conducted by descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study showed that the participants used a wide range of VLS, and there was an overlap between their beliefs about VLS in terms of usefulness and how often they used them to a large extent. Secondly, Memory Strategies correlated positively with the participants' academic and general vocabulary proficiency levels. However, there were also some differences among the proficiency groups about which specific VLS are correlated with their vocabulary proficiency levels. As to the regression analysis results, none of the VLS predicted participants' vocabulary proficiency levels.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2014
The present study investigates the relationship between self-regulation, self-esteem, attitude an... more The present study investigates the relationship between self-regulation, self-esteem, attitude and foreign language achievement (FLA). The research was conducted with 383 students from Gaziantep University Higher School of Foreign Languages. The data were collected through a modified questionnaire adapted from three different questionnaires. The statistical results showed that there was a positive relationship between self-regulation and foreign language achievement (r= .319 p >.01), self-esteem and foreign language achievement (r= .404 p >.01), and attitude and foreign language achievement (r=.425 p >.01). Moreover, when self-regulation, self-esteem and attitude came together, a statistically significant positive relationship with foreign language success was observed (r= .540 p >.01). Self-regulation, self-esteem and attitude in relation to academic success have been analyzed together for the first time in this study.
This study aims at revealing faculty attitudes towards computer assisted instruction at Universit... more This study aims at revealing faculty attitudes towards computer assisted instruction at University of Gaziantep, Turkey in a multifaceted way. Additionally, it tries to determine underlying factors that shape these attitudes. After a pilot study, the questionnaire was applied to a sample population of 145 faculty that were chosen randomly. The results revealed that faculty attitudes towards computer assisted insruction are positive. Age, sex, teaching experience, level of proficiency in English and computer usage skills have no or little effects over these attitudes.According to the results of the study, faculty who have prior knowledge on computers expose rather positive attitudes towards computers in education.Another important outcome of the study is the existence of a gender gap in terms of computer assisted instruction.Although there seems to be no difference between male and female faculty concerning their background education regarding computers, male faculty feel confident a...
TOJET, 2011
Web 2.0 changed the way people used Web in the field of education and especially in foreign langu... more Web 2.0 changed the way people used Web in the field of education and especially in foreign language learning. Since its emergence in 2004, it has gained great attention of teenagers and university students. Educators regard Web 2.0. as a language learning/teaching tool. According to International Federation of Accounts (IFAC) report 2000 and beyond (1996) it has been informed that a key goal of accounting programs should be to teach students to learn on their own. The purpose of this research was to determine undergraduate and high school students' attitudes towards the use of English in Web. 2.0. technologies. This study was mainly based on quantitative design that involved 534 students out of randomly selected 550 participants from 6 different universities and 3 high schools in Turkey and Iraq. The potential of Web 2.0. was determined as creating formal and informal learning environments. Within the context of the study, the students' attitudes were revealed and recommendations were developed for language teachers and educators. It has been found that Web 2.0 technologies serve as a good learning tool in which the learners find the opportunity to practice language in a real-like atmosphere: the new medium. Keywords: Web 2.0 technologies, foreign language learning, English language teaching. 1. What are the perceptions of foreign language learners in using Web 2.0 technologies? 2. Do students regard Web 2.0 as an opportunity for English language learning?
Theory and Practice in …, 2011
This research was conducted for revealing the missing point of the discussions related to foreign... more This research was conducted for revealing the missing point of the discussions related to foreign language teaching and learning in Turkey. This study intended to investigate the relationship between selfefficacy and learner autonomy, self-efficacy and academic success, learner autonomy and academic success, and these two concepts and academic success. Also, it was aimed to explore the effect of self-efficacy on academic success, the effect of learner autonomy on academic success and the effect of self-efficacy and learner autonomy on academic success. The study was applied to 250 preparatory level students at Gaziantep, Zirve, İnönü, Selçuk and Karatay Universities in 2010-2011 academic year. The data were collected through Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SEQ) and Autonomous Learner Questionnaire (ALQ) and analyzed by SPSS 19.0. The analysis of the data revealed that there was a positive relationship between self-efficacy and learner autonomy (r= .667 p>.01), self-efficacy and academic success (r=.597 p>.01), and learner autonomy and academic success (r=.506 p>.01).
