Patrick Chapon | Horiba - (original) (raw)

Papers by Patrick Chapon

Research paper thumbnail of Process and apparatus for real-time determination of a solid sample composition as a function of the depth within the sample

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural and electrical properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited at low substrate temperature by RF-PECVD

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Research paper thumbnail of µc-Si1-xCx:H deposited by RF-PECVD: a novel material for PV applications

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Research paper thumbnail of WITHDRAWN: On the response of Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys to a Nitron-100 treatment

Thin Solid Films, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of La spectroscopie de décharge luminescente à détection optique comme technique de spéciation du solide : potentiel et limitations

RÉSUMÉ La Spectroscopie de Décharge Luminescente (SDL) à détection optique est une technique rapi... more RÉSUMÉ La Spectroscopie de Décharge Luminescente (SDL) à détection optique est une technique rapide et fi able pour l'analyse élémentaire des solides. Le potentiel de la SDL à détection optique comme technique de spéciation du solide a été évalué dans le contexte de la mise en place de nouvelles législations européennes (RoHS ou directive 2000/53 sur les véhicules en fi n de vie) mettant en avant la dangerosité de certaines espèces chimiques. Les informations de spéciation accessibles en SDL étant dépendantes de la détermination de la concentration en oxygène, une amélioration du processus de détection et de quantifi cation de la SDL pour les éléments légers a été entreprise. Des résultats illustrant le potentiel ainsi que les limitations de la méthode sont présentés dans cet article. MOTS-CLÉS Méthodologie analytique, SDL, spéciation, analyse des éléments légers The Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy as a speciation technique : potential and limitations SUMMARY Glow D...

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Research paper thumbnail of Antibacterial porous hydroxyapatite nanostructures for the treatment of polluted water obtained by thermal evaporation technique

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Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensional depth profile analysis of oxide layers by plasma profiling techniques: GD-OES and PP-TOFMS

Oxide-based Materials and Devices IV, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Surfaces, Thin Films and Coatings

Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Antimicrobial Activity of Thin Solid Films of Silver Doped Hydroxyapatite Prepared by Sol-Gel Method

The Scientific World Journal, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited by Radio Frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition: Effect of microcrystalline silicon seed layer and methane flow rate

ABSTRACT Hydrogenated silicon-carbon thin films were deposited by Radio Frequency Plasma Enhanced... more ABSTRACT Hydrogenated silicon-carbon thin films were deposited by Radio Frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition using silane-methane gas mixtures highly diluted in hydrogen. The effects of the presence of a microcrystalline silicon seed layer and of the methane flow rate during deposition were investigated in order to find the optimal conditions for microcrystalline growth. The presence of a seed layer promotes the amorphous to microcrystalline transition at the interface with the substrate, reducing the incubation layer to a 5-10 nm thickness. At the same time, an excessive increase in the CH4 flow rate suppresses crystalline growth, leading to extremely flat amorphous samples (root-mean-square surface roughness ρRMS ∼ 0.5 nm), even with a seed layer. The total carbon content was measured by Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy. It was found that carbon is only incorporated in the amorphous tissue, and not in the crystalline phase. Thus, the increase of the crystalline fraction, directly linked to the increase of the seed layer deposition time, leads to a decrease of the carbon incorporation in the subsequent layer.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sputter depth profiling of Mo/B4C/Si and Mo/Si multilayer nanostructures: A round-robin characterization by different techniques

Thin Solid Films, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis and energy modelling studies of titanium oxy-nitride films as energy efficient glazing

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Low temperature hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited by RF-PECVD

physica status solidi (c), 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of thin impurity doped layers in anodic alumina and anodic tantala films by glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Transactions of the IMF, 2010

