Nurdan KAVAKLI | İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi / İzmir Democracy University (original) (raw)

Papers by Nurdan KAVAKLI

Research paper thumbnail of Language choice, use and transmission: Laz at the crossroads

Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi - ISSN: 2148-130X, Dec 18, 2017

T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i... more T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i s i / J o u r n a l o f E n d a n g e r e d L a n g u a g e N u r d a n K a v a k l ı • L a n g u a g e c h o i c e , u s e a n d t r a n s m i s s i o n : L a z a t t h e c r o s s r o a d s w ww. t ehl ik e d ek i d il l e r. c o m 51

Research paper thumbnail of A Gimmick for Mimic: The Elt Student-Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Drama Course

International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, Apr 22, 2016

graduated from Dokuz Eylül University in 2010 from the Department of English Language Teaching. S... more graduated from Dokuz Eylül University in 2010 from the Department of English Language Teaching. She is currently working as a research assistant and a Ph.D. candidate at the department of English Language Teaching in Hacettepe University. Her interests are language endangerment, language revitalization and language testing. Copyright by Informascope. Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of IOJET.

Research paper thumbnail of Language Use, Choice and Transmission: Laz at the Crossroads

T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i... more T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i s i / J o u r n a l o f E n d a n g e r e d L a n g u a g e N u r d a n K a v a k l ı • L a n g u a g e c h o i c e , u s e a n d t r a n s m i s s i o n : L a z a t t h e c r o s s r o a d s w ww. t ehl ik e d ek i d il l e r. c o m 51

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitim Fakültesinde Öğrenim Gören Öğretmen Adaylarının Narsisizm Düzeylerinin Siber Zorbalığa Duyarlık ve İnternet Bağımlılığı Düzeylerine Etkisi

Ulusal eğitim akademisi dergisi (uead), Oct 31, 2018

Son yüzyılda bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinde görülen hızlı gelişmeler, internet kullanma oranı... more Son yüzyılda bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinde görülen hızlı gelişmeler, internet kullanma oranını artırarak hayatı kolaylaştırmanın yanında birtakım riskleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. İnternetin, amacını aşan şekilde ve aşırı kullanımını ifade eden internet bağımlılığının ve bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri kullanılarak yapılan zarar verme davranışları olarak tanımlanan siber zorbalığın da bu riskler arasında yer aldığı ifade edilmektedir. Bireyin, insanları ve yaşamı algılama ve değerlendirme biçiminde olumsuz yönde etkileyen narsisistik kişilik yapısının ise, bireylerin düşünce, davranış ve tutumlarını etkilediği bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle bu araştırmada; öğretmen adaylarının sahip oldukları narsisizm düzeylerinin siber zorbalığa duyarlık ve internet bağımlılığı düzeylerini etkileyip etkilemediği araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Batı Karadeniz bölgesindeki üniversitelerin eğitim fakültelerinde öğrenim gören temel eğitim öğretmen adayları, örneklem grubunu ise, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Temel Eğitim bölümünde öğrenim gören 142 kız ve 83 erkek olmak üzere toplam 225 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. İlişkisel tarama modelli olarak yürütülen araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak; araştırmaya katılanların demografik bilgilerini elde etmek amacıyla araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulan "Demografik Bilgi Formu", Young (1996) tarafından geliştirilen ve Bayraktar (2001)'ın Türkçe'ye uyarladığı "İnternet Bağımlılık Ölçeği", Ames ve diğerleri (2006) tarafından yeniden revize edilen "Narsistik Kişilik Envanteri" (NKE) ve Tanrıkulu ve diğerleri (2011) tarafından geliştirilen, "Siber Zorbalığa İlişkin Duyarlılık Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Siber zorbalığın, internet bağımlılığı ve narsisizmle ile pozitif yönlü anlamlı ilişkisi bulunduğu görülmüştür. Regresyonun aracılık testine ait siber zorbalık ile internet bağımlılığı arasında narsisizm etkisine yönelik bootstrapping katsayı sonuçları, internet bağımlılığı düzeyinin siber zorbalığı  Bu çalışmanın bir kısmı, 02-06 Eylül 2018 tarihleri arasında Girne, Kıbrıs'ta düzenlenen 'ICLEC: 1st International Conference on Language, Education and Culture' adlı konferansta sunulmuştur. Eğitim Fakültesinde Öğrenim Gören Öğretmen Adaylarının Narsisizm Düzeylerinin Siber Zorbalığa Duyarlık ve İnternet Bağımlılığı Düzeylerine Etkisi 87 BSH=.22 ve narsisizmi BSH=.41 doğrusal açıdan etkilediğini göstermiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilere bağlı olarak siber zorbalığa ve internet bağımlılığına yönelik önlemsel çalışmalarda öncelikle narsisistik odaklı karakter ve kişilik yapısının kontrol altına alınması gerektiği, yordayıcı özellikler konusunda sağaltım ve terapi süreçlerinin desteklenmesi gerekliliği ortaya konmuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of Language Teachers' Investment in Digital Multimodal Composing (DMC) as a Manifold Application of Computer-Mediated Communication

