Reijo Miettinen | University of Helsinki (original) (raw)
Papers by Reijo Miettinen
Climate Change Adaptation and Food Supply Chain Management, 2015
Aikuiskasvatus, 2006
25 vuoden ikään ehtinyt Aikuiskasvatus kysyi kaikilta aikuiskasvatuksen professoreiltamme heidän ... more 25 vuoden ikään ehtinyt Aikuiskasvatus kysyi kaikilta aikuiskasvatuksen professoreiltamme heidän näkemyksiään neljässä asiassa. Kaikkiin ei tarvinnut vastata. Tällaista kysyttiin ja näin vastasivat Yrjö Engeström ja Reijo Miettinen Helsingin yliopistosta, Anneli Eteläpelto Jyväskylän yliopistosta, Jukka Tuomisto ja Juha Suoranta Tampereen yliopistosta, Risto Rinne Turun yliopistosta, Kari E. Nurmi Lapin yliopistosta sekä vt:nä virkaa hoitava Leena Ahteenmäki-Pelkonen Joensuun yliopistosta. Vastausjärjestys on arvottu.
Kasvatus & Aika, 2016
This paper deals with the redefinition of Bildung in the competition state. The recent Anglo-Amer... more This paper deals with the redefinition of Bildung in the competition state. The recent Anglo-American non-metaphysical reading of Hegel finds his theory, first of all, as a political theory that studies the historical-institutional conditions of freedom and self-development of individuals. The paper suggests that it also provides a valuable starting point for the redefinition of Bildung. It introduces four Hegelian concepts that serve the purpose: ethical life (Sittlichkeit), work and finding one’s way in the division of labour, immanent critique as a method of moral reasoning and recognition.
Resilience is nowadays a widely used concept concerning ecological and social-ecological systems,... more Resilience is nowadays a widely used concept concerning ecological and social-ecological systems, with different interpretations. Some definitions of resilience emphasize predictability of the systems in question and the return time after disturbances (”engineering resilience”) but the main emphasis has usually been that these systems are non-linear, containing uncertainties, and surprises. Resilience means the ability to cope with these changes and persist (”ecological resilience”). More recent definitions focus on social-ecological systems (and ”social-ecological resilience”) by emphasizing social aspects, social learning and networks, capacity for renewal and re-organization; that is, ”the capacity to buffer change, learn and develop” (Folke et al 2002). It has been noted that easily either the social side or the ecological side is emphasized and it is challenging to have them working together (Folke 2006). The inclusion of human agency forces us to reconceptualize the concept of resilience. In this reconceptualization concrete means and tools of enhancing resilience are a central challenge. These concrete means of operationalizing resilience are not easy to find in the literature (Cummings et al 2005). In our paper we analyze a case where the aim is to develop a specific tool for enhancing resilience. Agrifood researchers have been operationalising the ecological concept of response diversity (Elmqvist et al., 2003) to be used as one tool in assessing and managing of resilience in agrifood systems. The ecological concept refers to the diversity of responses to disturbance within functional groups, e.g., among species contributing to the same function (Nystŕ’om 2006). We analyze a collaborative study in which a tool and methods enhancing response diversity in barley cultivation in Finland have been developed. The tool is based on empirical assessment on effects of various climate factors on barley cultivars. The aim of the interventionist study is to develop this method forward for specialized tools to be used by breeders and farmers, potentially with other stakeholders of the sector, such as fodder industry, breweries and seed trade. Agrifood researchers, social scientists and barley breeders have participated at the project. We are analyzing meetings where the tool has been developed as well as tensions brought up during the process. The analysis is based on cultural-historical activity theory, and on the concept of re-tooling (Miettinen 2009). The participants are developing potentially tools for enhancing resilience and a ”pidgin” (Galison 1997), that is, an intermediary, operative language that makes the collaboration between partners from different disciplines possible.
Ammattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja, Aug 2, 2021
Elinikäisen oppimisen avaintaidot, eurooppalainen tutkintoviitekehys, osaamisperusteisuus, työelä... more Elinikäisen oppimisen avaintaidot, eurooppalainen tutkintoviitekehys, osaamisperusteisuus, työelämälähtöisyys, yleiset kyvyt, ammatillinen asiantuntemus ja sen tietoperusta
One of the promises of building information modelling is that it will be used during the whole li... more One of the promises of building information modelling is that it will be used during the whole life cycle of a building. However, there are very few studies of the actual uses of BIM and other information systems by facility management and maintenance personnel. The purpose of this study is to clarify the daily tasks of the maintenance personnel, the types of software used in maintenance and how the information is handed on to maintenance. Key persons involved in the maintenance of Kaisa Library, main library of Helsinki University, were interviewed and a member of the maintenance personnel was observed in his work. Results show that an electrical maintenance manual is an essential part of maintenance personnel’s work. University as an owner has been active in developing and interconnecting FM and maintenance tools it has implemented. However, building information models were not linked to these systems. The representatives of facility management found a partial, stepwise integratio...
