The Gay Geek Group of Chicago's Journal (original) (raw)

The Gay Geek Group of Chicago's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded inThe Gay Geek Group of Chicago's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
_1:22 pm_[dancingdragon74] The WEEKS in GEEK for OCTOBER 16th – November 5th Greetings, gay geeklings!According to Frank, the social butterfly... So, apologies are in order. My life's been replete with social obligations that have kept me from composing a new blog entry. Okay, okay, so it's been filled with cooperative video gaming (I should've said my "virtual" life). Sad, really. But it still is my life. And I'll cry if I want to.( Next meeting - BOOK DISCUSSION AND TRIVIA EXTRAVAGANZA!Collapse )Here's some geeky stuff culled from the past couple of weeks. First a film review:( 30 Days of NightCollapse )I've also got a couple of DVD reviews this week:( Meet the RobinsonsCollapse ) ( Superman DoomsdayCollapse )On to a quick smattering of television reviews:( HeroesCollapse ) ( Pushing DaisiesCollapse ) ( The Bionic WomanCollapse )Finally a tiny smidgen of movie news:( The Day the Earth Stood StillCollapse ) ( Star Trek 2008Collapse )Until next week.Hera, give me strength! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, October 25th, 2007
_2:19 pm_[dancingdragon74] Geek News! Apparently, being a geek can be hazardous to your health... (Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 17th, 2007
_11:33 am_[dancingdragon74] Hooray for Geeks! Our second meeting went of with nearly nary a hitch. Another room SNAFU, but what the hell...Last night included:1. Trivia questions. Everyone is invited to bring a few next time. Just to keep it wild and crazy.2. Sugar cookies. Very expensive sugar cookies.3. General discussion included: various kinds of kryptonite (thanks a lot, Francisco), new TV shows that are miserably failing, mutants in comic books and TV.4. Viewing of Futurama episode "Where No Fan Has Gone Before." I believe it's safe to say that the collective opinion was "freakin' hilarious." Thanks for bringing it in, Raven.5. Plans made for next meeting.6. Group focus: We've decided to make the group more of a science-fiction--based group. That seems to be the common denominator, so while we're not excluding anyone, be forewarned that if you come to Triple-G raving about your favorite obscure genre of geekdom, we're going to look at you like, well... a geek. :-)COMING UP NEXT MONTH....*Next meeting, Tuesday, November 27 (after Turkey Day). 7:30 PM, Center on Halsted.*Bring some trivia questions!*Viewing of Star Trek blooper reel, courtesy of Tim.*Discussion of Heroes - lots of comic book and sci-fi themes to go around, so things should get interesting. Also think about the context of the traditional "hero," which is interesting, since "Beowulf" is being released in the theater. It's all related.*Discussion of "The Forever War" by Joe Haldeman. Follow William Mandela as he battles the Taurans over the course of a millenia. Time dilation/space travel, peace, and homosexuality as population control are themes explored in this novel. (Comment on this)
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
_1:02 pm_[dancingdragon74] Week in Geek - 10\8\07-10/15/07 Greetings, gay geeklings!Our next meeting is on Tuesday, October 16th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Center on Halsted. Geek trivia! Futurama! Halloween stuff! Planning our group movie outings! An announcement of the book selection that we'll be discussing in our November meeting! Come on down, and KNEEL before, Zod! Ahem.Okay, so here's some geeky stuff culled from the past week. Yep, no film review this week. I know that you're all crushed, but I've been going to see a lot of non-genre movies like "The Darjeeling Limited" and "Elizabeth 2: Electric Boogaloo." Hardly the geeky fare that this blog demands (unless you're an indie-movie geek or a history-buff geek). Steven has pointed out to me that we're mostly scifi geeks, so that's where the focus of the group will remain. I really wish that there were more cool movie openings on the horizon. I've been invited to see "The Kingdom" this Thursday (not feeling too excited about that, really).On to a quick smattering of television reviews:( HeroesCollapse ) ( Pushing DaisiesCollapse ) ( Bionic WomanCollapse )Finally a tiny smidgen of movie news:( Star Trek 2008 update!Collapse )Until next week.Cobra! (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, October 8th, 2007
