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Papers by Elke Diedrichsen

Research paper thumbnail of Zu Einer Semantischen Klassifikation Der Intransitiven Haben- Und Sein-Verben Im Deutschen *

Die Literatur hat gezeigt, dass die syntaktischen Kriterien der Unakkusativ-/Unergativ-Distinktio... more Die Literatur hat gezeigt, dass die syntaktischen Kriterien der Unakkusativ-/Unergativ-Distinktion durch semantische Kriterien zumindest unterstutzt, wenn nicht gar ersetzt werden konnen. In diesem Beitrag werde ich mich auf eines der Unakkusativitatskriterien, die Auxiliarselektion, konzentrieren. Es soll gezeigt werden, dass die Wahl von haben- und sein- Perfekt bei intransitiven Verben im Deutschen semantisch zu motivieren ist. Fasst man das haben- Perfekt als Defaultfall auf, so lassen sich fur die Wahl des sein-Perfekts spezifische semantische Kriterien aufstellen, die anhand von Beispielen vorgestellt und erlautert werden sollen. Die Kriterien konnen zu einem ubergreifenden Basiskriterium zusammengefasst werden, das auch solche Falle von sein-Perfekt einschliest, die fur eine semantische Klassifikation bisher als problematisch angesehen worden sind.

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive mechanisms and emergent grammatical features in Internet memes

Linguistics Beyond and Within (LingBaW)

Internet memes of the type composed of an image macro and text, have a strong form-meaning correl... more Internet memes of the type composed of an image macro and text, have a strong form-meaning correlation that is shared among users of social media. Their frequency of usage and the immediacy of their broad reach around the world make them an interesting field of investigation for linguistic studies. I will argue in this article that Internet memes resemble linguistic signs. Users develop a literacy, i.e. a command of their usage through convention and shared usage history. Popular Internet memes can be found in a multiplicity of variations, where details of the shown picture are changed, while the general mood or topic of the meme, mostly expressed in the caption, remains broadly the same. This article will discuss cases where the development of meme variations works along the lines of known cognitive mechanisms like metaphor and metonymy, and their prerequisites, like abstraction. Some meme variations can be represented as grammaticalisation paths that lead to the emergence of gramm...

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's langu... more There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. The book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. The articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. This scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. The book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions. [Studies in Language Companion Series, 145] 2013. xix, 335 pp. Hb 978 90 272 0612 1 EUR 95.00 E-book 978 90 272 7108 2 EUR 95.00

Research paper thumbnail of What you give is what you GET? On reanalysis, semantic extension and functional motivation with the German bekommen-passive construction

Research paper thumbnail of Zur ‚Inventarisierung‘ von idiomatischen und Argumentstruktur- Konstruktionen im Deutschen

Sprachwissen im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Constructions as memes – Interactional function as cultural convention beyond the words

Content, context, and inference, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of From idioms to sentence structures and beyond

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Where is the precore slot? Mapping the layered structure of the clause and German sentence topology

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of A Role and Reference Grammar parser for German

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Auxiliary selection in German

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The German''bekommen-passive''and RRG

Research paper thumbnail of Causation, Permission, and Transfer Argument realisation in GET, TAKE, PUT, GIVE and LET verbs

This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of the argument realisation of the concepts ... more This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of the argument realisation of the concepts of causative purpose, permit, let/allow and transfer in a broad cross-linguistic typologically diverse mix of languages with GIVE, GET, TAKE, PUT, and LET verbs. This volume stands as the first systematic exploration of these verbs and concepts as they occur in complex events and clauses. This book brings together scholars and researchers from a variety of functionally inspired theoretical backgrounds that have worked on these verbs within one language or from a cross-linguistic perspective. The objective is to understand the linguistic behaviour of the verbs and their inter-relationships within a contemporary cognitive-functional linguistic perspective. The languages represented include Irish, German, Slavic (West Slavic: Polish, Czech, Slovak and Sorbian and Western South Slavic: Slovenian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian), Germanic, Romance, Gan Chinese Yichun dialect, Māori, Bohairic Cop...

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's langu... more There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. The book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. The articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. This scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. The book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions. [Studies in Language Companion Series, 145] 2013. xix, 335 pp. Hb 978 90 272 0612 1 EUR 95.00 E-book 978 90 272 7108 2 EUR 95.00

Research paper thumbnail of Issues with argument realisation and syntactic variation of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs in functionally motivated approaches

Research paper thumbnail of A Bonsai Grammar for German

Research paper thumbnail of New book information-> Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics: The role of constructions in grammar Table of content

There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's langu... more There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. The book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. The articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. This scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. The book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions. [Studies in Language Companion Series, 145] 2013. xix, 335 pp. Hb 978 90 272 0612 1 EUR 95.00 E-book 978 90 272 7108 2 EUR 95.00

Research paper thumbnail of Referential Hierarchy effects on diachronic changes with the German noun system

Research paper thumbnail of new book information Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics The role of constructions in grammar Table of contents

ere is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languag... more ere is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. e book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. e articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. is scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. e book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions.