Advances in wireless technologies and telecommunication book series, Mar 17, 2023

As an instructional potential for language learning purposes to integrate digital technologies, d... more As an instructional potential for language learning purposes to integrate digital technologies, digital multimodal composing (DMC) has mushroomed as a textual practice which involves the exploitation of digital tools in order to produce texts. In doing this, multiple semiotic modes (e.g., word, image, soundtrack etc.) are combined, and involved in the process of text production. This chapter is assumed to envision the changes in the educational landscape as a result of the age of digitization, and to understand the potential contributions of digital technologies and novel literacies to language learning and teaching. Specifically, DMC-oriented language learning and teaching will be scrutinized in order to maximize the potentials of language teachers, and thereof language learners, by investing in a post-pandemic virtual technology as an application of computer-mediated communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Rewriting the Future Through Rhetorical Technology

Advances in linguistics and communication studies, 2021

The failure to advance our understanding of intellectual rhetoric prevents opening up new avenues... more The failure to advance our understanding of intellectual rhetoric prevents opening up new avenues for rewriting the future through rhetorical technology. Rhetorical technology is the intellectual ability to use the power of empathy for human evolution through imagination and rhetorical data analysis. It draws attention to the fact that human beings can avoid repeating the same catastrophic events that their ancestors experienced with rhetorical data analysis. Within the context of this study, rhetorical technology has indeed a magical and intellectual power, and teaching empathy through writing and world languages can offer more sophisticated worldviews for humanity to evolve. For this purpose, it is quite futuristic and technological to treat writing as a resource for guiding the next generation to rewrite the future through empathy and technology.

Research paper thumbnail of Creative Digital Writing

IGI Global eBooks, May 14, 2021

Second language writers can adapt their creative skills to acquire and reflect new knowledge with... more Second language writers can adapt their creative skills to acquire and reflect new knowledge with fewer sophisticated words through more contextual and inclusive language. This process is called using the poetic function of language in a second language. One way to achieve teaching the poetic function of language as part of creative writing activities to second language learners is modeling digital writing in creative and innovative forms. This research study contextualizes a digital, innovative, and culturally sensitive language learning model that will enhance digital natives' learning experience through creative digital writing practices.

Research paper thumbnail of I Know That I Am No Good": An Analysis into the Translation Errors of Pre-Service EFL Teachers = "Biliyorum Iyi Degilim": Ingilizce Ögretmeni Adaylarinin Çeviri Hatalarina Dair Bir Inceleme

Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an importan... more Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an important role for language learners since they tend to use translation in order to understand and interpret the language utterances. Perspectives towards the use of translation in foreign language teaching and learning process have changed over the time. As the learners are not native speakers of L2, they are likely to utter some structurally or semantically deviant forms of language. For this reason, conducting an error analysis procedure might be of crucial importance in understanding which domains of language are erroneous for language learners in order to fix the problems and improve language proficiency. In Turkey, English Language Teaching bachelor degree programs include the translation course where student-teachers are supposed to handle translations from L1 to L2 and L2 to L1. In this study, the translation assignments of 30 pre-service EFL teachers were investigated through document analysis and findings point out that the errors fall into structural, lexical and translational/interpretational categories. Finally, the pedagogical implications were drawn in relation to the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Intrinsic Difficulties in Learning Common Greek-Originated English Words: The Case of Pluralization

Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Apr 25, 2016

Knowing the origin of a language helps us to determine the historical background of that language... more Knowing the origin of a language helps us to determine the historical background of that language. As language itself is such a system of a society that is continuously evolving as that aforementioned society learns and technologically develops along with its roots or origins. Like many other languages, English is also a language that has roots or origins in many different languages. In this sense, the English language, rooted as Anglo-Saxon, is known to derive most of its words from the Latin and Greek languages by whose modern cultures, it is assumed to be affected most. In this study, this derivation of words and the intrinsic difficulties probable to occur for English as a Foreign Language learners (hereafter EFLs) with a special interest upon the case of pluralization are scrutinized. That is why it is enlightened by the author of this paper within the scope of the historical background, the etymology of the English language within a linguistic perspective. As a result, the most common and confusing plural forms of Greek-originated English words, and some curing methods are defined.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of input modes: L2 comprehension and cognitive load

Participatory educational research, Nov 1, 2022

The current study investigated L2-based assumptions of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learnin... more The current study investigated L2-based assumptions of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and Cognitive Load Theory for the multimedia, modality, and redundancy principles. In this non-equivalent groups quasi-experimental design study, four groups of Turkish-speaking teacher trainees of the English language received a 12-minute non-paced lesson on harp seal pups that included English audio (audio group), English audio with video (video + audio group), English captions with video (video + text group), and English audio with video and captions (video + audio + text group). A comprehension test as well as measures for difficulty and effort rating were used to collect data. One-way between-groups analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to determine the effects of different modes of presentation on participants' learning performance and cognitive load. Moreover, Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) tests were performed to determine the groups that differed from each other. The findings showed that the video + audio group performed better and reported less difficulty and effort expenditure in the foreign/second language (L2) listening comprehension task than the audio-only group. On the other hand, the video + text and video + audio groups did not differ with respect to comprehension, difficulty, and effort expenditure. Lastly, while the video + audio + text and video + audio groups performed equally well in the comprehension task, the video + audio + text group reported less difficulty and effort than the video + audio group. The results and possible venues for further research were discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Cefr Orıented Testıng And Assessment Practıces In Non-Formal Englısh Language Schools In Turkey

