Andar I Nurlatifah | Iain Salatiga (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Andar I Nurlatifah

Research paper thumbnail of Mengenal Defence Mechanism di Kalangan Mahasiswa.pdf

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bimbingan dan Konseling di Perguruan Tinggi, 2018

Defense mechanism is normal reaction showed by college students to overcome anxiety arising from ... more Defense mechanism is normal reaction showed by college students to overcome anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli or to protect their self-concept from external threats. The technique used may be withdrawal techniques to avoid or reject the source of anxiety, as well as capitulative techniques to remain on the source of the anxiety by making changes as necessary. Most defence mechanism are fairly unconsious. Any form of it may result in healthy or unhealthy consequences depending on the kind of form and the intensity of its use. Healthy college students normally use different defence mechanism throughout their life. It becomes pathological when its persistent use leads to maladaptive behaviour. The relationship between defense mechanism and counseling process is illustrated by the triangle of conflics and the triangle of person theory by Malan. Overall, defense mechanism is useful in assessment and treatments process. With that information, counselor will be able to help the college students to find the main problem they have in order to deal with it thoroughly.

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Empati Konselor/Guru BK dalam Penanganan Bullying di Sekolah

This article is a literature study of bullying at schools, mental health of victim, pure-bully, b... more This article is a literature study of bullying at schools, mental health of victim, pure-bully, bully-victim, reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying, and the urgency of school counselor’s empathic understanding in dealing bullying at school. The finding is that bullying often occurs at schools. Being victims, pure-bully, bully-victim, reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying disturbs mental health’s homeostatis. Victims are at risk of physiological disorders, cognitive distortions, and over sensitiveness to stimulant. Pure bully, if not stopped, may do bullying in wider scope and in higher level of risk than before. Reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying at school is susceptible to anxiety and paranoia for feeling insecure. School counselors’ emphatic understanding is a necessary in helping victims, pure-bully, bully-victim, reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying at school. The ability of perspective taking and fantasy help school counselors to empathize about their cognitive aspects while emotional concern and personal distress help school counselors to empathize about affective aspects of them. Intrinsic changing of the cognitive and affective aspects in empathy will affect the way school counselors communicate, both verbally and nonverbally. Finally, the accordance of cognitive, affective, and conative aspects between counselors and counselee will lead to good rapport in counseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Kecerdasan Emosional bagi Konselor Sekolah: Telaah atas Tulisan Ackerman dan Shelton dalam Practitioner's Perspective on School Counseling and Emotional Intelligence

Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2018 "Etika dan Profesi Konselor di Indonesia", UNJ, 2 Februari 2018, Feb 2, 2018

Tulisan ini merupakan telaah atas tulisan Ackerman dan Shelton yang berjudul “Practitioner’s Pers... more Tulisan ini merupakan telaah atas tulisan Ackerman dan Shelton yang berjudul “Practitioner’s Perspective on School Counseling and Emotional Intelligence” yang mengangkat pentingnya keterampilan leadership, advocacy, colaboration and teaming, dan systemic change agar konselor dapat menjawab evolusi peran profesinya sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Untuk menjalankan peran tersebut, konselor membutuhkan kecerdasan emosional berupa keterampilan perceiving, facilitating, understanding, dan managing. Kecerdasan emosional tersebut bergerak dalam dimensi kesadaran diri, pengelolaan diri, kesadaran sosial, dan pengelolaan relasi. Adanya kesatuan hal tersebut dalam diri konselor sekolah akan dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan bimbingan dan konseling sehingga konselor dapat membantu konseli agar konseli dapat memahami, menerima, mengarahkan, dan mengaktualisasikan dirinya secara efektif dan efisien.

Papers by Andar I Nurlatifah


Jurnal Ilmiah ATSAR Kuningan, 2022

NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul; SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i. (2022). Aplikasi Pemodelan Rasch pada Skala Pe... more NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul; SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i. (2022). Aplikasi Pemodelan Rasch pada Skala Pemaafan. Jurnal Ilmiah ATSAR Kuningan, v. 2, n. 1, p. 20-31.Available at:

Karena pemaafan merupakan salah satu nilai kebajikan yang penting bagi mahasiswa, maka diperlukan penelitian untuk mengukur pemaafan bagi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen Skala Pemaafan yang untuk digunakan untuk mengukur pemaafan (forgiveness) dari segi subaspek motivasional. Skala Pemaafan diadaptasi dari Transgression-Related Inventory of Motivations (TRIM) yang ditandai dengan adanya lessen revenge motivation, lessen avoidance motivation, dan benevolence motivation. Data dari uji coba intrumen yang melibatkan 482 partisipan dianalisis menggunakan model Rasch melalui program Winsteps®. Eliminasi outlier dan item misfit dilakukan dalam tiga tahap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reliabilitas itemperson (KR-20) tergolong excellent; sedangkan reliabilitas item, reliabilitas person, separasi item, separasi person, dan daya beda item tergolong sangat bagus. Secara umum Skala Pemaafan memenuhi syarat unidimensionalitas dengan sangat bagus karena mampu menjelaskan sebanyak 60,7% varian yang muncul pada sub aspek motivasional pemaafan partisipan. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pengukuran pemaafan dari aspek/subaspek lain agar dapat mengukur pemaafan secara lebih komprehensif.


Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam, [S.l.], 5 (1), 2023

SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i; NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifzatul; FAWZY, Rahmat. PARADIGMA PENGEMBANGAN BIMBINGAN... more SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i; NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifzatul; FAWZY, Rahmat. PARADIGMA PENGEMBANGAN BIMBINGAN PENYULUHAN ISLAM PERSPEKTIF DAKWAH. Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 30-63, june 2023. ISSN 2685-4481. Available at:

This study aims to describe the paradigm of developing Islamic counseling guidance in the perspective of da'wah. Islamic Counseling Guidance is a process of changing behavior that is carried out through the dissemination of information, communication, motivation, counseling, education, facilitation and advocacy both orally, in writing and in practice in order to develop knowledge, attitudes and behavior of target community groups so that they know, are motivated and are able to understand, carry out the teachings of Islam correctly while at the same time have concern and active participation in the development of the social or religious field by using the language or teachings of the religion of Islam. The type of research used is library research with a descriptive qualitative research design, in order to obtain comprehensive research results regarding Islamic counseling guidance. The results of the study show that the paradigm of developing Islamic counseling guidance in the perspective of da'wah can be identified based on understanding, duties and functions, materials, strategies and methods, profession, and competency standards of Islamic religious instructors. These six findings can be used as a basis for Islamic religious instructors in carrying out their professional duties, so as to create optimal Islamic counseling guidance services.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogik/Ilmu Mendidik dalam Perspektif Guru Mata Pelajaran dan Guru BK

Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2023

Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2023). Pedagogik/Ilmu Mendidik dalam Perspektif Guru Mapel dan Gur... more Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2023). Pedagogik/Ilmu Mendidik dalam Perspektif Guru Mapel dan Guru BK. Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 5(1), 1-16. Retrieved from

This descriptive qualitative study aims to describe the meaning of pedagogic from the perspective of subject teachers and guidance and counseling teachers. Primary data related to the meaning of the teaching profession, pedagogical practices, and students were obtained through interviews with teachers at two State Junior High School in Temanggung. Data triangulation was carried out by interviewing students and observing the academic culture at school. The results show that the teacher's view of pedagogy is in accordance with the concepts of tarbiyah, ta'dib, ta'lim, and tadrib according to Athhiyah al Abrasyi and the concept of changing culture to support the educational process according to Benitez.


Mushawwir Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah Dan Filantropi Islam, 2024

Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2024). MENCAPAI KEDAMAIAN PERKAWINAN SEBAGAI REPRESENTASI KEBERHAS... more Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2024). MENCAPAI KEDAMAIAN PERKAWINAN SEBAGAI REPRESENTASI KEBERHASILAN DAKWAH DALAM KELUARGA. Mushawwir Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah Dan Filantropi Islam, 2(1), 41-49. Retrieved from

Keluarga merupakan amanah utama yang perlu dijaga sebagai titipan yang Allah berikan. Dakwah dalam keluarga menjadi tantangan tersendiri dalam mengamalkan pemahaman agama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pencapaian kedamaian dalam perkawinan sebagai representasi keberhasilan dakwah dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi literatur dengan analisis konten. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa pencapaian kedamaian menjadi indikasi dalam keberhasilan dakwah yang dilakukan di dalam keluarga dengan memaknai berbagai fungsi di dalam keluarga di dalam sebuah perkawinan. Adapun fungsi dalam keluarga mencakup pada dua belas fungsi yang antara satu dengan yang lainnya saling terkait. Hal ini berimplikasi pada konseptual fungsi keluarga sebagai upaya konstruks dakwah di dalam keluarga.