Research paper thumbnail of Haben-Constructions in German: One auxiliary meets three different argument structure constructions

Books by Elke Diedrichsen

Research paper thumbnail of New book information ==> Argument Realisation in Complex Predicates and Complex Events: Verb-verb constructions at the syntax-semantic interface Edited by

This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of argument realisation in complex predicate... more This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of argument realisation in complex predicates and complex events at the syntax-semantic interface across a wide variety of the world's languages, ranging over languages such as German, Irish, Sicilian and Italian, Lithuanian, Estonian and other Finno-Ugric languages, Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra from Australia's Western Desert region, Japanese, Tepehua (Totonacan, Mexico), Cheyenne, Mexican Spanish, Boharic Coptic, and Persian. This volume examines the syntactic variation of complex events, complex predicates and multi-verb constructions within a single clause where the clause is view as representing a single event, studying their semantics and syntax within functional, cognitive and constructional frameworks, to arrive at a better understanding of their cross linguistic behaviour and how they resonate in syntax. These constructions manifest considerable variability in cross-linguistic comparisons of complex predicate formation. In European languages, for example, typically one of the verbs in a verb-verb construction highlights a phase of an underspecified event while the matrix verb specifies the actual event. In contrast, serial verbs require each verb to provide a sub-event dimension within a complex event that is viewed holistically as unitary in syntax. This book contributes to an understanding of complex events, complex predicates and multi-verb constructions across languages, their syntactic constructional patterns and argument realisation.

Research paper thumbnail of Zu Einer Semantischen Klassifikation Der Intransitiven Haben- Und Sein-Verben Im Deutschen *

Die Literatur hat gezeigt, dass die syntaktischen Kriterien der Unakkusativ-/Unergativ-Distinktio... more Die Literatur hat gezeigt, dass die syntaktischen Kriterien der Unakkusativ-/Unergativ-Distinktion durch semantische Kriterien zumindest unterstutzt, wenn nicht gar ersetzt werden konnen. In diesem Beitrag werde ich mich auf eines der Unakkusativitatskriterien, die Auxiliarselektion, konzentrieren. Es soll gezeigt werden, dass die Wahl von haben- und sein- Perfekt bei intransitiven Verben im Deutschen semantisch zu motivieren ist. Fasst man das haben- Perfekt als Defaultfall auf, so lassen sich fur die Wahl des sein-Perfekts spezifische semantische Kriterien aufstellen, die anhand von Beispielen vorgestellt und erlautert werden sollen. Die Kriterien konnen zu einem ubergreifenden Basiskriterium zusammengefasst werden, das auch solche Falle von sein-Perfekt einschliest, die fur eine semantische Klassifikation bisher als problematisch angesehen worden sind.

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive mechanisms and emergent grammatical features in Internet memes

Linguistics Beyond and Within (LingBaW)

Internet memes of the type composed of an image macro and text, have a strong form-meaning correl... more Internet memes of the type composed of an image macro and text, have a strong form-meaning correlation that is shared among users of social media. Their frequency of usage and the immediacy of their broad reach around the world make them an interesting field of investigation for linguistic studies. I will argue in this article that Internet memes resemble linguistic signs. Users develop a literacy, i.e. a command of their usage through convention and shared usage history. Popular Internet memes can be found in a multiplicity of variations, where details of the shown picture are changed, while the general mood or topic of the meme, mostly expressed in the caption, remains broadly the same. This article will discuss cases where the development of meme variations works along the lines of known cognitive mechanisms like metaphor and metonymy, and their prerequisites, like abstraction. Some meme variations can be represented as grammaticalisation paths that lead to the emergence of gramm...

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's langu... more There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. The book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. The articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. This scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. The book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions. [Studies in Language Companion Series, 145] 2013. xix, 335 pp. Hb 978 90 272 0612 1 EUR 95.00 E-book 978 90 272 7108 2 EUR 95.00

Research paper thumbnail of What you give is what you GET? On reanalysis, semantic extension and functional motivation with the German bekommen-passive construction

Research paper thumbnail of Zur ‚Inventarisierung‘ von idiomatischen und Argumentstruktur- Konstruktionen im Deutschen

Sprachwissen im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Constructions as memes – Interactional function as cultural convention beyond the words

Content, context, and inference, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of From idioms to sentence structures and beyond

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Where is the precore slot? Mapping the layered structure of the clause and German sentence topology

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of A Role and Reference Grammar parser for German

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Auxiliary selection in German

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The German''bekommen-passive''and RRG

Research paper thumbnail of Causation, Permission, and Transfer Argument realisation in GET, TAKE, PUT, GIVE and LET verbs

This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of the argument realisation of the concepts ... more This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of the argument realisation of the concepts of causative purpose, permit, let/allow and transfer in a broad cross-linguistic typologically diverse mix of languages with GIVE, GET, TAKE, PUT, and LET verbs. This volume stands as the first systematic exploration of these verbs and concepts as they occur in complex events and clauses. This book brings together scholars and researchers from a variety of functionally inspired theoretical backgrounds that have worked on these verbs within one language or from a cross-linguistic perspective. The objective is to understand the linguistic behaviour of the verbs and their inter-relationships within a contemporary cognitive-functional linguistic perspective. The languages represented include Irish, German, Slavic (West Slavic: Polish, Czech, Slovak and Sorbian and Western South Slavic: Slovenian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian), Germanic, Romance, Gan Chinese Yichun dialect, Māori, Bohairic Cop...

