GitHub - khvorov45/sclr: Maximum likelihood estimation of the scaled logit model parameters (original) (raw)


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The goal of sclr is to fit the scaled logit model from Dunning (2006) using the maximum likelihood method. The package website contains all documentation, vignettes and version history.


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The model is logistic regression with an added parameter for the top asymptote. For model specification, log likelihood, scores and second derivatives see the math vignette. Documentation of the main fitting function ?sclr has details on how the model is fit.


Usage is similar to other model fitting functions like lm.

library(sclr) fit <- sclr(status ~ logHI, one_titre_data) # included simulated data summary(fit) #> Call: status ~ logHI #> #> Parameter estimates #> theta beta_0 beta_logHI #> -0.03497876 -5.42535734 2.14877741 #> #> 95% confidence intervals #> 2.5 % 97.5 % #> theta -0.1350572 0.06509969 #> beta_0 -6.4417802 -4.40893449 #> beta_logHI 1.8146909 2.48286390 #> #> Log likelihood: -2469.765

For more details see the usage vignette.


Dunning AJ (2006). “A model for immunological correlates of protection.” Statistics in Medicine, 25(9), 1485-1497. doi: 10.1002/sim.2282.