Tihana Luetić | Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (original) (raw)
Papers by Tihana Luetić
Wieki Stare i Nowe, t. 19 (24), 2024
At the turn of the 20th century, almost a third of Croatian students studied at universities and ... more At the turn of the 20th century, almost a third of Croatian students studied at universities and technical colleges of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Croatian academic youth were in contact and cooperated with students of other, mostly Slavic nationalities. Their networking was usually motivated by the same ideological platform. The present paper aims to shed some light on the social connections of Croatian students studying in university centres like Vienna, Prague, and Graz, with their Slavic colleagues (Slovenian, Czech, Serb, Bulgarian, Polish, Ruthenian and Slovak students) based on the data from the private sources and articles from contemporary student journals.
Scrinia Slavonica, vol. 24 , 2024
Cilj rada je prikazati sliku studentske populacije na Pravnom fakultetu Kr. Sveučilišta Franje Jo... more Cilj rada je prikazati sliku studentske populacije na Pravnom fakultetu Kr. Sveučilišta Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu porijeklom iz Srijemske županije, izrazito multietničke i multikonfesionalne sredine, u razdoblju od osnutka modernog sveučilišta u Zagrebu do kraja Prvog svjetskog rata. Pomoću baze podataka napravljene na temelju studentskih upisnih listova (nacijonala) za razdoblje od 1874. do 1918., a koji su u cijelosti sačuvani u fondu Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu, analizirati će se socijalna, vjerska, jezična struktura studenata rođenih i/ili zavičajnih u Srijemskoj županiji, njihov brojčani okvir, prethodno obrazovanje, duljina studiranja, pitanje stipendija i plaćanja školarine. Većina spomenutih analiza može se komparirati sa studentima iz drugih hrvatskih krajeva za koje su već napravljene analize te staviti u širi kontekst Zagrebačkog sveučilišta, ali i šire. Riječ je o prilogu poznavanja pravničke intelektualne elite Srijemske županije, koja će po završetku studija zauzeti vodeće društveno-političke pozicije, ne samo na području Srijemske županije nego i šire. / The main goal of this paper is to shed light on composition of educated elite in Srijem County since the foundation of the modern university in Zagreb in 1874 until the end of the Monarchy in 1918. It is limited on students at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and based on the databases made from student registration forms (nacijonali) while enrolling the university. The total number of students who were born or declared that they come from Srijem County enrolled at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in the period 1874-1918 was 716, and they were the second largest in the faculty, with a strong growth of enrolled students at the turn of the century. The obtained results of the analysis detect various correlations between academic education and the social, confessional and mother tongue origin of law students from the area of Srijem County. The religious image of the students pointed out the dominance of the Catholic and Orthodox groups, while among members of other confessions, there is an example of Jewish students, represented with four times more percentage than it was a share of Jews in the total population of Srijem County. This issue reveals the attitude of that community towards higher education and also coincides with certain trends within Jewish population in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The mother tongue, or relatively speaking, ethnic composition of students from Srijem County at the Faculty of Law shows that the proportion of students whose mother tongue was not Croatian or Serbian is significantly lower within the student population at the Faculty of Law than the proportion of residents with these mother tongues in the entire population of Srijem County. It is noticeable that there is not a single student from Srijemska County studying law in Zagreb whose mother tongue is Hungarian, while in the total population there was slightly more than 6% of the population who spoke Hungarian. It is also noticeable that the proportion of students with a German mother tongue at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb is more than five times smaller than the total proportion of the German mother tongue population in Srijem County. In both cases, it can be assumed that Hungarian and German speakers, if they decided to study at the higher education level, chose to study in other university centres of the Monarchy. The social image of students from Srijem County reflected the general social image of the university population in Zagreb, where the sons of public servants were in the lead, but with high shares of new social groups. The interpretation of these correlations is a contribution to putting together a complete mosaic of the educated elite in Croatia in the last quarter of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and a part of fundamental research devotedto the formation of the domestic intelligentsia in Croatia and Slavonia untill the end of the Monarchy.
HRVATI I BUGARI. Diplomacija, politika, kultura i znanost ХЪРВАТИ И БЪЛГАРИ. Дипломация, политика, култура и наука Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog povodom 30. obljetnice uspostave diplomatskih odnosa između Republike Bugarske i Republike Hrvatske, te 25. obljetnice uspostave znanstve..., 2024
U radu se analiziraju izvori koji govore o osobnom interesu hrvatskog povjesničara i intelektualc... more U radu se analiziraju izvori koji govore o osobnom interesu hrvatskog
povjesničara i intelektualca Ferde Šišića za Bugare i bugarsku
povijest. Građa, koja se nalazi u njegovoj ostavštini u Arhivu Hrvatske
akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, obuhvaća korespondenciju bugarskog
povjesničara, medievista Vasila Zlatarskog upućena Šišiću, a ostalo se
sastoji od objavljenog materijala, odnosno novinskih tekstova bugarske
tematike, ali i od neobjavljene rukopisne građe. Iako se radi o jednom
malom segmentu Šišićeve obimne arhivske ostavštine, ono ipak svjedoči
o stavu jednog od najuglednijih hrvatskih povjesničara međuratnog
razdoblja, čije su formativne godine obilježene slavenofilskom južnoslavenskom idejom, prema Bugarima i Bugarskoj. / The paper analyzes sources dealing with the personal interests of the Croatian
historian and intellectual Ferdo Šišić in Bulgarians and Bulgarian history. The material contained in his legacy in the Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts includes the correspondence of the Bulgarian historian, medievist Vasil Zlatarski, addressed to Šišić, and the other part consists of published material, i.e., newspaper articles, as well as unpublished manuscript material with Bulgarian issues. So far unexplored, the correspondence with Zlatarski, deals with the meeting of
two related and very similar historiographies. Medievalist and byzantologist Vasil N. Zlatarski was one of the most prominent Bulgarian historians of the older generation, and knowing the scientific profile of Šišić and Zlatarski, mutual communication was natural. As a result of this scholarly cooperation, Zlatarski was accepted as a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy in 1929. He also participated in the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Franjo Rački in Zagreb.
On the other side, Šišić participated in the 4th International Congress of Byzantine Studies in Sofia, chaired by Zlatarski in 1934, and was accepted into the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1939. Related to this participation is the medal that Šišić received from Bulgarian Emperor Boris III, as well as his admission to the Bulgarian Historical Society. In addition to the contacts between Šišić and Zlatarski, Šišić’s affection for Bulgarians can also be seen in his texts, published in the daily press, chapters of his books, and lectures that he gave at the university, which dealt with the history of the Bulgarian people. It should be emphasized that his South Slavic and Yugoslav orientation is reflected in all his papers. Although it is a small segment of Šišić’s extensive archival legacy, it nevertheless testifies to the attitude of one of the most respected Croatian historians of the interwar period, whose formative years were marked by the Slavophile South Slavic idea, towards the Bulgarians and Bulgaria.
Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Vol. 40 , 2022., 2022
U radu će se prikazati studentsko razdoblje života Milana pl. Šufflaya, odnosno razdoblje od akad... more U radu će se prikazati studentsko razdoblje života Milana pl. Šufflaya, odnosno razdoblje od akademske godine 1897./1898. do 1900./1901., kada je studirao povijest i geografiju na Filozofskom (Mudroslovnom) fakultetu Kr. Sveučilišta Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu. Na temelju izvora iz Arhiva Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, kao i nekih dokumenata iz Šufflayeva osobnog fonda u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu, te fonda ispitne komisije za profesore srednjih škola, može se rekonstruirati njegov studij u Zagrebu, kolegiji i profesori koje je pohađao, završni ispiti, kao i ocjene i mišljenje njegovih profesora za vrijeme studiranja. / The paper describes Milan Šufflay’s student period of life, i.e. the period from the academic year 1897/1898 until 1900/1901 when he studied history and geography at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Royal University of Francis Joseph I in Zagreb. On the basis of sources from the Archives of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb, as well as some documents from Šufflay’s personal fund in the Croatian State Archives, and the fund of the Examination board for secondary school teachers, it is possible to reconstruct his studies in Zagreb, the courses and professors he attended, final exams, as well as the grades and opinions of his professors during his studies.
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za društvene znanosti, No. 560=57,, 2023
Rad se bavi obilježavanjem kulta Zrinskog i Frankopana među hrvatskom sveučilišnom mladeži na Sve... more Rad se bavi obilježavanjem kulta Zrinskog i Frankopana među hrvatskom sveučilišnom mladeži na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i na austrijskim sveučilištima. Na temelju izvora iz Arhiva Rektorata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Arhiva Filozofskog fakulteta te informacija iz onodobnih studentskih glasila, prikazuju se glavne studentske aktivnosti kojima se obilježavala obljetnica smrti P. Zrinskog i F. K. Frankopana (proslave, akademije, mise zadušnice i odlasci na grob u Bečko Novo Mjesto). U radu se obraća pozornost i na odnos sveučilišnih i civilnih vlasti prema tim studentskim manifestacijama te na priključivanje novih studentskih grupa tim proslavama, s obzirom na to da se na početku radilo isključivo o pravaškim sveučilištarcima, među kojima je kult Zrinskog i Frankopana bio osobito slavljen. / The celebration of the Zrinski-Frankopan Cult was the primary focus of the right-wing fraction among local student youth, both in Zagreb and at the Austrian universities. Over the time, under the influence of changed political circumstances in the country, i.e. the change of the ruling party, the idea of celebrating the anniversary of Zrinski and Frankopan spread to other student groups, including the so-called progressive youth and Yugoslav nationalists. A significant number of university students, primarily supporting the anti-Austrian idea within this Cult, in the period immediately before the First World War, fuelled the idea of Croatia leaving the framework of the Monarchy. In the group of the Yugoslav nationalist youth, supporters of national unitarism, Zrinski and Frankopan began to take characteristics of the Yugoslav martyrs. All student actions related to the commemoration of the anniversaries of Zrinski and Frankopan, which included memorial masses, academies, lectures and celebrations in the concluding decades of the 19th century, were considered an anti-dynasty act, while in the early 20th century, i.e. as of 1906, when the Croatian-Serbian coalition took power, a change in the public discourse towards the Zrinski-Frankopan Cult took place. Students held their manifestations publicly, together with other political and public dignitaries.
Science and Catholicism in the Universities of South- East Europe 1800 to 1920, 2023
The paper analyzes the conflicts of student currents at the University of Zagreb in the early twe... more The paper analyzes the conflicts of student currents at the University of
Zagreb in the early twentieth century, with emphasis on the conflict between the liberal group
(so-called progressive youth), right-wing group (supporters of the Party of Right called Young
Croats, Mladohrvati), with a Catholic group among students. Catholic group was a part of
Croatian Catholic Movement and stood up to defend Christian values. Based on the student
periodicals and brochures of that time the crucial issues of the student conflicts (such as the
exclusion of the Faculty of Theology from the university) and related student activities will
be analyzed. As it was a group of students from whose ranks the key names of the Croatian
Catholic Movement will be generated, it is worth to discuss their activities during their academic period, as the basis of their future public work.
The research on students’ leisure activities showed that they spent their free time in different ... more The research on students’ leisure activities showed that they spent their free time in different ways, within which music played a significant role. These topics can be analysed on two levels: students as performers and students as music audience. As active participants in
music events in the city at the turn of the century, students of the University of Zagreb were involved through their academic music societies. As was the case all over Europe, in Zagreb, a range of student associations arose around its university, playing a significant role in students’ lives and public life in general. Among a range of student associations at the turn of the century in Zagreb, there were several music associations. These were: Academic Singing Society “Hrvatska lira” (founded in 1876), Singing and Tamburitza Club of Croatian Academics “Mladost” (founded in 1904), Serbian Academic Singing and Tamburitza Society “Balkan” (founded in 1905) and Singing and Tamburitza Club of Croatian Academics “Krešimir” (founded in 1906). The work of these societies will be analysed on the basis of records from the contemporary students’ periodicals, as well as the critical records of contemporaries
about their activities. Special attention will be placed on social and political context of their concerts and performances because they were often drawn to politics. It is also important to emphasize that their dances and concerts were visited by numerous public and distinguished
individuals. In the same manner, students’ music societies were invited to participate in various public events as they were considered to be a part of the city’s social elite. On the second level, students as a music audience will be presented, on the basis of sources of a private nature (as
are letters and other correspondence, etc.), but also from those of an official character (such as documents from the Archive of the Rectorate of the University of Zagreb). Both of these types of sources provide information on the habits of the academic youth during their studies in
Zagreb, as well as in other European university centres.
History in Flux, 2023
The paper delves into stereotypes and prejudice surrounding the initial female students at Zagreb... more The paper delves into stereotypes and prejudice surrounding the initial female students at Zagreb’s Royal University of Francis Joseph I during the early 20th century. Across the region, including Croatia, access to universities was a challenge for women due to debates concerning their perceived roles. Although women gained admission to the University in 1895, it was limited to part-time status. However, a positive turn occurred in September 1901, allowing women to enroll as full-time students at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. Examining contemporary stereotypes and prejudices, this contribution explores whether these women conformed to prevailing biases or navigated past them based on their experiences. Additionally, the paper will explore the reactions triggered by their presence at the university. Drawing from private sources like correspondence and memoirs, the paper will shed light on the firsthand experiences of these pioneering female students in an academic setting predominantly male. It aims to discuss women’s higher education in Croatia within the context of prevailing European stereotypes, particularly in Central Europe.
Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru , 2022
U radu je napravljena kvantitativna analiza zagrebačkih studenata Pravnog fakulteta porijeklom iz... more U radu je napravljena kvantitativna analiza zagrebačkih studenata Pravnog fakulteta porijeklom iz Dalmacije u razdoblju od osnutka modernog sveučilišta u Zagrebu 1874. do raspada Austro-Ugarske 1918. godine. Temelj istraživanja su studentski upisni listovi (nacijonali), iz kojih su detektirani oni studenti koji su kao svoje mjesto rođenja i/ili zavičajnosti naveli grad ili selo na području tadašnje austrijske pokrajine Dalmacije. Na temelju studentskih osobnih podataka bilo je moguće napraviti analizu njihove socijalne, vjerske, jezične strukture, prethodnog obrazovanja, duljine studiranja, pitanje stipendija i plaćanja školarine, a sve u kontekstu tadašnjih društveno-političkih prilika u zemlji.
