Julià Maroto | Universitat de Girona (original) (raw)
Papers by Julià Maroto
A large number of sites dated to the Late Middle Paleolithic and the Early Upper Paleolithic have... more A large number of sites dated to the Late Middle Paleolithic and the Early Upper Paleolithic have been recorded in the Cantabrian region (northern Iberia), making this area a key location to investigate the lifeways of the last Neanderthals and the first anatomically modern humans. The stratigraphic sequence from El Cuco rock-shelter was originally attributed to the Early Upper Paleolithic based on radiocarbon dates measured on bone apatite. However, new radiocarbon dates on shell carbonates from the lower levels produced inconsistent dates with those previously published. In order to clarify this anomaly, a reassessment of the chronology of levels VI to XIV was undertaken. The review was based on new radiocarbon dates performed on bones and shells, and a re-evaluation of the lithic assemblages. Bone samples did not produce radiocarbon dates due to a lack of collagen preservation but radiocarbon dating of shell carbonates provided dates ranging from 42.3 to 46.4 ka BP. These dates are significantly older than that previously obtained for level XIII using biogenic apatite from bones (~30 ka uncal BP), suggesting that the bone apatite used for radiocarbon dating was rejuvenated due to contamination with secondary carbonate. Lithic assemblages, defined in the first place as Evolved Aurignacian, have now been confidently attributed to the Mousterian techno-complex. These results suggest a Middle Paleolithic chronology for this part of the sequence. The new chronology proposed for El Cuco rock-shelter has significant implications for the interpretation of Neanderthal subsistence strategies and settlement patterns, especially for coastal settlement and use of marine resources, not only in northern Iberia, but also in Atlantic Europe.
Spanish journal of palaeontology, Feb 27, 2022
The Banyoles-Besalu Basin lacustrine deposits has yielded a great number of paleontological and a... more The Banyoles-Besalu Basin lacustrine deposits has yielded a great number of paleontological and archeological sites,with a well represented rich mammalian faunas of a period between late Pliocene to recent Quaternary. In a important part of cases, this sites have been studied and described, specially the archeological ones, who are known until last years of the past century. In this paper are included all dates published and the new ones as a results of the revisions made for the doctoral thesis of two of the authors (A. G y J. M).
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe: Revista de xeoloxía galega e do hercínico peninsular, 2001
The extinction of Ursus spelaeus remains controversial. In this paper, data from two archaeologic... more The extinction of Ursus spelaeus remains controversial. In this paper, data from two archaeological sites from NE Iberian Peninsula are presented. Thus, the Middle-Upper Paleolithic term is thoroughly analysed by combining radiocarbon datings, palaeontological remains and archaeological findings.
Paleontologia i evolució, 2003
ABSTRACT The rare find of the articulated skeleton of a rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus etruscus), pre... more ABSTRACT The rare find of the articulated skeleton of a rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus etruscus), preserved in limestone sediments deposited on the bed of a calm water lake from the Villafranquian, led to the development of a methodology aimed at preserving as much information as possible on the find. Hence, the excavation work was directed with two goals in mind: on the one hand, making a cast of the remains in situ, and on the other, carrying out a complete and highly complex removal of the specimen in three blocks for subsequent restoration
Quaternary International, Jul 1, 2022
Intensification in the procurement of small game, including different taxa of birds, has been pro... more Intensification in the procurement of small game, including different taxa of birds, has been proposed as one of the indicators of dietary shifts occurring in western Mediterranean regions during the Upper Palaeolithic as a consequence of both increased human hunting pressures and environmental change. In this paper, avian remains recovered from the Upper Palaeolithic levels of Arbreda Cave (Serinyà, northeast Iberia) are analysed. Our results evidence a high diversity of bird taxa in most levels, with the presence of a minimum of 50 species, including birds that inhabit a variety of biotopes such as cliffs, rivers and wetlands, and open grassland, along with coniferous and mixed forests. Taphonomic analysis of the bird bones from all levels indicates a mixed origin for the material, humans being one of the agents responsible for the accumulations. The results show that birds were caught for consumption. However, wing feathers and phalanges were also extracted, probably for ornamental or ceremonial purposes. A significant number of tooth/beak-marked bones and digested remains also evidence the participation of different species of raptors and, to a lesser degree, of small terrestrial carnivores in creating these assemblages. Finally, some birds died naturally and were then incorporated into the archaeological record. This study contributes to the discussion of the importance of the exploitation of birds by hunter-gatherers during the Upper Palaeolithic in the region.