Íkala, revista de …, 2009
This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a lit... more This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a literary text. More specifically, we will focus on the translation of linguistic politeness and politic behavior in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. While there is only one Turkish translation (1962) of the play, for the analysis of the Spanish translations we have chosen two from different eras, one from 1955 and another from 1997, with the intention of demonstrating how these translations have become a reflection of the socio-cultural situation of the target country at the moment they were written.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2007
It can be said that foreign language teaching/learning has been failure in Turkey for many years ... more It can be said that foreign language teaching/learning has been failure in Turkey for many years although nearly everyone believes that speaking at least one foreign language is essential today. Considering Turkey as a developing country in many aspects; such as industry, trade, technology, tourism, the importance of foreign language teaching will increase. Children in elementary schools are open to ideas of global understanding. In other words elementary school education period can be said to be the right time to expand the students' intercultural views and enhancement of cognitive skills (Curtain, 1990). As it is mentioned above using a foreign language effectively has numerous benefits and it also helps a child to become a well-educated person while he/she is growing up. In order to make them successful, we should provide the children in our country with a well-organized language teaching. To do this, many researches should be done and many new ideas are required. So, this study aims to investigate the problems faced by teachers and students, concerning the implementation of English Language curricula in terms of the components of curricula such as objectives, selection and organization of content, implementation of method and methodologies, the use of technology and evaluation. The research sampling of the study consists of 261 teachers of English who are teaching 4 th and 5 th year students in elementary schools which were chosen randomly. The teachers of English were administered a questionnaire, data were analysed, the results were discussed, and in the light of findings recommendations were made to cause betterment in English language teaching in elementary schools.
Journal of Language and Linguistic …, 2005
This study attempts to investigate the ways in which some language learners make conscious effort... more This study attempts to investigate the ways in which some language learners make conscious efforts to learn English grammar more efficiently, which strategies they use in language learning, whether a particular learning strategies favors certain strategies or not, if it does, what those strategies are and relationships between strategy use and learner achievement in grammar learning. The use of grammar learning strategies of the students in prep school at the University of Gaziantep was investigated in this study. The relationship between students' choice of learning strategies in grammar and foreign language achievement was investigated. To sum up, do the use of grammar learning strategies have a positive effect on the student achievement? By knowing this, we can help the students and improve their learning habits.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Aug 1, 2018
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
This study mainly investigated (a) the relationship among grammar learning strategies, self-effic... more This study mainly investigated (a) the relationship among grammar learning strategies, self-efficacy and learner autonomy and (b) their effects on academic success. Investigating all of them gives some clues for classroom practice. The study was conducted at Gaziantep University Foreign Languages Higher School with the participation of 350 students from four different proficiency levels (elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate). The data were collected through a questionnaire that has three parts with 65-items. The data collected through the questionnaires were analyzed by means of the quantitative method including calculating descriptive statistics. According to analysis results, there is a positive relationship between grammar learning strategies and academic success (r=.185 p>.01), self-efficacy and academic success (r=.455 p>.01) and learner autonomy and academic success (r=.120 p>.01). When grammar learning strategies, self-efficacy and learner autonomy were investigated together, it was observed that there was a statistically positive relationship with academic success (r=.472 p>.01).
Son yillarda Ingiliz Dili Egitimi alaninda iletisimsel yaklasimin onemi siklikla gundeme gelirken... more Son yillarda Ingiliz Dili Egitimi alaninda iletisimsel yaklasimin onemi siklikla gundeme gelirken, ogrencinin dogal bir yetenegi olan iletisim yetisi temel alinmaktadir. Avrupa dil calismalari iletisimsel yontemin getirdigi bir zorunluluk oldugu icin, tum egitimlerin ve calismalarin iletisimsel yaklasima gore duzenlenmesi gerekmektedir (Onursal, 2006). Bu yaklasimin oneminin yeterince vurgulanmasina ragmen, okullarda kullanilan ders kitaplari, iletisimsel yaklasim acisindan yetersiz kalabilmektedir. Ogretmenlerin ders kitabi hakkinda yeteri kadar bilgiye sahip olmadigi ve ogrencilerin kitaba karsi negatif bir tutum gosterdikleri durumlarda olasi sorunlar yasanabilmektedir. Arastirmamizda Impulse Ingilizce ders kitabindaki aktiviteler, iletisimsel yaklasim yonunden degerlendirildikten sonra, ogrencilerin ilgili kitap hakkindaki gorusleri incelenmistir. Arastirmamizi bir devlet Anadolu Lisesi'nde okuyan ogrencilerinin, ders kitabina yonelik gorusleri, ne tur aktiviteleri ogrenmek ...
