Kristian B Bøving | Gartner (original) (raw)
Other by Kristian B Bøving
This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware ... more This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application in a large organization. The implementation of the groupware raised a number of conflicts in the organization and it was only partially adopted. We discuss how a model of implementation and change management, which introduces a distinction between an organizational/infrastructural level and a group level perspective might improve how generic technologies for communication and collaboration are adopted in organizations.
This paper discusses the possibility and consequences of using data structuring standards for kn... more This paper discusses the possibility and consequences of using data structuring standards for knowledge work settings. The discussion is based on an analysis of the e-mail standard and a case study done in an IT development project. The case study focuses on the use of artefacts for communication and shows how they engage in different genres of communication. Genres of communication are suggested as the analytical basis for designing data structuring standards for knowledge work settings.
This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lot... more This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lotus QuickPlace™-in a large European financial organization. Our study challenges the commonly held assumption in DOI research that "all use is equal", implied when DOI is used to study the adoption of technologies. The underlying problem is that in order to understand the diffusion of groupware, we need to distinguish between two separate innovations. The first is directly related to the DOI "innovation-decision process"-centered on the technology as the innovation. The second innovation is more related to how the technology is put to use. This has consequences for devising strategies for the diffusion, and we suggest a strategy for diffusing virtual workspaces, which combines the DOI framework's one-way communication with the two-way communication of a participative approach
IT i sundhedsvaesenet er et emne, der med jaevne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig ... more IT i sundhedsvaesenet er et emne, der med jaevne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig debat. I december 2005 nedsatte Sundhedsstyrelsen en arbejdsgruppe, der skal saette fokus på bedre koordinering og integration af nuvaerende og fremtidige it-initiativer i sundhedsvaesenet. Arbejdsgruppen blev oprettet i efteråret 2005 efter et par måneders debat om it -saerligt elektroniske patientjournaler (EPJ). Debatten rummede blandt andet en kritik af amterne og deres måde at forvalte EPJ-udviklingen på, men amternes rolle var kun et enkelt element i debatten. Lad os se naermere på forløbet af kontroversen, der fik en foreløbig afslutning ved nedsaettelsen af Sundhedsstyrelsens arbejdsgruppe. Den første bombe springer d. 21.10. 2005. Radioavisen refererer til en artikel i Ingeniøren, der anklager amterne for at "putte sig selv i it-leverandørenes lommer". Kritikken formuleres af professor på IT-Universitetet, Søren Lauesen, der påpeger at amterne, ved at udvikle hvert deres EPJ-system, modarbejder integration på tvaers i sundhedsvaesenet. Strategien med at overlade styringen af EPJ-udviklingen til amterne, udtaler Lauesen, fordyrer det nationale EPJ-projekt ud over alle graenser. Han foreslår provokatorisk, at amterne skrotter de nuvaerende it-systemer, selvom der er brugt fem milliarder kroner på at udvikle dem. I stedet, foreslår han, bør der vaelges en faelles leverandør til udvikling af alle danske EPJ-systemer (Siemens melder sig her efter på banen og siger, at de kan udvikle en landsdaekkende EPJ for 2 milliarder). Anklagen om for lidt integration, for gammeldags systemer og for lidt styring på tvaers af sektorer imødegås af Formand for Amtsrådsforeningens sundhedsudvalg Bent Hansen og lektor Stig Kjaer Andersen fra Ålborg Universitet. De citeres for at sige, at EPJudviklingsarbejdet har vaeret vigtigt og har givet mange erfaringer. "Rent samfundsøkonomisk vil det vaere uhensigtsmaessigt at skrotte det store arbejde, der allerede er lavet", siger Kjaer Andersen.
Thesis Chapters by Kristian B Bøving
Mine the Gap - a multi-method investigation of web-based groupware use
Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of pa... more Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of packaged, generic computer media based on Internet technology to support
communication and collaboration. This challenges conventional views and theories on how
technology is related to the context (i.e. social structures) in which it is embedded. One type of technology introduced in organizations is virtual workspaces, a specific type of web-based groupware. This thesis investigates the adoption and use of a virtual workspace technology in an organization. It studies how the technology is adopted and integrated in the organization and in specific work practices. The theory of genres of organizational communication is used as a framework for specifying the context relevant for understanding the adoption of the technology.