Science & Technology Studies, 1990
Artikkeli käsittelee sitä, miten sivistyksen käsite tulisi määritellä uudelleen talouden ensisija... more Artikkeli käsittelee sitä, miten sivistyksen käsite tulisi määritellä uudelleen talouden ensisijaisuutta painottavassa kilpailuyhteiskunnassa. Hegelin teoria vapauden ja minän kehityksen historiallis-institutionaalista ehdoista tarjoaa pohjan sivistyksen käsitteen uudelleenmäärittelylle. Artikkelissa esitetään neljä tähän tehtävään soveltuvaa Hegelin käsitettä: eettinen elämä (Sittlichkeit), työ ja oman tien löytäminen työnjaossa, immanentti kritiikki ja tunnustus.
Aikuiskasvatus, 1985
Artikkelissa analysoidaan Valtion koulutuskeskuksessa tapahtunutta henkilöstökouluttajien koulutu... more Artikkelissa analysoidaan Valtion koulutuskeskuksessa tapahtunutta henkilöstökouluttajien koulutusohjelman sisällöllistä kehitystä. Kehitys on tapahtunut erillisistä lyhytkursseista, kognitiivisen kurssididaktiikan kautta työn teoreettiseen tarkasteluun. Koulutustoiminnan lähtökohdiksi ovat tulossa uusi työn käsite ja kehittävä työntutkimus.
Aikuiskasvatus, 2017
Vapaan kansansivistyksen ja työn välinen suhde on ollut aikuiskasvatuksen teorian keskeisiä ongel... more Vapaan kansansivistyksen ja työn välinen suhde on ollut aikuiskasvatuksen teorian keskeisiä ongelmia. Artikkelissa sitä käsitellään G. W. F. Hegelin ja J. V. Snellmanin sivistyskäsitteiden valossa. Niiden näkökulmasta vapaan kansansivistyksen ja työssä tapahtuvan sivistymisen välinen vastakkainasettelu on keinotekoinen. Hegelin näkemys työn, kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja ammatillisten yhdistysten merkityksestä sivistysprosessissa antaa älyllisiä välineitä syventää ja laajentaa työn käsitettä. Dialektinen työkäsite vaatii ylittämään kriittisen teorian vallan analyysin ja työn huononemisen viitekehykset ja tarttumaan työn ja teknologian kehityksen emansipatorisiin mahdollisuuksiin. Aikuiskasvatuksen tutkimuksen on annettava panoksensa uusien demokraattisten työn ja palvelutuotannon mallien kokeiluun ja teoretisointiin.
Journal of Facilities Management, 2018
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the conditions of the building information modellin... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the conditions of the building information modelling (BIM) implementation in facility management (FM) specifically from the point of view of different groups of FM practitioners, and the FM infrastructures already in use. Design/methodology/approach A literature review on the gap between the uses of BIM in design and FM has been done. The key professional groups of FM in the Premises Centre of the City of Helsinki were interviewed on the information tools they use, and the needs and impediments of the BIM implementation in the FM. Cultural–historical activity theory is used as a theoretical framework. Findings The literature discussing the BIM implementation tends to omit the analysis of the existing FM information systems and software tools in use. The challenge in the BIM implementation is in which ways the relevant information included in the BIM models could be integrated with these systems. No well-articulated problems or developmen...
Page 1. PricesTube Book Catelog best deals by efficient search Perspectives On... more Page 1. PricesTube Book Catelog best deals by efficient search Perspectives On Activity Theory (learning In Doing: Social, Cognitive And Computational Perspectives) Author: Yrjö Engeström, Reijo Miettinen, Raija-leena Punamäk Publisher: Cambridge University Press Pages: 480 Published: 1999-01-13 ISBN-10: 052143730X ISBN-13: 9780521437301 Category: Binding: Paperback Edition: Rating: 4 out of 5 by PricesTube List Price: $58.99 USD PricesTube URLS: Compare Prices: ...
Climate Change Adaptation and Food Supply Chain Management, 2015
Aikuiskasvatus, 2006
25 vuoden ikään ehtinyt Aikuiskasvatus kysyi kaikilta aikuiskasvatuksen professoreiltamme heidän ... more 25 vuoden ikään ehtinyt Aikuiskasvatus kysyi kaikilta aikuiskasvatuksen professoreiltamme heidän näkemyksiään neljässä asiassa. Kaikkiin ei tarvinnut vastata. Tällaista kysyttiin ja näin vastasivat Yrjö Engeström ja Reijo Miettinen Helsingin yliopistosta, Anneli Eteläpelto Jyväskylän yliopistosta, Jukka Tuomisto ja Juha Suoranta Tampereen yliopistosta, Risto Rinne Turun yliopistosta, Kari E. Nurmi Lapin yliopistosta sekä vt:nä virkaa hoitava Leena Ahteenmäki-Pelkonen Joensuun yliopistosta. Vastausjärjestys on arvottu.