ABSTRACT The performance of a newly developed pulsed RF glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectr... more ABSTRACT The performance of a newly developed pulsed RF glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometer (GD TOFMS) in analysis of elemental distributions of impurity species, particularly Cr, B, P, Cl and Cu in anodic film on aluminium and beneath the anodic alumina/aluminium interface and P, B, Cr and H in anodic film on tantalum and beneath the anodic tantala/tantalum interface, with high resolution is presented. The orthogonal TOFMS combined with an appropriate acquisition system enables monitoring of ion signals within the glow discharge period, i.e. during the RF pulse, and within following afterglow, where signals of high intensity, resulting from Penning ionisation, are observed. It was found that GD TOFMS profiling is an extremely powerful and reliable technique for depth profiling analysis that is confirmed from the depth distribution of impurities in the thin, non-conducting, anodic oxide films. The developed configuration allows analysis of layers as thin as 2 nm thickness that are enriched with both positive and negative ions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mutual electrosurface transfer and phase formation at the MeWO4|WO3 (Me = Ca, Sr, Ba) interface: Electron microscopy data

Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2011

ABSTRACT Experiments on solid-phase electrosurface migration through formally inert eutectic WO3|... more ABSTRACT Experiments on solid-phase electrosurface migration through formally inert eutectic WO3|MeWO4 interfaces in symmetric electrochemical cells such as Pt|WO3|MeWO4|WO3|Pt are performed. It is shown that the most significant changes occur at the “cathode” interface (−)Pt|WO3|MeWO4|, where counter electrosurface drawing of WO3 to the inner surface of MeWO4 ceramics (with the formation of two-phase distributed composite WO3|MeWO4) and a much smaller flow of Me2+ components to the WO3 ceramics depth are observed. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed the formation of nano- and microscale objects of various shape in grain boundaries’ regions, among which well-faceted nanoobjects shaped as ribbons and rods from a few to hundreds of nanometers thick are noticeable. The Ca and Sr contents in WO 3(−) cathode pellets after experiments in cells are determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive analysis, and depth profiling using glow-discharge spectrometry. The data obtained are interpreted based on the concepts of solid-phase electrocapillarity (WO3 migration) and electrochemical intercalation of Me into the WO3 structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of 18O distributions in porous anodic alumina by plasma profiling time-of-flight mass spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2012

ABSTRACT A comparison is made between plasma profiling time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (PP‐TOFMS... more ABSTRACT A comparison is made between plasma profiling time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (PP‐TOFMS) and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) for depth profiling of 18O tracer in porous anodic oxide films on aluminum. The films were formed galvanostatically, for a range of times, using phosphoric acid electrolytes that were either enriched in 18O or of the natural isotopic concentration. The morphologies of the films were determined by electron microscopy. The findings from PP‐TOFMS and NRA reveal a partitioning of the tracer between the surface regions and buried layers of the films. However, a relatively high background of 16O in PP‐TOFMS prevents a reliable quantification of the concentration of 18O. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation of 18O- and 16O-rich layers in anodic alumina films by glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectroscopy

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2010

ABSTRACT The performance of glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry in isotopic different... more ABSTRACT The performance of glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry in isotopic differentiation is revealed using the distribution of oxygen isotopes 16O and 18O in barrier-type anodic alumina films as a focus. Anodic alumina films comprising 18O-rich layers of controlled thickness were formed by the appropriate combination of anodising of superpure aluminium in electrolytes enriched with 18O isotopes and of natural abundance of 18O isotopes. Analysis of the elemental depth profiles of selected ionic species, i.e. 16O18O, allowed determination of the locations of the 18O-rich layers and the 18O/16O interface. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface topography effects on glow discharge depth profiling analysis

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2010

ABSTRACT Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) has been shown to be of immense va... more ABSTRACT Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) has been shown to be of immense value in elemental depth profiling of thin or thick films on conductive or non-conductive substrates. For aluminium, GD-OES has been employed to examine locations of markers and tracers in anodic films, thereby assisting understanding of transport phenomena. In order to investigate the influence of surface topography on depth profiling analysis, anodic aluminium oxide films of various thicknesses, with incorporated electrolyte species, were produced on superpure aluminium substrates of controlled roughnesses. The distributions of incorporated species in the films were subsequently probed. Surface topography modifications and consequent depth resolution degradation were examined during depth profiling analysis performed by GD-OES. The results reveal that the sputtering process leads to the roughening or smoothing of the surface topography of the specimen for a ratio of the film thickness to the amplitude of the substrate texture less, or greater, than 1 respectively. As a consequence of the surface topography dependence of the ion bombardment, analysis of thin films over rough surfaces suffers from depth resolution limitations due to sputtering-induced topography changes, thereby limiting quantification of the resultant spectra. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of 18 O/ 16 O isotopic separation in anodic tantala films by glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2009

