Sylvia Defior | University of Granada (original) (raw)

Papers by Sylvia Defior

Research paper thumbnail of Characterising attentional difficulties in children with reading disabilities

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos del entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y reglas de correspondencia grafema-fonema en la adquisición del lenguaje escrito de adultos analfabetos

Estudios de Psicología, 2007

ABSTRACT El primer objetivo de nuestro trabajo era comprobar el efecto de un entrenamiento en con... more ABSTRACT El primer objetivo de nuestro trabajo era comprobar el efecto de un entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y reglas de correspondencia grafema-fonema en la adquisición de la lectura durante el primer año de instrucción lectora de adultos analfabetos. Un segundo objetivo era estudiar el efecto de la variable categoría léxica y longitud de las palabras en la fase inicial de aprendizaje de un sistema ortográfico transparente como el español. Utilizamos un diseño experimental con tres grupos de adultos igualados en inteligencia, habilidades fonológicas y lectura. Todos los grupos recibieron veintidós sesiones de entrenamiento durante seis meses. El primer grupo recibió entrenamiento en lectura alfabética, el segundo en lectura alfabética y conciencia fonológica y el tercer grupo no recibió un entrenamiento específico y actuó como control. Los grupos de entrenamiento mejoraron significativamente con respecto al grupo control. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de errores cometidos en los tres grupos. Respecto a la categoría léxica y longitud de las palabras, los resultados sugieren la utilización de los dos procedimientos de lectura (subléxico y léxico) propuestos por el modelo de doble ruta.The main aim of our study was to determine the effect of phonological awareness and phoneme-grapheme correspondence rules training on learning to read during the first year of adult reading instruction. The second goal was to analyse the effect of lexical category and word length on the initial learning stage of a transparent writing system such as Spanish. An experimental design with three groups of adult illiterates matched in IQ, phonological awareness, and reading was used. The groups received twenty-two training sessions over a six-month period and different training procedures. The first group was trained in the use of phoneme-grapheme correspondences, the second in phoneme-grapheme correspondences and phonological awareness, and the third group received no particular training and acted as control group. The reading of the trained groups significantly improved with respect to that of the control group. The results showed a significant effect on the percentage of errors made by the adults in the three groups. In lexical category and word length, the results support the use of the two reading procedures (lexical and sublexical) proposed by the dual-route reading model.

Research paper thumbnail of Una Aproximación al Procesamiento Fonológico de los Niños Prelectores: Conciencia Fonológica, Memoria Verbal a Corto Plazo y Denominación

Research paper thumbnail of Implicit Orthographic Learning in Children

Research paper thumbnail of Processes involved in the recognition of written words

Written word recognition is a sine qua non of reading. The acquisition and development of word re... more Written word recognition is a sine qua non of reading. The acquisition and development of word recognition requires the synergistic working of multiple factors and processes. In this study, developmental and expert models of reading that explain the mechanisms underlying the acquisition and expert performance on this important skill are examined. Likewise, reading brain development and the implied cognitive processes are also addressed, as a mean for a better understanding of reading typical development as well as reading disabilities.El reconocimiento de las palabras escritas es un requisito sine qua non de la lectura. Para su adquisición y desarrollo son necesarios una serie de factores y procesos que trabajen sinérgicamente. En este trabajo se examinan los modelos evolutivos, que tratan de explicar cómo se consigue su dominio, y los de lectura experta, que tratan de explicar cómo se ejecuta esta habilidad por parte de un lector competente. Igualmente, se abordará cómo se desarrol...

Research paper thumbnail of Variations in reading and spelling acquisition in Portuguese, French and Spanish: A cross-linguistic comparison

Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Learning to Read Spanish

Research paper thumbnail of Influencia de las características del sistema ortográfico español en el aprendizaje de la escritura de palabras <BR></BR>The influence of the Spanish orthographic system characteristics on spelling acquisition

Estudios de Psicología, 2000

Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Base de datos de artículos de revistas, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Common Patterns of Prediction of Literacy Development in Different Alphabetic Orthographies

Psychological Science, 2012

Previous studies have shown that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, rapid automatized nam... more Previous studies have shown that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, rapid automatized naming (RAN), and verbal memory span are reliable correlates of learning to read in English. However, the extent to which these different predictors have the same relative importance in different languages remains uncertain. In this article, we present the results from a 10-month longitudinal study that began just before or soon after the start of formal literacy instruction in four languages (English, Spanish, Slovak, and Czech). Longitudinal path analyses showed that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN (but not verbal memory span) measured at the onset of literacy instruction were reliable predictors, with similar relative importance, of later reading and spelling skills across the four languages. These data support the suggestion that in all alphabetic orthographies, phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN may tap cognitive processes that are important for learn...

