homos4god - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 July 2002 (#642286)

GBTLQ persons join to: discuss a wide variety of issues, make new friends, be in good company, etc.


Please read all of the rules before posting to the community. Breaking any of the rules will result in being banned from the community immediately.


Respect Others: Trolling, flaming, offensive language and disrespect will not be tolerated. Anyone who stirs up trouble, attacks another member, uses offensive language, or shows disrespect toward another member of the community will be banned immediately.


Stay On-Topic: Posts must be on-topic. Any post that is not on-topic will be deleted. If your posts are frequently off-topic you will be banned. Off-topic posts include advertisements for other communities or for selling something and "add me" posts.


LJ-Cut: In an effort to not overwhelm Friends Pages posts longer than 10 lines must be put under an LJ-Cut. To learn how to use the LJ-Cut visit the LJ-Cut FAQ. Users who do not put their posts longer than 10 lines under an LJ-Cut will be warned to correct the post. If not corrected the post will be deleted. Frequent breaking of this rule will result in being banned.


Images: All images should be on-topic. Users who do not put their images under an LJ-Cut will be warned to correct the post. If not corrected the post will be deleted. Frequent breaking of this rule will result in being banned.


Inappropriate Material: Posts that include pornographic images/videos are not allowed. Any post including pornographic material will be deleted and the user banned immediately.


Please read all the guidelines before posting to the community. The guidelines are in place to make everyones lives a little bit easier. Excessive breaking of the guidelines will result in being banned.


Subject Line: Please include a descriptive subject line in every post.


Tags: Please use the tags so that others can easily find similar posts. A list of tags can be found here.


Respect Privacy: Please respect the privacy of others and do not use names of partners/friends/random strangers unless you have their permission.


Respect Identities: Please respect how people identify. If the poster makes it known that they claim a certain identity or use a specific set of pronouns, it is inappropriate and disrespectful to refer to them using other terms or other pronouns.


Please contact the maintainers if you have any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions for interests and/or tags, or want to make a post anonymously.

moderated membership

activism, affirming churches, anti-homophobia, bi, bible, bible studies, bible study, biblical, bisexual, bisexuality, bisexuals, christ, christian, christianity, christians, church, committed relationships, diversity, faith, gay, gay activisim, gay christian, gay community, gay theology, gays, gender, gender equality, glbt, god, homophobia, homosexual, homosexuality, homosexuals, jesus, jesus christ, lesbian, lesbianism, lesbians, lgbt, lord, love, marriage, men loving men, monogamy, peace, prayer, praying, pride, queer, religion, religious studies, salvation, same sex, same-sex relationships, scripture, scripture study, seeking god, sexual orientation, sexuality, social justice, spirituality, straight, struggle, struggling, support, transgender, transgendered, women, women loving women, ♀♀, ♂♂, ♥.