ABSTRACT Glow discharge mass spectrometry has been widely used for trace and ultra-trace element ... more ABSTRACT Glow discharge mass spectrometry has been widely used for trace and ultra-trace element analysis of high-purity alloys. A novel pulsed radio frequency glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometer (rf GD TOFMS) has been developed that retains the pulsed radio frequency analytical ion source to provide ion signal enhancement due to processes involving Penning ionisation. A time-resolved detection mode has been implemented to sample the afterglow regime of the pulse profile, corresponding to the highest ion signal intensities. Here, the performance of rf GD TOFMS in isotope differentiation is discussed. Anodic tantala films, comprising 18O-rich layers of controlled thicknesses and locations, were formed by appropriate combination of anodising of tantalum in electrolytes enriched with 18O isotopes and of natural O isotopic abundance. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and radio frequency glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (rf GD OES) analyses were performed to examine the morphology and elemental distributions of the specimens, while the content of 18O in the 18O-rich layers was determined by elastic recoil detection analysis(ERDA). In pulsed rf GD TOFMS analysis, characteristic ionic species formed in the glow discharge allows differentiation of 18O-rich layers. Particularly, the location of 18O-rich layers was determined from the 16O18O and Ta18O ion signals at masses m/z 34 and 199, respectively. The locations of 18O-rich layers in anodic films, controlled by the selected anodising conditions, were probed precisely. The 18O profiles in anodic tantala were directly compared with those obtained by dual beam time-of-flight SIMS. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of Process and apparatus for real-time determination of a solid sample composition as a function of the depth within the sample

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural and electrical properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited at low substrate temperature by RF-PECVD

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Research paper thumbnail of µc-Si1-xCx:H deposited by RF-PECVD: a novel material for PV applications

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Research paper thumbnail of WITHDRAWN: On the response of Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys to a Nitron-100 treatment

Thin Solid Films, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of La spectroscopie de décharge luminescente à détection optique comme technique de spéciation du solide : potentiel et limitations

RÉSUMÉ La Spectroscopie de Décharge Luminescente (SDL) à détection optique est une technique rapi... more RÉSUMÉ La Spectroscopie de Décharge Luminescente (SDL) à détection optique est une technique rapide et fi able pour l'analyse élémentaire des solides. Le potentiel de la SDL à détection optique comme technique de spéciation du solide a été évalué dans le contexte de la mise en place de nouvelles législations européennes (RoHS ou directive 2000/53 sur les véhicules en fi n de vie) mettant en avant la dangerosité de certaines espèces chimiques. Les informations de spéciation accessibles en SDL étant dépendantes de la détermination de la concentration en oxygène, une amélioration du processus de détection et de quantifi cation de la SDL pour les éléments légers a été entreprise. Des résultats illustrant le potentiel ainsi que les limitations de la méthode sont présentés dans cet article. MOTS-CLÉS Méthodologie analytique, SDL, spéciation, analyse des éléments légers The Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy as a speciation technique : potential and limitations SUMMARY Glow D...

