hogwarts_pimps - Profile (original) (raw)
on 3 April 2005 (#6675926)
hogwarts_pimps is a community where we play as characters from Harry Potter- updating about their day, socialising, ranting and all that stuff. The entries aren't totally based around major plot lines of the books, though you can create your own weird, kinky fantasy (and if other people go along with it, then hurrah!).
Note: The time period of the characters are of around Harry Potter 6, 'Half-Blood Prince'. Anybody who has died has been REVIVED (Eg, Sirius, Dumbledore, James, Lilly...). It doesn't focus on anything major that's happened in the books (EG. Voldemort stuff, Umbridge, etc).
1) If you are participating, then REMAIN ACTIVE. That goes along the lines of posting at least once a month, otherwise you’ll be sent an e-mail. If that is ignored, then you will be e-mail with a warning. The maximum you can receive are two due to lack of participation, and if those are ignored, then you’re removed from the community and your place will be available to others.
2) Speaking of warnings, the total amount that somebody can have are
two, that including two warnings you may get about being active. If you have done something that is minor, you’ll only be asked not to do it again. If that’s ignored, you will receive your first warning.
3) Use lj-cuts. It gets annoying having to scroll to the side to read entries, so, please, use an lj-cut. If you don’t know how to, then read this. If you’re still confused, then ask me or somebody else that knows how to use them.
4) If you’re going on holiday somewhere, or you cannot post for more than a month (EG: moving homes, exams, etc), then let me know. That way, you won’t receive e-mails asking you to post, and you won’t have your name listed in the ‘Naughty Book’ for getting a warning :D
5) DO NOT TALK OUT OF CHARACTER. This is a community where you play as a character from Harry Potter; this isn’t where you can discuss the latest Harry Potter book, movies, soundtracks or go on about how amazing Daniel, Emily and Rupert are. If you want to do that, then either talk to someone else or disguise it.
Eg: You can talk about the new Harry Potter book (The Half-Blood Prince) as a book you’ve just picked up, or, as it has been adapted by a few people here, as a new 'Bridget Jones' Diary' novel.
Some people here, at hogwarts_pimps, are good at disguising things. You can refer to your own daily incidents in the terms of your character- emphasising them to best suit the universe of Harry Potter.
6) If you are not part of hogwarts_pimps, then you cannot update. Anon-updating has been removed. However, you can post anonymously, though this feature may be removed soon.
These rules will be applied to the community starting from 20/07/2005. Anything else that has happened before will be ignored (not including lack of participation). Seriously. I’m a nice person, but things can get a little irritating. We’re a small community with a few members; however, things have to be kept in some order.
If you have something to contribute, or would like to point things out, then do so.
Below are the characters that are part of the community:
Black, Sirius:
Journal: siriussnuffles
User: naa_blad
Filch, Argus:
Journal: filch_for_noris
User: Bilawal
Granger, Hermione:
Journal: hermoinepotter
User: cheesequaker
Lovegood, Luna:
Journal: luna_corn
User: Ritu
Lupin, Remus:
Journal: moony_thewolf
User: smugglers_prize
Malfoy, Draco:
Journal: teh_bitch_draco
User: misscassius
Potter, Harry:
Journal: arrypooter
User: itwobbles
Snape, Severus:
Journal: snaperaj
User: daydreamingstar
Tonks, Nymphadora:
Journal: honkytonks
User: Kavita
Weasley, Ron:
Journal: rons_freckles
User: Anu-Chan
Journal: darklordvunit
User: bat_git
All other characters are up for grabs. You can be any character you want! No limitations! From Buckbeak to a boggart in the closet. WHATEVER YOU WANT!
If you wish to take up the role of a character who isn't listed, the contact the moderator with the following information;
Your Livejournal:
Character you want to be:
Contact Mod:
Email: ichbinfishstick@yahoo.co.uk
MSN: ichbinfishstick@hotmail.com
AIM: ichbinfishstick
When/If you get the character you want, create a journal that has the name of that character (so when updating, everyone else is aware who you're updating as). Have an icon of that person, too. 'Cause it looks cool :D
Also, it would be handy if I was able to have a method of contact available (EG: AIM, MSN, constantly used e-mail address).
If you want, link us pimps! It would be appritiated.
HTML: [a href="http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=hogwarts_pimps"] [img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a156/ichbinfishstick2/4ac7e12a.gif"] [/a]
Replace the [] with <>, and you're off!
| | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | Gryffindor is love. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | Hufflepuff is love. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | Slytherin is I really wanna get in your pants so I'll tell you I love you and then only call you again if I'm really horny. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | Ravenclaw is love. | | | | | |
Let's pimp it Hogwarts style *thumbs up*
albus dumbledore, auror, buckbeak, butterbeer, chamber of secrets, chocolate frogs, chudley cannons, cleansweep eleven, dark arts, diagon alley, draco malfoy, dumbledore, dumbledores army, ginny, goblet of fire, gryffindor, hagrid, half-blood prince, harry, harry potter, hedwig, hermione, hermione granger, hogsmead, hogwarts, j k rowling, luna, magic, ministry of magic, nymphadora tonks, order of phoenix, philosopher's stone, pimps, prefect, prizoner of azkaban, quidditch, quills, remus lupin, ron, ron weasley, scar, sirius black, snape, the burrow, tom riddle, voldermort, wands, wizard chess, you-know-who sucks