gr_pagans - Profile (original) (raw)

on 13 September 2004 (#4524225)

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

This community was originally founded as a place for Pagans of the Grand Rapids, MI area to share information on local events, stores, etc... Since those are not very active topics, it is now ALSO a mostly-open forum for ordained Pagans to "preach the gospel", allowing them to solemnize marriages in the state of Michigan.

As this is new, the rules are basic and subject to change. The moderators have full authority of interpretation of those rules.

1. Harm None. The founder of this LJ is Wiccan. Therefore to stay with her beliefs while allowing all other pagan religions to be discussed, there is a ban on any content that promotes harm to others. This includes, but is not limited to human/animal sacrifice, curses, hexes, etc...
2. Be Respectful. This goes with Rule 1. The beliefs voiced here may not be the same as your own, but that does not give you the right to "bash".

air, altars, amulets, animals, anti-hunting, athames, autumn equinox, beltaine, beltane, book of shadows, candlemas, candles, censers, chalices, circle, cleansing, consecration, covens, dianic, divination, earth, elements, energy, esther, faery, familiars, fire, gaea, gaia, gardnerian, god, goddess, halloween, handfasting, high priest, high priestess, horned one, imbolc, imbolg, karma, lammas, lughnasadh, lupercus, mabon, magic, magick, mayday, midsummer, neopagan, new age, ostara, pagan, paganism, pantheon, pentacle, priest, priestess, rede, reincarnation, religious tolerance, ritual, runes, sabbats, samhain, scrying, seax, sexuality, solstice, spells, spirit, summer, tarot, teutonic, vernal equinox, wand, water, wicca, winter, witchcraft, witches, yule, yuletide