GitHub - ropensci/eia: An R package wrapping the US Energy Information Administration open data API. (original) (raw)


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage CRAN status CRAN RStudio mirror downloads Github Stars

The eia package provides API access to data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Pulling data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) API requires a registered API key. A key can be obtained at no costhere. A valid email and agreement to the API Terms of Service is required to obtain a key.

eia includes functions for searching the EIA API data directory and importing various datasets. Datasets returned by these functions are provided in a tidy format or alternatively in more raw form. It also offers helper functions for working with EIA API date strings and time formats and for inspecting different summaries of data metadata. The package also provides control over API key storage and caching of API request results.


Install the CRAN release of eia with

or install the development version from GitHub with




After obtaining the API key, store it somewhere such as .Renviron and never have to do anything with the key when using the package. Alternatively, set it manually with eia_set_key() in the current R session. Further, it can always be passed explicitly to the keyargument of a given eia function.

Load package and set key


not run

eia_set_key("yourkey") # set API key if not already set globally

Explore the API directory

Get a list of the EIA’s data directory (and sub-directories) witheia_dir().

Top-level directory

eia_dir() #> # A tibble: 14 × 3 #> id name description
#> 1 coal Coal EIA coal energy data
#> 2 crude-oil-imports Crude Oil Imports Crude oil imports by count… #> 3 electricity Electricity EIA electricity survey data #> 4 international International Country level production, … #> 5 natural-gas Natural Gas EIA natural gas survey data #> 6 nuclear-outages Nuclear Outages EIA nuclear outages survey… #> 7 petroleum Petroleum EIA petroleum gas survey d… #> 8 seds State Energy Data System (SEDS) Estimated production, cons… #> 9 steo Short Term Energy Outlook Monthly short term (18 mon… #> 10 densified-biomass Densified Biomass EIA densified biomass data #> 11 total-energy Total Energy These data represent the m… #> 12 aeo Annual Energy Outlook Annual U.S. projections us… #> 13 ieo International Energy Outlook Annual international proje… #> 14 co2-emissions State CO2 Emissions EIA CO2 Emissions data

Electricity sub-directory

eia_dir("electricity") #> # A tibble: 6 × 3 #> id name description #>
#> 1 retail-sales Electricity Sales to Ultimate Cus… "Electrici… #> 2 electric-power-operational-data Electric Power Operations (Annual… "Monthly a… #> 3 rto Electric Power Operations (Daily … "Hourly an… #> 4 state-electricity-profiles State Specific Data "State Spe… #> 5 operating-generator-capacity Inventory of Operable Generators "Inventory… #> 6 facility-fuel Electric Power Operations for Ind… "Annual an…

Get data

Get annual retail electric sales for the Ohio residential sector since 2010

(d <- eia_data( dir = "electricity/retail-sales", data = "sales", facets = list(stateid = "OH", sectorid = "RES"), freq = "annual", start = "2010", sort = list(cols = "period", order = "asc"), )) #> # A tibble: 13 × 7 #> period stateid stateDescription sectorid sectorName sales sales-units
#> 1 2010 OH Ohio RES residential 54474. million kilowatt… #> 2 2011 OH Ohio RES residential 53687. million kilowatt… #> 3 2012 OH Ohio RES residential 52288. million kilowatt… #> 4 2013 OH Ohio RES residential 52158. million kilowatt… #> 5 2014 OH Ohio RES residential 52804. million kilowatt… #> 6 2015 OH Ohio RES residential 51493. million kilowatt… #> 7 2016 OH Ohio RES residential 52524. million kilowatt… #> 8 2017 OH Ohio RES residential 49796. million kilowatt… #> 9 2018 OH Ohio RES residential 54452. million kilowatt… #> 10 2019 OH Ohio RES residential 52226. million kilowatt… #> 11 2020 OH Ohio RES residential 52553. million kilowatt… #> 12 2021 OH Ohio RES residential 53171. million kilowatt… #> 13 2022 OH Ohio RES residential 53312. million kilowatt…

and make a nice plot.

library(ggplot2) ggplot(d, aes(x = period, y = sales / 1e3)) + geom_bar(col = "steelblue", fill = "steelblue", stat = "identity") + theme_bw() + labs( title = "Annual Retail Sales of Electricity (GWh)", subtitle = "State: Ohio; Sector: Residential", x = "Year", y = "Sales (GWh)" )


See the collection of vignette tutorials and examples as well as complete package documentation available at the eia packagewebsite.

Please note that the eia project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