This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a lit... more This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a literary text. More specifically, we will focus on the translation of linguistic politeness and politic behavior in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. While there is only one Turkish translation (1962) of the play, for the analysis of the Spanish translations we have chosen two from different eras, one from 1955 and another from 1997, with the intention of demonstrating how these translations have become a reflection of the socio-cultural situation of the target country at the moment they were written. Key words: linguistic politeness, politic behaviour, power, gender, translation Este texto demuestra cómo los cambios que han sucedido en las relaciones de género y poder afectan el proceso de traducción de un texto literario. Concretamente, nos centramos en la traduc-ción de las formas de cortesía y del comportamiento político en la obra El Crisol de Arthur Miller. Mientras sólo hay una traducció...
empathy levels and their achievement in foreign language learning were correlated in this study. ... more empathy levels and their achievement in foreign language learning were correlated in this study. 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a lit... more This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a literary text. More specifically, we will focus on the translation of linguistic politeness and politic behavior in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. While there is only one Turkish translation (1962) of the play, for the analysis of the Spanish translations we have chosen two from different eras, one from 1955 and another from 1997, with the intention of demonstrating how these translations have become a reflection of the socio-cultural situation of the target country at the moment they were written.
This study is mainly focused on using quantitative design conducted with 975 students and part... more This study is mainly focused on using quantitative design conducted with 975 students and participants were randomly selected from 3 universities, 5 high schools, 2 middle schools and 1 primary school in Turkey and Iraq in order to analyze the suitability of English instruction from the perspective of learners towards innovative lean method. Within the context of the study, the students’ attitudes and opinions towards innovative Lean Educational method were revealed and some recommendations were developed for especially language teachers and researchers.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies
This study seeks to determine whether any significant relationship exists among EFL learners’ aut... more This study seeks to determine whether any significant relationship exists among EFL learners’ autonomy (LA), self-esteem (SE), and choice of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) as well as whether LA and SE are predictors of these strategies. To achieve these aims, this study employed a descriptive research design. Participants included 157 male and female undergraduate EFL learners, all within the age range of 17 to 25 years. They were studying English within the sub-disciplines of English Literature, Linguistics, and General English. Participants were administered the following three types of questionnaires adapted by the researcher: a) a 30-item VLS questionnaire based on that of Schmitt taxonomy (1997); b) a 30-item LA questionnaire developed by Sakai, et al. (2008); c) and a 30-item SE questionnaire based on Coopersmith’s SE inventory (1967). Upon conducting preliminary analyses of this study’s assumptions, the characteristics of the data were proven legitimate via correlation ...
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
To our knowledge, the present study is the first experimental example of the application of innov... more To our knowledge, the present study is the first experimental example of the application of innovative Lean Educational Method (LEM) in middle school English classes in Turkey. How to learn and teach foreign languages has become the preoccupation of teachers, researchers, educational authorities, parents, and students. All of the stakeholders in the education processes want to satisfy the learning needs of the students ideally. As a result of the relevant efforts, many teaching methods emerged in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). In this regard, this study primarily aims to introduce LEM and present its efficiency through an experiment.