Sveučilište u Zagrebu 350 godina : 1669. - 2019. / ur. Polić Bobić, Mirjana, str. 39-55, 2019
U poglavlju je prikazana povijest Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 1874. do 1918. Posebno su ... more U poglavlju je prikazana povijest Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 1874. do 1918. Posebno su obrađene teme organizacije i smještaja sveučilišta, njegovih nastavnika, razvoja nastave te pitanje studenata.
Zbornik «150 godina školstva u Veloj Luci», Franko Mirošević (ur.), 2007
U radu se na temelju objavljenih i neobjavljenih izvora obrađuju životopisi četvorice Velulučana ... more U radu se na temelju objavljenih i neobjavljenih izvora obrađuju životopisi četvorice Velulučana koji su studirali na zagrebačkom Filozofskom fakultetu 1874.-1914.: Nike Mladinea, Ive Oreba, Marka Šeparovića i Frana Violića. Obraća se pažnja i na onodobne mogućnosti studiranja u Zagrebu za studente iz Dalmacije. Osim prikaza njihovih osobnih podataka i onih vezanih za studiranje, istraženo je i njihovo djelovanje nakon završetka studija.
Историческо бъдеще, 2005
В статията се анализират структурните характеристики на българските студенти, учили във Философс... more В статията се анализират структурните характеристики на българските студенти, учили във Философския факултет на Загребския университет в периода от 1874 до 1914 г. Според данни от архива на Философския факултет в Загреб, авторът се занимава с движението на техния числеен статус, роден, пол, социална и религиозна структура, предишното им образование, специалности, стипендии, плащане на академични такси. В края на статията има кратък преглед на данните за тяхната кариера в България и приложение със списък на всички български студенти във Философския факултет в Загреб.
Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu : Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, , 2021
The study is based on an examination of faculty admission papers and analyses of the regional com... more The study is based on an examination of faculty admission papers and analyses of the regional composition of the student body at the Faculty of Law in the period from the establishment of the modern university in Zagreb in 1874 until the end of World War I. By applying quantitative analysis, the author considers whether the University of Zagreb, specifically the Faculty of Law, accomplished the goals set forth by its founders to play a significant role in connecting the long-separated parts of the Croatian lands and become a centre of enlightenment for all South Slavic peoples. Another issue discussed in the paper is the question of student circulation. It examines student mobility and provides insight into the extent to which law students in Zagreb combined their legal with academic education at universities abroad, especially in the major university centres of the Habsburg Monarchy. With regard to the political context and Austrian legislation stipulating the reciprocity of diplomas, the correlations between these two categories, student regional background, and student circulation can be underscored.
Българо-хърватски научни, културни и духовни връзки. Сборник с материали от международна научна конференция, посветена на 150- годишнината от основаването на БАН София, 17–18 юни 2019 г (Съст. Елдъров, Светлозар ; Балчева, Антоанета ; Огнянова, Ирина ; Миндова, Людмила )., 2021
The University in Zagreb and its Faculty of Law played a significant role in educating Bulgarian ... more The University in Zagreb and its Faculty of Law played a significant role in educating Bulgarian youth, although it represented only one point of their higher education. At the turn of the century, it was a place of study of future Bulgarian law professionals, judges, lawyers, civil servants. In this paper according to the faculty admission documents (nacijonali), containing various personal data, the Bulgarian student population on the Faculty of Law is analyzed through different aspects. In the period from the foundation of the modern university in Zagreb and the beginning of the First World War, on its Faculty of Law studied 310 students from Bulgaria, with the note that the number trend was unbalanced. Svetislav Sapunov Mylarov, a famous Bulgarian public worker, journalist, and politician was the first Bulgarian student inscribed in Zagreb in 1875. The highest number of Bulgarian enrollment was in the academic year 1906/1907. The cause for such an increase was in a university crisis and in the suspension of classes at the University of Sofia.
In the respect to their confessional belonging, Bulgarian students in Zagreb were a homogenous group (Orthodox). On the other side, their social background was highly heterogeneous, with the dominance of middle-class members, mainly sons of the merchants. According to the place of their origin, Bulgarian students at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb were from various Bulgarian regions. Most of them came from towns Sofia, Trnovo, Ruse, Tatar Pazardjik, Pleven, Sliven, Vidim, Varna, Drenovo, Ćirpan, Gabrovo, Plovdiv, and Stara Zagora. Most of the Bulgarian students came to Zagreb after finishing few semesters at some other universities, mostly at the University in Sofia (223 of them), following by those who had studied abroad before coming to Zagreb (in Belgrade, Geneva, Lausanne, Bern, Zürich, Prag, Freiburg, Bruxelles). Besides the anomaly, as it was a students’ strike in Sofia in 1906/1907, this fluctuation between universities was a frequent students’ custom of that period. By analyzing the length of study in Zagreb, most of the Bulgarian students attended classes only one or two semesters (198 of them were enrolled for only one semester), while a minority of them studied longer at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb (by one of them studied six, seven and eight semesters). This shows that Zagreb was a short-term university station for Bulgarian students, but despite that, knowing other aspects of their study in the Croatian capital city, the University of Zagreb had a significant influence on Bulgarian academic youth.
Biobibliographica, 2 / Macan, Trpimir (ur.). Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2004. str. 119-159, 2004
U radu se donosi prijepis autobiobibliografija članica društva Kolo hrvatskih književnika u razdo... more U radu se donosi prijepis autobiobibliografija članica društva Kolo hrvatskih književnika u razdoblju od 1913. do 1930. iz Zbirke životopisa hrvatskih katoličkih kulturnih radnika. Uz prijepis gradiva, koje je izvor različitih biobibliografskih podataka, rad sadržava kraći uvod o Zbirci, Društvu i nekim zajedničkim značajkama njegovih članica. Prema Bibliografskom katalogu periodike Leksikografskoga zavoda Miroslav Krleža navodi se i okvirna suradnja članica društva u onodobnim publikacijama, a radu je dodan i prilog s popisom svih autobiobibliografija sadržanih u Zbirci.
Kolo, 16 (2006), 4; 331-348, 2006
U radu se na temelju društvenog časopisa i društvenih pravila analiziraju djelovanje i akcije zag... more U radu se na temelju društvenog časopisa i društvenih pravila analiziraju djelovanje i akcije zagrebačkih studenata kroz prvo studentsko društvo općeg karaktera na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu od 1875. do 1881.