Pròleg 15 Els vertebrats de l'eocè Marcel COSTA, Pere COMAS i Àngel GALOBART 29 Els petits mamífe... more Pròleg 15 Els vertebrats de l'eocè Marcel COSTA, Pere COMAS i Àngel GALOBART 29 Els petits mamífers del neogen i del quaternari inferior Manel LLENAS, Àngel GALOBART i Jordi AGUSTÍ 43 Els grans mamífers del pliocè Xavier ROS, Àngel GALOBART, Ana MAZO i Julià MAROTO 61 Els peixos del quaternari Marta MUÑOZ i Margarida CASADEVALL 71 Els amfibis i els rèptils del quaternari Jenar FÈLIX 87 Els ocells del quaternari Lluís GARCIA PETIT 107 Els grans mamífers del plistocè inferior Àngel GALOBART, Julià MAROTO, Xavier ROS i Mauricio ANTÓN 125 Els petits mamífers del plistocè superior Gabriel ALCALDE i Àngel GALOBART 155 Els grans mamífers del plistocè superior Jordi NADAL, Sara de HARO i Julià MAROTO 181 Els grans mamífers de l'holocè Maria SAÑA 191 Consideracions sobre vertebrats subactuals i actuals Josep M. MASSIP 213 Context cronològic i paleoambiental del primer poblament humà d'Europa Jordi AGUSTÍ i Oriol OMS 221 Història de les investigacions prehistòriques i paleontològiques Narcís SOLER Pròleg La present monografia recull les actes del col•loqui Els vertebrats fòssils del Pla de l'Estany. Aquest col•loqui, organitzat pel Centre d'Estudis Comarcals de Banyoles i la Universitat de Girona, es va celebrar a Banyoles els dies 16 i 17 de desembre de 2000, a la seu del Club Natació de Banyoles. Va comptar amb dotze ponències i una conferència de cloenda, oberta a tothom, amb un total de setanta participants. El conjunt de ponències tenia com a objectiu el fer un recorregut cronològic per la fauna de vertebrats del Pla de l'Estany i es va estendre des de l'eocè fins l'actualitat. L'opotunitat d'aquesta celebració va ser l'existència dels Col•loquis de Tardor, que amb periodicitat gairebé anual organitzen el Centre
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
ABSTRACTIn the last decade, the identification of bone fragments by peptide mass fingerprinting o... more ABSTRACTIn the last decade, the identification of bone fragments by peptide mass fingerprinting or zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry is developing as a powerful tool in Quaternary palaeontology. The sequence of amino acids that make up the bone collagen molecule shows slight variations between taxa, which can be studied by mass spectrometry for taxonomic purposes. This requires reference databases that allow peptide identification. Although the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller, 1794) is a common component in many European Pleistocene cave sites, no peptide fingerprint taxonomic study has paid special attention to this species up to now. For peptide markers in Ursidae, the most recent proposal is based on collagen obtained from a modern brown bear sample. In this work we attempt to cover this gap by studying bone collagen of cave and brown bear samples from different origins and different chronology, applying matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spec...
Pere Alsius es va iniciar en la paleontologia de la mà de la geologia i de la prehistòria, com un... more Pere Alsius es va iniciar en la paleontologia de la mà de la geologia i de la prehistòria, com una part indissoluble d’aquests dos camps i amb el gran objectiu d’estudiar la història geològica i cultural de la comarca. Ho va fer com en altres camps que conreà amb èxit: de manera autodidacta, amb uns mitjans molt senzills, però amb rigor i entusiasme. En els seus treballs demostra una gran capacitat d’observació i fa descripcions acurades de les restes que troba. Amb Pere Alsius es va iniciar la paleontologia de vertebrats a Catalunya. A més, també es va ocupar—de manera més modesta, però igualment pionera— de la paleontologia d’invertebrats.
