Bruce Elmegreen | IBM Research (original) (raw)

Papers by Bruce Elmegreen

Research paper thumbnail of Digging Deeper: Algorithms for Computationally-Limited Searches in Astronomy

Astronomy, like most other fields, is being deluged by exponentially growing streams of ever more... more Astronomy, like most other fields, is being deluged by exponentially growing streams of ever more complex data. While these massive data streams bring a great discovery potential, their full scientific exploitation poses many challenges, due to both data volumes and data complexity. Moreover, the need to discover and characterize interesting, faint signals in such data streams quickly and robustly, in order to deploy costly follow-up resources that are often necessary for the full scientific returns, makes the challenges even sharper. Examples in astronomy include transient events and variable sources found in digital synoptic sky surveys, gravitational wave signals, faint radio transients, pulsars, and other types of variable sources in the next generation of panoramic radio surveys, etc. Similar situations arise in the context of space science and planetary exploration, environmental monitoring, security, etc. In most cases, rapid discovery and characterization of interesting sign...

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Research paper thumbnail of EAS Publications Series, 2011 TRIGGERED STAR FORMATION

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Research paper thumbnail of 1 Gravitational Instabilities in Two-Component Galaxy Disks with Gas Dissipation

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![Research paper thumbnail of G A ] 2 3 A ug 2 01 3 Exponential Galaxy Disks from Stellar Scattering](

Stellar scattering off of orbiting or transient clumps is shown to lead to the formation of expon... more Stellar scattering off of orbiting or transient clumps is shown to lead to the formation of exponential profiles in both surface density and velocity dispersion in a two-dimensional non-self gravitating stellar disk with a fixed halo potential. The exponential forms for both nearly-flat rotation curves and near-solid body rotation curves. The exponential does not depend on initial conditions, spiral arms, bars, viscosity, star formation, or strong shear. After a rapid initial development, the exponential saturates to an approximately fixed scale length. The inner exponential in a two-component profile has a break radius comparable to the initial disk radius; the outer exponential is primarily scattered stars. Subject headings: galaxies: evolution — galaxies: formation — galaxies: structure

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Research paper thumbnail of Phases and Processes in the ISM

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Research paper thumbnail of Galaxies and cosmology

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic Pathways to Life: From Interstellar Molecules to the First Traces of Life

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2018

The present-day Earth with its innumerable life forms is a product of cosmic evolution starting w... more The present-day Earth with its innumerable life forms is a product of cosmic evolution starting with the formation of our galaxy and the dense gas clouds within it, and proceeding through the contraction of one of those clouds about 4.6 Gyr ago, first into filaments and then one or more protostellar disks, planets, and central stars, one of which was our Sun. Radioactive debris from a massive nearby star was included. The planets themselves formed through coagulation, accretion, and fragmentation of solid bodies. Habitability depends on a delicate balance between disk accretion by gravity and dispersal by the central star, which determine the size of the planet and its gaseous envelope, combined with a long period of stellar radiation, which has to disperse this envelope but leave a hospitable secondary atmosphere. The final step toward life involves even more complexity as self-replicating bio-molecules form with ever increasing stability.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Kennicutt–Schmidt Law and Gas Scale Height in Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Formation of Low-metallicity Globular Clusters in Dwarf Galaxy Mergers

The Astrophysical Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of NOEMA Observations of a Molecular Cloud in the Low-metallicity Galaxy Kiso 5639

The Astrophysical Journal, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Appearance of Thresholds in the Dynamical Model of Star Formation

The Astrophysical Journal, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Gas accretion from halos to disks: observations, curiosities, and problems

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2015

Accretion of gas from the cosmic web to galaxy halos and ultimately their disks is a prediction o... more Accretion of gas from the cosmic web to galaxy halos and ultimately their disks is a prediction of modern cosmological models but is rarely observed directly or at the full rate expected from star formation. Here we illustrate possible large-scale cosmic HI accretion onto the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy IC10, observed with the VLA and GBT. We also suggest that cosmic accretion is the origin of sharp metallicity drops in the starburst regions of other dwarf galaxies, as observed with the 10-m GTC. Finally, we question the importance of cosmic accretion in normal dwarf irregulars, for which a recent study of their far-outer regions sees no need for, or evidence of, continuing gas buildup.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nuclear Spiral Shocks and Induced Gas Inflows in Weak Oval Potentials

The Astrophysical Journal, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Mass-To-Light Versus Color Relations for Dwarf Irregular Galaxies

The Astronomical Journal, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Star Formation Law for Spiral and Irregular Galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Gas accretion from the cosmic web in the local Universe