Papers by Kristian B Bøving
This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of we... more This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used http log files as data to study collaboration between multiple users in organisational settings. We investigate how to perform http log analysis; what http log analysis says about the nature of collaborative WIS use; and how results from http log analysis may support other data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and observation. The analysis of log files initially lends itself to research designs, which serve to test hypotheses using a quantitative methodology. We show that http log analysis can also be valuable in qualitative research such as case studies. The results from http log analysis can be triangulated with other data sources and for example serve as a means of supporting the interpretation of interview data. It can also be used to generate hypotheses, which were otherwise unthinkable. We suggest that log data be included as a main data source in the field of computer supported cooperative work, information systems, and computer-mediated communication, in order to help clarify the role of the technology related to concepts like coordination, task analysis, or communication.
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lot... more This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lotus QuickPlace™-in a large European financial organization. Our study challenges the commonly held assumption in DOI research that "all use is equal", implied when DOI is used to study the adoption of technologies. The underlying problem is that in order to understand the diffusion of groupware, we need to distinguish between two separate innovations. The first is directly related to the DOI "innovationdecision process"-centered on the technology as the innovation. The second innovation is more related to how the technology is put to use. This has consequences for devising strategies for the diffusion, and we suggest a strategy for diffusing virtual workspaces, which combines the DOI framework's one-way communication with the two-way communication of a participative approach
Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of pa... more Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of packaged, generic computer media based on Internet technology to support communication and collaboration. This challenges conventional views and theories on how technology is related to the context (i.e. social structures) in which it is embedded. One type of technology introduced in organizations is virtual workspaces, a specific type of web-based groupware. This thesis investigates the adoption and use of a virtual workspace technology in an organization. It studies how the technology is adopted and integrated in the organization and in specific work practices. The theory of genres of organizational communication is used as a framework for specifying the context relevant for understanding the adoption of the technology.
Abstract. This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the u... more Abstract. This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used
This paper deals with implementation of groupware technology. Based upon an extensive empirical s... more This paper deals with implementation of groupware technology. Based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application – Lotus QuickPlaceTM – in a large Scandinavian financial organization we discuss implementation issues of groupware. Lotus QuickPlace was introduced to support collaboration between geographically dispersed organizational units and groups working together in a newly merged company (called Summa in this paper).
This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware ... more This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application in a large organization. The implementation of the groupware raised a number of conflicts in the organization and it was only partially adopted. We discuss how a model of implementation and change management, which introduces a distinction between an organizational/infrastructural level and a group level perspective might improve how generic technologies for communication and collaboration are adopted in organizations.
This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a new tool – Lotus QuickPlaceTM – in ... more This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a new tool – Lotus QuickPlaceTM – in a Scandinavian financial organisation. Lotus QuickPlace is a general tool for supporting communication and collaboration in small informal groups. It was introduced to support collaboration between geographically dispersed people working together. The introduction resulted in a number of clashes between the technology and the organisation’s IT management practices, as well as very unforeseen uses. According to our analysis these clashes stem partly from a general misunderstanding of the character of the technology, partly from IT management or implementation models that didn’t apply to a general tool for communication and collaboration. The paper discusses the implications of our empirical findings for implementation models of open technologies like Lotus QuickPlace. We show how an application of Orlikowski and Hofman (1997)’s change management model might improve the understanding of th...
New IT artifacts and new ways of designing artifacts challenges the common distinction between de... more New IT artifacts and new ways of designing artifacts challenges the common distinction between design and use. The extensive use of general packaged software changes the conditions under which users influence the design process of the IT artifact. We report from a longitudinal case study of the introduction and use of a packaged web-based groupware product in a financial services corporation. The case study is based both on interviews, a questionnaire and http-log analysis. Our case study suggests that we need to extend our understanding of IS-design as something that continues in what we usually call the use situation. We propose to define this activity as end-user design, and argue for the usefulness of the concept, drawing on Wanda Orlikowskis notion of technology-in-practice.