Treballs D Arqueologia, 1998
A large number of sites dated to the Late Middle Paleolithic and the Early Upper Paleolithic have... more A large number of sites dated to the Late Middle Paleolithic and the Early Upper Paleolithic have been recorded in the Cantabrian region (northern Iberia), making this area a key location to investigate the lifeways of the last Neanderthals and the first anatomically modern humans. The stratigraphic sequence from El Cuco rock-shelter was originally attributed to the Early Upper Paleolithic based on radiocarbon dates measured on bone apatite. However, new radiocarbon dates on shell carbonates from the lower levels produced inconsistent dates with those previously published. In order to clarify this anomaly, a reassessment of the chronology of levels VI to XIV was undertaken. The review was based on new radiocarbon dates performed on bones and shells, and a re-evaluation of the lithic assemblages. Bone samples did not produce radiocarbon dates due to a lack of collagen preservation but radiocarbon dating of shell carbonates provided dates ranging from 42.3 to 46.4 ka BP. These dates are significantly older than that previously obtained for level XIII using biogenic apatite from bones (~30 ka uncal BP), suggesting that the bone apatite used for radiocarbon dating was rejuvenated due to contamination with secondary carbonate. Lithic assemblages, defined in the first place as Evolved Aurignacian, have now been confidently attributed to the Mousterian techno-complex. These results suggest a Middle Paleolithic chronology for this part of the sequence. The new chronology proposed for El Cuco rock-shelter has significant implications for the interpretation of Neanderthal subsistence strategies and settlement patterns, especially for coastal settlement and use of marine resources, not only in northern Iberia, but also in Atlantic Europe.
Spanish journal of palaeontology, Feb 27, 2022
The Banyoles-Besalu Basin lacustrine deposits has yielded a great number of paleontological and a... more The Banyoles-Besalu Basin lacustrine deposits has yielded a great number of paleontological and archeological sites,with a well represented rich mammalian faunas of a period between late Pliocene to recent Quaternary. In a important part of cases, this sites have been studied and described, specially the archeological ones, who are known until last years of the past century. In this paper are included all dates published and the new ones as a results of the revisions made for the doctoral thesis of two of the authors (A. G y J. M).
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe: Revista de xeoloxía galega e do hercínico peninsular, 2001
The extinction of Ursus spelaeus remains controversial. In this paper, data from two archaeologic... more The extinction of Ursus spelaeus remains controversial. In this paper, data from two archaeological sites from NE Iberian Peninsula are presented. Thus, the Middle-Upper Paleolithic term is thoroughly analysed by combining radiocarbon datings, palaeontological remains and archaeological findings.
Paleontologia i evolució, 2003
ABSTRACT The rare find of the articulated skeleton of a rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus etruscus), pre... more ABSTRACT The rare find of the articulated skeleton of a rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus etruscus), preserved in limestone sediments deposited on the bed of a calm water lake from the Villafranquian, led to the development of a methodology aimed at preserving as much information as possible on the find. Hence, the excavation work was directed with two goals in mind: on the one hand, making a cast of the remains in situ, and on the other, carrying out a complete and highly complex removal of the specimen in three blocks for subsequent restoration
Quaternary International, Jul 1, 2022
Intensification in the procurement of small game, including different taxa of birds, has been pro... more Intensification in the procurement of small game, including different taxa of birds, has been proposed as one of the indicators of dietary shifts occurring in western Mediterranean regions during the Upper Palaeolithic as a consequence of both increased human hunting pressures and environmental change. In this paper, avian remains recovered from the Upper Palaeolithic levels of Arbreda Cave (Serinyà, northeast Iberia) are analysed. Our results evidence a high diversity of bird taxa in most levels, with the presence of a minimum of 50 species, including birds that inhabit a variety of biotopes such as cliffs, rivers and wetlands, and open grassland, along with coniferous and mixed forests. Taphonomic analysis of the bird bones from all levels indicates a mixed origin for the material, humans being one of the agents responsible for the accumulations. The results show that birds were caught for consumption. However, wing feathers and phalanges were also extracted, probably for ornamental or ceremonial purposes. A significant number of tooth/beak-marked bones and digested remains also evidence the participation of different species of raptors and, to a lesser degree, of small terrestrial carnivores in creating these assemblages. Finally, some birds died naturally and were then incorporated into the archaeological record. This study contributes to the discussion of the importance of the exploitation of birds by hunter-gatherers during the Upper Palaeolithic in the region.
