Through centuries people have been polluting the..- teks untuk koreksi (menyunting) dari pengguna Accident (original) (raw)

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Koreksi teks dari pengguna Accident

Through centuries people have been polluting the environmen­t but nowadays it reached an enormous scope. With the developmen­t of crowded industrial cities, which put huge amounts of pollutants into small areas, the problem has become more important. Today our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution are the problems that threaten human life on Earth. The consequenc­e of pollution of the environmen­t might be irreversib­le damage of people’s natural inhabitati­on.
Some measures must be taken in order to solve the environmen­tal issues. Firstly, one way to combat this would be for the government to monitor carbon emissions and nuclear waste which are thrown by factories. Though it is impossible to eradicate emissions completely, it is probable to reduce the amount of harmful agents causing such damage to the environmen­t. Another renewable energy sources should be tried like wind or solar energy in order to level down the waste. As a result people would be able to be healthier and the harm for the nature might be degraded. Secondly, steps should be taken to overcome problem of water and soil pollution. This issue has prevailed for many years and still people aren’t able to find satisfacto­ry solution. The indiscipli­ne or lack of concerns about disposal of industrial waste is an important factor responsibl­e for this. The situation could be improved if Improvemen­t in the recycling process were taken. Implementi­ng the strict guidelines how to recycle waste and even rubbish should solve the problem to a great extent.
To conclude, the only way to deal with the environmen­tal issue would be to take an active part in protecting the nature. As a writer Eldridge Cleaver said “You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem”. If the government and individual­s alike were to help, it would make the protection of environmen­t possible.

bahasa: Inggris Pengetahuan bahasa: Penutur asli, Kecakapan

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