joanna giota | University of Gothenburg (original) (raw)

Papers by joanna giota

Research paper thumbnail of Att se loggböcker och utvecklingssamtal med nya ögon. Recension av avhandling: Gunilla Granath (2008). Milda makter! Utvecklingssamtal och loggböcker som disciplineringstekniker

Research paper thumbnail of School achievement and changes in inclusive <i>vs</i> exclusive support over 50 years in Sweden regarding students with intellectual disabilities and special educational needs

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Sep 12, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of A Flourishing Brain in the 21st Century: A Scoping Review of the Impact of Developing Good Habits for Mind, Brain, Well‐Being, and Learning

Mind, Brain, and Education, 2021

Emerging scientific knowledge such as the role of epigenetics and neuroplasticity—the brain\u27s ... more Emerging scientific knowledge such as the role of epigenetics and neuroplasticity—the brain\u27s capability to constantly rewire with every action, experience, and thought—is fundamentally changing our understanding of the potential impact we can have on our brain. Our brain is formed by our habits in interaction with our body, the environment, influenced by our lifestyle, successes, failures, and traumas. Neuroplasticity proves that every student\u27s brain is a work in progress, and it is never too late to take better care of one\u27s cognitive fitness. This review presents a repertoire of good habits (GHs). Combined, we suggest that these GHs provide conditions for optimal brain health, by acting as a “Mental Vaccine” which enhances the brain\u27s resilience to brain health-degrading challenges. We argue that schools have a crucial role to play in empowering students to increase their own stress resilience, well-being, and learning by developing their own GHs profile

Research paper thumbnail of Tiivistelmät

Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Utvärdering av skolbaserade preventionsprogram

Research paper thumbnail of Den goda skolan

En fråga som har intresserat mig sedan jag började forska 1989 är hur det kommer sig att vissa el... more En fråga som har intresserat mig sedan jag började forska 1989 är hur det kommer sig att vissa elev-grupper uppnår framgång i skolan, medan andras verklighet kantas av svårigheter och misslyckan-den. Hur går det för elever som har upplevt framgångar eller misslyckanden i skolan längre fram i livet? Elevers framgångar eller misslyckanden i skolan mäts ofta i termer av höga eller låga meritpoäng. Att höga eller låga skolprestationer spelar roll både för individens livschanser i framtiden och samhällets välfärd är inget vi går i polemik med. Longitudinella studier visar att höga skolpresta-tioner leder till högre lön genom livet, bättre hälsa och längre liv, medan låga skolprestationer visar samband med marginalisering, högre sjuk-huskostnader och lägre ekonomiskt välstånd både för individen och för samhället. Att vi ska främja elevers skolprestationer är en självklarhet men frågan är hur vi har gjort detta hittills, hur vi kommer att göra härnäst och vil-ken baksida en ensidig fokuser...

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Responsibility Goal Orientation : An analysis of the psychometric properties of a scale using adolescent data from Sweden

Seventh International Conference on Probabilistic Models for Measurement Developments with Rasch Models, January 17-19, 2018, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Att främja elevers motivation, lärande och skolprestationer

Research paper thumbnail of Individualized teaching practices in the Swedish comprehensive school from 1980 to 2014 in relation to education reforms and curricula goals

Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy

The study investigated changes in teaching practices and classroom processes, seen from a student... more The study investigated changes in teaching practices and classroom processes, seen from a student perspective, before and after the education reforms of the 1990s, and the introduction of the Swedish 1994 National Curriculum for comprehensive school. The total time pass stretches from 1980 to 2014. The focus is on comparisons of results based on identical statements in questionnaires, given to six nationally representative student cohorts within the ongoing Evaluation Through Follow-up project, who attended grade 6 or grade 9. The findings show the working atmosphere in the Swedish grade-6 schools to have improved during the 1980s, pointing also to changes in the teacher role. Teacher-led class teaching was in less use than in previous decades, but still the most dominating teaching condition, with an increase from 2005 to 2011. In grade 9, the changes are reverse, with a tendency for reduced time for teacher-led class teaching from 2003 onwards, and the use of less group work and fewer tests. From the mid-1990s onwards an explosive spread of individual work was identified in both grade 6 and grade 9. The changes in teaching practices and classroom processes are discussed in the light of individualization, curricula goals and education reforms.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in individualized teaching practices in municipal and independent schools 2003, 2008 and 2014 - student achievement, family background and school choice in Sweden

Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy

The study investigated student experiences of teaching practices in grade 9 at 2003, 2008 and 201... more The study investigated student experiences of teaching practices in grade 9 at 2003, 2008 and 2014 after the Swedish education reforms of the 1990s. Teaching practices in both municipal and independent schools were related to student achievement and family background. Data from three nationally representative cohorts within the ongoing Swedish longitudinal ETFproject have been used. The results show changes from more conventional to more individualistic teaching practices. Independent schools emphasize more self-regulated learning. Child-centred forms of work are though found to be equally beneficial for student achievement as more conventional teaching methods. In spite of education reforms, family background is equally important for student achievement as earlier. Obtained results are discussed in relation to increased school competition in Sweden.