Pròleg 15 Els vertebrats de l'eocè Marcel COSTA, Pere COMAS i Àngel GALOBART 29 Els petits mamífe... more Pròleg 15 Els vertebrats de l'eocè Marcel COSTA, Pere COMAS i Àngel GALOBART 29 Els petits mamífers del neogen i del quaternari inferior Manel LLENAS, Àngel GALOBART i Jordi AGUSTÍ 43 Els grans mamífers del pliocè Xavier ROS, Àngel GALOBART, Ana MAZO i Julià MAROTO 61 Els peixos del quaternari Marta MUÑOZ i Margarida CASADEVALL 71 Els amfibis i els rèptils del quaternari Jenar FÈLIX 87 Els ocells del quaternari Lluís GARCIA PETIT 107 Els grans mamífers del plistocè inferior Àngel GALOBART, Julià MAROTO, Xavier ROS i Mauricio ANTÓN 125 Els petits mamífers del plistocè superior Gabriel ALCALDE i Àngel GALOBART 155 Els grans mamífers del plistocè superior Jordi NADAL, Sara de HARO i Julià MAROTO 181 Els grans mamífers de l'holocè Maria SAÑA 191 Consideracions sobre vertebrats subactuals i actuals Josep M. MASSIP 213 Context cronològic i paleoambiental del primer poblament humà d'Europa Jordi AGUSTÍ i Oriol OMS 221 Història de les investigacions prehistòriques i paleontològiques Narcís SOLER Pròleg La present monografia recull les actes del col•loqui Els vertebrats fòssils del Pla de l'Estany. Aquest col•loqui, organitzat pel Centre d'Estudis Comarcals de Banyoles i la Universitat de Girona, es va celebrar a Banyoles els dies 16 i 17 de desembre de 2000, a la seu del Club Natació de Banyoles. Va comptar amb dotze ponències i una conferència de cloenda, oberta a tothom, amb un total de setanta participants. El conjunt de ponències tenia com a objectiu el fer un recorregut cronològic per la fauna de vertebrats del Pla de l'Estany i es va estendre des de l'eocè fins l'actualitat. L'opotunitat d'aquesta celebració va ser l'existència dels Col•loquis de Tardor, que amb periodicitat gairebé anual organitzen el Centre
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
ABSTRACTIn the last decade, the identification of bone fragments by peptide mass fingerprinting o... more ABSTRACTIn the last decade, the identification of bone fragments by peptide mass fingerprinting or zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry is developing as a powerful tool in Quaternary palaeontology. The sequence of amino acids that make up the bone collagen molecule shows slight variations between taxa, which can be studied by mass spectrometry for taxonomic purposes. This requires reference databases that allow peptide identification. Although the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller, 1794) is a common component in many European Pleistocene cave sites, no peptide fingerprint taxonomic study has paid special attention to this species up to now. For peptide markers in Ursidae, the most recent proposal is based on collagen obtained from a modern brown bear sample. In this work we attempt to cover this gap by studying bone collagen of cave and brown bear samples from different origins and different chronology, applying matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spec...
Pere Alsius es va iniciar en la paleontologia de la mà de la geologia i de la prehistòria, com un... more Pere Alsius es va iniciar en la paleontologia de la mà de la geologia i de la prehistòria, com una part indissoluble d’aquests dos camps i amb el gran objectiu d’estudiar la història geològica i cultural de la comarca. Ho va fer com en altres camps que conreà amb èxit: de manera autodidacta, amb uns mitjans molt senzills, però amb rigor i entusiasme. En els seus treballs demostra una gran capacitat d’observació i fa descripcions acurades de les restes que troba. Amb Pere Alsius es va iniciar la paleontologia de vertebrats a Catalunya. A més, també es va ocupar—de manera més modesta, però igualment pionera— de la paleontologia d’invertebrats.
Treballs D Arqueologia, 1998
Les Garrotxes, 2012
Fa més de 200.000 anys es van començar a ocupar les cèlebres cavitats de Serinyà, 70 anys enrere ... more Fa més de 200.000 anys es van començar a ocupar les cèlebres cavitats de Serinyà, 70 anys enrere s'hi van començar a fer excavacions per iniciativa de Josep M. Corominas i fa 15 anys s'hi ubicà el parc arqueològic.