Cris : časopis Povijesnog društva Križevci, XV (2013), 1; 51-58, 2013
This paper investigates the actions of the student body from the Royal University of Franz Joseph... more This paper investigates the actions of the student body from the Royal University of Franz Joseph I. in Zagreb during the National Movement of 1903, with emphasis on their activity in Zagreb. It is based on the relevant literature about the Movement of 1903 as well as less known sources on the student population from the Archives of the Rector’s office of the University of Zagreb and the Archives of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Not only does it give an account on the participation of the student body in the assembly movement in the spring months of 1903, but it also puts special emphasis on the incident of 20th May 1903 when police forces entered the university building and arrested the students present at the time. It was seen as an act that brutally tarnished the dignity of the University and the students, through the Rector and the University Senate, insisted on an apology which was given three years later. The paper paints a picture of the consequences the student involvement in the Movement of 1903 and the Movement itself had on the student body. The author examines the sanctions the police imposed on the students, the withdrawal of scholarships for the demonstrators and their subsequent reactivation. Examining the Movement as a whole, it can be concluded that the student body certainly was not the only driving force behind the National Movement of 1903/1904 in Croatia, but that it did play an important role, especially in its initial phase.
Zbornik o Šimi Ljubiću. Zbornik radova s Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa, Zadar, 3. listopada - Stari Grad (o. Hvar), 4.-6. listopada 2007. / Tihomil Maštrović (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2009. str. 145-163, 2009
The paper deals with the activity of historian and archaeologist Šime Ljubić within the instituti... more The paper deals with the activity of historian and archaeologist Šime Ljubić within the institution which was at that time called Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts. There are explained his relations with this highest national scientific institution from the period of its foundation till his assignment as Academy’s member in the year 1866. The accent is put on the period when Ljubić was the curator of the National Museum in Zagreb, while it was under the administration of the Academy (between 1867 and 1878). The paper also deals with his work in publishing historical sources, the activity through which he deserved distinguished place in Croatian historiography and which he accomplished in collaboration with Academy, through its editions.
The relation between Ljubić and Academy can be analyzed from its beginning: from his arrival to Zagreb and during his work at the National Museum and working on editing the historical sources from the Archive in Venice. This relation was functioning on mutual benefit, despite some disagreements. Ljubić’s merits for Croatian historical science are various, but in the first place must be put his founding of historical sources from the Archive in Venice and publishing it within the Academy’s editions. He also has merits for National Museum in the time while Academy was running its administration. Despite all imperfections, his credits for that institution are not small. With all range of problems, especially those of financial nature, Ljubić succeeded in making a certain breakthrough in the Museum. He tried to make an institution that would be in accordance with the contemporary rules of his profession and managed to make a solid foundation for its future development.
B'lgaro-h'rvatski političeski i kulturni otnošenija prez vekovete. Sbornik v čest na 75-godišninata na Rumiana Božilova / Eldarov, Svetlozar ; Ognjanova, Irina ; Balčeva, Antoaneta ; Mindova, Ljudmila (ur.). Sofia, Bugarska: Bugarska akademija znanosti, Paradigma, 2015. str. 368-377, 2015
Javnosti je dobro poznata Strossmayerova uloga velikog mecene, duhovnog pokretača i glavnog mater... more Javnosti je dobro poznata Strossmayerova uloga velikog mecene, duhovnog pokretača i glavnog materijalnog utemeljitelja Zagrebačkog sveučilišta. U ovom radu, nasuprot te biskupove pomoći institucionalnim oblicima znanosti i visokog obrazovanja, autorica se bavi njegovom pomoći siromašnoj mladeži koja se zahvaljujući njemu uspjela odškolovati na gimnazijskoj i fakultetskoj razini. Rad se zapravo sastoji od dva dijela: prvi dio bavi se biskupovim pomaganjem bugarskih srednjoškolaca i studenata na školovanju u Zagrebu, a drugi bavi se domaćom mladeži koju je biskup financijski pomagao pri školovanju te zakladom koju je osnovao 1874. radi pomaganja siromašnih studenata na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu. Pokušava se dati nacrt slike onih koji su se u drugoj polovici 19. st. uspjeli školovati zahvaljujući financijskoj potpori biskupa Strossmayera.
Wieki Stare i Nowe, t. 19 (24), 2024
At the turn of the 20th century, almost a third of Croatian students studied at universities and ... more At the turn of the 20th century, almost a third of Croatian students studied at universities and technical colleges of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Croatian academic youth were in contact and cooperated with students of other, mostly Slavic nationalities. Their networking was usually motivated by the same ideological platform. The present paper aims to shed some light on the social connections of Croatian students studying in university centres like Vienna, Prague, and Graz, with their Slavic colleagues (Slovenian, Czech, Serb, Bulgarian, Polish, Ruthenian and Slovak students) based on the data from the private sources and articles from contemporary student journals.
Scrinia Slavonica, vol. 24 , 2024
Cilj rada je prikazati sliku studentske populacije na Pravnom fakultetu Kr. Sveučilišta Franje Jo... more Cilj rada je prikazati sliku studentske populacije na Pravnom fakultetu Kr. Sveučilišta Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu porijeklom iz Srijemske županije, izrazito multietničke i multikonfesionalne sredine, u razdoblju od osnutka modernog sveučilišta u Zagrebu do kraja Prvog svjetskog rata. Pomoću baze podataka napravljene na temelju studentskih upisnih listova (nacijonala) za razdoblje od 1874. do 1918., a koji su u cijelosti sačuvani u fondu Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu, analizirati će se socijalna, vjerska, jezična struktura studenata rođenih i/ili zavičajnih u Srijemskoj županiji, njihov brojčani okvir, prethodno obrazovanje, duljina studiranja, pitanje stipendija i plaćanja školarine. Većina spomenutih analiza može se komparirati sa studentima iz drugih hrvatskih krajeva za koje su već napravljene analize te staviti u širi kontekst Zagrebačkog sveučilišta, ali i šire. Riječ je o prilogu poznavanja pravničke intelektualne elite Srijemske županije, koja će po završetku studija zauzeti vodeće društveno-političke pozicije, ne samo na području Srijemske županije nego i šire. / The main goal of this paper is to shed light on composition of educated elite in Srijem County since the foundation of the modern university in Zagreb in 1874 until the end of the Monarchy in 1918. It is limited on students at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and based on the databases made from student registration forms (nacijonali) while enrolling the university. The total number of students who were born or declared that they come from Srijem County enrolled at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in the period 1874-1918 was 716, and they were the second largest in the faculty, with a strong growth of enrolled students at the turn of the century. The obtained results of the analysis detect various correlations between academic education and the social, confessional and mother tongue origin of law students from the area of Srijem County. The religious image of the students pointed out the dominance of the Catholic and Orthodox groups, while among members of other confessions, there is an example of Jewish students, represented with four times more percentage than it was a share of Jews in the total population of Srijem County. This issue reveals the attitude of that community towards higher education and also coincides with certain trends within Jewish population in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The mother tongue, or relatively speaking, ethnic composition of students from Srijem County at the Faculty of Law shows that the proportion of students whose mother tongue was not Croatian or Serbian is significantly lower within the student population at the Faculty of Law than the proportion of residents with these mother tongues in the entire population of Srijem County. It is noticeable that there is not a single student from Srijemska County studying law in Zagreb whose mother tongue is Hungarian, while in the total population there was slightly more than 6% of the population who spoke Hungarian. It is also noticeable that the proportion of students with a German mother tongue at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb is more than five times smaller than the total proportion of the German mother tongue population in Srijem County. In both cases, it can be assumed that Hungarian and German speakers, if they decided to study at the higher education level, chose to study in other university centres of the Monarchy. The social image of students from Srijem County reflected the general social image of the university population in Zagreb, where the sons of public servants were in the lead, but with high shares of new social groups. The interpretation of these correlations is a contribution to putting together a complete mosaic of the educated elite in Croatia in the last quarter of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and a part of fundamental research devotedto the formation of the domestic intelligentsia in Croatia and Slavonia untill the end of the Monarchy.