Scand. J. Inf. Syst., 2004
This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of we... more This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used http log files as data to study collaboration between multiple users in organisational settings. We investigate how to perform http log analysis; what http log analysis says about the nature of collaborative WIS use; and how results from http log analysis may support other data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and observation. The analysis of log files initially lends itself to research designs, which serve to test hypotheses using a quantitative methodology. We show that http log analysis can also be valuable in qualitative research such as case studies. The results from http log analysis can be triangulated with other data sources and for example serve as a means of supporting the interpretation of interview data. It can also be used to generate hypotheses, which were otherwise unthinkable. We suggest that log...
In the following work-in-progress paper we discuss a research project investigating the design an... more In the following work-in-progress paper we discuss a research project investigating the design and use of Interactive Web Applications (lWAs). Based on existing literature and empirical studies of use practices, we have shaped a typology for categorizing typical characteristics ofIWAs. The paper draws primarily on preliminary findings regarding IWA use in a Danish bank. The main aim of the paper is to establish a toolkit for interdisciplinary studies and comparisons of use and design of various IWAs
Computerworld, 2006
IT i sundhedsvæsenet er et emne, der med jævne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig de... more IT i sundhedsvæsenet er et emne, der med jævne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig debat. I december 2005 nedsatte Sundhedsstyrelsen en arbejdsgruppe, der skal sætte fokus på bedre koordinering og integration af nuværende og fremtidige it-initiativer i sundhedsvæsenet. Arbejdsgruppen blev oprettet i efteråret 2005 efter et par måneders debat om it–særligt elektroniske patientjournaler (EPJ). Debatten rummede blandt andet en kritik af amterne og deres måde at forvalte EPJ-udviklingen på, men amternes rolle var ...
This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware ... more This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application in a large organization. The implementation of the groupware raised a number of conflicts in the organization and it was only partially adopted. We discuss how a model of implementation and change management, which introduces a distinction between an organizational/infrastructural level and a group level perspective might improve how generic technologies for communication and collaboration are adopted in organizations.
This paper discusses the possibility and consequences of using data structuring standards for kn... more This paper discusses the possibility and consequences of using data structuring standards for knowledge work settings. The discussion is based on an analysis of the e-mail standard and a case study done in an IT development project. The case study focuses on the use of artefacts for communication and shows how they engage in different genres of communication. Genres of communication are suggested as the analytical basis for designing data structuring standards for knowledge work settings.
This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lot... more This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lotus QuickPlace™-in a large European financial organization. Our study challenges the commonly held assumption in DOI research that "all use is equal", implied when DOI is used to study the adoption of technologies. The underlying problem is that in order to understand the diffusion of groupware, we need to distinguish between two separate innovations. The first is directly related to the DOI "innovation-decision process"-centered on the technology as the innovation. The second innovation is more related to how the technology is put to use. This has consequences for devising strategies for the diffusion, and we suggest a strategy for diffusing virtual workspaces, which combines the DOI framework's one-way communication with the two-way communication of a participative approach
IT i sundhedsvaesenet er et emne, der med jaevne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig ... more IT i sundhedsvaesenet er et emne, der med jaevne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig debat. I december 2005 nedsatte Sundhedsstyrelsen en arbejdsgruppe, der skal saette fokus på bedre koordinering og integration af nuvaerende og fremtidige it-initiativer i sundhedsvaesenet. Arbejdsgruppen blev oprettet i efteråret 2005 efter et par måneders debat om it -saerligt elektroniske patientjournaler (EPJ). Debatten rummede blandt andet en kritik af amterne og deres måde at forvalte EPJ-udviklingen på, men amternes rolle var kun et enkelt element i debatten. Lad os se naermere på forløbet af kontroversen, der fik en foreløbig afslutning ved nedsaettelsen af Sundhedsstyrelsens arbejdsgruppe. Den første bombe springer d. 21.10. 2005. Radioavisen refererer til en artikel i Ingeniøren, der anklager amterne for at "putte sig selv i it-leverandørenes lommer". Kritikken formuleres af professor på IT-Universitetet, Søren Lauesen, der påpeger at amterne, ved at udvikle hvert deres EPJ-system, modarbejder integration på tvaers i sundhedsvaesenet. Strategien med at overlade styringen af EPJ-udviklingen til amterne, udtaler Lauesen, fordyrer det nationale EPJ-projekt ud over alle graenser. Han foreslår provokatorisk, at amterne skrotter de nuvaerende it-systemer, selvom der er brugt fem milliarder kroner på at udvikle dem. I stedet, foreslår han, bør der vaelges en faelles leverandør til udvikling af alle danske EPJ-systemer (Siemens melder sig her efter på banen og siger, at de kan udvikle en landsdaekkende EPJ for 2 milliarder). Anklagen om for lidt integration, for gammeldags systemer og for lidt styring på tvaers af sektorer imødegås af Formand for Amtsrådsforeningens sundhedsudvalg Bent Hansen og lektor Stig Kjaer Andersen fra Ålborg Universitet. De citeres for at sige, at EPJudviklingsarbejdet har vaeret vigtigt og har givet mange erfaringer. "Rent samfundsøkonomisk vil det vaere uhensigtsmaessigt at skrotte det store arbejde, der allerede er lavet", siger Kjaer Andersen.