Kasvatus & Aika, 2016
This paper deals with the redefinition of Bildung in the competition state. The recent Anglo-Amer... more This paper deals with the redefinition of Bildung in the competition state. The recent Anglo-American non-metaphysical reading of Hegel finds his theory, first of all, as a political theory that studies the historical-institutional conditions of freedom and self-development of individuals. The paper suggests that it also provides a valuable starting point for the redefinition of Bildung. It introduces four Hegelian concepts that serve the purpose: ethical life (Sittlichkeit), work and finding one’s way in the division of labour, immanent critique as a method of moral reasoning and recognition.
Resilience is nowadays a widely used concept concerning ecological and social-ecological systems,... more Resilience is nowadays a widely used concept concerning ecological and social-ecological systems, with different interpretations. Some definitions of resilience emphasize predictability of the systems in question and the return time after disturbances (”engineering resilience”) but the main emphasis has usually been that these systems are non-linear, containing uncertainties, and surprises. Resilience means the ability to cope with these changes and persist (”ecological resilience”). More recent definitions focus on social-ecological systems (and ”social-ecological resilience”) by emphasizing social aspects, social learning and networks, capacity for renewal and re-organization; that is, ”the capacity to buffer change, learn and develop” (Folke et al 2002). It has been noted that easily either the social side or the ecological side is emphasized and it is challenging to have them working together (Folke 2006). The inclusion of human agency forces us to reconceptualize the concept of resilience. In this reconceptualization concrete means and tools of enhancing resilience are a central challenge. These concrete means of operationalizing resilience are not easy to find in the literature (Cummings et al 2005). In our paper we analyze a case where the aim is to develop a specific tool for enhancing resilience. Agrifood researchers have been operationalising the ecological concept of response diversity (Elmqvist et al., 2003) to be used as one tool in assessing and managing of resilience in agrifood systems. The ecological concept refers to the diversity of responses to disturbance within functional groups, e.g., among species contributing to the same function (Nystŕ’om 2006). We analyze a collaborative study in which a tool and methods enhancing response diversity in barley cultivation in Finland have been developed. The tool is based on empirical assessment on effects of various climate factors on barley cultivars. The aim of the interventionist study is to develop this method forward for specialized tools to be used by breeders and farmers, potentially with other stakeholders of the sector, such as fodder industry, breweries and seed trade. Agrifood researchers, social scientists and barley breeders have participated at the project. We are analyzing meetings where the tool has been developed as well as tensions brought up during the process. The analysis is based on cultural-historical activity theory, and on the concept of re-tooling (Miettinen 2009). The participants are developing potentially tools for enhancing resilience and a ”pidgin” (Galison 1997), that is, an intermediary, operative language that makes the collaboration between partners from different disciplines possible.
Ammattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja, Aug 2, 2021
Elinikäisen oppimisen avaintaidot, eurooppalainen tutkintoviitekehys, osaamisperusteisuus, työelä... more Elinikäisen oppimisen avaintaidot, eurooppalainen tutkintoviitekehys, osaamisperusteisuus, työelämälähtöisyys, yleiset kyvyt, ammatillinen asiantuntemus ja sen tietoperusta
One of the promises of building information modelling is that it will be used during the whole li... more One of the promises of building information modelling is that it will be used during the whole life cycle of a building. However, there are very few studies of the actual uses of BIM and other information systems by facility management and maintenance personnel. The purpose of this study is to clarify the daily tasks of the maintenance personnel, the types of software used in maintenance and how the information is handed on to maintenance. Key persons involved in the maintenance of Kaisa Library, main library of Helsinki University, were interviewed and a member of the maintenance personnel was observed in his work. Results show that an electrical maintenance manual is an essential part of maintenance personnel’s work. University as an owner has been active in developing and interconnecting FM and maintenance tools it has implemented. However, building information models were not linked to these systems. The representatives of facility management found a partial, stepwise integratio...