Research paper thumbnail of Different Patterns, but Equivalent Predictors, of Growth in Reading in Consistent and Inconsistent Orthographies

Psychological Science, 2013

All alphabetic orthographies use letters in printed words to represent the phonemes in spoken wor... more All alphabetic orthographies use letters in printed words to represent the phonemes in spoken words, but they differ in the consistency of the relationship between letters and phonemes. English appears to be the least consistent alphabetic orthography phonologically, and, consequently, children learn to read more slowly in English than in languages with more consistent orthographies. In this article, we report the first longitudinal evidence that the growth of reading skills is slower and follows a different trajectory in English than in two much more consistent orthographies (Spanish and Czech). Nevertheless, phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and rapid automatized naming measured at the onset of literacy instruction did not differ in importance as predictors of variations in reading development among the three languages. These findings suggest that although children may learn to read more rapidly in more consistent than in less consistent orthographies, there may neverthel...

Research paper thumbnail of Using morphology when spelling in a shallow orthographic system: The case of Spanish

Cognitive Development, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Dyslexic children show deficits in implicit sequence learning, but not in explicit sequence learning or contextual cueing

Research paper thumbnail of Las dificultades de aprendizaje: un enfoque cognitivo

Málaga, Aljibe, 2000

ABSTRACT Estudio de las dificultades de aprendizaje que se manifiestan en el proceso de adquisici... more ABSTRACT Estudio de las dificultades de aprendizaje que se manifiestan en el proceso de adquisición de lo que se denominan habilidades básicas o habilidades instrumentales en el ámbito académico: la lectura, la escritura y las matemáticas elementales. En cada uno de estos tres aprendizajes son abordados aspectos teóricos, de evaluación y de intervención de sus respectivos problemas (la dislexia, la disgrafía y las discalculia) desde un enfoque cognitivo, en el que las dificultades son concebidas como una situación que puede ser transitoria y compensable.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of lexical and sublexical variables in normal and poor Spanish readers

Reading and Writing, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Phonological development in relation to native language and literacy: Variations on a theme in six alphabetic orthographies

Research paper thumbnail of Printed in the United States of America DOI: 10.1017.S0142716402000073 Differences in reading acquisition development in two shallow orthographies: Portuguese and Spanish

The present study examines the role of the relative transparency of Portuguese and Spanish orthog... more The present study examines the role of the relative transparency of Portuguese and Spanish orthographies in schoolchildren’s word recognition procedures. Both Portuguese and Spanish may be considered as transparent orthographies. However, mappings at the grapheme–phoneme level are more consistent in Spanish than in Portuguese. Four groups of Portuguese and Spanish children from grades 1, 2, 3, and 4, who had been taught to read using a phonics-based approach, were given a Portuguese and a Spanish version of three different continuous reading tasks: numeral reading, number word reading, and pseudoword reading. Reading time per item was measured and errors noted. Improvement in reading time was observed in both orthographies from grades 1 to 4. There were no errors in numeral recognition and few children made errors in reading the number words. In pseudoword reading, the Spanish children were faster and made fewer errors than the Portuguese children. Errors in pseudoword reading were ...

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical stress awareness and orthographic stress in Spanish

Learning and Individual Differences, 2015

Abstract This work aims to study whether prosody is related to reading acquisition. In particular... more Abstract This work aims to study whether prosody is related to reading acquisition. In particular, the study focuses on lexical stress, and on the awareness of lexical stress measured by the ability to detect the loudest syllable in a pseudoword. The hypothesis is that stress awareness may play a role in the acquisition of word reading in Spanish. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 233 children from 3rd to 6th grades. Cognitive and phonemic awareness skills were tested. A lexical stress awareness task and a reading aloud task were also used. Results highlight the relevance of prosodic knowledge in learning how to read the Spanish written words. In all grades, lexical stress awareness appears to be related to stress reading errors. On the contrary, phonemic awareness is not related to stress errors, except in 4th grade. These data are discussed considering that, apart from phonological awareness, prosodic (lexical stress) awareness would also be relevant in reading acquisition.