Mine the Gap - a multi-method investigation of web-based groupware use
Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of pa... more Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of packaged, generic computer media based on Internet technology to support
communication and collaboration. This challenges conventional views and theories on how
technology is related to the context (i.e. social structures) in which it is embedded. One type of technology introduced in organizations is virtual workspaces, a specific type of web-based groupware. This thesis investigates the adoption and use of a virtual workspace technology in an organization. It studies how the technology is adopted and integrated in the organization and in specific work practices. The theory of genres of organizational communication is used as a framework for specifying the context relevant for understanding the adoption of the technology.
This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of we... more This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used http log files as data to study collaboration between multiple users in organisational settings. We investigate how to perform http log analysis; what http log analysis says about the nature of collaborative WIS use; and how results from http log analysis may support other data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and observation. The analysis of log files initially lends itself to research designs, which serve to test hypotheses using a quantitative methodology. We show that http log analysis can also be valuable in qualitative research such as case studies. The results from http log analysis can be triangulated with other data sources and for example serve as a means of supporting the interpretation of interview data. It can also be used to generate hypotheses, which were otherwise unthinkable. We suggest that log data be included as a main data source in the field of computer supported cooperative work, information systems, and computer-mediated communication, in order to help clarify the role of the technology related to concepts like coordination, task analysis, or communication.
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lot... more This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a web-based groupware application-Lotus QuickPlace™-in a large European financial organization. Our study challenges the commonly held assumption in DOI research that "all use is equal", implied when DOI is used to study the adoption of technologies. The underlying problem is that in order to understand the diffusion of groupware, we need to distinguish between two separate innovations. The first is directly related to the DOI "innovationdecision process"-centered on the technology as the innovation. The second innovation is more related to how the technology is put to use. This has consequences for devising strategies for the diffusion, and we suggest a strategy for diffusing virtual workspaces, which combines the DOI framework's one-way communication with the two-way communication of a participative approach
Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of pa... more Computer mediated communication in organizations today is characterized by the introduction of packaged, generic computer media based on Internet technology to support communication and collaboration. This challenges conventional views and theories on how technology is related to the context (i.e. social structures) in which it is embedded. One type of technology introduced in organizations is virtual workspaces, a specific type of web-based groupware. This thesis investigates the adoption and use of a virtual workspace technology in an organization. It studies how the technology is adopted and integrated in the organization and in specific work practices. The theory of genres of organizational communication is used as a framework for specifying the context relevant for understanding the adoption of the technology.
Abstract. This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the u... more Abstract. This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used
This paper deals with implementation of groupware technology. Based upon an extensive empirical s... more This paper deals with implementation of groupware technology. Based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application – Lotus QuickPlaceTM – in a large Scandinavian financial organization we discuss implementation issues of groupware. Lotus QuickPlace was introduced to support collaboration between geographically dispersed organizational units and groups working together in a newly merged company (called Summa in this paper).
This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware ... more This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application in a large organization. The implementation of the groupware raised a number of conflicts in the organization and it was only partially adopted. We discuss how a model of implementation and change management, which introduces a distinction between an organizational/infrastructural level and a group level perspective might improve how generic technologies for communication and collaboration are adopted in organizations.