Research paper thumbnail of Forgiveness among Javanese Ethnic Students: A Mountainous, Highland, Lowland, and Coastal Culture Background Comparison

JOMSIGN: Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling, 2020

It has been repeatedly documented in the scientific literature that culture plays an important ro... more It has been repeatedly documented in the scientific literature that culture plays an important role in forgiveness. However, research of mountainous, highland, lowland and coastal culture related to forgiveness was rare. The goal of this study was to describe the comparison of forgiveness among Javanese ethnic students who had been raised in mountainous, highland, lowland, and coastal culture background. Forgiveness Scale developed to obtain the data was adapted from TRIM and has been tested for its reliability and validity using the Rasch model. Descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis (H) test, and Mann-Whitney (U) posthoc test were used to analyze the data. The result showed an insignificant difference in forgiveness but showed a significant difference in lessen-avoidance motivation. This finding had practical implications in multicultural counselling, especially in promoting forgiveness to various counselees. For a more comprehensive understanding, further research in forgiveness ...

Research paper thumbnail of Intervensi Program Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Mengatasi Bullying Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Salatiga

KONSELING EDUKASI "Journal of Guidance and Counseling", 2019

The Intervention Of Guidance And Counseling Program to Overcome The Bullying Of MAN Salatiga Stud... more The Intervention Of Guidance And Counseling Program to Overcome The Bullying Of MAN Salatiga Students. This article a mixed method research with concurrent triangulation design to examine (1) the phenomenon of bullying at MAN Salatiga, (2) the guidance and counseling intervention to deal with bullying at MAN Salatiga, and (3) the ideal guidance and counseling program to overcome bullying at MAN Salatiga. Scale delivered to 157 respondents to measure students’ understanding and involvement in bullying. Interviews with students, guidance and counseling teachers, and FGD followed by lecturers and counselors used to collect information about bullying and bullying intervention. The results of the study revealed that students’ understanding of the concept of bullying is 73.41%, 44.76% students involved in bullying as witness; 34.13% as victim; and 34.25% as bully. There are differences between men and women in understanding of bullying concept and the involvement in bullying. The guidance...

Research paper thumbnail of Media Audio Dalam Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah

Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, 2018

Nurlatifah, Andar Ifazatul. (2018). Media Audio dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah... more Nurlatifah, Andar Ifazatul. (2018). Media Audio dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah. Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, v. 8, n. 1, p. 27-40, retrieved from

This paper reviews the use of audio devices in school counseling based on text literature in counseling, education, and communication. It includes definitions, kinds, functions, procedures, positive and negative impacts, and usability of audio devices in counseling. The final result is audio devices increase the effectiveness and efficiency of students development curriculum, responsive services, individual students planning, and system support in school counseling through needs assessing, materials delivering, and activities recording. C ounselor s technically can use it to play music as emotional stimulus, aesthetic experience, relaxation and imagination stimulus, as self-expression, and as medium of group experiences for counselee. Keywords: audio device; counseling; guidance

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Konseling

Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, 2016

NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Spriritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Ko... more NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Spriritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Konseling. Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, v. 11, n. 2, p. 317-327. Available at:

SEFT merupakan salah satu inovasi teknik konseling. Tahapan tekniknya mendayagunakan aspek jasmani, psikis, dan spiritual manusia secara harmonis. Ketiga aspek tersebut digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan konseli. Aspek spiritual dalam SEFT selaras dengan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam yang memasukkan unsur spiritual dan religi dalam tiap pandangan keilmuannya. Keberadaan SEFT sebagai inovasi teknik konseling mendapat peluang dan tantangan yang kuat. Peluang terbuka lebar seiring munculnya berbagai penelitian dan bukti ilmiah yang mengulas keberhasilan SEFT untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah emosional, masalah perilaku, maupun masalah kesehatan. Efisiensi dan kemudahannya untuk dipraktikkan membuat teknik ini banyak dikenal kalangan praktisi, terutama praktisi di Indonesia. Namun begitu, SEFT mendapat tantangan yang cukup kuat mengingat umurnya yang masih relatif muda dan belum banyak dikenal secara luas. Keberadaan SEFT juga dilemahkan dengan belum diterimanaya Energy Psyc...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama

KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2016

NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Komunikasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama. KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal B... more NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Komunikasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama. KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 231-258, dec. 2016. ISSN 2477-2100. Available at: <>. doi:

Konselor membutuhkan keterampilan komunikasi konseling dalam menjalankan layanan konseling agar tercipta hubungan baik antara konselor dan konseli dalam lingkup budaya dan agamanya masing-masing. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menilik kelekatan aspek budaya dan agama dalam komunikasi konseling, meliputi (1) urgensi komunikasi konseling yang peka budaya dan agama ditinjau dari teori komunikasi, (2) faktor dan hambatan yang muncul akibat aspek budaya dan agama, (3) dan implementasi kepekaan aspek budaya dan agama dalam komunikasi konseling yang tercermin melalui keterampilan pengamatan dan mendengarkan secara aktif. Tulisan disusun melalui studi literatur terkait tema tersebut. Hasilnya nampak bahwa komunikasi konseling yang peka terhadap aspek budaya dan agama menjadi suatu keniscayaan mengingat konselor dan konseli tidak dapat dilepaskan dari latar budaya dan agama yang melingkupinya. Melalui kepekaan terhadap aspek budaya dan agama, konselor mampu mewaspadai bias dan hambatan yang mungkin ditimbulkan aspek tersebut. Dengan demikian, konselor mampu menyelami, memahami, dan berempati kepada konseli dalam rangka menyelenggarakan konseling secara efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan tujuan, prinsip, dan azaz bimbingan dan konseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Konseling

Jurnal Madaniyah, Aug 2016

SEFT merupakan salah satu inovasi teknik konseling. Tahapan tekniknya mendayagunakan aspek jasman... more SEFT merupakan salah satu inovasi teknik konseling. Tahapan tekniknya mendayagunakan aspek jasmani, psikis, dan spiritual manusia secara harmonis. Ketiga aspek tersebut digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan konseli. Aspek spiritual dalam SEFT selaras dengan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam yang memasukkan unsur spiritual dan religi dalam tiap pandangan keilmuannya. Keberadaan SEFT sebagai inovasi teknik konseling mendapat peluang dan tantangan yang kuat. Peluang terbuka lebar seiring munculnya berbagai penelitian dan bukti ilmiah yang mengulas keberhasilan SEFT untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah emosional, masalah perilaku, maupun masalah kesehatan. Efisiensi dan kemudahannya untuk dipraktikkan membuat teknik ini banyak dikenal kalangan praktisi, terutama praktisi di Indonesia. Namun begitu, SEFT mendapat tantangan yang cukup kuat mengingat umurnya yang masih relatif muda dan belum banyak dikenal secara luas. Keberadaan SEFT juga dilemahkan dengan belum diterimanya Energy Psychology sebagai mainstream. Kalangan yang tidak mengakui keberadaan Energy Psychology tentu akan memandang SEFT sebagai fenomena pseudoscience. Menyikapi pertentangan tersebut, konselor masih tetap dapat menggunakan SEFT selama SEFT diletakkan sebagai teknik pendukung dalam layanan BK dan digunakan secara proporsional.

Research paper thumbnail of Media Audio dalam Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah

Jurnal Madaniyah, Jan 2018

This paper reviews the use of audio devices in school counseling based on text literature in coun... more This paper reviews the use of audio devices in school counseling based on text literature in counseling, education, and communication. It includes definitions, kinds, functions, procedures, positive and negative impacts, and usability of audio devices in counseling. The final result is audio devices increase the effectiveness and efficiency of students development curriculum, responsive services, individual students planning, and system support in school counseling through needs assessing, materials delivering, and activities recording. Counselors technically can use it to play music as emotional stimulus, aesthetic experience, relaxation and imagination stimulus, as self-expression, and as medium of group experiences for counselee.

Research paper thumbnail of KomuniKasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama

Konseling Religi: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Jun 1, 2016

Counselors need counseling communication skills in order to build rapport between the counselor a... more Counselors need counseling communication skills in order to build rapport between the counselor and counselee. This article is a literature study to discuss the importance of cultural and religious sensitivity in counseling communication through communication theories, kinds of factors and barriers that may occur due to cultural and religious aspects, and the implementation of cultural and religious sensitivity through observation skills and active listening skills in counseling communication. The result is apparent that cultural and religious sensitivity become a necessity in communication counseling. Counselors’ cultural and religious-sensitiveness through counselee’s verbal and nonverbal signs help counselors in gathering accurate information about counselee’s internal frame of references, worldviews, and values. Furthermore, counselors would be aware of the biases that may occur due to cultural and religious differences. Thus, the counselor will be able to held counseling effectively and efficiently in accordance with the purposes, principles, and values in guidance and counseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Mengenal Defence Mechanism di Kalangan Mahasiswa.pdf

