Healthy Eating (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jul. 19th, 2005|06:52 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
Even though no one will read this...Hey girls!I'm finally healthy and happy and good. I'm outta the hospital, following my meal plan, and drinking Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha's without any guilt. I gained about 25 pounds, but I look fabulous.So ladies, go get help if you haven't already, even though I've stated that about a million times and no one seems to listen to me.A hospital is a crazy fucking place and recovery is hard as hell. But it's worth it. Words can't express how worth it it is.<3 you girls.
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(no subject) [Apr. 27th, 2005|06:06 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
[**mood** |nostalgicnostalgic]i was looking through old emails and reliving all of this stuff from my past. it was weird and scary. eating things havent really been acting up lately. like i want to be thinner than i am and stuff but im just like whatever i can still look cute. im really tired and im just ready for this school year to be over. im so emotionally drained yet i have so many emotions at the same time. i just want to escape to florida and relax and go to camp. and think about some things. i have a craving to watch Thirteen. i havent watched it in almost a year. i watched it like 10 times in a week when we had it. i hope everyone else is doing well. love, me.
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(no subject) [Mar. 26th, 2005|12:42 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
is bolt not working for anyone else?
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(no subject) [Mar. 22nd, 2005|03:23 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
yeeeeah so. not much going really tired...of everything. i want it to be june 18th with all of my being. because that is the day that i go to camp. and its basically the next day of my life right now.and it scares me that i can wish 2 months 3 weeks and 4 days of my life away. i just hate everything right now.
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wtf [Mar. 2nd, 2005|09:40 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
[**mood** |confusedconfused]is bolt not working for anyone else?i was on it HOURS ago, and it just stopped working out of nowhere.and i haven't been able to get on is it bolt, or is it me?
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hello??? [Feb. 15th, 2005|10:42 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
[**mood** |nerdynerdy]Hi things have been a bit quiet on the community front recently just thought I'd pop a note in and see how everyone was getting on....ok I know we talk on bolt and stuff and I see updates in you journals but it'd be nice to carry on something supportive over here.So just to get the ball rolling - where, honestly, is everyone situated with their EDs at mo?
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(no subject) [Jan. 3rd, 2005|03:04 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
Well, I'm posting! So there you go Sasha < know when you have it niggling in your mind that you want to go back to starving/restricting, you're almost determined to, but you won't because you know now how harmful it is and how it fucks with you but it still won't go away? That's me at the moment. In an incoherent daze of food. Everything revolves around what I am putting in and taking out of my body. I haven't purged sinced yesterday, which is pretty good, but I'm not really trying not to... which is stupid because I should be happy with myself for this, but I feel guilty.blah.i'm rambling.
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(no subject) [Dec. 21st, 2004|05:39 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
[**mood** |lonelylonely]no one posts here anymore. POSTTT!
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me? trigger..? [Dec. 10th, 2004|11:57 am]Bolt HE board regulars
[**mood** |disappointeddisappointed] have caught myself lately feeling for bones.* : (that's not like me.I notice that I'm resting my hands on my hips, but not just resting them...squeezing to feel the knobs of my hip (pelvic)bones. (<<yeah, they're under there. *ha!*) And when I lie down in bed, my hands are sliding up by my solar plexus feeling for ribs. And when I'm in the shower feeling my shoulders and clavicles when I wash. What's my deal? I need to knock that shit off.
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whooopdidooo [Nov. 27th, 2004|06:04 pm]Bolt HE board regulars
[mood** |bouncybouncy] [music** foo fighters - headwires]So after weeks and weeks of practically throwing up everyday I haven't today!!! wooohoo. And ok I know it's just one day but the state I was in the last few days this is a big freaking deal. Pleased I feel determined not to do it tomo either. See lj for more details. BUT I am all for trying to get as healthy and well as possible before I go back home because I dont want the stress of having to deal with my mum panicking over my eating habits and us arguing over christmas not at all!!! Plus I'm sure that like if I could stick to regular healthy meals and stuff and not bp'ing all the time I'd prob even lose a bit of weight. Not that I really need too and I know I shouldn't but its the truth, all the bp'ing does no good whatsoever as just end up consuming far more than should be. *le sigh*. Anyway just thought I'd come and be all happy about lack of purging today. Try to do the same tomo!! Hope everyone else is doing good xxx
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