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2012
Oz Derlem dilbilimi, 20. Yuzyilin ikinci yarisi ile birlikte cok onemli bir yontembilim haline ge... more Oz Derlem dilbilimi, 20. Yuzyilin ikinci yarisi ile birlikte cok onemli bir yontembilim haline gelmistir ve ozellikle iki turu Ingiliz Dili Egitimi'nde sikca uygulanmaktadir: (1) belirli bir dil kullanim turunden ziyade genel amaclar icin kullanilabilen genel derlem, (2) ogrencilerden elde edilen verilerle olusturulan ogrenci derlemi (Baker, Hardie, and McEnery, 2006). Bu calismanin ana amaci, yabanci dil olarak Ingilizce ogrenen ogrencilerin sozcuk bilgilerine, kurgusal olmayan yaratici duzyazi yoluyla yazilan metinlerin bir araya getirilmesiyle olusturulan bir ogrenci derleminin, genel derleme nisbeten daha iyi katkida bulunup bulunmadigini incelemektir. Calismanin evreni, dort farkli siniftan orta duzey Ingilizce bilgisine sahip 95 ogrenci olmakla beraber on-test/son-test uygulamasi yapilmistir. Bu siniflardan iki tanesi rasgele sekilde deney gruplari olarak secilmistir: birisine ogrenci derlemi uygulamasi yapilirken digerine genel derlem uygulanmistir. Arda kalan iki grupsa kontrol gruplari tayin edilmislerdir. Bagimsiz Orneklem t-Testi sonuclari, yabanci dil olarak Ingilizce ogrenen ogrencilerin sozcuk bilgilerine, genel derlemle kiyaslandiginda ogrenci derleminin kaydadeger bir katkisinin oldugunu gostermistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Ogrenci derlemi, Genel derlemler, Kurgusal olmayan yaratici duzyazi, Bilgisayar tabanli iletisim, Nitel veri, Nicel veri, Deneysel arastirma
International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2012
The current study was carried out to examine L2 learners' VLS use habits and the relationship of ... more The current study was carried out to examine L2 learners' VLS use habits and the relationship of VLS with their vocabulary proficiency levels. In addition, language learners' beliefs about VLS in terms of usefulness were also studied to understand L2 learners' VLS use habits more deeply. To examine these matters, a descriptive research design was employed. The participants included 252 preparatory students from different proficiency groups (Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Pre-Intermediate, Beginner) at Gaziantep University Higher School of Foreign Languages. To collect the related data, they were given "Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire" and "Vocabulary Levels Test". The data analyses were conducted by descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study showed that the participants used a wide range of VLS, and there was an overlap between their beliefs about VLS in terms of usefulness and how often they used them to a large extent. Secondly, Memory Strategies correlated positively with the participants' academic and general vocabulary proficiency levels. However, there were also some differences among the proficiency groups about which specific VLS are correlated with their vocabulary proficiency levels. As to the regression analysis results, none of the VLS predicted participants' vocabulary proficiency levels.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2014
The present study investigates the relationship between self-regulation, self-esteem, attitude an... more The present study investigates the relationship between self-regulation, self-esteem, attitude and foreign language achievement (FLA). The research was conducted with 383 students from Gaziantep University Higher School of Foreign Languages. The data were collected through a modified questionnaire adapted from three different questionnaires. The statistical results showed that there was a positive relationship between self-regulation and foreign language achievement (r= .319 p >.01), self-esteem and foreign language achievement (r= .404 p >.01), and attitude and foreign language achievement (r=.425 p >.01). Moreover, when self-regulation, self-esteem and attitude came together, a statistically significant positive relationship with foreign language success was observed (r= .540 p >.01). Self-regulation, self-esteem and attitude in relation to academic success have been analyzed together for the first time in this study.
This study aims at revealing faculty attitudes towards computer assisted instruction at Universit... more This study aims at revealing faculty attitudes towards computer assisted instruction at University of Gaziantep, Turkey in a multifaceted way. Additionally, it tries to determine underlying factors that shape these attitudes. After a pilot study, the questionnaire was applied to a sample population of 145 faculty that were chosen randomly. The results revealed that faculty attitudes towards computer assisted insruction are positive. Age, sex, teaching experience, level of proficiency in English and computer usage skills have no or little effects over these attitudes.According to the results of the study, faculty who have prior knowledge on computers expose rather positive attitudes towards computers in education.Another important outcome of the study is the existence of a gender gap in terms of computer assisted instruction.Although there seems to be no difference between male and female faculty concerning their background education regarding computers, male faculty feel confident a...