This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a new tool – Lotus QuickPlaceTM – in ... more This paper reports from a case study of the introduction of a new tool – Lotus QuickPlaceTM – in a Scandinavian financial organisation. Lotus QuickPlace is a general tool for supporting communication and collaboration in small informal groups. It was introduced to support collaboration between geographically dispersed people working together. The introduction resulted in a number of clashes between the technology and the organisation’s IT management practices, as well as very unforeseen uses. According to our analysis these clashes stem partly from a general misunderstanding of the character of the technology, partly from IT management or implementation models that didn’t apply to a general tool for communication and collaboration. The paper discusses the implications of our empirical findings for implementation models of open technologies like Lotus QuickPlace. We show how an application of Orlikowski and Hofman (1997)’s change management model might improve the understanding of th...
New IT artifacts and new ways of designing artifacts challenges the common distinction between de... more New IT artifacts and new ways of designing artifacts challenges the common distinction between design and use. The extensive use of general packaged software changes the conditions under which users influence the design process of the IT artifact. We report from a longitudinal case study of the introduction and use of a packaged web-based groupware product in a financial services corporation. The case study is based both on interviews, a questionnaire and http-log analysis. Our case study suggests that we need to extend our understanding of IS-design as something that continues in what we usually call the use situation. We propose to define this activity as end-user design, and argue for the usefulness of the concept, drawing on Wanda Orlikowskis notion of technology-in-practice.
Scand. J. Inf. Syst., 2004
This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of we... more This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used http log files as data to study collaboration between multiple users in organisational settings. We investigate how to perform http log analysis; what http log analysis says about the nature of collaborative WIS use; and how results from http log analysis may support other data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and observation. The analysis of log files initially lends itself to research designs, which serve to test hypotheses using a quantitative methodology. We show that http log analysis can also be valuable in qualitative research such as case studies. The results from http log analysis can be triangulated with other data sources and for example serve as a means of supporting the interpretation of interview data. It can also be used to generate hypotheses, which were otherwise unthinkable. We suggest that log...
In the following work-in-progress paper we discuss a research project investigating the design an... more In the following work-in-progress paper we discuss a research project investigating the design and use of Interactive Web Applications (lWAs). Based on existing literature and empirical studies of use practices, we have shaped a typology for categorizing typical characteristics ofIWAs. The paper draws primarily on preliminary findings regarding IWA use in a Danish bank. The main aim of the paper is to establish a toolkit for interdisciplinary studies and comparisons of use and design of various IWAs
Computerworld, 2006
IT i sundhedsvæsenet er et emne, der med jævne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig de... more IT i sundhedsvæsenet er et emne, der med jævne mellemrum giver anledning til ophedet offentlig debat. I december 2005 nedsatte Sundhedsstyrelsen en arbejdsgruppe, der skal sætte fokus på bedre koordinering og integration af nuværende og fremtidige it-initiativer i sundhedsvæsenet. Arbejdsgruppen blev oprettet i efteråret 2005 efter et par måneders debat om it–særligt elektroniske patientjournaler (EPJ). Debatten rummede blandt andet en kritik af amterne og deres måde at forvalte EPJ-udviklingen på, men amternes rolle var ...
This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware ... more This paper is based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application in a large organization. The implementation of the groupware raised a number of conflicts in the organization and it was only partially adopted. We discuss how a model of implementation and change management, which introduces a distinction between an organizational/infrastructural level and a group level perspective might improve how generic technologies for communication and collaboration are adopted in organizations.
This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of we... more This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used http log files as data to study collaboration between multiple users in organisational settings. We investigate how to perform http log analysis; what http log analysis says about the nature of collaborative WIS use; and how results from http log analysis may support other data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and observation. The analysis of log files initially lends itself to research designs, which serve to test hypotheses using a quantitative methodology. We show that http log analysis can also be valuable in qualitative research such as case studies. The results from http log analysis can be triangulated with other data sources and for example serve as a means of supporting the interpretation of interview data. It can also be used to generate hypotheses, which were otherwise unthinkable. We suggest that log data be included as a main data source in the field of computer supported cooperative work, information systems, and computer-mediated communication, in order to help clarify the role of the technology related to concepts like coordination, task analysis, or communication.