Research paper thumbnail of Improving reading fluency in dyslexia: designing a Spanish intervention program

This article describes the process of planning an intervention program aimed at improving reading... more This article describes the process of planning an intervention program aimed at improving reading fluency in children with developmental dyslexia. Reading fluency is considered a crucial component in achieving literacy, especially re garding its role in facilitating reading comprehension. Improving reading fluency is particularly important for children with developmental dyslexia as they have difficulties automatizing word recognition. These difficulties lead to subop timal reading skills that ultimately affect reading comprehension. This study shows the steps involved in planning an intervention program that combines accelerated and repeated reading, two methodologies commonly used to improve fluency. This is a structured and sequential training programme which includes syllable, word and text reading. The aim is to automatize the reading of sublexical units-which are easily recognizable in Spanish-to facilitate faster and more efficient word recognition. This will improve fluency ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dislexia en Español: estado de la cuestión

Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology

La dislexia es un problema persistente en el lenguaje escrito, que consiste en una dificultad gra... more La dislexia es un problema persistente en el lenguaje escrito, que consiste en una dificultad grave en el reconocimiento de palabras. Se caracteriza por un rendimiento en lectura bajo, mientras que no hay problemas en el resto de habilidades, que son normales e incluso superiores en algunos casos. Este trabajo revisa diferentes propuestas que han surgido para la definición y clarificación de las causas de la dislexia. Igualmente, se comenta la heterogeneidad de la dislexia como una característica tanto inter-población como inter-lenguas.

Research paper thumbnail of Intervention programs in educational psychology: bridging research and practice

Anales de Psicología

El término intervención basada en evidencia se está utilizando cada vez más en la investigación e... more El término intervención basada en evidencia se está utilizando cada vez más en la investigación educativa. La necesidad de llevar a cabo programas de intervención basados en evidencia científica se fundamenta en que la probabilidad de lograr resultados positivos al implementar dichos programas es mayor. Sin embargo, la brecha entre la investigación y la práctica se mantiene en los países de habla hispana. Utilizando ejemplos del área de investigación en lectura, este trabajo tiene como objetivo promover la reflexión y la discusión sobre la relación entre la evidencia científica y la práctica educativa, particularmente en el contexto de los países hispanohablantes. Por un lado, existe la importancia de generar evidencia a través del diseño de estudios de alta calidad basados ​​tanto en sólidos antecedentes teóricos como en altos estándares metodológicos. Por otro lado, existe el valor de la experiencia profesional de los profesores en realidades escolares muy diversas. ¿Cómo podemos ...

Research paper thumbnail of Characterising attentional difficulties in children with reading disabilities

Research paper thumbnail of Efectos del entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y reglas de correspondencia grafema-fonema en la adquisición del lenguaje escrito de adultos analfabetos

Estudios de Psicología, 2007

ABSTRACT El primer objetivo de nuestro trabajo era comprobar el efecto de un entrenamiento en con... more ABSTRACT El primer objetivo de nuestro trabajo era comprobar el efecto de un entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y reglas de correspondencia grafema-fonema en la adquisición de la lectura durante el primer año de instrucción lectora de adultos analfabetos. Un segundo objetivo era estudiar el efecto de la variable categoría léxica y longitud de las palabras en la fase inicial de aprendizaje de un sistema ortográfico transparente como el español. Utilizamos un diseño experimental con tres grupos de adultos igualados en inteligencia, habilidades fonológicas y lectura. Todos los grupos recibieron veintidós sesiones de entrenamiento durante seis meses. El primer grupo recibió entrenamiento en lectura alfabética, el segundo en lectura alfabética y conciencia fonológica y el tercer grupo no recibió un entrenamiento específico y actuó como control. Los grupos de entrenamiento mejoraron significativamente con respecto al grupo control. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de errores cometidos en los tres grupos. Respecto a la categoría léxica y longitud de las palabras, los resultados sugieren la utilización de los dos procedimientos de lectura (subléxico y léxico) propuestos por el modelo de doble ruta.The main aim of our study was to determine the effect of phonological awareness and phoneme-grapheme correspondence rules training on learning to read during the first year of adult reading instruction. The second goal was to analyse the effect of lexical category and word length on the initial learning stage of a transparent writing system such as Spanish. An experimental design with three groups of adult illiterates matched in IQ, phonological awareness, and reading was used. The groups received twenty-two training sessions over a six-month period and different training procedures. The first group was trained in the use of phoneme-grapheme correspondences, the second in phoneme-grapheme correspondences and phonological awareness, and the third group received no particular training and acted as control group. The reading of the trained groups significantly improved with respect to that of the control group. The results showed a significant effect on the percentage of errors made by the adults in the three groups. In lexical category and word length, the results support the use of the two reading procedures (lexical and sublexical) proposed by the dual-route reading model.