[Research paper thumbnail of Välskriven rysare. [Recension av avhandling: Åsa Bartholdsson (2007). Med facit i hand, normalitet, elevskap och vänlig maktutövning i två svenska skolor. Stockholms universitet.]](

Research paper thumbnail of ECERS as Research Instrument: Statistical Analyses

This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the ... more This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS). Swedish day care centers in three communities were administered a version of the ECERS, which was translated from the original scale to accommodate conceptual differences between Sweden and the United States. Before the ECERS was used, a statistical analysis of the scale showed that some items were highly intercorrelated or had low variability, and these items were combined into one or excluded, thus reducing the 37 original items to 28. Raters demonstrated an average interrater agreement of 83 percent in a study of 40 day care centers in Goteborg, due to the intensive training in how to use the ECERS in a Swedish day care context. Results of using ECERS in the three target communities showed that, compared to other countries, the physical standard of child care in Sweden is high. On the basis of the high cost of child care, the high staff to child ratio, and the high proportions of trained personnel in Swedish day care centers, it is assumed that there also is a high and even quality. By using the ECERS as a measure for pedagogical quality in day care, however, results of studies in the three investigated communities revealed considerable variation in quality. Variation was found in the overall quality between the three communities and within the different aspects of quality in each community. (DR) *

Research paper thumbnail of Formativ bedömning kräver lärarens visdom. Recension av Dylan Wiliams bok ” Att följa lärande formativ bedömning i praktiken”

Research paper thumbnail of Differentieringsproblematiken i en skola för alla under 100 år

Research paper thumbnail of Självbedöma, bedöma eller döma? Om elevers motivation, kompetens och prestationer i skolan

Bulletin Monumental, 2006

Sammanfattning: Denna artikel diskuterar svarigheterna med att definiera och bedoma begreppet ele... more Sammanfattning: Denna artikel diskuterar svarigheterna med att definiera och bedoma begreppet elevers motivation att lara i skolan och bristen pa samstammighet mellan hur eleverna bedomer sin motivation men ocksa kompetens att lara inom olika kunskapsomraden och lararna bedomningar. Skillnaderna tycks vara sarskildt markanta vad galler de sociala fardigheterna. Utifran ett lararperspektiv ar flickor mer uppgiftsorienterade, hjalpsamma och samarbetsvilliga, medan pojkar uppfattas ha starkare behov av att utmana lararens auktoritet och uppvisar oftare problembeteende. Artikeln vill varnar for vad som kan ga fel och vilka konsekvenser det kan fa inte bara for undervisningen och rattsakerheten utan aven for den som blir bedomd, det vill saga eleverna. Det svenska valfardssamhallet genomgick under 1990-talet en kris. Den djupa ekonomiska nedgangen och oron pa arbetsmarknaden medforde att livsvillkoren blev osakrare och framtiden svarare att forutspa for saval unga som gamla. Samtidigt la...

Research paper thumbnail of Skoleffekter på elevers motivation och utveckling: en litteraturöversikt

Research paper thumbnail of Insamling av enkätuppgifter i grundskolans årskurs 9 våren 2008 för UGU-projektets åttonde kohort (födda 1992)

Det huvudsakliga syftet med foreliggande rapport ar att redogora for urval, genomforande och inst... more Det huvudsakliga syftet med foreliggande rapport ar att redogora for urval, genomforande och instrumentegenskaper for insamlingen av enkatuppgifter inhamtade fran eleverna i ak 9 for det attonde st ...

Research paper thumbnail of Adolescents' perceptions of school and reasons for learning

Title: Adolescents' perceptions of school and reasons for learning

Research paper thumbnail of Paper presented at the 5th European Conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association on the Quality of Early Childhood Education

This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the ... more This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS). Swedish day care centers in three communities were administered a version of the ECERS, which was translated from the original scale to accommodate conceptual differences between Sweden and the United States. Before the ECERS was used, a statistical analysis of the scale showed that some items were highly intercorrelated or had low variability, and these items were combined into one or excluded, thus reducing the 37 original items to 28. Raters demonstrated an average interrater agreement of 83 percent in a study of 40 day care centers in Goteborg, due to the intensive training in how to use the ECERS in a Swedish day care context. Results of using ECERS in the three target communities showed that, compared to other countries, the physical standard of child care in Sweden is high. On the basis of the high cost of child care, the high staf...

