goldenwing6560 - Profile (original) (raw)
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on 17 December 2003 (#1609685)
For reasons I'm not getting into, my journal is Friends Only. I have a post for the whole 'comment to be added' thing, and plus the fact, that if I know you (and trust you not to backstab me like certain family members way back), I'll pretty much add you.
PIMPAGE - Deviantart. site. Flash ads and regular ads, so beware of spyware.
If you're looking for my icon posts look no further than here
(v) Kintotech's main journal
(v) Kintotech's Drabble Journal
*magic!*, *science!*, *shiny!*, airships, anime, art, artwork, batman, blonde moments, boobies, cartoons, chaos, computers, customizations, dc comics, deku scrub ninja, digital art, disney, drawing, firefly, flavin, friends, gameboy advance, gamecube, gaming, gargoyles, good rpers, guns, icons, internet, kingdom hearts, lava lamps, life, love, magic swords, manga, marvel, medievil, megaman series, megaman x, monty python, movies, muses, music, myths and legends, nasr, nintendo, omgftw, order, parodies, people, photoshop, pirates, pirates of the caribbean, pokemon, rabbi ninja, roleplay, rpg's, rping, sandals, science fiction, scifi, serenity, shinies, shiny objects, skies of arcadia, spider-man, squii, star trek, steampunk, summer, super smash bros., swords, technobabble, the legend of zelda, usagi, valua, video game music, video games, weapons, webcomics, wii, writing, xxxholic, ♥