TOJET, 2011
Web 2.0 changed the way people used Web in the field of education and especially in foreign langu... more Web 2.0 changed the way people used Web in the field of education and especially in foreign language learning. Since its emergence in 2004, it has gained great attention of teenagers and university students. Educators regard Web 2.0. as a language learning/teaching tool. According to International Federation of Accounts (IFAC) report 2000 and beyond (1996) it has been informed that a key goal of accounting programs should be to teach students to learn on their own. The purpose of this research was to determine undergraduate and high school students' attitudes towards the use of English in Web. 2.0. technologies. This study was mainly based on quantitative design that involved 534 students out of randomly selected 550 participants from 6 different universities and 3 high schools in Turkey and Iraq. The potential of Web 2.0. was determined as creating formal and informal learning environments. Within the context of the study, the students' attitudes were revealed and recommendations were developed for language teachers and educators. It has been found that Web 2.0 technologies serve as a good learning tool in which the learners find the opportunity to practice language in a real-like atmosphere: the new medium. Keywords: Web 2.0 technologies, foreign language learning, English language teaching. 1. What are the perceptions of foreign language learners in using Web 2.0 technologies? 2. Do students regard Web 2.0 as an opportunity for English language learning?
Theory and Practice in …, 2011
This research was conducted for revealing the missing point of the discussions related to foreign... more This research was conducted for revealing the missing point of the discussions related to foreign language teaching and learning in Turkey. This study intended to investigate the relationship between selfefficacy and learner autonomy, self-efficacy and academic success, learner autonomy and academic success, and these two concepts and academic success. Also, it was aimed to explore the effect of self-efficacy on academic success, the effect of learner autonomy on academic success and the effect of self-efficacy and learner autonomy on academic success. The study was applied to 250 preparatory level students at Gaziantep, Zirve, İnönü, Selçuk and Karatay Universities in 2010-2011 academic year. The data were collected through Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SEQ) and Autonomous Learner Questionnaire (ALQ) and analyzed by SPSS 19.0. The analysis of the data revealed that there was a positive relationship between self-efficacy and learner autonomy (r= .667 p>.01), self-efficacy and academic success (r=.597 p>.01), and learner autonomy and academic success (r=.506 p>.01).
Íkala, revista de …, 2009
This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a lit... more This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a literary text. More specifically, we will focus on the translation of linguistic politeness and politic behavior in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. While there is only one Turkish translation (1962) of the play, for the analysis of the Spanish translations we have chosen two from different eras, one from 1955 and another from 1997, with the intention of demonstrating how these translations have become a reflection of the socio-cultural situation of the target country at the moment they were written.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2007
It can be said that foreign language teaching/learning has been failure in Turkey for many years ... more It can be said that foreign language teaching/learning has been failure in Turkey for many years although nearly everyone believes that speaking at least one foreign language is essential today. Considering Turkey as a developing country in many aspects; such as industry, trade, technology, tourism, the importance of foreign language teaching will increase. Children in elementary schools are open to ideas of global understanding. In other words elementary school education period can be said to be the right time to expand the students' intercultural views and enhancement of cognitive skills (Curtain, 1990). As it is mentioned above using a foreign language effectively has numerous benefits and it also helps a child to become a well-educated person while he/she is growing up. In order to make them successful, we should provide the children in our country with a well-organized language teaching. To do this, many researches should be done and many new ideas are required. So, this study aims to investigate the problems faced by teachers and students, concerning the implementation of English Language curricula in terms of the components of curricula such as objectives, selection and organization of content, implementation of method and methodologies, the use of technology and evaluation. The research sampling of the study consists of 261 teachers of English who are teaching 4 th and 5 th year students in elementary schools which were chosen randomly. The teachers of English were administered a questionnaire, data were analysed, the results were discussed, and in the light of findings recommendations were made to cause betterment in English language teaching in elementary schools.
Journal of Language and Linguistic …, 2005
This study attempts to investigate the ways in which some language learners make conscious effort... more This study attempts to investigate the ways in which some language learners make conscious efforts to learn English grammar more efficiently, which strategies they use in language learning, whether a particular learning strategies favors certain strategies or not, if it does, what those strategies are and relationships between strategy use and learner achievement in grammar learning. The use of grammar learning strategies of the students in prep school at the University of Gaziantep was investigated in this study. The relationship between students' choice of learning strategies in grammar and foreign language achievement was investigated. To sum up, do the use of grammar learning strategies have a positive effect on the student achievement? By knowing this, we can help the students and improve their learning habits.