Dag Erik Berg | Molde University College (original) (raw)


Books by Dag Erik Berg

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of Caste and Law. Dalits, Oppression and Constitutional Democracy in India (Cambridge University Press, 2020)

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Papers by Dag Erik Berg

Research paper thumbnail of "Foregrounding contingency in caste-based dominance Ambedkar, hegemony, and the Pariah concept" (Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2018, vol. 44 issue 8)

Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2018

This paper focuses on how revolts against caste-based oppression in India have been made invisibl... more This paper focuses on how revolts against caste-based oppression in India have been made invisible due to conceptual legacies in European social and political theory. Weber’s and Arendt’s conceptualization of Pariah agency is a case in point. Arendt’s main understanding of Pariah agency is individualized and inadequate to study freedom struggles among untouchable castes. This article argues that one not only needs to move away from analyzing individual to collective action, but it is also crucial to foreground how collective mobilization among excluded groups has focused on contingencies that embed a system of domination. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s critique of caste-based domination in India is noteworthy in this regard; he foregrounds how the distinction between “Touchables” and “Untouchables” in the caste system is both embedded and contingent. Focusing on untouchability in India, Ambedkar offers insights into hegemonic analyses of social exclusion, human rights articulations before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and add value to current debates in post-foundational thought and transnational analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Race as a political frontier against caste: WCAR, Dalits and India’s foreign policy" (Journal of International Relations and Development)

This article explains why caste has not become part of the international approach to eliminate ra... more This article explains why caste has not become part of the international approach to eliminate racial discrimination by examining a paradigmatic debate in India on the relevance of caste at the 2001 World Conference against Racism in Durban, South Africa (WCAR) and its ‘Review Process’. In 2001, the NGO-led organisation, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, made an attempt to include caste-based discrimination in the Durban Declaration; however, the Government of India prevented this development on the grounds that caste was irrelevant in international law. Caste and race became contested political concepts, and the rationale of the Dalit campaign was challenged. Furthermore, the Indian government’s diplomatic opposition to include caste in the WCAR was consolidated by adopting a strict concept of race to create a political frontier against an international human rights regime. The ‘Durban process’ thus reactivated a hegemonic discourse in India concerning race to avoid international scrutiny of caste discrimination.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Caste, Hierarchy and Race in a World-Historical Perspective: Louis Dumont and his Critique of Max Weber" (Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Karamchedu and the Dalit subject in Andhra Pradesh"

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Research paper thumbnail of Scheduled Castes Policies in Interstate Perspective: Constitutional Power, Argumentative Practices, and Governance in India

India Review, vol 13, no 3, pp. 235-250, Aug 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of "Structural Mechanism, Law, and the Dalit Question in India"

Asian Journal of Law and Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a framework for interstate analysis of policies for the Scheduled Castes in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu: Legal conditions and development policies (2012)

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Research paper thumbnail of Skinner og Hobbes' kunstige suverene person som velordnet suverenitet


Argumentet i denne artikkelen er at Skinners presentasjon av Hobbes' kunstige suverene p... more Argumentet i denne artikkelen er at Skinners presentasjon av Hobbes' kunstige suverene person har bidratt til å tydeliggjøre hvordan Hobbes kobler suverenitet og representasjon. Skinner fremhever at den suverene personens kunstige karakter er avgjørende for Hobbes' teori om ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dalit mellom kaste og demokrati (artikkel i International Politikk, 2009)

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Research paper thumbnail of Sovereignties, the World Conference against Racism 2001 and the Formation of a Dalit Human Rights Campaign

Questions de recherché/Research in Question, Jan 1, 2007

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Newspaper articles by Dag Erik Berg

Research paper thumbnail of "Siviles rettssikkerhet utfordres i Kashmir" (kronikk i Bergens Tidende 4. november 2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Vold og verdighet i Kashmir" (kronikk Vårt Land 9. oktober 2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Ville ikke dø som en hindu." (Om Dr. Ambedkar i Morgenbladet )

Morgenbladet (avis/newspaper), Nov 2, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of "Myter om de kasteløse," kronikk, Vårt Land, 15. okt 2007

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Blog posts by Dag Erik Berg

Research paper thumbnail of Den politiske betydningen av ontologiske motsigelser. Bokomtale til Salongen.no - 17.07.

