hp_rpg_mods - Profile (original) (raw)

on 25 January 2006 (#9351255)

Mods of Harry Potter RPGs

Welcome to hp_rpg_mods, a community for the admins and moderators of Harry Potter/Potterverse RPGs. Here you can ask questions, seek advice, and more about HP RPGs.

This is not a community devoted to promoting your community. Mentioning it once in the context of a post is fine - whole posts dedicated solely to ads, or mentions more times than is needed is not.

Just a few simple rules before you post here:
+ This community is for mods and admins of Harry Potter/Potterverse RPGs only. When you make your introductory post, be sure to link to your game.
+ Don't name names. You can rant all you want, just keep things anon.
+ Don't spam the comm with ads for your game. Mentioning it in the context of a post is okay, more than that is not.
+ Read the rules and agree to them? Start your first post with Expecto patronum

beauxbatons, charms, durmstrang, gryffindor, half-blood prince, harry potter, harry potter rpgs, history of magic, hufflepuff, magic, potions, potterverse, potterverse rpgs, quidditch, ravenclaw, role playing, role plays, role-playing, role-plays, rpgs, rping, slytherin, transfiguration