ggg_fans - Profile (original) (raw)

on 7 May 2010 (#27494429)

Fans of the Gangreen Gang


This is a fan community dedicated to the green teen vandalizers of The Powerpuff Girls, the Gangreen Gang!

Post your fanart, fanfics, icons, graphics, silly discussions, and anything else you can think of, as long as it's all in some way related to the GGG.


- Fanfics and art/graphics/large images need to be under an lj-cut.

- All ratings are allowed. Anything over PG-13 needs a warning and must be under a lj-cut.

- This community does NOT tolerate spamming OR bashing. We must respect each other. It makes for a happier community! C: After all, we're here to have fun!

- This community is PPGZ friendly! Which means we're completely open to GGGZ. If you don't like PPGZ, that's fine, but please be respectful to those who do like it. (Please refer to the rule above.)

- If you have any questions or comments, please refer to this post.

Other Important Notes:

- Please post your fanfic info in this format before a cut:
Title: Author: Rating: Warnings: Character(s)/Pairing: Summary: Notes: [This is optional]


If you would like to affiliate, please feel free to ask here!

ace, big billy, craig mccracken, demashita! powerpuff girls z, gang, gangreen gang, gangrene, ggg, gggz, grubber, little arturo, powerpuff girls, ppg, ppgz, snake