iconiclust - Profile (original) (raw)

on 23 October 2007 (#14092153)

Iconic Lusts: Dungeons & Dragons Erotica

Erotica featuring the Iconic characters of the various D&D / D20 properties owned by WotC.

Following an understandable if somewhat cockeyed crackdown by Wizards of the Coast about what was and wasn't allowed on their forums - even the one dedicated to the more adult-orientated aspects of roleplaying and roleplayers - it became clear that certain subjects needed a new home. This is it. Just like the forum that spawned this community, you'll need to be over 18 to join, and have your birthdy visible on your journal's userinfo; if people want to lie about their age, that's entirely their lookout.

This community is primarily about the adult-orientated adventures of the Iconics - those characters who exist as examples in action of the countless combinations of races and classes available to players.

It doesn't just have to be the iconics of course - material featuring other inhabitants of the worlds they adventure in, characters from myriad D&D novels or even your own PCs is equally welcomed. The only stipulation as to content is that there will be no kiddieporn. Not that it'll be an issue I'm sure, but anyone caught posting that stuff will be booted from the community and reported to LJ.

The Iconic Character Master List containing the names and images of all the Iconics to date.

The Novel Character Master List containing the names and images of characters from novels about the various campaign settings.

Please place all stories and graphics under an lj-cut containing the salient details - title, content, rating and such, like so:

< lj-cut text="The Long & The Short of It (Regdar/Lidda, Bondage, Femdom, MA">
Blah blah blah
< /lj-cut>

adam swift, adventurers, alexandra gordon, alexandria, alhandra, anastasia markova, arthon, athain, bisexual, brandon cross, casual sex, christopher lewis, d20 apocalypse, d20 future, d20 modern, d20 past, dark fic, dark fiction, dark sun, deakon micklethwaite, deruwyn, divis, dragonlance, dungeons and dragons, eberron, elliot klein, ember, erotica, eulade, femslash, forgotten realms, gay, gimble, greyhawk, hennet, ialdabode, jozan, kailey, korrin, krusk, kurt mason, leonard, lidda, lilly parish, ma'varkith, maddie webber, meara swiftblade, mialee, mitra, morris "moondog" greenberg, morthos, naull, nebin, non-consensual, plot what plot, polygamy, porn, regdar, roberta cain, romance, roxanne wallace, russel whitfield, sand-harrow, sex, slash, smut, sorra, soveliss, stephanie lynch, straight, tordek, troy bellarosa, vadania, xerxes, yoriko obato