glasshousepoets - Profile (original) (raw)

on 4 April 2005 (#6681160)

Roanoke, Virginia, United States

When the sword isn't enough, we wield the pen

* Please Read Before Posting

Welcome to GlassHousePoetry. This community is a place for people who love to write, read, or discuss poetry to come together and do just that. Feel free to post poems of your own, or a favorite poem from another author, just be sure that if the poem DOES NOT belong to you that it is credited to whomever it belongs to. You can also discuss your favorite poets, and give or get feedback for posted poems from people who love poetry, possibly, as much as you do.

Poetry is a beautiful thing, and beauty does not come in one-size-fits-all casing. There are many different types of poetry—haiku, limerick, sonnet, free verse, acrostic, diamante, ode, quatrain, and plenty more. As such, we invite ALL types of poems into our community. So no matter what you write, you're welcome.

We're not a rating community. There's no form you have to fill out, no exam you have to pass, no nothing. You're instantly accepted here. Your first post counts as your introduction. First posts are moderated, but usually after that you're given free posting access.

We don't turn down anyone that wants to be here. What you do and what you say dictates your attitude toward this community. Remember—be positive. If it looks like you're stirring up trouble deliberately, you will be warned. If a second offense is incurred, you will be stripped of membership.

We put all posts in the memory section under the name of the user who posted it. This way, you can follow your progress as a writer and see how you've improved and/or matured. Or, if you feel the need, you can go back and edit or rewrite a poem and post it again and see how much better the poem became. Either way, we make it much easier for you to keep track of your work. And it will always be there. It's not the like internet is going to explode one day.

+Credit any poem you wish to share that does not belong to you. We mean to give everyone the proper respect, and if we recognize you have not shown respect toward a fellow writer and have stolen their work, you will be stripped of membership. Ask yourself: would you like it if someone stole your work?

+Flaming is frowned upon while all constructive criticism is encouraged. If you didn't like all or a part of a poem, say why, but do so in a kind, courteous manner. Don't just say "I think this poem sucks and you suck and I hate you!" That's not nice. Instead, say "I didn't like this piece of yours because" and say why. If anything, the writer will take it much better than being verbally abused and might even take some of your ideas and criticism to heart.

+Staying on topic is a very good thing and makes everyone here smile. Anything that has to do with poetry is on topic. Anything that has nothing to do with poetry is not.

+If posting multiple pieces or a single piece is lengthy (15+ lines), please put it behind a cut. If you do not know how to make a cut, click HERE. We only have the best interests of everyone's friends page at heart.

THE GOLDEN RULE: Once you have posted a piece of writing here, if you feel you have received just comments, take the time to comment on three other posts. That way more comments happen, and this is more of a community and less of a void. And if you don't feel you've received the comments you deserve, comment some more anyway to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can get in touch with:

Amanda/wreckofbones/(, Moderator
Danielle/luv2leaveme/(, Moderator
Josh/foolintherain00/(, Moderator

Image hosted by
Memories: 7/04/07 (partial) ,by luv2leaveme
Update: 7/04/07,by luv2leaveme
((Updates can be found at glasshouse_mods))

allen ginsberg, ani difranco, anne sexton, beat poetry, beauty, black ice, death, discussion, edgar allen poe, emily dickenson, emo, everything, feedback, free style, free verse, freedom, freestyle, freeverse, friends, friendship, friendships, haiku, hate, homer, inspiration, jack kerouac, langston hughes, life, love, lyrical poetry, lyrics, margaret atwood, maya angelou, music, narrative poetry, nothing, ode, odes, poems, poetry, reading, rhymes, rhyming, rhyming poetry, robert frost, shakespeare, sonnet, soul, soul searching, sylvia plath, truth, ugliness, ugly, virginia woolf, writing