Turkiye’nin Avrupa Birligi muzakere sureci kapsaminda benimsedigi ve yurutmekte oldugu dil egitim... more Turkiye’nin Avrupa Birligi muzakere sureci kapsaminda benimsedigi ve yurutmekte oldugu dil egitim politikalarinin dayanagi olan ADOCEP, egitimde olcme ve degerlendirme alaninda da uygulanmaktadir. Yapilan alanyazin taramasina gore, yaygin egitim kapsaminda olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalarini irdeleyen calismalarin yani sira, Turkiye’de yaygin egitim hizmeti veren Ingilizce kurslarinin olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalari acisindan daha once yapilmis bir calismaya rastlanmamistir. Buna gore, bu calismanin temel amaci Turkiye’de yaygin egitim hizmeti veren Ingilizce kurslarinin olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalarinin ADOCEP ile birlikte birtakim Avrupa olcme ve degerlendirme olcutlerine uygunlugunu irdelemektir. Calismada temel alinan Avrupa olcme ve degerlendirme olcutleri, Avrupa Dil Olcme ve Degerlendirme Birligi, Avrupa Dil Testleri Uygulayicilar Birligi, Uluslararasi Olcme Birligi ve Avrupa Dil Egitim Degerlendirme Birligi tarafindan ongorulen uygulama esaslaridir. Metodolojik acidan bu doktora tezi, karma yonteme dayalidir. Nicel veri, 5 secenekli Likert tipi olcek yoluyla, Turkiye’de yaygin egitim hizmeti veren, ulke genelinde kalitesiyle bilinen 3 Ingilizce kursunun belirlenmesiyle, bu kurumlarda sinav hazirlayici olarak calisan Ingilizce ogretmenlerinin gorusleri alinarak toplanmistir. Nitel veri ise Ingilizce kurslarinin ve ‘Tum Ozel Ogretim Kurslari, Hizmet Ici Egitim Merkezleri, Dershaneler ve Etut Egitim Merkezleri Birligi Dernegi (OZ-KUR-DER)’nin yoneticileri ile 6 soru uzerinden yapilan yari-yapilandirilmis gorusme yontemiyle elde edilmistir. Bu calismanin bulgulari Ingilizce kurslarinda calisan ogretmenlerin ilgili olcutler hakkinda yeterince bilgi sahibi olmadigini gostermistir. Ayrica, kurum yoneticilerinden toplanan gorusler ise ADOCEP’in olcme ve degerlendirme konusunda yeterli duzeyde uygulamaya konulmadigini ortaya cikarmistir. Bu calisma, yaygin egitim hizmeti veren Ingilizce kurslarinin olcme ve degerlendirme calismalarinin Avrupa standartlari cercevesinde gelistirilmesi konusunda cesitli cikarimlar da sunmaktadir. Ozetle, bu calismada Turkiye’de yaygin egitim yoluyla Ingilizcenin ogretiminde benimsenen olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalarinin ADOCEP kapsaminda gelisimi tartisilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Applying EALTA Guidelines as Baseline for the Foreign Language Proficiency Test in Turkey: The Case of YDS*

International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, May 1, 2017

Within the scope of educational testing and assessment, setting standards and creating guidelines... more Within the scope of educational testing and assessment, setting standards and creating guidelines as a code of practice provide more prolific and sustainable outcomes. In this sense, internationally accepted and regionally accredited principles are suggested for standardization in language testing and assessment practices. Herein, ILTA guidelines for good practice proposed by International Language Testing Association (2007), ALTE code of practice by Association of Language Testers in Europe (1994), JLTA code of good testing practices by Japanese Language Testing Association (2002) and EALTA guidelines for good practice by European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (2006) can be cited. Amidst them, the EALTA guidelines have been adopted to 'frame a validity study' (Alderson, 2010: 63) for language testing and assessment practices. In this sense, due to the abundance of guidelines and principles, it is expected to see myriad of practices to be well-implemented and documented. However, documentation on aforementioned practical cases is rare with a few empirical studies conducted (Alderson & Banerjee, 2008; Alderson; 2010; De Jong & Zheng, 2011). Accordingly, in this paper, a practical case study on YDS (foreign language exam in Turkey) is applied regarding the EALTA guidelines with a special concern on the development of tests in national and/or institutional testing units or centers. It is, therefore, aimed to tackle the question whether YDS adheres the principles purported by EALTA with its probable high-stake consequences. Thus, the results have indicated that taking the EALTA guidelines in the course of the test development process as baseline promotes value-added language testing and assessment practices.

Research paper thumbnail of “I Know That I Am No Good”: An Analysis Into the Translation Errors of Pre-Service Efl Teachers

Bartın üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Jun 30, 2019

Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an importan... more Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an important role for language learners since they tend to use translation in order to understand and interpret the language utterances. Perspectives towards the use of translation in foreign language teaching and learning process have changed over the time. As the learners are not native speakers of L2, they are likely to utter some structurally or semantically deviant forms of language. For this reason, conducting an error analysis procedure might be of crucial importance in understanding which domains of language are erroneous for language learners in order to fix the problems and improve language proficiency. In Turkey, English Language Teaching bachelor degree programs include the translation course where student-teachers are supposed to handle translations from L1 to L2 and L2 to L1. In this study, the translation assignments of 30 pre-service EFL teachers were investigated through document analysis and findings point out that the errors fall into structural, lexical and translational/interpretational categories. Finally, the pedagogical implications were drawn in relation to the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting the Past to Shape the Future

Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design

Hailing the value of foreign language assessment, this chapter embarks on reflections from classr... more Hailing the value of foreign language assessment, this chapter embarks on reflections from classroom practices in order to forecast the future of foreign language assessment, which is molded by a historical perspective. In doing so, it provides a recent contribution to the field of foreign language assessment by demonstrating to practitioners how they can make the best out of their assessment practices by addressing both theoretical and practical issues and listing recommendations in order to empower quality language assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of World Englishes and culture in English as a foreign language (EFL) education

Ankara: Vizetek, 2020

Pre-reading Questions Find out the six official languages of the United Nations. Which is the w... more Pre-reading Questions Find out the six official languages of the United Nations. Which is the world's most widely spoken language? How many variants/varieties of English do you know? How do you understand the concept of "World Englishes"? World Englishes and Cultural Contexts 1 5 British did not colonise the countries in this region, rather, English was used as a lingua franca between the British and local tradesmen. On the other hand, East Africa (e.g., Kenya, Uganda) was extensively colonised. Consequently, English played an important role on official levels and is still the official language in

Research paper thumbnail of The Utilization of the European Standards for Defining Educational Assessment: Teacher-Tester Attributes and Directors’ Control / Eğitsel Değerlendirmeyi Tanımlamada Avrupa Standartlarının Kullanımı: Öğretmen-Ölçen Yordamı ve Yönetici Kontrolü

Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 24, 2018

This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessmen... more This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessment practices of non-formal English language schools. Providing insights from a mixed-methods research design, the quantitative data were gathered from the English language teachers, who were also working as test (-item) developers at three private institutions renowned for quality with the highest course attendee capacity and branches in Turkey to reveal teacher-tester attributes, whereas qualitative data were gathered from the directors of these private institutions to screen directors' control. The results have yielded that (1) the kinds of assessment in use allow for feedback on the performance of the ongoing educational system; (2) the overall evaluation of the total program, and assessment of educational systems are taken into consideration in testing procedures to some extent; (3) what is good for the individual in assessment does not thoroughly align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; (4) the assessment applied in the selected private institutions does not mainly cover standardized tests. The results are discussed, and laced with suggestions to improve the quality of current testing and assessment practices by the exploitation of the European Framework of Standards for Educational Assessment (AEA-Europe 2012) regarding non-formal private institutions as the arteries of Turkish education economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Storytelling

Futuristic and Linguistic Perspectives on Teaching Writing to Second Language Students, 2021

Storytelling has been widely used as a strategy to develop language-related skills. Storytelling ... more Storytelling has been widely used as a strategy to develop language-related skills. Storytelling and learning are interwoven since composing a story is an inseparable component of the meaning-making process. Serving as a link between the act of imagination and perceiving the world, storytelling has been applied to promote effective language learning outcomes. Storytelling offers a language-based approach in literature by means of its activity-based, student-centered, and process-oriented nature, and storytelling supports students' negotiation of meaning by engaging and motivating them within the creative learning process. By this definition, the purpose of this research study is to initiate a scholarly discussion on innovative techniques in digital storytelling to support second language writing instruction along with significant strategies that employ 21st century learning skills.

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitsel Değerlendirmeyi Tanımlamada Avrupa Standartlarının Kullanımı: Öğretmen-Ölçen Yordamı ve Yönetici Kontrolü

Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018

This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessmen... more This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessment practices of non-formal English language schools. Providing insights from a mixed-methods research design, the quantitative data were gathered from the English language teachers, who were also working as test (-item) developers at three private institutions renowned for quality with the highest course attendee capacity and branches in Turkey to reveal teacher-tester attributes, whereas qualitative data were gathered from the directors of these private institutions to screen directors’ control. The results have yielded that (1) the kinds of assessment in use allow for feedback on the performance of the on-going educational system; (2) the overall evaluation of the total program, and assessment of educational systems are taken into consideration in testing procedures to some extent; (3) what is good for the individual in assessment does not thoroughly align with the United Nations Conven...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Technology Acceptance Model in Constructing Unbounded Learning Environments for Second Language Learners