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2014

Numerical simulations predict that gas accretion from the cosmic web drives star formation in dis... more Numerical simulations predict that gas accretion from the cosmic web drives star formation in disks galaxies. The process is important in low mass haloes (< 1012 M⊙), therefore, in the early universe when galaxies were low mass, but also in dwarf galaxies of the local universe. The gas that falls in is predicted to be tenuous, patchy, partly ionized, multi-temperature, and large-scale; therefore, hard to show in a single observation. One of the most compelling cases for gas accretion at work in the local universe comes from the extremely metal poor (XMP) galaxies. They show metallicity inhomogeneities associated with star-forming regions, so that large starbursts have lower metallicity than the underlying galaxy. Here we put forward the case for gas accretion from the web posed by XMP galaxies. Two other observational results are discussed too, namely, the fact that the gas consumption time-scale is shorter than most stellar ages, and the systematic morphological distortions of t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface Brightness Profiles of Dwarf Galaxies. II. Color Trends and Mass Profiles

The Astronomical Journal, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the PiezoElectronic Transistor - a nanoscale, strain-based transduction device for fast low power switching

2015 73rd Annual Device Research Conference (DRC), 2015

We have invented a post-CMOS transduction device based on a piezoelectrically driven metal insula... more We have invented a post-CMOS transduction device based on a piezoelectrically driven metal insulator transition termed the PiezoElectronic Transistor (PET) [1]. An input voltage pulse activates a piezoelectric element (PE) [2] which transduces input voltage into an electro-acoustic pulse that in turn drives an insulator to metal transition (IMT) in a piezoresistive element (PR) [3,4]; the transition efficiently transduces the electro-acoustic pulse to voltage. Using the known properties of bulk materials, we show using modeling that the PET achieves multi-GHz clock speeds with voltages as low as 0.1 V and a large On/Off switching ratio (≈104) for digital logic [1]. The PET switch is compatible with CMOS-style logic. At larger scale the PET is predicted to function effectively as a large-area low voltage device for use in sensor applications and at larger yet as a RF-switch with an excellent figure of merit. Three demonstration devices have been fabricated to show proof of concept [5].

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Research paper thumbnail of Secular evolution in young galaxies

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Wiggle Instability of Galactic Spiral Shocks: Effects of Magnetic Fields

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Digging Deeper: Algorithms for Computationally-Limited Searches in Astronomy

Astronomy, like most other fields, is being deluged by exponentially growing streams of ever more... more Astronomy, like most other fields, is being deluged by exponentially growing streams of ever more complex data. While these massive data streams bring a great discovery potential, their full scientific exploitation poses many challenges, due to both data volumes and data complexity. Moreover, the need to discover and characterize interesting, faint signals in such data streams quickly and robustly, in order to deploy costly follow-up resources that are often necessary for the full scientific returns, makes the challenges even sharper. Examples in astronomy include transient events and variable sources found in digital synoptic sky surveys, gravitational wave signals, faint radio transients, pulsars, and other types of variable sources in the next generation of panoramic radio surveys, etc. Similar situations arise in the context of space science and planetary exploration, environmental monitoring, security, etc. In most cases, rapid discovery and characterization of interesting sign...

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Research paper thumbnail of EAS Publications Series, 2011 TRIGGERED STAR FORMATION

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Research paper thumbnail of 1 Gravitational Instabilities in Two-Component Galaxy Disks with Gas Dissipation

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![Research paper thumbnail of G A ] 2 3 A ug 2 01 3 Exponential Galaxy Disks from Stellar Scattering](

Stellar scattering off of orbiting or transient clumps is shown to lead to the formation of expon... more Stellar scattering off of orbiting or transient clumps is shown to lead to the formation of exponential profiles in both surface density and velocity dispersion in a two-dimensional non-self gravitating stellar disk with a fixed halo potential. The exponential forms for both nearly-flat rotation curves and near-solid body rotation curves. The exponential does not depend on initial conditions, spiral arms, bars, viscosity, star formation, or strong shear. After a rapid initial development, the exponential saturates to an approximately fixed scale length. The inner exponential in a two-component profile has a break radius comparable to the initial disk radius; the outer exponential is primarily scattered stars. Subject headings: galaxies: evolution — galaxies: formation — galaxies: structure

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Research paper thumbnail of Phases and Processes in the ISM

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Research paper thumbnail of Galaxies and cosmology

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic Pathways to Life: From Interstellar Molecules to the First Traces of Life

