hedheads - Profile (original) (raw)

on 3 August 2003 (#1228857)

Hedwig & the Angry Inch Fans

This community is for fans of the movie, theatrical production, or soundtrack of the musical:

Hedwig & the Angry Inch.

It is owned, maintained, and moderated by otakudc and starsplattered.

A few rules:

1) Posts should be related to Hedwig in some way or another.

2) Please don't just join and post here to advertise your own community. If it relates to the topic and you also have something else to say, that's fine.

3) If your entry is particularly long or contains many pictures, please use lj-cut for everyone's convenience.

4) Other than that, anything goes! Be respectful of other members and have a gay old time. =)

angry inch, berlin wall, bisexual, crypto homo rockers, drag, drag king, drag queen, drama, east berlin, gay, hedheads, hedwig, jobs we call blow, john cameron mitchell, korean housewives, lesbian, makeup, midnite radio, miriam shor, movies, musicals, nailed, origin of love, plato's symposium, punk rock, rainbow carnage, sex change, stephen trask, straight, sugar daddy, theater, tommy gnosis, tommy speck, transsexuals, transvestites, we are freaks, wig in a box, wigs, william pitt, yitzhak