Research paper thumbnail of Una Aproximación al Procesamiento Fonológico de los Niños Prelectores: Conciencia Fonológica, Memoria Verbal a Corto Plazo y Denominación

Research paper thumbnail of Implicit Orthographic Learning in Children

Research paper thumbnail of Processes involved in the recognition of written words

Written word recognition is a sine qua non of reading. The acquisition and development of word re... more Written word recognition is a sine qua non of reading. The acquisition and development of word recognition requires the synergistic working of multiple factors and processes. In this study, developmental and expert models of reading that explain the mechanisms underlying the acquisition and expert performance on this important skill are examined. Likewise, reading brain development and the implied cognitive processes are also addressed, as a mean for a better understanding of reading typical development as well as reading disabilities.El reconocimiento de las palabras escritas es un requisito sine qua non de la lectura. Para su adquisición y desarrollo son necesarios una serie de factores y procesos que trabajen sinérgicamente. En este trabajo se examinan los modelos evolutivos, que tratan de explicar cómo se consigue su dominio, y los de lectura experta, que tratan de explicar cómo se ejecuta esta habilidad por parte de un lector competente. Igualmente, se abordará cómo se desarrol...

Research paper thumbnail of Variations in reading and spelling acquisition in Portuguese, French and Spanish: A cross-linguistic comparison

Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Learning to Read Spanish

Research paper thumbnail of Influencia de las características del sistema ortográfico español en el aprendizaje de la escritura de palabras <BR></BR>The influence of the Spanish orthographic system characteristics on spelling acquisition

Estudios de Psicología, 2000

Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Base de datos de artículos de revistas, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Common Patterns of Prediction of Literacy Development in Different Alphabetic Orthographies

Psychological Science, 2012

Previous studies have shown that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, rapid automatized nam... more Previous studies have shown that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, rapid automatized naming (RAN), and verbal memory span are reliable correlates of learning to read in English. However, the extent to which these different predictors have the same relative importance in different languages remains uncertain. In this article, we present the results from a 10-month longitudinal study that began just before or soon after the start of formal literacy instruction in four languages (English, Spanish, Slovak, and Czech). Longitudinal path analyses showed that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN (but not verbal memory span) measured at the onset of literacy instruction were reliable predictors, with similar relative importance, of later reading and spelling skills across the four languages. These data support the suggestion that in all alphabetic orthographies, phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN may tap cognitive processes that are important for learn...

Research paper thumbnail of Different Patterns, but Equivalent Predictors, of Growth in Reading in Consistent and Inconsistent Orthographies

Psychological Science, 2013

All alphabetic orthographies use letters in printed words to represent the phonemes in spoken wor... more All alphabetic orthographies use letters in printed words to represent the phonemes in spoken words, but they differ in the consistency of the relationship between letters and phonemes. English appears to be the least consistent alphabetic orthography phonologically, and, consequently, children learn to read more slowly in English than in languages with more consistent orthographies. In this article, we report the first longitudinal evidence that the growth of reading skills is slower and follows a different trajectory in English than in two much more consistent orthographies (Spanish and Czech). Nevertheless, phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and rapid automatized naming measured at the onset of literacy instruction did not differ in importance as predictors of variations in reading development among the three languages. These findings suggest that although children may learn to read more rapidly in more consistent than in less consistent orthographies, there may neverthel...

Research paper thumbnail of Using morphology when spelling in a shallow orthographic system: The case of Spanish

Cognitive Development, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Dyslexic children show deficits in implicit sequence learning, but not in explicit sequence learning or contextual cueing

Research paper thumbnail of Las dificultades de aprendizaje: un enfoque cognitivo

Málaga, Aljibe, 2000

ABSTRACT Estudio de las dificultades de aprendizaje que se manifiestan en el proceso de adquisici... more ABSTRACT Estudio de las dificultades de aprendizaje que se manifiestan en el proceso de adquisición de lo que se denominan habilidades básicas o habilidades instrumentales en el ámbito académico: la lectura, la escritura y las matemáticas elementales. En cada uno de estos tres aprendizajes son abordados aspectos teóricos, de evaluación y de intervención de sus respectivos problemas (la dislexia, la disgrafía y las discalculia) desde un enfoque cognitivo, en el que las dificultades son concebidas como una situación que puede ser transitoria y compensable.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of lexical and sublexical variables in normal and poor Spanish readers

Reading and Writing, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Phonological development in relation to native language and literacy: Variations on a theme in six alphabetic orthographies