HRVATI I BUGARI. Diplomacija, politika, kultura i znanost ХЪРВАТИ И БЪЛГАРИ. Дипломация, политика, култура и наука Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog povodom 30. obljetnice uspostave diplomatskih odnosa između Republike Bugarske i Republike Hrvatske, te 25. obljetnice uspostave znanstve..., 2024
U radu se analiziraju izvori koji govore o osobnom interesu hrvatskog povjesničara i intelektualc... more U radu se analiziraju izvori koji govore o osobnom interesu hrvatskog
povjesničara i intelektualca Ferde Šišića za Bugare i bugarsku
povijest. Građa, koja se nalazi u njegovoj ostavštini u Arhivu Hrvatske
akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, obuhvaća korespondenciju bugarskog
povjesničara, medievista Vasila Zlatarskog upućena Šišiću, a ostalo se
sastoji od objavljenog materijala, odnosno novinskih tekstova bugarske
tematike, ali i od neobjavljene rukopisne građe. Iako se radi o jednom
malom segmentu Šišićeve obimne arhivske ostavštine, ono ipak svjedoči
o stavu jednog od najuglednijih hrvatskih povjesničara međuratnog
razdoblja, čije su formativne godine obilježene slavenofilskom južnoslavenskom idejom, prema Bugarima i Bugarskoj. / The paper analyzes sources dealing with the personal interests of the Croatian
historian and intellectual Ferdo Šišić in Bulgarians and Bulgarian history. The material contained in his legacy in the Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts includes the correspondence of the Bulgarian historian, medievist Vasil Zlatarski, addressed to Šišić, and the other part consists of published material, i.e., newspaper articles, as well as unpublished manuscript material with Bulgarian issues. So far unexplored, the correspondence with Zlatarski, deals with the meeting of
two related and very similar historiographies. Medievalist and byzantologist Vasil N. Zlatarski was one of the most prominent Bulgarian historians of the older generation, and knowing the scientific profile of Šišić and Zlatarski, mutual communication was natural. As a result of this scholarly cooperation, Zlatarski was accepted as a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy in 1929. He also participated in the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Franjo Rački in Zagreb.
On the other side, Šišić participated in the 4th International Congress of Byzantine Studies in Sofia, chaired by Zlatarski in 1934, and was accepted into the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1939. Related to this participation is the medal that Šišić received from Bulgarian Emperor Boris III, as well as his admission to the Bulgarian Historical Society. In addition to the contacts between Šišić and Zlatarski, Šišić’s affection for Bulgarians can also be seen in his texts, published in the daily press, chapters of his books, and lectures that he gave at the university, which dealt with the history of the Bulgarian people. It should be emphasized that his South Slavic and Yugoslav orientation is reflected in all his papers. Although it is a small segment of Šišić’s extensive archival legacy, it nevertheless testifies to the attitude of one of the most respected Croatian historians of the interwar period, whose formative years were marked by the Slavophile South Slavic idea, towards the Bulgarians and Bulgaria.
Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Vol. 40 , 2022., 2022
U radu će se prikazati studentsko razdoblje života Milana pl. Šufflaya, odnosno razdoblje od akad... more U radu će se prikazati studentsko razdoblje života Milana pl. Šufflaya, odnosno razdoblje od akademske godine 1897./1898. do 1900./1901., kada je studirao povijest i geografiju na Filozofskom (Mudroslovnom) fakultetu Kr. Sveučilišta Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu. Na temelju izvora iz Arhiva Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, kao i nekih dokumenata iz Šufflayeva osobnog fonda u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu, te fonda ispitne komisije za profesore srednjih škola, može se rekonstruirati njegov studij u Zagrebu, kolegiji i profesori koje je pohađao, završni ispiti, kao i ocjene i mišljenje njegovih profesora za vrijeme studiranja. / The paper describes Milan Šufflay’s student period of life, i.e. the period from the academic year 1897/1898 until 1900/1901 when he studied history and geography at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Royal University of Francis Joseph I in Zagreb. On the basis of sources from the Archives of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb, as well as some documents from Šufflay’s personal fund in the Croatian State Archives, and the fund of the Examination board for secondary school teachers, it is possible to reconstruct his studies in Zagreb, the courses and professors he attended, final exams, as well as the grades and opinions of his professors during his studies.
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za društvene znanosti, No. 560=57,, 2023
Rad se bavi obilježavanjem kulta Zrinskog i Frankopana među hrvatskom sveučilišnom mladeži na Sve... more Rad se bavi obilježavanjem kulta Zrinskog i Frankopana među hrvatskom sveučilišnom mladeži na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i na austrijskim sveučilištima. Na temelju izvora iz Arhiva Rektorata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Arhiva Filozofskog fakulteta te informacija iz onodobnih studentskih glasila, prikazuju se glavne studentske aktivnosti kojima se obilježavala obljetnica smrti P. Zrinskog i F. K. Frankopana (proslave, akademije, mise zadušnice i odlasci na grob u Bečko Novo Mjesto). U radu se obraća pozornost i na odnos sveučilišnih i civilnih vlasti prema tim studentskim manifestacijama te na priključivanje novih studentskih grupa tim proslavama, s obzirom na to da se na početku radilo isključivo o pravaškim sveučilištarcima, među kojima je kult Zrinskog i Frankopana bio osobito slavljen. / The celebration of the Zrinski-Frankopan Cult was the primary focus of the right-wing fraction among local student youth, both in Zagreb and at the Austrian universities. Over the time, under the influence of changed political circumstances in the country, i.e. the change of the ruling party, the idea of celebrating the anniversary of Zrinski and Frankopan spread to other student groups, including the so-called progressive youth and Yugoslav nationalists. A significant number of university students, primarily supporting the anti-Austrian idea within this Cult, in the period immediately before the First World War, fuelled the idea of Croatia leaving the framework of the Monarchy. In the group of the Yugoslav nationalist youth, supporters of national unitarism, Zrinski and Frankopan began to take characteristics of the Yugoslav martyrs. All student actions related to the commemoration of the anniversaries of Zrinski and Frankopan, which included memorial masses, academies, lectures and celebrations in the concluding decades of the 19th century, were considered an anti-dynasty act, while in the early 20th century, i.e. as of 1906, when the Croatian-Serbian coalition took power, a change in the public discourse towards the Zrinski-Frankopan Cult took place. Students held their manifestations publicly, together with other political and public dignitaries.