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2018

The present-day Earth with its innumerable life forms is a product of cosmic evolution starting w... more The present-day Earth with its innumerable life forms is a product of cosmic evolution starting with the formation of our galaxy and the dense gas clouds within it, and proceeding through the contraction of one of those clouds about 4.6 Gyr ago, first into filaments and then one or more protostellar disks, planets, and central stars, one of which was our Sun. Radioactive debris from a massive nearby star was included. The planets themselves formed through coagulation, accretion, and fragmentation of solid bodies. Habitability depends on a delicate balance between disk accretion by gravity and dispersal by the central star, which determine the size of the planet and its gaseous envelope, combined with a long period of stellar radiation, which has to disperse this envelope but leave a hospitable secondary atmosphere. The final step toward life involves even more complexity as self-replicating bio-molecules form with ever increasing stability.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Kennicutt–Schmidt Law and Gas Scale Height in Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Formation of Low-metallicity Globular Clusters in Dwarf Galaxy Mergers

The Astrophysical Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of NOEMA Observations of a Molecular Cloud in the Low-metallicity Galaxy Kiso 5639

The Astrophysical Journal, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Appearance of Thresholds in the Dynamical Model of Star Formation

The Astrophysical Journal, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Gas accretion from halos to disks: observations, curiosities, and problems

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2015

Accretion of gas from the cosmic web to galaxy halos and ultimately their disks is a prediction o... more Accretion of gas from the cosmic web to galaxy halos and ultimately their disks is a prediction of modern cosmological models but is rarely observed directly or at the full rate expected from star formation. Here we illustrate possible large-scale cosmic HI accretion onto the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy IC10, observed with the VLA and GBT. We also suggest that cosmic accretion is the origin of sharp metallicity drops in the starburst regions of other dwarf galaxies, as observed with the 10-m GTC. Finally, we question the importance of cosmic accretion in normal dwarf irregulars, for which a recent study of their far-outer regions sees no need for, or evidence of, continuing gas buildup.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nuclear Spiral Shocks and Induced Gas Inflows in Weak Oval Potentials

The Astrophysical Journal, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Mass-To-Light Versus Color Relations for Dwarf Irregular Galaxies

The Astronomical Journal, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Star Formation Law for Spiral and Irregular Galaxies

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Gas accretion from the cosmic web in the local Universe

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2014

Numerical simulations predict that gas accretion from the cosmic web drives star formation in dis... more Numerical simulations predict that gas accretion from the cosmic web drives star formation in disks galaxies. The process is important in low mass haloes (< 1012 M⊙), therefore, in the early universe when galaxies were low mass, but also in dwarf galaxies of the local universe. The gas that falls in is predicted to be tenuous, patchy, partly ionized, multi-temperature, and large-scale; therefore, hard to show in a single observation. One of the most compelling cases for gas accretion at work in the local universe comes from the extremely metal poor (XMP) galaxies. They show metallicity inhomogeneities associated with star-forming regions, so that large starbursts have lower metallicity than the underlying galaxy. Here we put forward the case for gas accretion from the web posed by XMP galaxies. Two other observational results are discussed too, namely, the fact that the gas consumption time-scale is shorter than most stellar ages, and the systematic morphological distortions of t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Surface Brightness Profiles of Dwarf Galaxies. II. Color Trends and Mass Profiles

The Astronomical Journal, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the PiezoElectronic Transistor - a nanoscale, strain-based transduction device for fast low power switching

2015 73rd Annual Device Research Conference (DRC), 2015

We have invented a post-CMOS transduction device based on a piezoelectrically driven metal insula... more We have invented a post-CMOS transduction device based on a piezoelectrically driven metal insulator transition termed the PiezoElectronic Transistor (PET) [1]. An input voltage pulse activates a piezoelectric element (PE) [2] which transduces input voltage into an electro-acoustic pulse that in turn drives an insulator to metal transition (IMT) in a piezoresistive element (PR) [3,4]; the transition efficiently transduces the electro-acoustic pulse to voltage. Using the known properties of bulk materials, we show using modeling that the PET achieves multi-GHz clock speeds with voltages as low as 0.1 V and a large On/Off switching ratio (≈104) for digital logic [1]. The PET switch is compatible with CMOS-style logic. At larger scale the PET is predicted to function effectively as a large-area low voltage device for use in sensor applications and at larger yet as a RF-switch with an excellent figure of merit. Three demonstration devices have been fabricated to show proof of concept [5].

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Research paper thumbnail of Secular evolution in young galaxies

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Wiggle Instability of Galactic Spiral Shocks: Effects of Magnetic Fields

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

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