Research paper thumbnail of Perceived Academic Demands, Peer and Teacher Relationships, Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health: Changes from Grade 6 to 9 as a Function of Gender and Cognitive Ability

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Research paper thumbnail of Att se loggböcker och utvecklingssamtal med nya ögon. Recension av avhandling: Gunilla Granath (2008). Milda makter! Utvecklingssamtal och loggböcker som disciplineringstekniker

Research paper thumbnail of School achievement and changes in inclusive <i>vs</i> exclusive support over 50 years in Sweden regarding students with intellectual disabilities and special educational needs

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Sep 12, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of A Flourishing Brain in the 21st Century: A Scoping Review of the Impact of Developing Good Habits for Mind, Brain, Well‐Being, and Learning

Mind, Brain, and Education, 2021

Emerging scientific knowledge such as the role of epigenetics and neuroplasticity—the brain\u27s ... more Emerging scientific knowledge such as the role of epigenetics and neuroplasticity—the brain\u27s capability to constantly rewire with every action, experience, and thought—is fundamentally changing our understanding of the potential impact we can have on our brain. Our brain is formed by our habits in interaction with our body, the environment, influenced by our lifestyle, successes, failures, and traumas. Neuroplasticity proves that every student\u27s brain is a work in progress, and it is never too late to take better care of one\u27s cognitive fitness. This review presents a repertoire of good habits (GHs). Combined, we suggest that these GHs provide conditions for optimal brain health, by acting as a “Mental Vaccine” which enhances the brain\u27s resilience to brain health-degrading challenges. We argue that schools have a crucial role to play in empowering students to increase their own stress resilience, well-being, and learning by developing their own GHs profile

Research paper thumbnail of Tiivistelmät

Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Utvärdering av skolbaserade preventionsprogram

Research paper thumbnail of Den goda skolan

En fråga som har intresserat mig sedan jag började forska 1989 är hur det kommer sig att vissa el... more En fråga som har intresserat mig sedan jag började forska 1989 är hur det kommer sig att vissa elev-grupper uppnår framgång i skolan, medan andras verklighet kantas av svårigheter och misslyckan-den. Hur går det för elever som har upplevt framgångar eller misslyckanden i skolan längre fram i livet? Elevers framgångar eller misslyckanden i skolan mäts ofta i termer av höga eller låga meritpoäng. Att höga eller låga skolprestationer spelar roll både för individens livschanser i framtiden och samhällets välfärd är inget vi går i polemik med. Longitudinella studier visar att höga skolpresta-tioner leder till högre lön genom livet, bättre hälsa och längre liv, medan låga skolprestationer visar samband med marginalisering, högre sjuk-huskostnader och lägre ekonomiskt välstånd både för individen och för samhället. Att vi ska främja elevers skolprestationer är en självklarhet men frågan är hur vi har gjort detta hittills, hur vi kommer att göra härnäst och vil-ken baksida en ensidig fokuser...

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Responsibility Goal Orientation : An analysis of the psychometric properties of a scale using adolescent data from Sweden

Seventh International Conference on Probabilistic Models for Measurement Developments with Rasch Models, January 17-19, 2018, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Att främja elevers motivation, lärande och skolprestationer

Research paper thumbnail of Individualized teaching practices in the Swedish comprehensive school from 1980 to 2014 in relation to education reforms and curricula goals

Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy

The study investigated changes in teaching practices and classroom processes, seen from a student... more The study investigated changes in teaching practices and classroom processes, seen from a student perspective, before and after the education reforms of the 1990s, and the introduction of the Swedish 1994 National Curriculum for comprehensive school. The total time pass stretches from 1980 to 2014. The focus is on comparisons of results based on identical statements in questionnaires, given to six nationally representative student cohorts within the ongoing Evaluation Through Follow-up project, who attended grade 6 or grade 9. The findings show the working atmosphere in the Swedish grade-6 schools to have improved during the 1980s, pointing also to changes in the teacher role. Teacher-led class teaching was in less use than in previous decades, but still the most dominating teaching condition, with an increase from 2005 to 2011. In grade 9, the changes are reverse, with a tendency for reduced time for teacher-led class teaching from 2003 onwards, and the use of less group work and fewer tests. From the mid-1990s onwards an explosive spread of individual work was identified in both grade 6 and grade 9. The changes in teaching practices and classroom processes are discussed in the light of individualization, curricula goals and education reforms.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in individualized teaching practices in municipal and independent schools 2003, 2008 and 2014 - student achievement, family background and school choice in Sweden

Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy

The study investigated student experiences of teaching practices in grade 9 at 2003, 2008 and 201... more The study investigated student experiences of teaching practices in grade 9 at 2003, 2008 and 2014 after the Swedish education reforms of the 1990s. Teaching practices in both municipal and independent schools were related to student achievement and family background. Data from three nationally representative cohorts within the ongoing Swedish longitudinal ETFproject have been used. The results show changes from more conventional to more individualistic teaching practices. Independent schools emphasize more self-regulated learning. Child-centred forms of work are though found to be equally beneficial for student achievement as more conventional teaching methods. In spite of education reforms, family background is equally important for student achievement as earlier. Obtained results are discussed in relation to increased school competition in Sweden.

