Meirkhan and colleagues,

I would like to make..- teks untuk koreksi (menyunting) dari pengguna zorrofox (original) (raw)

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Koreksi teks dari pengguna zorrofox

Meirkhan and colleagues,
I would like to make some things clear concerning the 1C consolidat­ion project. Daniyar ordered to merge all 1C databases into one common for all Isker branches (common HR, directorie­s, etc. ). We have currently been working on this issue negotiatin­g with 1C integrator­s of Kazakhstan. Does OPPB join this project or remain independen­t? If it does, the first solution seems to be the best, if it doesn't it’ up to you decide.
What is your opinion?

bahasa: Inggris Pengetahuan bahasa: Penutur asli, Kecakapan, Maju

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I, N., do conjure thee, O Spirit N., by the living God, by the true God, by the holy and all-ruling God, who created from nothingnes­s the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all
