GitHub - eslint-community/eslint-plugin-n: Additional ESLint rules for Node.js (original) (raw)


forked from eslint-plugin-node v11.1.0. as the original repository seems no longer maintained.

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Additional ESLint rules for Node.js

🎨 Playground


💿 Install & Usage

npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-n

Version Supported Node.js Supported ESLint Version Status
17.x ^18.18.0 | ^20.9.0 >=21.1.0
16.x >=16.0.0 >=7.0.0 ⚠️EOL
15.x >=12.22.0 >=7.0.0 ⚠️EOL

Note: It recommends a use of the "engines" field of package.json. The "engines" field is used by n/no-unsupported-features/* rules.

eslint.config.js (requires eslint>=v8.23.0)

const nodePlugin = require("eslint-plugin-n")

module.exports = [ nodePlugin.configs["flat/recommended-script"], { rules: { "n/exports-style": ["error", "module.exports"] } } ]

To setup without the recommended configs, you'll need to add the plugin:

const nodePlugin = require("eslint-plugin-n")

module.exports = [ { plugins: {n: nodePlugin}, rules: { "n/exports-style": ["error", "module.exports"] } } ]

.eslintrc.json (legacy example)

{ "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:n/recommended"], "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2021 }, "rules": { "n/exports-style": ["error", "module.exports"] } }

To setup without the recommended rules you'll need to add the plugin:

{ "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2021 }, "plugins": ["n"], "rules": { "n/exports-style": ["error", "module.exports"] } }

package.json (An example)

{ "name": "your-module", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "commonjs", "engines": { "node": ">=8.10.0" } }

Configured Node.js version range

The rules get the supported Node.js version range from the following, falling back to the next if unspecified:

  1. Rule configuration version
  2. ESLint shared setting node.version
  3. package.json [engines] field
  4. >=16.0.0

If you omit the [engines] field, this rule chooses >=16.0.0 as the configured Node.js version since 16 is the maintained lts (see also Node.js Release Working Group).

For Node.js packages, using the [engines] field is recommended because it's the official way to indicate support:

{ "name": "your-module", "version": "1.0.0", "engines": { "node": ">=16.0.0" } }

For Shareable Configs or packages with a different development environment (e.g. pre-compiled, web package, etc.), you can configure ESLint with settings.node.version to specify support.

📖 Rules

💼 Configurations enabled in.
🟢 Set in the recommended-module configuration.
✅ Set in the recommended-script configuration.
🔧 Automatically fixable by the --fix CLI option.
❌ Deprecated.

Name Description 💼 🔧
callback-return require return statements after callbacks
exports-style enforce either module.exports or exports 🔧
file-extension-in-import enforce the style of file extensions in import declarations 🔧
global-require require require() calls to be placed at top-level module scope
handle-callback-err require error handling in callbacks
hashbang require correct usage of hashbang 🟢 ✅ 🔧
no-callback-literal enforce Node.js-style error-first callback pattern is followed
no-deprecated-api disallow deprecated APIs 🟢 ✅
no-exports-assign disallow the assignment to exports 🟢 ✅
no-extraneous-import disallow import declarations which import extraneous modules 🟢 ✅
no-extraneous-require disallow require() expressions which import extraneous modules 🟢 ✅
no-hide-core-modules disallow third-party modules which are hiding core modules
no-missing-import disallow import declarations which import non-existence modules 🟢 ✅
no-missing-require disallow require() expressions which import non-existence modules 🟢 ✅
no-mixed-requires disallow require calls to be mixed with regular variable declarations
no-new-require disallow new operators with calls to require
no-path-concat disallow string concatenation with __dirname and __filename
no-process-env disallow the use of process.env
no-process-exit disallow the use of process.exit() 🟢 ✅
no-restricted-import disallow specified modules when loaded by import declarations
no-restricted-require disallow specified modules when loaded by require
no-sync disallow synchronous methods
no-unpublished-bin disallow bin files that npm ignores 🟢 ✅
no-unpublished-import disallow import declarations which import private modules 🟢 ✅
no-unpublished-require disallow require() expressions which import private modules 🟢 ✅
no-unsupported-features/es-builtins disallow unsupported ECMAScript built-ins on the specified version 🟢 ✅
no-unsupported-features/es-syntax disallow unsupported ECMAScript syntax on the specified version 🟢 ✅
no-unsupported-features/node-builtins disallow unsupported Node.js built-in APIs on the specified version 🟢 ✅
prefer-global/buffer enforce either Buffer or require("buffer").Buffer
prefer-global/console enforce either console or require("console")
prefer-global/process enforce either process or require("process")
prefer-global/text-decoder enforce either TextDecoder or require("util").TextDecoder
prefer-global/text-encoder enforce either TextEncoder or require("util").TextEncoder
prefer-global/url enforce either URL or require("url").URL
prefer-global/url-search-params enforce either URLSearchParams or require("url").URLSearchParams
prefer-node-protocol enforce using the node: protocol when importing Node.js builtin modules. 🔧
prefer-promises/dns enforce require("dns").promises
prefer-promises/fs enforce require("fs").promises
process-exit-as-throw require that process.exit() expressions use the same code path as throw 🟢 ✅
shebang require correct usage of hashbang 🔧

🔧 Configs

🟢 recommended-module

About each config:

These preset configs:


const nodePlugin = require("eslint-plugin-n");

module.exports = [ ...nodePlugin.configs["flat/mixed-esm-and-cjs"], { rules: { "n/exports-style": ["error", "module.exports"], }, }, ]

🚥 Semantic Versioning Policy

eslint-plugin-n follows semantic versioning and ESLint's Semantic Versioning Policy.

Deprecated rules follow ESLint's deprecation policy.

📰 Changelog

❤️ Contributing

Welcome contributing!

Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs.

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