Salongen.no, 2020

BOKOMTALE: Ernesto Laclau publiserte kjente tekster om hegemoni og populisme, men han utviklet og... more BOKOMTALE: Ernesto Laclau publiserte kjente tekster om hegemoni og populisme, men
han utviklet også en ny tilnærming til begrepet antagonisme der han knyttet an til sentrale
spørsmål i moderne filosofi. Oliver Marcharts nyeste bok Thinking antagonism. Political
ontology after Laclau representerer en grundig analyse av Laclaus filosofiske anliggende og
bidrag innenfor sosial og politisk teori.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Hannah Arendts fornyede aktualitet" Bokomtale av Richard J. Bernsteins Why Read Hannah Arendt Now

Salongen Nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, 2019

INGRESS: Hannah Arendts politiske tenkning er aktuell, og hennes idé var at det kan oppstå lyspun... more INGRESS: Hannah Arendts politiske tenkning er aktuell, og hennes idé var at det kan oppstå lyspunkt selv i problematiske politiske faser der autoritaer politikk utfolder seg. Dette hevder filosofen Richard J. Bernstein, som i sin siste bok forklarer hvorfor Arendt bør leses nå.

Nettside: http://www.salongen.no/15959-2/

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Research paper thumbnail of "Hindu nationalism and caste exclusion in Indian universities"

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Research paper thumbnail of  "Hobbes' kunstige suverene person" - blogginnlegg

Salongen - Nettidsskrift for filosofi og idehistorie, Jan 11, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of "Misnøye beveger ikke verden" Bokomtale av Chantal Mouffe "Agonistics. Thinking the World Politically" (Verso, 2013)

salongen.no, Jan 28, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of Caste and Law. Dalits, Oppression and Constitutional Democracy in India (Cambridge University Press, 2020)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Foregrounding contingency in caste-based dominance Ambedkar, hegemony, and the Pariah concept" (Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2018, vol. 44 issue 8)

Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2018

This paper focuses on how revolts against caste-based oppression in India have been made invisibl... more This paper focuses on how revolts against caste-based oppression in India have been made invisible due to conceptual legacies in European social and political theory. Weber’s and Arendt’s conceptualization of Pariah agency is a case in point. Arendt’s main understanding of Pariah agency is individualized and inadequate to study freedom struggles among untouchable castes. This article argues that one not only needs to move away from analyzing individual to collective action, but it is also crucial to foreground how collective mobilization among excluded groups has focused on contingencies that embed a system of domination. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s critique of caste-based domination in India is noteworthy in this regard; he foregrounds how the distinction between “Touchables” and “Untouchables” in the caste system is both embedded and contingent. Focusing on untouchability in India, Ambedkar offers insights into hegemonic analyses of social exclusion, human rights articulations before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and add value to current debates in post-foundational thought and transnational analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Race as a political frontier against caste: WCAR, Dalits and India’s foreign policy" (Journal of International Relations and Development)

This article explains why caste has not become part of the international approach to eliminate ra... more This article explains why caste has not become part of the international approach to eliminate racial discrimination by examining a paradigmatic debate in India on the relevance of caste at the 2001 World Conference against Racism in Durban, South Africa (WCAR) and its ‘Review Process’. In 2001, the NGO-led organisation, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, made an attempt to include caste-based discrimination in the Durban Declaration; however, the Government of India prevented this development on the grounds that caste was irrelevant in international law. Caste and race became contested political concepts, and the rationale of the Dalit campaign was challenged. Furthermore, the Indian government’s diplomatic opposition to include caste in the WCAR was consolidated by adopting a strict concept of race to create a political frontier against an international human rights regime. The ‘Durban process’ thus reactivated a hegemonic discourse in India concerning race to avoid international scrutiny of caste discrimination.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Caste, Hierarchy and Race in a World-Historical Perspective: Louis Dumont and his Critique of Max Weber" (Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Karamchedu and the Dalit subject in Andhra Pradesh"