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Research paper thumbnail of Antibacterial porous hydroxyapatite nanostructures for the treatment of polluted water obtained by thermal evaporation technique

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Research paper thumbnail of Multidimensional depth profile analysis of oxide layers by plasma profiling techniques: GD-OES and PP-TOFMS

Oxide-based Materials and Devices IV, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Surfaces, Thin Films and Coatings

Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Antimicrobial Activity of Thin Solid Films of Silver Doped Hydroxyapatite Prepared by Sol-Gel Method

The Scientific World Journal, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited by Radio Frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition: Effect of microcrystalline silicon seed layer and methane flow rate

ABSTRACT Hydrogenated silicon-carbon thin films were deposited by Radio Frequency Plasma Enhanced... more ABSTRACT Hydrogenated silicon-carbon thin films were deposited by Radio Frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition using silane-methane gas mixtures highly diluted in hydrogen. The effects of the presence of a microcrystalline silicon seed layer and of the methane flow rate during deposition were investigated in order to find the optimal conditions for microcrystalline growth. The presence of a seed layer promotes the amorphous to microcrystalline transition at the interface with the substrate, reducing the incubation layer to a 5-10 nm thickness. At the same time, an excessive increase in the CH4 flow rate suppresses crystalline growth, leading to extremely flat amorphous samples (root-mean-square surface roughness ρRMS ∼ 0.5 nm), even with a seed layer. The total carbon content was measured by Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy. It was found that carbon is only incorporated in the amorphous tissue, and not in the crystalline phase. Thus, the increase of the crystalline fraction, directly linked to the increase of the seed layer deposition time, leads to a decrease of the carbon incorporation in the subsequent layer.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sputter depth profiling of Mo/B4C/Si and Mo/Si multilayer nanostructures: A round-robin characterization by different techniques

Thin Solid Films, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis and energy modelling studies of titanium oxy-nitride films as energy efficient glazing

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Low temperature hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited by RF-PECVD

physica status solidi (c), 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of thin impurity doped layers in anodic alumina and anodic tantala films by glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Transactions of the IMF, 2010

ABSTRACT The performance of a newly developed pulsed RF glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectr... more ABSTRACT The performance of a newly developed pulsed RF glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometer (GD TOFMS) in analysis of elemental distributions of impurity species, particularly Cr, B, P, Cl and Cu in anodic film on aluminium and beneath the anodic alumina/aluminium interface and P, B, Cr and H in anodic film on tantalum and beneath the anodic tantala/tantalum interface, with high resolution is presented. The orthogonal TOFMS combined with an appropriate acquisition system enables monitoring of ion signals within the glow discharge period, i.e. during the RF pulse, and within following afterglow, where signals of high intensity, resulting from Penning ionisation, are observed. It was found that GD TOFMS profiling is an extremely powerful and reliable technique for depth profiling analysis that is confirmed from the depth distribution of impurities in the thin, non-conducting, anodic oxide films. The developed configuration allows analysis of layers as thin as 2 nm thickness that are enriched with both positive and negative ions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mutual electrosurface transfer and phase formation at the MeWO4|WO3 (Me = Ca, Sr, Ba) interface: Electron microscopy data

Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2011

ABSTRACT Experiments on solid-phase electrosurface migration through formally inert eutectic WO3|... more ABSTRACT Experiments on solid-phase electrosurface migration through formally inert eutectic WO3|MeWO4 interfaces in symmetric electrochemical cells such as Pt|WO3|MeWO4|WO3|Pt are performed. It is shown that the most significant changes occur at the “cathode” interface (−)Pt|WO3|MeWO4|, where counter electrosurface drawing of WO3 to the inner surface of MeWO4 ceramics (with the formation of two-phase distributed composite WO3|MeWO4) and a much smaller flow of Me2+ components to the WO3 ceramics depth are observed. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed the formation of nano- and microscale objects of various shape in grain boundaries’ regions, among which well-faceted nanoobjects shaped as ribbons and rods from a few to hundreds of nanometers thick are noticeable. The Ca and Sr contents in WO 3(−) cathode pellets after experiments in cells are determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive analysis, and depth profiling using glow-discharge spectrometry. The data obtained are interpreted based on the concepts of solid-phase electrocapillarity (WO3 migration) and electrochemical intercalation of Me into the WO3 structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of 18O distributions in porous anodic alumina by plasma profiling time-of-flight mass spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2012