_10:49 pm_[dancingdragon74] Gay Geek Group Blog 10/1/07 - 10/7/07 Greetings, gay geeklings!Right off the bat, a zippy reminder that our next meeting is on Tuesday, October 16th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Center on Halsted (next week!). Mark your calendars, my flying monkeys!Steven, Tim, and I plan to bombard you yet again with a geeky trivia quiz (fewer questions about Trek and horror movies, since it's becoming clear that the group just doesn't swing that way). We've also planned to view a nifty episode of "Futurama" called "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" (courtesy of Triple G member Raven). We'll discuss some possible group movie outings for October and November (personally, I'm intrigued by "30 Days of Night" and "Beowulf"). Halloween is just around the corner, so we'll definitely talk about spooky things to do around and about Chicago for the holiday. And finally, we'll select a book for discussion in our November meeting. Come on down and join us, won't you?(don't MAKE me come get you)Okay, so here's some geeky stuff culled from the past week. First, a film review:( Read more...Collapse )On to a quick smattering of television reviews:( HeroesCollapse ) ( Pushing DaisiesCollapse ) ( The Bionic WomanCollapse ) ( Reaper and Journeyman (not ACTUALLY reviewed)Collapse )Final words: I've been continuously updating our myspace photo section to reflect a broad scope of geeky interests, but I know that there are some big gaping holes in there. Now that it's a little bit tidier, please check it out and give me some feedback. What favorites of yours have I overlooked? What unrecognized collectables are you hoarding so assiduously in your basement? What cult television shows do you insist on watching every evening on your dusty old Betamax? Does the inclusion of "Small Wonder" bewilder and infuriate you beyond reason (it should, y'know)? Gimme a holler.Until next week.Thundercats, HO (10 Comments |Comment on this)
_3:54 pm_[dancingdragon74] Gay Geek Blog - 9/23/07 - 9/30/07 Greetings, gay geeklings!First of all, we'd like to take a quick moment to thank the intrepid first members of the GGG for showing up to our meeting on Tuesday, September 18th. Tim, Sarah, Ruthana, William, and Raven - thanks for helping us get this off the ground. As my Triple-G cofounder Steven says, it's good to see boys and girls in the same room for once! Be quiet, Steven.After introductions were made, the geekiness flew in all directions as we discussed any number of topics - upcoming TV shows and movies, possible GGG group events, and our next meeting (Tuesday, October 16). We ran the gamut from fantasy literature to Star Trek, computer gaming, and personal cult movie favorites ("Krull," anyone?). New members were subjected to a battery of obscure trivia questions and delicious cookies. Hope to see even more of you next time.Okay, so here's some geeky stuff culled from the past week. We'll always start the blog off with at least one film review:( Resident Evil: ExtinctionCollapse )On to a smattering of movie news:Okay, it's eight months away, but I'm completely psyched for it. "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" opens on May 16th. Check out the brand-new poster in our pictures section.( Trek!Collapse ) The Hobbit...( We're putting the Collapse ) **( Friday the 13th exhumedCollapse )**Until next week. Expect lots of space devoted to the fall television premieres.Geek it out. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
_11:39 am_[dancingdragon74] Let There Be Light! But Only if it's Halogen Last night was the first meeting of the Gay Geek Group of Chicago. Fun was had by all, and a lively discussion about all things geeky ensued after trivia and announcements of new stuff going on.We had FOUR people besides the founders show up. Amazing.Our next meeting...will be Tuesday, October 16th at 7:30 PM at the Center on Halsted1. More geek trivia!2. News and other geek world happenings.3. Showing of Futurama episode "Where No Fan Has Gone Before."4. The GGG recommended book will be announced.5. Member reviews of new shows and season premieres of existing ones are greatly encouraged!6. Share costume ideas for Halloween, haunted house locations/recommendations.So far, we seem to be heavy on sci-fi, which is just DANDY - other genre interests welcome! We also seem to have a lot of readers (hence the book recommendations) and computer geeks (I smell a LAN party in the offing).Also, check out our myspace page, if you're on also started an email list so we can do blast announcements of "outings," if you will, where activities such as movie-goings will be sent to you. Feel free to contact the moderator at to be put on the list. This list will not be shared with anyone, so don't ask. Just put GGG in the subject so I don't put you in the spam folder.Ta ta! Current Mood: geeky (5 Comments |Comment on this)