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics

Studies in Language Companion Series, 2013

There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's langu... more There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. The book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. The articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. This scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. The book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions. [Studies in Language Companion Series, 145] 2013. xix, 335 pp. Hb 978 90 272 0612 1 EUR 95.00 E-book 978 90 272 7108 2 EUR 95.00

Research paper thumbnail of Issues with argument realisation and syntactic variation of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs in functionally motivated approaches

Research paper thumbnail of A Bonsai Grammar for German

Research paper thumbnail of New book information-> Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics: The role of constructions in grammar Table of content

There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's langu... more There is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. The book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. The articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. This scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. The book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions. [Studies in Language Companion Series, 145] 2013. xix, 335 pp. Hb 978 90 272 0612 1 EUR 95.00 E-book 978 90 272 7108 2 EUR 95.00

Research paper thumbnail of Referential Hierarchy effects on diachronic changes with the German noun system

Research paper thumbnail of new book information Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics The role of constructions in grammar Table of contents

ere is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languag... more ere is a growing awareness of the significance of constructions in grammar in the world's languages. To date there has not been a single volume that addresses the issues of constructions within a functional Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) account. e book is a collection of articles that will serve the scholarly community as a reference work on the role, place and significance of constructions within this functional model of grammar. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of cross-linguistic comparison of these important discourse and syntax-related phenomena. e articles cover a variety of typologically different languages including German, Irish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Yaqui, Tepehua (Totonacan), Persian, and English, and they offer new data on the role of constructions, within the RRG theory, in these languages. Further, this volume contributes towards providing a comprehensive overview of grammatical constructions which are central to our understanding of how human languages function, in a functional linguistics perspective. is scholarly work is grounded in a functionally oriented model that makes strong claims of descriptive and typological adequacy. e book will represent a valuable step forward in linguistics research as it applies the RRG theoretical framework to the analyses of constructions.

Research paper thumbnail of Haben-Constructions in German: One auxiliary meets three different argument structure constructions

Research paper thumbnail of New book information ==> Argument Realisation in Complex Predicates and Complex Events: Verb-verb constructions at the syntax-semantic interface Edited by

This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of argument realisation in complex predicate... more This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of argument realisation in complex predicates and complex events at the syntax-semantic interface across a wide variety of the world's languages, ranging over languages such as German, Irish, Sicilian and Italian, Lithuanian, Estonian and other Finno-Ugric languages, Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra from Australia's Western Desert region, Japanese, Tepehua (Totonacan, Mexico), Cheyenne, Mexican Spanish, Boharic Coptic, and Persian. This volume examines the syntactic variation of complex events, complex predicates and multi-verb constructions within a single clause where the clause is view as representing a single event, studying their semantics and syntax within functional, cognitive and constructional frameworks, to arrive at a better understanding of their cross linguistic behaviour and how they resonate in syntax. These constructions manifest considerable variability in cross-linguistic comparisons of complex predicate formation. In European languages, for example, typically one of the verbs in a verb-verb construction highlights a phase of an underspecified event while the matrix verb specifies the actual event. In contrast, serial verbs require each verb to provide a sub-event dimension within a complex event that is viewed holistically as unitary in syntax. This book contributes to an understanding of complex events, complex predicates and multi-verb constructions across languages, their syntactic constructional patterns and argument realisation.

Research paper thumbnail of NEW BOOK INFOR M ATION Argument Realisation in Complex Predicates and Complex Events

This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of argument realisation in complex predicate... more This book offers a comprehensive investigative study of argument realisation in complex predicates and complex events at the syntax-semantic interface across a wide variety of the world's languages, ranging over languages such as German, Irish, Sicilian and Italian, Lithuanian, Estonian and other Finno-Ugric languages, Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra from Australia's Western Desert region, Japanese, Tepehua (Totonacan, Mexico), Cheyenne, Mexican Spanish, Boharic Coptic, and Persian. This volume examines the syntactic variation of complex events, complex predicates and multi-verb constructions within a single clause where the clause is view as representing a single event, studying their semantics and syntax within functional, cognitive and constructional frameworks, to arrive at a better understanding of their cross linguistic behaviour and how they resonate in syntax. These constructions manifest considerable variability in cross-linguistic comparisons of complex predicate formation. In European languages, for example, typically one of the verbs in a verb-verb construction highlights a phase of an underspecified event while the matrix verb specifies the actual event. In contrast, serial verbs require each verb to provide a sub-event dimension within a complex event that is viewed holistically as unitary in syntax. This book contributes to an understanding of complex events, complex predicates and multi-verb constructions across languages, their syntactic constructional patterns and argument realisation.