happy_yagudin - Profile (original) (raw)

on 27 December 2015 (#77228683)

Some kind folks try to say, that Yagudin jumps nearly nothing on his iron leg.
But... that means he is a magician: people can't take their eyes off him! He moves smoothly like water or flies like the wind. His body is amazingly musical. And he is full of love. He's able to look into eyes of all the people around.

When he had to leave the sport, a Japanese girl gave him the money, which she saved to go to the European Championship and to the World Championship. "I don't need them now, after your leaving" - was written in her letter. He didn't see the money at once - and later he couldn't find the girl to give her money back.
So he has to skate for all the girls of the world. And he keeps jumping. He jumps triples.

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