Science and Catholicism in the Universities of South- East Europe 1800 to 1920, 2023
The paper analyzes the conflicts of student currents at the University of Zagreb in the early twe... more The paper analyzes the conflicts of student currents at the University of
Zagreb in the early twentieth century, with emphasis on the conflict between the liberal group
(so-called progressive youth), right-wing group (supporters of the Party of Right called Young
Croats, Mladohrvati), with a Catholic group among students. Catholic group was a part of
Croatian Catholic Movement and stood up to defend Christian values. Based on the student
periodicals and brochures of that time the crucial issues of the student conflicts (such as the
exclusion of the Faculty of Theology from the university) and related student activities will
be analyzed. As it was a group of students from whose ranks the key names of the Croatian
Catholic Movement will be generated, it is worth to discuss their activities during their academic period, as the basis of their future public work.
The research on students’ leisure activities showed that they spent their free time in different ... more The research on students’ leisure activities showed that they spent their free time in different ways, within which music played a significant role. These topics can be analysed on two levels: students as performers and students as music audience. As active participants in
music events in the city at the turn of the century, students of the University of Zagreb were involved through their academic music societies. As was the case all over Europe, in Zagreb, a range of student associations arose around its university, playing a significant role in students’ lives and public life in general. Among a range of student associations at the turn of the century in Zagreb, there were several music associations. These were: Academic Singing Society “Hrvatska lira” (founded in 1876), Singing and Tamburitza Club of Croatian Academics “Mladost” (founded in 1904), Serbian Academic Singing and Tamburitza Society “Balkan” (founded in 1905) and Singing and Tamburitza Club of Croatian Academics “Krešimir” (founded in 1906). The work of these societies will be analysed on the basis of records from the contemporary students’ periodicals, as well as the critical records of contemporaries
about their activities. Special attention will be placed on social and political context of their concerts and performances because they were often drawn to politics. It is also important to emphasize that their dances and concerts were visited by numerous public and distinguished
individuals. In the same manner, students’ music societies were invited to participate in various public events as they were considered to be a part of the city’s social elite. On the second level, students as a music audience will be presented, on the basis of sources of a private nature (as
are letters and other correspondence, etc.), but also from those of an official character (such as documents from the Archive of the Rectorate of the University of Zagreb). Both of these types of sources provide information on the habits of the academic youth during their studies in
Zagreb, as well as in other European university centres.
History in Flux, 2023
The paper delves into stereotypes and prejudice surrounding the initial female students at Zagreb... more The paper delves into stereotypes and prejudice surrounding the initial female students at Zagreb’s Royal University of Francis Joseph I during the early 20th century. Across the region, including Croatia, access to universities was a challenge for women due to debates concerning their perceived roles. Although women gained admission to the University in 1895, it was limited to part-time status. However, a positive turn occurred in September 1901, allowing women to enroll as full-time students at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. Examining contemporary stereotypes and prejudices, this contribution explores whether these women conformed to prevailing biases or navigated past them based on their experiences. Additionally, the paper will explore the reactions triggered by their presence at the university. Drawing from private sources like correspondence and memoirs, the paper will shed light on the firsthand experiences of these pioneering female students in an academic setting predominantly male. It aims to discuss women’s higher education in Croatia within the context of prevailing European stereotypes, particularly in Central Europe.
Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru , 2022
U radu je napravljena kvantitativna analiza zagrebačkih studenata Pravnog fakulteta porijeklom iz... more U radu je napravljena kvantitativna analiza zagrebačkih studenata Pravnog fakulteta porijeklom iz Dalmacije u razdoblju od osnutka modernog sveučilišta u Zagrebu 1874. do raspada Austro-Ugarske 1918. godine. Temelj istraživanja su studentski upisni listovi (nacijonali), iz kojih su detektirani oni studenti koji su kao svoje mjesto rođenja i/ili zavičajnosti naveli grad ili selo na području tadašnje austrijske pokrajine Dalmacije. Na temelju studentskih osobnih podataka bilo je moguće napraviti analizu njihove socijalne, vjerske, jezične strukture, prethodnog obrazovanja, duljine studiranja, pitanje stipendija i plaćanja školarine, a sve u kontekstu tadašnjih društveno-političkih prilika u zemlji.
Sveučilište u Zagrebu 350 godina : 1669. - 2019. / ur. Polić Bobić, Mirjana, str. 39-55, 2019
U poglavlju je prikazana povijest Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 1874. do 1918. Posebno su ... more U poglavlju je prikazana povijest Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 1874. do 1918. Posebno su obrađene teme organizacije i smještaja sveučilišta, njegovih nastavnika, razvoja nastave te pitanje studenata.
Zbornik «150 godina školstva u Veloj Luci», Franko Mirošević (ur.), 2007
U radu se na temelju objavljenih i neobjavljenih izvora obrađuju životopisi četvorice Velulučana ... more U radu se na temelju objavljenih i neobjavljenih izvora obrađuju životopisi četvorice Velulučana koji su studirali na zagrebačkom Filozofskom fakultetu 1874.-1914.: Nike Mladinea, Ive Oreba, Marka Šeparovića i Frana Violića. Obraća se pažnja i na onodobne mogućnosti studiranja u Zagrebu za studente iz Dalmacije. Osim prikaza njihovih osobnih podataka i onih vezanih za studiranje, istraženo je i njihovo djelovanje nakon završetka studija.
Историческо бъдеще, 2005
В статията се анализират структурните характеристики на българските студенти, учили във Философс... more В статията се анализират структурните характеристики на българските студенти, учили във Философския факултет на Загребския университет в периода от 1874 до 1914 г. Според данни от архива на Философския факултет в Загреб, авторът се занимава с движението на техния числеен статус, роден, пол, социална и религиозна структура, предишното им образование, специалности, стипендии, плащане на академични такси. В края на статията има кратък преглед на данните за тяхната кариера в България и приложение със списък на всички български студенти във Философския факултет в Загреб.
Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu : Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, , 2021
The study is based on an examination of faculty admission papers and analyses of the regional com... more The study is based on an examination of faculty admission papers and analyses of the regional composition of the student body at the Faculty of Law in the period from the establishment of the modern university in Zagreb in 1874 until the end of World War I. By applying quantitative analysis, the author considers whether the University of Zagreb, specifically the Faculty of Law, accomplished the goals set forth by its founders to play a significant role in connecting the long-separated parts of the Croatian lands and become a centre of enlightenment for all South Slavic peoples. Another issue discussed in the paper is the question of student circulation. It examines student mobility and provides insight into the extent to which law students in Zagreb combined their legal with academic education at universities abroad, especially in the major university centres of the Habsburg Monarchy. With regard to the political context and Austrian legislation stipulating the reciprocity of diplomas, the correlations between these two categories, student regional background, and student circulation can be underscored.
Българо-хърватски научни, културни и духовни връзки. Сборник с материали от международна научна конференция, посветена на 150- годишнината от основаването на БАН София, 17–18 юни 2019 г (Съст. Елдъров, Светлозар ; Балчева, Антоанета ; Огнянова, Ирина ; Миндова, Людмила )., 2021
The University in Zagreb and its Faculty of Law played a significant role in educating Bulgarian ... more The University in Zagreb and its Faculty of Law played a significant role in educating Bulgarian youth, although it represented only one point of their higher education. At the turn of the century, it was a place of study of future Bulgarian law professionals, judges, lawyers, civil servants. In this paper according to the faculty admission documents (nacijonali), containing various personal data, the Bulgarian student population on the Faculty of Law is analyzed through different aspects. In the period from the foundation of the modern university in Zagreb and the beginning of the First World War, on its Faculty of Law studied 310 students from Bulgaria, with the note that the number trend was unbalanced. Svetislav Sapunov Mylarov, a famous Bulgarian public worker, journalist, and politician was the first Bulgarian student inscribed in Zagreb in 1875. The highest number of Bulgarian enrollment was in the academic year 1906/1907. The cause for such an increase was in a university crisis and in the suspension of classes at the University of Sofia.