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Research paper thumbnail of Scheduled Castes Policies in Interstate Perspective: Constitutional Power, Argumentative Practices, and Governance in India

India Review, vol 13, no 3, pp. 235-250, Aug 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of "Structural Mechanism, Law, and the Dalit Question in India"

Asian Journal of Law and Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a framework for interstate analysis of policies for the Scheduled Castes in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu: Legal conditions and development policies (2012)

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Research paper thumbnail of Skinner og Hobbes' kunstige suverene person som velordnet suverenitet


Argumentet i denne artikkelen er at Skinners presentasjon av Hobbes' kunstige suverene p... more Argumentet i denne artikkelen er at Skinners presentasjon av Hobbes' kunstige suverene person har bidratt til å tydeliggjøre hvordan Hobbes kobler suverenitet og representasjon. Skinner fremhever at den suverene personens kunstige karakter er avgjørende for Hobbes' teori om ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dalit mellom kaste og demokrati (artikkel i International Politikk, 2009)

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Research paper thumbnail of Sovereignties, the World Conference against Racism 2001 and the Formation of a Dalit Human Rights Campaign

Questions de recherché/Research in Question, Jan 1, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of "Siviles rettssikkerhet utfordres i Kashmir" (kronikk i Bergens Tidende 4. november 2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Vold og verdighet i Kashmir" (kronikk Vårt Land 9. oktober 2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Ville ikke dø som en hindu." (Om Dr. Ambedkar i Morgenbladet )

Morgenbladet (avis/newspaper), Nov 2, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of "Myter om de kasteløse," kronikk, Vårt Land, 15. okt 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Den politiske betydningen av ontologiske motsigelser. Bokomtale til Salongen.no - 17.07.

Salongen.no, 2020

BOKOMTALE: Ernesto Laclau publiserte kjente tekster om hegemoni og populisme, men han utviklet og... more BOKOMTALE: Ernesto Laclau publiserte kjente tekster om hegemoni og populisme, men
han utviklet også en ny tilnærming til begrepet antagonisme der han knyttet an til sentrale
spørsmål i moderne filosofi. Oliver Marcharts nyeste bok Thinking antagonism. Political
ontology after Laclau representerer en grundig analyse av Laclaus filosofiske anliggende og
bidrag innenfor sosial og politisk teori.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Hannah Arendts fornyede aktualitet" Bokomtale av Richard J. Bernsteins Why Read Hannah Arendt Now

Salongen Nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, 2019

INGRESS: Hannah Arendts politiske tenkning er aktuell, og hennes idé var at det kan oppstå lyspun... more INGRESS: Hannah Arendts politiske tenkning er aktuell, og hennes idé var at det kan oppstå lyspunkt selv i problematiske politiske faser der autoritaer politikk utfolder seg. Dette hevder filosofen Richard J. Bernstein, som i sin siste bok forklarer hvorfor Arendt bør leses nå.

Nettside: http://www.salongen.no/15959-2/

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Research paper thumbnail of "Hindu nationalism and caste exclusion in Indian universities"

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Research paper thumbnail of  "Hobbes' kunstige suverene person" - blogginnlegg

Salongen - Nettidsskrift for filosofi og idehistorie, Jan 11, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of "Misnøye beveger ikke verden" Bokomtale av Chantal Mouffe "Agonistics. Thinking the World Politically" (Verso, 2013)

salongen.no, Jan 28, 2014

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