Science & Technology Studies, 1990
Artikkeli käsittelee sitä, miten sivistyksen käsite tulisi määritellä uudelleen talouden ensisija... more Artikkeli käsittelee sitä, miten sivistyksen käsite tulisi määritellä uudelleen talouden ensisijaisuutta painottavassa kilpailuyhteiskunnassa. Hegelin teoria vapauden ja minän kehityksen historiallis-institutionaalista ehdoista tarjoaa pohjan sivistyksen käsitteen uudelleenmäärittelylle. Artikkelissa esitetään neljä tähän tehtävään soveltuvaa Hegelin käsitettä: eettinen elämä (Sittlichkeit), työ ja oman tien löytäminen työnjaossa, immanentti kritiikki ja tunnustus.
Aikuiskasvatus, 1985
Artikkelissa analysoidaan Valtion koulutuskeskuksessa tapahtunutta henkilöstökouluttajien koulutu... more Artikkelissa analysoidaan Valtion koulutuskeskuksessa tapahtunutta henkilöstökouluttajien koulutusohjelman sisällöllistä kehitystä. Kehitys on tapahtunut erillisistä lyhytkursseista, kognitiivisen kurssididaktiikan kautta työn teoreettiseen tarkasteluun. Koulutustoiminnan lähtökohdiksi ovat tulossa uusi työn käsite ja kehittävä työntutkimus.
Aikuiskasvatus, 2017
Vapaan kansansivistyksen ja työn välinen suhde on ollut aikuiskasvatuksen teorian keskeisiä ongel... more Vapaan kansansivistyksen ja työn välinen suhde on ollut aikuiskasvatuksen teorian keskeisiä ongelmia. Artikkelissa sitä käsitellään G. W. F. Hegelin ja J. V. Snellmanin sivistyskäsitteiden valossa. Niiden näkökulmasta vapaan kansansivistyksen ja työssä tapahtuvan sivistymisen välinen vastakkainasettelu on keinotekoinen. Hegelin näkemys työn, kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja ammatillisten yhdistysten merkityksestä sivistysprosessissa antaa älyllisiä välineitä syventää ja laajentaa työn käsitettä. Dialektinen työkäsite vaatii ylittämään kriittisen teorian vallan analyysin ja työn huononemisen viitekehykset ja tarttumaan työn ja teknologian kehityksen emansipatorisiin mahdollisuuksiin. Aikuiskasvatuksen tutkimuksen on annettava panoksensa uusien demokraattisten työn ja palvelutuotannon mallien kokeiluun ja teoretisointiin.
Journal of Facilities Management, 2018
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the conditions of the building information modellin... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the conditions of the building information modelling (BIM) implementation in facility management (FM) specifically from the point of view of different groups of FM practitioners, and the FM infrastructures already in use. Design/methodology/approach A literature review on the gap between the uses of BIM in design and FM has been done. The key professional groups of FM in the Premises Centre of the City of Helsinki were interviewed on the information tools they use, and the needs and impediments of the BIM implementation in the FM. Cultural–historical activity theory is used as a theoretical framework. Findings The literature discussing the BIM implementation tends to omit the analysis of the existing FM information systems and software tools in use. The challenge in the BIM implementation is in which ways the relevant information included in the BIM models could be integrated with these systems. No well-articulated problems or developmen...
Page 1. PricesTube Book Catelog best deals by efficient search Perspectives On... more Page 1. PricesTube Book Catelog best deals by efficient search Perspectives On Activity Theory (learning In Doing: Social, Cognitive And Computational Perspectives) Author: Yrjö Engeström, Reijo Miettinen, Raija-leena Punamäk Publisher: Cambridge University Press Pages: 480 Published: 1999-01-13 ISBN-10: 052143730X ISBN-13: 9780521437301 Category: Binding: Paperback Edition: Rating: 4 out of 5 by PricesTube List Price: $58.99 USD PricesTube URLS: Compare Prices: ...
The Nordic welfare states have in the 2000s increasingly been at top of the lists of national com... more The Nordic welfare states have in the 2000s increasingly been at top of the lists of national competitiveness. Among countries Finland has been regarded a model of information society, of high-quality equal education and of systemic innovation policy. The book analyzes the development that led to the emergence of the Finnish ICT sector in the 1990s, to success of the Finnish students in the OECD PISA studies as well the adoption of the National Innovation System approach as a foundation of Finland’s science- and technology policy. The book constructs bridges between political economy, innovation studies, organizational institutionalism and socio-cultural psychology. It develops an approach of studying institutional change and learning based on cultural-historical activity theory and uses it to analyze the emergence and development of the Finnish comprehensive school system. The permanent success of the Finnish students in the PISA studies shows against the neoliberal ideals that a public education system animated by educational equality can produce both excellence and equality with moderate costs. The book outlines a model of an enabling welfare state. It produces personalized capability cultivating services that enable citizens to cope with risks and to meet challenges of rapidly changing labor market. An enabling democratic welfare state fosters local experimentation in collaborative communities and developmental associations. It fosters and coordinates institutional learning across boundaries between public, voluntary and private agents.