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bimbingan dan Konseling di Perguruan Tinggi, 2018

Defense mechanism is normal reaction showed by college students to overcome anxiety arising from ... more Defense mechanism is normal reaction showed by college students to overcome anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli or to protect their self-concept from external threats. The technique used may be withdrawal techniques to avoid or reject the source of anxiety, as well as capitulative techniques to remain on the source of the anxiety by making changes as necessary. Most defence mechanism are fairly unconsious. Any form of it may result in healthy or unhealthy consequences depending on the kind of form and the intensity of its use. Healthy college students normally use different defence mechanism throughout their life. It becomes pathological when its persistent use leads to maladaptive behaviour. The relationship between defense mechanism and counseling process is illustrated by the triangle of conflics and the triangle of person theory by Malan. Overall, defense mechanism is useful in assessment and treatments process. With that information, counselor will be able to help the college students to find the main problem they have in order to deal with it thoroughly.

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Empati Konselor/Guru BK dalam Penanganan Bullying di Sekolah

This article is a literature study of bullying at schools, mental health of victim, pure-bully, b... more This article is a literature study of bullying at schools, mental health of victim, pure-bully, bully-victim, reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying, and the urgency of school counselor’s empathic understanding in dealing bullying at school. The finding is that bullying often occurs at schools. Being victims, pure-bully, bully-victim, reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying disturbs mental health’s homeostatis. Victims are at risk of physiological disorders, cognitive distortions, and over sensitiveness to stimulant. Pure bully, if not stopped, may do bullying in wider scope and in higher level of risk than before. Reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying at school is susceptible to anxiety and paranoia for feeling insecure. School counselors’ emphatic understanding is a necessary in helping victims, pure-bully, bully-victim, reinforcer, defender, and outsider of bullying at school. The ability of perspective taking and fantasy help school counselors to empathize about their cognitive aspects while emotional concern and personal distress help school counselors to empathize about affective aspects of them. Intrinsic changing of the cognitive and affective aspects in empathy will affect the way school counselors communicate, both verbally and nonverbally. Finally, the accordance of cognitive, affective, and conative aspects between counselors and counselee will lead to good rapport in counseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Kecerdasan Emosional bagi Konselor Sekolah: Telaah atas Tulisan Ackerman dan Shelton dalam Practitioner's Perspective on School Counseling and Emotional Intelligence

Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2018 "Etika dan Profesi Konselor di Indonesia", UNJ, 2 Februari 2018, Feb 2, 2018

Tulisan ini merupakan telaah atas tulisan Ackerman dan Shelton yang berjudul “Practitioner’s Pers... more Tulisan ini merupakan telaah atas tulisan Ackerman dan Shelton yang berjudul “Practitioner’s Perspective on School Counseling and Emotional Intelligence” yang mengangkat pentingnya keterampilan leadership, advocacy, colaboration and teaming, dan systemic change agar konselor dapat menjawab evolusi peran profesinya sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Untuk menjalankan peran tersebut, konselor membutuhkan kecerdasan emosional berupa keterampilan perceiving, facilitating, understanding, dan managing. Kecerdasan emosional tersebut bergerak dalam dimensi kesadaran diri, pengelolaan diri, kesadaran sosial, dan pengelolaan relasi. Adanya kesatuan hal tersebut dalam diri konselor sekolah akan dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan bimbingan dan konseling sehingga konselor dapat membantu konseli agar konseli dapat memahami, menerima, mengarahkan, dan mengaktualisasikan dirinya secara efektif dan efisien.


Jurnal Ilmiah ATSAR Kuningan, 2022

NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul; SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i. (2022). Aplikasi Pemodelan Rasch pada Skala Pe... more NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul; SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i. (2022). Aplikasi Pemodelan Rasch pada Skala Pemaafan. Jurnal Ilmiah ATSAR Kuningan, v. 2, n. 1, p. 20-31.Available at:

Karena pemaafan merupakan salah satu nilai kebajikan yang penting bagi mahasiswa, maka diperlukan penelitian untuk mengukur pemaafan bagi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen Skala Pemaafan yang untuk digunakan untuk mengukur pemaafan (forgiveness) dari segi subaspek motivasional. Skala Pemaafan diadaptasi dari Transgression-Related Inventory of Motivations (TRIM) yang ditandai dengan adanya lessen revenge motivation, lessen avoidance motivation, dan benevolence motivation. Data dari uji coba intrumen yang melibatkan 482 partisipan dianalisis menggunakan model Rasch melalui program Winsteps®. Eliminasi outlier dan item misfit dilakukan dalam tiga tahap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reliabilitas itemperson (KR-20) tergolong excellent; sedangkan reliabilitas item, reliabilitas person, separasi item, separasi person, dan daya beda item tergolong sangat bagus. Secara umum Skala Pemaafan memenuhi syarat unidimensionalitas dengan sangat bagus karena mampu menjelaskan sebanyak 60,7% varian yang muncul pada sub aspek motivasional pemaafan partisipan. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pengukuran pemaafan dari aspek/subaspek lain agar dapat mengukur pemaafan secara lebih komprehensif.


Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam, [S.l.], 5 (1), 2023

SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i; NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifzatul; FAWZY, Rahmat. PARADIGMA PENGEMBANGAN BIMBINGAN... more SUBHI, Muhamad Rifa'i; NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifzatul; FAWZY, Rahmat. PARADIGMA PENGEMBANGAN BIMBINGAN PENYULUHAN ISLAM PERSPEKTIF DAKWAH. Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 30-63, june 2023. ISSN 2685-4481. Available at:

This study aims to describe the paradigm of developing Islamic counseling guidance in the perspective of da'wah. Islamic Counseling Guidance is a process of changing behavior that is carried out through the dissemination of information, communication, motivation, counseling, education, facilitation and advocacy both orally, in writing and in practice in order to develop knowledge, attitudes and behavior of target community groups so that they know, are motivated and are able to understand, carry out the teachings of Islam correctly while at the same time have concern and active participation in the development of the social or religious field by using the language or teachings of the religion of Islam. The type of research used is library research with a descriptive qualitative research design, in order to obtain comprehensive research results regarding Islamic counseling guidance. The results of the study show that the paradigm of developing Islamic counseling guidance in the perspective of da'wah can be identified based on understanding, duties and functions, materials, strategies and methods, profession, and competency standards of Islamic religious instructors. These six findings can be used as a basis for Islamic religious instructors in carrying out their professional duties, so as to create optimal Islamic counseling guidance services.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogik/Ilmu Mendidik dalam Perspektif Guru Mata Pelajaran dan Guru BK

Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2023

Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2023). Pedagogik/Ilmu Mendidik dalam Perspektif Guru Mapel dan Gur... more Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2023). Pedagogik/Ilmu Mendidik dalam Perspektif Guru Mapel dan Guru BK. Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 5(1), 1-16. Retrieved from

This descriptive qualitative study aims to describe the meaning of pedagogic from the perspective of subject teachers and guidance and counseling teachers. Primary data related to the meaning of the teaching profession, pedagogical practices, and students were obtained through interviews with teachers at two State Junior High School in Temanggung. Data triangulation was carried out by interviewing students and observing the academic culture at school. The results show that the teacher's view of pedagogy is in accordance with the concepts of tarbiyah, ta'dib, ta'lim, and tadrib according to Athhiyah al Abrasyi and the concept of changing culture to support the educational process according to Benitez.


Mushawwir Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah Dan Filantropi Islam, 2024

Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2024). MENCAPAI KEDAMAIAN PERKAWINAN SEBAGAI REPRESENTASI KEBERHAS... more Nurlatifah, A., & Handari, S. (2024). MENCAPAI KEDAMAIAN PERKAWINAN SEBAGAI REPRESENTASI KEBERHASILAN DAKWAH DALAM KELUARGA. Mushawwir Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah Dan Filantropi Islam, 2(1), 41-49. Retrieved from

Keluarga merupakan amanah utama yang perlu dijaga sebagai titipan yang Allah berikan. Dakwah dalam keluarga menjadi tantangan tersendiri dalam mengamalkan pemahaman agama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pencapaian kedamaian dalam perkawinan sebagai representasi keberhasilan dakwah dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi literatur dengan analisis konten. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa pencapaian kedamaian menjadi indikasi dalam keberhasilan dakwah yang dilakukan di dalam keluarga dengan memaknai berbagai fungsi di dalam keluarga di dalam sebuah perkawinan. Adapun fungsi dalam keluarga mencakup pada dua belas fungsi yang antara satu dengan yang lainnya saling terkait. Hal ini berimplikasi pada konseptual fungsi keluarga sebagai upaya konstruks dakwah di dalam keluarga.