In the respect to their confessional belonging, Bulgarian students in Zagreb were a homogenous group (Orthodox). On the other side, their social background was highly heterogeneous, with the dominance of middle-class members, mainly sons of the merchants. According to the place of their origin, Bulgarian students at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb were from various Bulgarian regions. Most of them came from towns Sofia, Trnovo, Ruse, Tatar Pazardjik, Pleven, Sliven, Vidim, Varna, Drenovo, Ćirpan, Gabrovo, Plovdiv, and Stara Zagora. Most of the Bulgarian students came to Zagreb after finishing few semesters at some other universities, mostly at the University in Sofia (223 of them), following by those who had studied abroad before coming to Zagreb (in Belgrade, Geneva, Lausanne, Bern, Zürich, Prag, Freiburg, Bruxelles). Besides the anomaly, as it was a students’ strike in Sofia in 1906/1907, this fluctuation between universities was a frequent students’ custom of that period. By analyzing the length of study in Zagreb, most of the Bulgarian students attended classes only one or two semesters (198 of them were enrolled for only one semester), while a minority of them studied longer at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb (by one of them studied six, seven and eight semesters). This shows that Zagreb was a short-term university station for Bulgarian students, but despite that, knowing other aspects of their study in the Croatian capital city, the University of Zagreb had a significant influence on Bulgarian academic youth.
Biobibliographica, 2 / Macan, Trpimir (ur.). Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2004. str. 119-159, 2004
U radu se donosi prijepis autobiobibliografija članica društva Kolo hrvatskih književnika u razdo... more U radu se donosi prijepis autobiobibliografija članica društva Kolo hrvatskih književnika u razdoblju od 1913. do 1930. iz Zbirke životopisa hrvatskih katoličkih kulturnih radnika. Uz prijepis gradiva, koje je izvor različitih biobibliografskih podataka, rad sadržava kraći uvod o Zbirci, Društvu i nekim zajedničkim značajkama njegovih članica. Prema Bibliografskom katalogu periodike Leksikografskoga zavoda Miroslav Krleža navodi se i okvirna suradnja članica društva u onodobnim publikacijama, a radu je dodan i prilog s popisom svih autobiobibliografija sadržanih u Zbirci.
Kolo, 16 (2006), 4; 331-348, 2006
U radu se na temelju društvenog časopisa i društvenih pravila analiziraju djelovanje i akcije zag... more U radu se na temelju društvenog časopisa i društvenih pravila analiziraju djelovanje i akcije zagrebačkih studenata kroz prvo studentsko društvo općeg karaktera na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu od 1875. do 1881.
Cris : časopis Povijesnog društva Križevci, XV (2013), 1; 51-58, 2013
This paper investigates the actions of the student body from the Royal University of Franz Joseph... more This paper investigates the actions of the student body from the Royal University of Franz Joseph I. in Zagreb during the National Movement of 1903, with emphasis on their activity in Zagreb. It is based on the relevant literature about the Movement of 1903 as well as less known sources on the student population from the Archives of the Rector’s office of the University of Zagreb and the Archives of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Not only does it give an account on the participation of the student body in the assembly movement in the spring months of 1903, but it also puts special emphasis on the incident of 20th May 1903 when police forces entered the university building and arrested the students present at the time. It was seen as an act that brutally tarnished the dignity of the University and the students, through the Rector and the University Senate, insisted on an apology which was given three years later. The paper paints a picture of the consequences the student involvement in the Movement of 1903 and the Movement itself had on the student body. The author examines the sanctions the police imposed on the students, the withdrawal of scholarships for the demonstrators and their subsequent reactivation. Examining the Movement as a whole, it can be concluded that the student body certainly was not the only driving force behind the National Movement of 1903/1904 in Croatia, but that it did play an important role, especially in its initial phase.
Zbornik o Šimi Ljubiću. Zbornik radova s Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa, Zadar, 3. listopada - Stari Grad (o. Hvar), 4.-6. listopada 2007. / Tihomil Maštrović (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2009. str. 145-163, 2009
The paper deals with the activity of historian and archaeologist Šime Ljubić within the instituti... more The paper deals with the activity of historian and archaeologist Šime Ljubić within the institution which was at that time called Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts. There are explained his relations with this highest national scientific institution from the period of its foundation till his assignment as Academy’s member in the year 1866. The accent is put on the period when Ljubić was the curator of the National Museum in Zagreb, while it was under the administration of the Academy (between 1867 and 1878). The paper also deals with his work in publishing historical sources, the activity through which he deserved distinguished place in Croatian historiography and which he accomplished in collaboration with Academy, through its editions.
The relation between Ljubić and Academy can be analyzed from its beginning: from his arrival to Zagreb and during his work at the National Museum and working on editing the historical sources from the Archive in Venice. This relation was functioning on mutual benefit, despite some disagreements. Ljubić’s merits for Croatian historical science are various, but in the first place must be put his founding of historical sources from the Archive in Venice and publishing it within the Academy’s editions. He also has merits for National Museum in the time while Academy was running its administration. Despite all imperfections, his credits for that institution are not small. With all range of problems, especially those of financial nature, Ljubić succeeded in making a certain breakthrough in the Museum. He tried to make an institution that would be in accordance with the contemporary rules of his profession and managed to make a solid foundation for its future development.
B'lgaro-h'rvatski političeski i kulturni otnošenija prez vekovete. Sbornik v čest na 75-godišninata na Rumiana Božilova / Eldarov, Svetlozar ; Ognjanova, Irina ; Balčeva, Antoaneta ; Mindova, Ljudmila (ur.). Sofia, Bugarska: Bugarska akademija znanosti, Paradigma, 2015. str. 368-377, 2015
Javnosti je dobro poznata Strossmayerova uloga velikog mecene, duhovnog pokretača i glavnog mater... more Javnosti je dobro poznata Strossmayerova uloga velikog mecene, duhovnog pokretača i glavnog materijalnog utemeljitelja Zagrebačkog sveučilišta. U ovom radu, nasuprot te biskupove pomoći institucionalnim oblicima znanosti i visokog obrazovanja, autorica se bavi njegovom pomoći siromašnoj mladeži koja se zahvaljujući njemu uspjela odškolovati na gimnazijskoj i fakultetskoj razini. Rad se zapravo sastoji od dva dijela: prvi dio bavi se biskupovim pomaganjem bugarskih srednjoškolaca i studenata na školovanju u Zagrebu, a drugi bavi se domaćom mladeži koju je biskup financijski pomagao pri školovanju te zakladom koju je osnovao 1874. radi pomaganja siromašnih studenata na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu. Pokušava se dati nacrt slike onih koji su se u drugoj polovici 19. st. uspjeli školovati zahvaljujući financijskoj potpori biskupa Strossmayera.