Revista de Girona, 1985
S'explica el procés de recuperació, l'estiu del 1984, de les restes esquelètiques d'un elefant me... more S'explica el procés de recuperació, l'estiu del 1984, de les restes esquelètiques d'un elefant meridional a la pedrera d'lncarcal, situada al terme municipal de Crespiá i que constitueix un important jaciment paleontològic del plistocè inferior.
Revista de Girona
Per altra banda, el contingut del manuscrit pot interessar mes a estudiosos de la filolcgia i el ... more Per altra banda, el contingut del manuscrit pot interessar mes a estudiosos de la filolcgia i el dret que no pas ais qui vulguin trcbar-h¡ esdeveniments de tipus económic o polític. Les referéncies que Sebastiá Casanovas fa de les institucions borbóniques o deis problemes de les quintes son molt escadusssres. Malgrat tot, espigolant un xic d'aci i d'allá s'hi poden trobar referéncies interessants de les ccnseqüéncies de la Guerra de Successió, del sistema de cobrament del Cadastre, i fins i tot, dades que ens permeten adcnar-nos de la incidencia de la mcrtalitat infantil en les sccietats d'antic régim. Aixi ens diu que: «tingueren sinch criatures y éstas totas moriren que no cada ninguna succeció...» {p. 44), o bé: «Esta (la seva mare) tinge nou criaturas del dit mon para y ara sois som quatre de vius...» (p. 49)-Aixi, la publicado de l'obra resta plenament justificada per l'interés intrínsec que les memóries del pagés empordanés ccntenen, i de les quals se'n fa una valoració molt adequada en el próleg. Caldria dir tambe que esperem que aviat puguin scrtir a la llum manuscrita d'aquesta mena, del tipus del que ens avancá en aqüestes mateixes pagines de la Revista de Girona, Ángel Codina i Giol (1); aquest manuscrit procedent de la Cellera de Ter (La Selva), escrit en cátala i en Nati, ens pcdria donar un altre punt de referencia -cronológicament mes ampli-deis esdeveniments ocorreguts a les nostres comarques en temps pretérits sota l'óptica d'un heme de la nostra térra.
Interaccions entre felins i humans. III Jornades d’arqueozoologia, 2017
In the municipality of Serinyà (Pla de l'Estany, Girona), a number of archaeological and palaeont... more In the municipality of Serinyà (Pla de l'Estany, Girona), a number of archaeological and palaeontological sites are concentrated, with records ranging from the end of the Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene. Within the Pleisto-cene record, felids (Felidae) are not frequent, but almost all possible species are present: the cave lion (Panthera spelaea), the leopard (Panthera pardus), the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) and the wildcat (Felis silvestris). Only the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) has not yet been identified. The findings are the result both of modern-day and ancient excavations, as well as chance occurrences. The Iberian lynx is the felid that has interacted most with humans and is the only one whose remains are, in certain cases, of a definitely anthropic origin, corresponding to the whole of the Upper Palaeolithic. An anthropic origin in the Upper Palaeolithic might also occasionally apply to the wildcat. By contrast, the large-sized felids such as cave lions and leopards are represented by very few remains, which are non-anthropic in origin.
Llops i humans a Catalunya. Del passat al present, Quaderns CECB nº29, Editors: Massip JM, Maroto J, pp.27-42, 2011
El registro fósil de Canis mosbachensis y Canis lupus considerado en este trabajo, se inicia con ... more El registro fósil de Canis mosbachensis y Canis lupus considerado en este trabajo, se inicia con el Pleistoceno inferior y llega hasta el final de la Prehistoria o al inicio de la Protohistoria.
El ámbito geográfico estudiado es el NE de la Península Ibérica en un sentido amplio del término.
Las primeras especies registradas no corresponden al lobo actual, sino a sus antepasados. A partir de los 215.000 años encontramos una variedad de lobo que sí corresponde ya a Canis lupus.
Desde un punto de vista tafonómico, buena parte de los restos documentados son sólo paleontológicos y algunos, sobre todo a partir del Paleolítico Superior, se han de considerar arqueológicos, es decir que han sido aportadas o manipuladas por los humanos.