historic_slash - Profile (original) (raw)
Welcome to Historic_Slash!
A community to share the love of historical slash. Definition? Same-gender relationships from the beginning of time to 1950.
You're welcome to post anything related to the focus of this community: poetry, fiction, fact, ramblings, writings, website links, pictures, videos... These examples are by no means an exhaustive list of possible content - anything that isn't stated to be against the rules is fair game here.
What IS against the rules: spam that is obviously off-topic, deliberately inflammatory or offensive posts, and anything that goes against LJ's broader terms of service.
Also, please put long passages of text and multiple, large or explicit images under an lj-cut.
NEW RULE: Tag your posts!
The current criteria for tagging are: type of content (fic, art, media, etc.), the historical figures involved, and the era your post pertains to. More detail on tagging in this community can be found here.
It is strongly discouraged to "warn" for slash and/or "yaoi" while posting to this comm. Many people, including your active mod, find it offensive to classify same-gender pairings as something that should automatically be warned for, since such warnings (intentionally or not) represent an attitude of wide-scale stigmatization of such pairings. Moreover, this place is specifically a slash comm, so we already know slash is likely to be in your post. Please don't use this warning here. The only thing you're required to warn for are triggers.
General questions, comments, suggestions and affiliation requests can be made either by PM-ing the maintainer (oudeteron) or by replying to this post.
Community maintained by oudeteron
Slash Cotillion run by istima
abraham lincoln, achilles, alexander hamilton, alexander the great, ancient greece, ancient rome, angelina weld grimke, antinous, apollo, bagoas, bent, bosie, canon slash, dong xian, edward ii, eleanor roosevelt, emperor ai, femslash, fiction, frederick the great, frida kahlo, ganymede, hadrian, hephaestion, historic slash, homoerotica, homoeroticism, hyacinth, james buchanan, james i, john laurens, joshua speed, julius caesar, lady eleanor batler, lord alfred douglas, ludwig ii, mamie burrill, oscar wilde, patroclus, pederasty, piers gaveston, plato, poetry, ruan ji, sacred band of thebes, saint sebastian, sappho, sarah ponsonby, siegfried sassoon, slash, socrates, the classics, three kingdoms, vintage, violet trefusis, virginia woolf, vita sackville-west, walt whitman, wilfred owen, william ii, william king, william rufus, xi kang, zeus