GitHub - doug-friedman/topicdoc: Topic-Specific Diagnostics for LDA and CTM Topic Models (original) (raw)


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Like a (good) doctor, the goal of topicdoc is to help diagnose issues with your topic models through a variety of different diagnostics and metrics. There are a lot of great R packages for fitting topic models, but not a lot that help evaluate their fit. This package seeks to fill that void with functions that easily allow you to run those diagnostics/metrics efficiently on a variety of topic models.

Currently, only topic models from the topicmodels library are supported. However, I’m targeting those from the stm library next.


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This is a simple use case - using an LDA model with the Associated Press Dataset in topicmodels which is made up of AP articles from 1988.

library(topicdoc) library(topicmodels)

data("AssociatedPress") lda_ap4 <- LDA(AssociatedPress, control = list(seed = 33), k = 4)

See the top 10 terms associated with each of the topics

terms(lda_ap4, 10) #> Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
#> [1,] "i" "percent" "bush" "soviet"
#> [2,] "people" "million" "i" "government" #> [3,] "two" "year" "president" "united"
#> [4,] "police" "billion" "court" "president" #> [5,] "years" "new" "federal" "people"
#> [6,] "new" "market" "new" "police"
#> [7,] "city" "company" "house" "military"
#> [8,] "time" "prices" "state" "states"
#> [9,] "three" "stock" "dukakis" "party"
#> [10,] "like" "last" "campaign" "two"

Calculate all diagnostics for each topic in the topic model

diag_df <- topic_diagnostics(lda_ap4, AssociatedPress) diag_df #> topic_num topic_size mean_token_length dist_from_corpus tf_df_dist #> 1 1 3476.377 4.1 0.3899012 24.08191 #> 2 2 1910.153 5.6 0.5044673 26.67523 #> 3 3 2504.622 5.4 0.3830014 26.46131 #> 4 4 2581.848 6.5 0.3988826 25.52163 #> doc_prominence topic_coherence topic_exclusivity #> 1 1053 -81.83339 7.813034 #> 2 598 -79.50691 9.560433 #> 3 783 -106.40062 9.162590 #> 4 775 -84.46149 9.058854

...or calculate them individually

topic_size(lda_ap4) #> [1] 3476.377 1910.153 2504.622 2581.848

It’s a lot easier to interpret the output if you put it all together in a nice plot.

library(ggplot2) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = F) library(tidyr) library(stringr)

diag_df <- diag_df %>% mutate(topic_label = terms(lda_ap4, 5) %>% apply(2, paste, collapse = ", "), topic_label = paste(topic_num, topic_label, sep = " - "))

diag_df %>% gather(diagnostic, value, -topic_label, -topic_num) %>% ggplot(aes(x = topic_num, y = value, fill = str_wrap(topic_label, 25))) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + facet_wrap(~diagnostic, scales = "free") + labs(x = "Topic Number", y = "Diagnostic Value", fill = "Topic Label", title = "All Topic Model Diagnostics")

These diagnostics help provide a more rigorous confirmation of our intuition about identifying “good” versus “bad” topics in a topic model.

Almost, immediately you’d deduce that Topic 1 looks odd as it contains a lot of generic words (e.g. “two”, “three”, “like”). Using the diagnostics provided, you can see that Topic 1 has the largest topic size and highest document prominence indicating that it’s incorporating many more tokens and documents than the others. The low TF/DF distance and exclusivity confirm our susipicion about the generic nature of the topic.

Alternatively, you can see that Topic 2 - the one centered around financial news - is the most coherent and exclusive topic.

Diagnostics/Metrics Included

Diagnostic/Metric Function Description
topic size topic_size Total (weighted) number of tokens per topic
mean token length mean_token_length Average number of characters for the top tokens per topic
distance from corpus distribution dist_from_corpus Distance of a topic’s token distribution from the overall corpus token distribution
distance between token and document frequencies tf_df_dist Distance between a topic’s token and document distributions
document prominence doc_prominence Number of unique documents where a topic appears
topic coherence topic_coherence Measure of how often the top tokens in each topic appear together in the same document
topic exclusivity topic_exclusivity Measure of how unique the top tokens in each topic are compared to the other topics

Key References

The following documents provide key references for the diagnostics/metrics included in the package.