greekmyth_stamp - Profile (original) (raw)
on 12 June 2007 (#13146411)
membership & application submissions are moderated.
_the rules._1. Join the community, you will not be able to post or vote without doing so. 2. Fill out the application form as much as you can. You don't have to go into thorough detail, just put what you feel is necessary. 3. Make sure your application is behind the LJ cut and your subject title is "Are There No More Heroes?" (just so we know you understand the rules). 4. ANYONE CAN VOTE. Whether you have been stamped or recently joined. Though only stamped members can join in on the themes but you can still vote on them. 5. You must be voted 5 - 10 times (of the same vote) to be stamped. 6. When voting put the name in the subject line. 7. No causing any distrupt between members and the moderator. You will get TWO WARNINGS. Any more and you will be banned from the community. 8. Once you've been stamped, if you wish, you can put who you were stamped as at the bottom of your vote or use an icon to represent your stamp 9. DO NOT HOTLINK STAMPS - UPLOAD THEM TO YOUR OWN SERVERS.10. If you are having a conversation whilst leaving comments but they are not relevent when making your vote please screen them, it helps when counting votes.11. Please Vote On All The !needs votes Applications You Can. This means at least two or more. Most members familiar with stamping communities place the links to the applications they have voted on under the above statement, (which is found in the application itself) to show they have done so. If you expect to be voted on, the courteous thing is to vote on other members too._re-stamping._If you aren’t fully satisfied with your stamp, you can re-post the application AFTER A MONTH of posting your first application.You can only re-apply, ONCE that means even if you CHANGE YOUR USERNAME/ACCOUNT. After the title put "RE-STAMP" just so we know you are applying for a re-stamp. You only get one stamp per theme/application, unless stated otherwise. If you are not satisfied with your re-stamp, (regular or theme) you can choose whether to keep the re-stamp or keep your original, you don't get both.If you wish to state who you were stamped as please add it somewhere within your new application so you're not voted the same as before. | the application._html format_Please copy & paste your application in HTML format post and place behind a LJ cut and your subject title is Are There No More Heroes? (just so we know you understand the rules) stamping options.The stamping options are open to any character from Greek mythology Examples: gods, goddesses, demi-gods, heroes, kings, warriors, seers, monsters, nymphs etc.The Stamps are hereaffiliates. bsdracula_stamp xena_rate greekmyth_stamp ladies_of_court paranormalstamp villainy_stampslugandjiggers sunnydalestamps austenheriones blacklagoonrate chartype_rate classic_rate egypt_stamping eternal_seer dprincess_stamp iclaudius_stamp imperius_sort imperator_stamp magic_machines marie_stamping musiclegendrate nolanverserate residenterating rome_stamp shrating superhero_stamp stampzoo stamping_comms sweeney_rate ouat_stampingthestampinglist astrologystamps medievalstampsIf you would like to affiliate with us, please leave a message hereprofile codes: palebird. |
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