[Research paper thumbnail of Välskriven rysare. [Recension av avhandling: Åsa Bartholdsson (2007). Med facit i hand, normalitet, elevskap och vänlig maktutövning i två svenska skolor. Stockholms universitet.]](

Research paper thumbnail of ECERS as Research Instrument: Statistical Analyses

This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the ... more This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS). Swedish day care centers in three communities were administered a version of the ECERS, which was translated from the original scale to accommodate conceptual differences between Sweden and the United States. Before the ECERS was used, a statistical analysis of the scale showed that some items were highly intercorrelated or had low variability, and these items were combined into one or excluded, thus reducing the 37 original items to 28. Raters demonstrated an average interrater agreement of 83 percent in a study of 40 day care centers in Goteborg, due to the intensive training in how to use the ECERS in a Swedish day care context. Results of using ECERS in the three target communities showed that, compared to other countries, the physical standard of child care in Sweden is high. On the basis of the high cost of child care, the high staff to child ratio, and the high proportions of trained personnel in Swedish day care centers, it is assumed that there also is a high and even quality. By using the ECERS as a measure for pedagogical quality in day care, however, results of studies in the three investigated communities revealed considerable variation in quality. Variation was found in the overall quality between the three communities and within the different aspects of quality in each community. (DR) *

Research paper thumbnail of Formativ bedömning kräver lärarens visdom. Recension av Dylan Wiliams bok ” Att följa lärande formativ bedömning i praktiken”

Research paper thumbnail of Differentieringsproblematiken i en skola för alla under 100 år

Research paper thumbnail of Självbedöma, bedöma eller döma? Om elevers motivation, kompetens och prestationer i skolan

Bulletin Monumental, 2006

Sammanfattning: Denna artikel diskuterar svarigheterna med att definiera och bedoma begreppet ele... more Sammanfattning: Denna artikel diskuterar svarigheterna med att definiera och bedoma begreppet elevers motivation att lara i skolan och bristen pa samstammighet mellan hur eleverna bedomer sin motivation men ocksa kompetens att lara inom olika kunskapsomraden och lararna bedomningar. Skillnaderna tycks vara sarskildt markanta vad galler de sociala fardigheterna. Utifran ett lararperspektiv ar flickor mer uppgiftsorienterade, hjalpsamma och samarbetsvilliga, medan pojkar uppfattas ha starkare behov av att utmana lararens auktoritet och uppvisar oftare problembeteende. Artikeln vill varnar for vad som kan ga fel och vilka konsekvenser det kan fa inte bara for undervisningen och rattsakerheten utan aven for den som blir bedomd, det vill saga eleverna. Det svenska valfardssamhallet genomgick under 1990-talet en kris. Den djupa ekonomiska nedgangen och oron pa arbetsmarknaden medforde att livsvillkoren blev osakrare och framtiden svarare att forutspa for saval unga som gamla. Samtidigt la...

Research paper thumbnail of Skoleffekter på elevers motivation och utveckling: en litteraturöversikt

Research paper thumbnail of Insamling av enkätuppgifter i grundskolans årskurs 9 våren 2008 för UGU-projektets åttonde kohort (födda 1992)

Det huvudsakliga syftet med foreliggande rapport ar att redogora for urval, genomforande och inst... more Det huvudsakliga syftet med foreliggande rapport ar att redogora for urval, genomforande och instrumentegenskaper for insamlingen av enkatuppgifter inhamtade fran eleverna i ak 9 for det attonde st ...

Research paper thumbnail of Adolescents' perceptions of school and reasons for learning

Title: Adolescents' perceptions of school and reasons for learning

Research paper thumbnail of Paper presented at the 5th European Conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association on the Quality of Early Childhood Education

This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the ... more This study examined the concept of quality in child day care and how this can be measured by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS). Swedish day care centers in three communities were administered a version of the ECERS, which was translated from the original scale to accommodate conceptual differences between Sweden and the United States. Before the ECERS was used, a statistical analysis of the scale showed that some items were highly intercorrelated or had low variability, and these items were combined into one or excluded, thus reducing the 37 original items to 28. Raters demonstrated an average interrater agreement of 83 percent in a study of 40 day care centers in Goteborg, due to the intensive training in how to use the ECERS in a Swedish day care context. Results of using ECERS in the three target communities showed that, compared to other countries, the physical standard of child care in Sweden is high. On the basis of the high cost of child care, the high staf...

Research paper thumbnail of Perceived Academic Demands, Peer and Teacher Relationships, Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health: Changes from Grade 6 to 9 as a Function of Gender and Cognitive Ability

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research