Research paper thumbnail of Printed in the United States of America DOI: 10.1017.S0142716402000073 Differences in reading acquisition development in two shallow orthographies: Portuguese and Spanish

The present study examines the role of the relative transparency of Portuguese and Spanish orthog... more The present study examines the role of the relative transparency of Portuguese and Spanish orthographies in schoolchildren’s word recognition procedures. Both Portuguese and Spanish may be considered as transparent orthographies. However, mappings at the grapheme–phoneme level are more consistent in Spanish than in Portuguese. Four groups of Portuguese and Spanish children from grades 1, 2, 3, and 4, who had been taught to read using a phonics-based approach, were given a Portuguese and a Spanish version of three different continuous reading tasks: numeral reading, number word reading, and pseudoword reading. Reading time per item was measured and errors noted. Improvement in reading time was observed in both orthographies from grades 1 to 4. There were no errors in numeral recognition and few children made errors in reading the number words. In pseudoword reading, the Spanish children were faster and made fewer errors than the Portuguese children. Errors in pseudoword reading were ...

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical stress awareness and orthographic stress in Spanish

Learning and Individual Differences, 2015

Abstract This work aims to study whether prosody is related to reading acquisition. In particular... more Abstract This work aims to study whether prosody is related to reading acquisition. In particular, the study focuses on lexical stress, and on the awareness of lexical stress measured by the ability to detect the loudest syllable in a pseudoword. The hypothesis is that stress awareness may play a role in the acquisition of word reading in Spanish. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 233 children from 3rd to 6th grades. Cognitive and phonemic awareness skills were tested. A lexical stress awareness task and a reading aloud task were also used. Results highlight the relevance of prosodic knowledge in learning how to read the Spanish written words. In all grades, lexical stress awareness appears to be related to stress reading errors. On the contrary, phonemic awareness is not related to stress errors, except in 4th grade. These data are discussed considering that, apart from phonological awareness, prosodic (lexical stress) awareness would also be relevant in reading acquisition.

Research paper thumbnail of Improving reading fluency in dyslexia: designing a Spanish intervention program

This article describes the process of planning an intervention program aimed at improving reading... more This article describes the process of planning an intervention program aimed at improving reading fluency in children with developmental dyslexia. Reading fluency is considered a crucial component in achieving literacy, especially re garding its role in facilitating reading comprehension. Improving reading fluency is particularly important for children with developmental dyslexia as they have difficulties automatizing word recognition. These difficulties lead to subop timal reading skills that ultimately affect reading comprehension. This study shows the steps involved in planning an intervention program that combines accelerated and repeated reading, two methodologies commonly used to improve fluency. This is a structured and sequential training programme which includes syllable, word and text reading. The aim is to automatize the reading of sublexical units-which are easily recognizable in Spanish-to facilitate faster and more efficient word recognition. This will improve fluency ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dislexia en Español: estado de la cuestión

Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology

La dislexia es un problema persistente en el lenguaje escrito, que consiste en una dificultad gra... more La dislexia es un problema persistente en el lenguaje escrito, que consiste en una dificultad grave en el reconocimiento de palabras. Se caracteriza por un rendimiento en lectura bajo, mientras que no hay problemas en el resto de habilidades, que son normales e incluso superiores en algunos casos. Este trabajo revisa diferentes propuestas que han surgido para la definición y clarificación de las causas de la dislexia. Igualmente, se comenta la heterogeneidad de la dislexia como una característica tanto inter-población como inter-lenguas.

Research paper thumbnail of Intervention programs in educational psychology: bridging research and practice

Anales de Psicología

El término intervención basada en evidencia se está utilizando cada vez más en la investigación e... more El término intervención basada en evidencia se está utilizando cada vez más en la investigación educativa. La necesidad de llevar a cabo programas de intervención basados en evidencia científica se fundamenta en que la probabilidad de lograr resultados positivos al implementar dichos programas es mayor. Sin embargo, la brecha entre la investigación y la práctica se mantiene en los países de habla hispana. Utilizando ejemplos del área de investigación en lectura, este trabajo tiene como objetivo promover la reflexión y la discusión sobre la relación entre la evidencia científica y la práctica educativa, particularmente en el contexto de los países hispanohablantes. Por un lado, existe la importancia de generar evidencia a través del diseño de estudios de alta calidad basados ​​tanto en sólidos antecedentes teóricos como en altos estándares metodológicos. Por otro lado, existe el valor de la experiencia profesional de los profesores en realidades escolares muy diversas. ¿Cómo podemos ...