Research paper thumbnail of Forgiveness among Javanese Ethnic Students: A Mountainous, Highland, Lowland, and Coastal Culture Background Comparison

JOMSIGN: Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling, 2020

It has been repeatedly documented in the scientific literature that culture plays an important ro... more It has been repeatedly documented in the scientific literature that culture plays an important role in forgiveness. However, research of mountainous, highland, lowland and coastal culture related to forgiveness was rare. The goal of this study was to describe the comparison of forgiveness among Javanese ethnic students who had been raised in mountainous, highland, lowland, and coastal culture background. Forgiveness Scale developed to obtain the data was adapted from TRIM and has been tested for its reliability and validity using the Rasch model. Descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis (H) test, and Mann-Whitney (U) posthoc test were used to analyze the data. The result showed an insignificant difference in forgiveness but showed a significant difference in lessen-avoidance motivation. This finding had practical implications in multicultural counselling, especially in promoting forgiveness to various counselees. For a more comprehensive understanding, further research in forgiveness ...

Research paper thumbnail of Intervensi Program Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Mengatasi Bullying Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Salatiga

KONSELING EDUKASI "Journal of Guidance and Counseling", 2019

The Intervention Of Guidance And Counseling Program to Overcome The Bullying Of MAN Salatiga Stud... more The Intervention Of Guidance And Counseling Program to Overcome The Bullying Of MAN Salatiga Students. This article a mixed method research with concurrent triangulation design to examine (1) the phenomenon of bullying at MAN Salatiga, (2) the guidance and counseling intervention to deal with bullying at MAN Salatiga, and (3) the ideal guidance and counseling program to overcome bullying at MAN Salatiga. Scale delivered to 157 respondents to measure students’ understanding and involvement in bullying. Interviews with students, guidance and counseling teachers, and FGD followed by lecturers and counselors used to collect information about bullying and bullying intervention. The results of the study revealed that students’ understanding of the concept of bullying is 73.41%, 44.76% students involved in bullying as witness; 34.13% as victim; and 34.25% as bully. There are differences between men and women in understanding of bullying concept and the involvement in bullying. The guidance...

Research paper thumbnail of Media Audio Dalam Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah

Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, 2018

Nurlatifah, Andar Ifazatul. (2018). Media Audio dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah... more Nurlatifah, Andar Ifazatul. (2018). Media Audio dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah. Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, v. 8, n. 1, p. 27-40, retrieved from

This paper reviews the use of audio devices in school counseling based on text literature in counseling, education, and communication. It includes definitions, kinds, functions, procedures, positive and negative impacts, and usability of audio devices in counseling. The final result is audio devices increase the effectiveness and efficiency of students development curriculum, responsive services, individual students planning, and system support in school counseling through needs assessing, materials delivering, and activities recording. C ounselor s technically can use it to play music as emotional stimulus, aesthetic experience, relaxation and imagination stimulus, as self-expression, and as medium of group experiences for counselee. Keywords: audio device; counseling; guidance

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Konseling

Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, 2016

NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Spriritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Ko... more NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Spriritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Konseling. Jurnal Ilmiah Madaniyah, v. 11, n. 2, p. 317-327. Available at:

SEFT merupakan salah satu inovasi teknik konseling. Tahapan tekniknya mendayagunakan aspek jasmani, psikis, dan spiritual manusia secara harmonis. Ketiga aspek tersebut digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan konseli. Aspek spiritual dalam SEFT selaras dengan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam yang memasukkan unsur spiritual dan religi dalam tiap pandangan keilmuannya. Keberadaan SEFT sebagai inovasi teknik konseling mendapat peluang dan tantangan yang kuat. Peluang terbuka lebar seiring munculnya berbagai penelitian dan bukti ilmiah yang mengulas keberhasilan SEFT untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah emosional, masalah perilaku, maupun masalah kesehatan. Efisiensi dan kemudahannya untuk dipraktikkan membuat teknik ini banyak dikenal kalangan praktisi, terutama praktisi di Indonesia. Namun begitu, SEFT mendapat tantangan yang cukup kuat mengingat umurnya yang masih relatif muda dan belum banyak dikenal secara luas. Keberadaan SEFT juga dilemahkan dengan belum diterimanaya Energy Psyc...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunikasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama

KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2016

NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Komunikasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama. KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal B... more NURLATIFAH, Andar Ifazatul. Komunikasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama. KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 231-258, dec. 2016. ISSN 2477-2100. Available at: <>. doi:

Konselor membutuhkan keterampilan komunikasi konseling dalam menjalankan layanan konseling agar tercipta hubungan baik antara konselor dan konseli dalam lingkup budaya dan agamanya masing-masing. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menilik kelekatan aspek budaya dan agama dalam komunikasi konseling, meliputi (1) urgensi komunikasi konseling yang peka budaya dan agama ditinjau dari teori komunikasi, (2) faktor dan hambatan yang muncul akibat aspek budaya dan agama, (3) dan implementasi kepekaan aspek budaya dan agama dalam komunikasi konseling yang tercermin melalui keterampilan pengamatan dan mendengarkan secara aktif. Tulisan disusun melalui studi literatur terkait tema tersebut. Hasilnya nampak bahwa komunikasi konseling yang peka terhadap aspek budaya dan agama menjadi suatu keniscayaan mengingat konselor dan konseli tidak dapat dilepaskan dari latar budaya dan agama yang melingkupinya. Melalui kepekaan terhadap aspek budaya dan agama, konselor mampu mewaspadai bias dan hambatan yang mungkin ditimbulkan aspek tersebut. Dengan demikian, konselor mampu menyelami, memahami, dan berempati kepada konseli dalam rangka menyelenggarakan konseling secara efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan tujuan, prinsip, dan azaz bimbingan dan konseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Konseling

Jurnal Madaniyah, Aug 2016

SEFT merupakan salah satu inovasi teknik konseling. Tahapan tekniknya mendayagunakan aspek jasman... more SEFT merupakan salah satu inovasi teknik konseling. Tahapan tekniknya mendayagunakan aspek jasmani, psikis, dan spiritual manusia secara harmonis. Ketiga aspek tersebut digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan konseli. Aspek spiritual dalam SEFT selaras dengan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam yang memasukkan unsur spiritual dan religi dalam tiap pandangan keilmuannya. Keberadaan SEFT sebagai inovasi teknik konseling mendapat peluang dan tantangan yang kuat. Peluang terbuka lebar seiring munculnya berbagai penelitian dan bukti ilmiah yang mengulas keberhasilan SEFT untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah emosional, masalah perilaku, maupun masalah kesehatan. Efisiensi dan kemudahannya untuk dipraktikkan membuat teknik ini banyak dikenal kalangan praktisi, terutama praktisi di Indonesia. Namun begitu, SEFT mendapat tantangan yang cukup kuat mengingat umurnya yang masih relatif muda dan belum banyak dikenal secara luas. Keberadaan SEFT juga dilemahkan dengan belum diterimanya Energy Psychology sebagai mainstream. Kalangan yang tidak mengakui keberadaan Energy Psychology tentu akan memandang SEFT sebagai fenomena pseudoscience. Menyikapi pertentangan tersebut, konselor masih tetap dapat menggunakan SEFT selama SEFT diletakkan sebagai teknik pendukung dalam layanan BK dan digunakan secara proporsional.

Research paper thumbnail of Media Audio dalam Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah/Madrasah

Jurnal Madaniyah, Jan 2018

This paper reviews the use of audio devices in school counseling based on text literature in coun... more This paper reviews the use of audio devices in school counseling based on text literature in counseling, education, and communication. It includes definitions, kinds, functions, procedures, positive and negative impacts, and usability of audio devices in counseling. The final result is audio devices increase the effectiveness and efficiency of students development curriculum, responsive services, individual students planning, and system support in school counseling through needs assessing, materials delivering, and activities recording. Counselors technically can use it to play music as emotional stimulus, aesthetic experience, relaxation and imagination stimulus, as self-expression, and as medium of group experiences for counselee.

Research paper thumbnail of KomuniKasi Konseling Peka Budaya dan Agama

Konseling Religi: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Jun 1, 2016

Counselors need counseling communication skills in order to build rapport between the counselor a... more Counselors need counseling communication skills in order to build rapport between the counselor and counselee. This article is a literature study to discuss the importance of cultural and religious sensitivity in counseling communication through communication theories, kinds of factors and barriers that may occur due to cultural and religious aspects, and the implementation of cultural and religious sensitivity through observation skills and active listening skills in counseling communication. The result is apparent that cultural and religious sensitivity become a necessity in communication counseling. Counselors’ cultural and religious-sensitiveness through counselee’s verbal and nonverbal signs help counselors in gathering accurate information about counselee’s internal frame of references, worldviews, and values. Furthermore, counselors would be aware of the biases that may occur due to cultural and religious differences. Thus, the counselor will be able to held counseling effectively and efficiently in accordance with the purposes, principles, and values in guidance and counseling.