ABSTRACT A comparison is made between plasma profiling time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (PP‐TOFMS... more ABSTRACT A comparison is made between plasma profiling time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (PP‐TOFMS) and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) for depth profiling of 18O tracer in porous anodic oxide films on aluminum. The films were formed galvanostatically, for a range of times, using phosphoric acid electrolytes that were either enriched in 18O or of the natural isotopic concentration. The morphologies of the films were determined by electron microscopy. The findings from PP‐TOFMS and NRA reveal a partitioning of the tracer between the surface regions and buried layers of the films. However, a relatively high background of 16O in PP‐TOFMS prevents a reliable quantification of the concentration of 18O. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation of 18O- and 16O-rich layers in anodic alumina films by glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectroscopy

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2010

ABSTRACT The performance of glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry in isotopic different... more ABSTRACT The performance of glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry in isotopic differentiation is revealed using the distribution of oxygen isotopes 16O and 18O in barrier-type anodic alumina films as a focus. Anodic alumina films comprising 18O-rich layers of controlled thickness were formed by the appropriate combination of anodising of superpure aluminium in electrolytes enriched with 18O isotopes and of natural abundance of 18O isotopes. Analysis of the elemental depth profiles of selected ionic species, i.e. 16O18O, allowed determination of the locations of the 18O-rich layers and the 18O/16O interface. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface topography effects on glow discharge depth profiling analysis

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2010

ABSTRACT Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) has been shown to be of immense va... more ABSTRACT Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) has been shown to be of immense value in elemental depth profiling of thin or thick films on conductive or non-conductive substrates. For aluminium, GD-OES has been employed to examine locations of markers and tracers in anodic films, thereby assisting understanding of transport phenomena. In order to investigate the influence of surface topography on depth profiling analysis, anodic aluminium oxide films of various thicknesses, with incorporated electrolyte species, were produced on superpure aluminium substrates of controlled roughnesses. The distributions of incorporated species in the films were subsequently probed. Surface topography modifications and consequent depth resolution degradation were examined during depth profiling analysis performed by GD-OES. The results reveal that the sputtering process leads to the roughening or smoothing of the surface topography of the specimen for a ratio of the film thickness to the amplitude of the substrate texture less, or greater, than 1 respectively. As a consequence of the surface topography dependence of the ion bombardment, analysis of thin films over rough surfaces suffers from depth resolution limitations due to sputtering-induced topography changes, thereby limiting quantification of the resultant spectra. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of 18 O/ 16 O isotopic separation in anodic tantala films by glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Surface and Interface Analysis, 2009

ABSTRACT Glow discharge mass spectrometry has been widely used for trace and ultra-trace element ... more ABSTRACT Glow discharge mass spectrometry has been widely used for trace and ultra-trace element analysis of high-purity alloys. A novel pulsed radio frequency glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometer (rf GD TOFMS) has been developed that retains the pulsed radio frequency analytical ion source to provide ion signal enhancement due to processes involving Penning ionisation. A time-resolved detection mode has been implemented to sample the afterglow regime of the pulse profile, corresponding to the highest ion signal intensities. Here, the performance of rf GD TOFMS in isotope differentiation is discussed. Anodic tantala films, comprising 18O-rich layers of controlled thicknesses and locations, were formed by appropriate combination of anodising of tantalum in electrolytes enriched with 18O isotopes and of natural O isotopic abundance. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and radio frequency glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (rf GD OES) analyses were performed to examine the morphology and elemental distributions of the specimens, while the content of 18O in the 18O-rich layers was determined by elastic recoil detection analysis(ERDA). In pulsed rf GD TOFMS analysis, characteristic ionic species formed in the glow discharge allows differentiation of 18O-rich layers. Particularly, the location of 18O-rich layers was determined from the 16O18O and Ta18O ion signals at masses m/z 34 and 199, respectively. The locations of 18O-rich layers in anodic films, controlled by the selected anodising conditions, were probed precisely. The 18O profiles in anodic tantala were directly compared with those obtained by dual beam time-of-flight SIMS. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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