Hrvati i Bugari. Diplomacija, politika, kultura i znanost, 2024
Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog povodom 30. obljetnice uspostave diplomatskih odnosa... more Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog povodom 30. obljetnice uspostave diplomatskih odnosa između Republike Bugarske i Republike Hrvatske, te 25. obljetnice uspostave znanstvene suradnje između Bugarske akademije znanosti i Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti
Autsajderice ili heroine, prve akademski obrazovane prirodoslovke i matematičarke su prije više o... more Autsajderice ili heroine, prve akademski obrazovane prirodoslovke i matematičarke su prije više od stotinu godina trasirale put visokoškolskoga obrazovanja žena, do tada opterećen dugogodišnjim pogrešnim shvaćanjima i očekivanjima. Svojim izvanrednim postignućima, iz koje god perspektive promatranima, budućim su naraštajima svojih nasljednica otvorile vrata do tada zatvorenog svijeta. I danas, kad je STEM u modi a “žena iz STEM-a” posebno popularna tema, ishodište temeljite preobrazbe hrvatske akademske prirodoslovno-matematičke zajednice kojom se ova knjiga bavi i dalje je u tami i pogled nam ne dopire do žena s kojima je početkom XX. stoljeća ta preobrazba u Hrvatskoj započela.
Prirodoslovci i matematičari. Postanak domaće akademske prirodoslovno-matematičke zajednice u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2017., 2017
Polazište knjige je identifikacija svih 226 studenata koji su od početka sveučilišne nastave prir... more Polazište knjige je identifikacija svih 226 studenata koji su od početka sveučilišne nastave prirodoslovlja i matematike u Hrvatskoj (početak akademske godine 1875./76.) do promjene Sveučilišnoga zakona (kraj akademske godine 1893./94.) na Mudroslovnom fakultetu u Zagrebu upisivali kolegije iz prirodoslovlja i matematike. Identificirani studenti su svrstani u tri kategorije: i) oni koji su povremeno upisivali poneki kolegij iz prirodoslovlja ili matematike (62 studenta), ii) oni koji nisu dovršili studij (59 studenata) te iii) oni koji su dovršili studij (105 studenata). Studentska populacija koju su činili studenti kategorija ii) i iii) (studenti prirodoslovlja i matematike) je potom u prvom dijelu knjige potanko analizirana po različitim parametrima (teritorijalno, vjersko i socijalno podrijetlo, prethodno obrazovanje, dinamika upisa na studij i parametri studiranja). Za studente kategorije i) se na temelju statusa u trenutku upisivanja na Fakultet pokušalo naslutiti razloge koji su ih naveli na slušanje pojedinih kolegija iz prirodoslovlja ili matematike (obuhvaćeno 97% te skupine), a za studente kategorije ii) su rekonstruirane profesionalne karijere u drugim zanimanjima nakon napuštanja studija (obuhvaćeno 84% te skupine). U drugom dijelu knjige su pak detaljno rekonstruirane profesionalne karijere (u Hrvatskoj i u inozemstvu) studenata kategorije iii) (obuhvaćeno 96% te skupine) te je na temelju te rekonstrukcije potanko prikazan proces preobrazbe prirodoslovno-matematičke zajednice u Hrvatskoj krajem XIX. stoljeća.
The book deals with the social and everyday life of students at the University of Zagreb in the p... more The book deals with the social and everyday life of students at the University of Zagreb in the period between the foundation of the university (1874) and the World War I (1914). The research is based on the data gathered from different kinds of published and unpublished sources, such as students’ publications, official files from the Archive of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office of the University of Zagreb, Croatian State Archive and Archive of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, private correspondences, memoirs and contemporary literature of that period. According to the different aspects of students’ social and everyday life, the thesis is divided into ten major chapters. At the beginning, the analysis of students’ personal identification shows that students did not have any permanent elements of their own external identification. Distinguishing student style was a set of informal attributes, with no particularly defined elements. In the next chapter the material conditions of students were studied. The result of the analysis of their social structure has shown that most of the students came from families of civil servants and educated professionals. It has also shown that, within the period in question, there were certain changes in the composition of the student population, which may be observed in the fact that more and more students belonged to the families of peasants and merchants, which suggests mild but persistent evolution. Students’ material expenses were also analyzed. It was concluded that average material expense for a student in Zagreb at the end of the 19th century was between 30 and 35 forint, which included elemental expenses such as fee, accommodation, food and small expenses for education, social life and leisure. The issue of fees and scholarships are also discussed, as well as different kinds of part-time jobs for students and their perception of their own material condition. In close connection with the material conditions are the issues of accommodation and nourishment, which were observed mostly through data acquired from private sources. In the whole period there were no student dorms in Zagreb. According to the prices of private accommodation, Zagreb was equal to Prague, but cheaper than Vienna and some other university centers. Until 1898 there were no student canteens in Zagreb. After the foundation of »Mensa academica« in the year 1898, the problem of nourishment for one part of the student population was resolved. Also, a great number of students were getting meals in different private places (restaurants, private houses etc.). Speaking of education, despite many difficulties with accommodation, libraries, literature and reciprocity of degrees, significant modernization steps were made in this field at three university faculties (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Faculty of Theology). The question of students’ discipline was analyzed at two points because students were subjected to the governance of both the city authorities and academic organs. Here, more than anywhere else, it can be seen how politics influenced students’ lives. The most common student incidents were offences with political background and the majority of culprits received severe penalties from the city and university authorities. Usually they were relegated from the university for several semesters or, in the worst cases, they were expelled. The research of students’ leisure activities showed that they spent their free time in different ways: organizing parties and dances, visiting taverns and bordels, participating in sports activities, traveling, reading, visiting cultural institutions etc. It is also important to mark that their dances and concerts were visited by numerous public and distinguished personas. Equally, students were invited to different public events as they were considered a part of the city’s social elite. Closely intertwined with this chapter is the chapter about student societies. A specific quality of Zagreb students’ societies is that their number and activity were determined by the actual political situation. The number of students’ associations of all kinds (societies founded according to the native land of students, their religion, nationality, occupation) increased when Governor Khuen Héderváry’s era ended. The largest society during this period was Croatian Supporting Academic Society which provided the underprivileged students with financial support. It has to be stressed that almost every social activity of the time had a political background, which was the reason why many of them existed for a very short time. Last chapters of the thesis deal with students’ political and cultural life. Belonging to several political and cultural groups, students loudly protested against the contemporary political and cultural situation bringing brand new ideas to the Croatian public life which served as triggers for numerous processes that had been waiting to happen. Conclusively, it could be stressed that the modernization, as the prevailing characteristic of the period in question, (1874-1914), affected almost every aspect of everyday life of the student body in Zagreb. The effects of this process can be seen in the fields of education, material life, social composition, nourishment, students’ societies etc. It is also clear that a range of contemporary situations in the country, especially the political situation at the time, had influenced students’ everyday and social life. On the other hand, these generations left a significant trace in Croatian public, political and cultural life of the period. Also, after they had finished their studies, they made significant contributions to the political, cultural and scientific development of the country.