Handbook of Research on Developing a Post-Pandemic Paradigm for Virtual Technologies in Higher Education, 2021

This chapter provides a foundation as to why second language teaching and learning as a disciplin... more This chapter provides a foundation as to why second language teaching and learning as a discipline should be refocused with caution in the world of technology, what sort of theoretical and practical implications should be in place for second language teachers to employ in unbounded learning environments, what the roles of technology acceptance model (TAM) in shaping unbounded language learning environments for second language teachers and learners are, in what ways it can be possible to provide an ecological perspective on learning to utilize web-based technologies for second language learners, which is basically different from traditional learning models. More specifically, this chapter takes an informed look at the significance of teachers' technology acceptance in constructing unbounded learning environments to teach a second language.

Research paper thumbnail of To revitalize or not: That is the question!

Research paper thumbnail of Language choice, use and transmission: Laz at the crossroads

Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi - ISSN: 2148-130X, Dec 18, 2017

T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i... more T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i s i / J o u r n a l o f E n d a n g e r e d L a n g u a g e N u r d a n K a v a k l ı • L a n g u a g e c h o i c e , u s e a n d t r a n s m i s s i o n : L a z a t t h e c r o s s r o a d s w ww. t ehl ik e d ek i d il l e r. c o m 51

Research paper thumbnail of A Gimmick for Mimic: The Elt Student-Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Drama Course

International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, Apr 22, 2016

graduated from Dokuz Eylül University in 2010 from the Department of English Language Teaching. S... more graduated from Dokuz Eylül University in 2010 from the Department of English Language Teaching. She is currently working as a research assistant and a Ph.D. candidate at the department of English Language Teaching in Hacettepe University. Her interests are language endangerment, language revitalization and language testing. Copyright by Informascope. Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of IOJET.

Research paper thumbnail of Language Use, Choice and Transmission: Laz at the Crossroads

T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i... more T D D / J o f E L Y a z / S u m m e r 2 0 1 7. . • …. T e h l i k e d e k i D i l l e r D e r g i s i / J o u r n a l o f E n d a n g e r e d L a n g u a g e N u r d a n K a v a k l ı • L a n g u a g e c h o i c e , u s e a n d t r a n s m i s s i o n : L a z a t t h e c r o s s r o a d s w ww. t ehl ik e d ek i d il l e r. c o m 51

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitim Fakültesinde Öğrenim Gören Öğretmen Adaylarının Narsisizm Düzeylerinin Siber Zorbalığa Duyarlık ve İnternet Bağımlılığı Düzeylerine Etkisi

Ulusal eğitim akademisi dergisi (uead), Oct 31, 2018

Son yüzyılda bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinde görülen hızlı gelişmeler, internet kullanma oranı... more Son yüzyılda bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinde görülen hızlı gelişmeler, internet kullanma oranını artırarak hayatı kolaylaştırmanın yanında birtakım riskleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. İnternetin, amacını aşan şekilde ve aşırı kullanımını ifade eden internet bağımlılığının ve bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri kullanılarak yapılan zarar verme davranışları olarak tanımlanan siber zorbalığın da bu riskler arasında yer aldığı ifade edilmektedir. Bireyin, insanları ve yaşamı algılama ve değerlendirme biçiminde olumsuz yönde etkileyen narsisistik kişilik yapısının ise, bireylerin düşünce, davranış ve tutumlarını etkilediği bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle bu araştırmada; öğretmen adaylarının sahip oldukları narsisizm düzeylerinin siber zorbalığa duyarlık ve internet bağımlılığı düzeylerini etkileyip etkilemediği araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Batı Karadeniz bölgesindeki üniversitelerin eğitim fakültelerinde öğrenim gören temel eğitim öğretmen adayları, örneklem grubunu ise, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Temel Eğitim bölümünde öğrenim gören 142 kız ve 83 erkek olmak üzere toplam 225 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. İlişkisel tarama modelli olarak yürütülen araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak; araştırmaya katılanların demografik bilgilerini elde etmek amacıyla araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulan "Demografik Bilgi Formu", Young (1996) tarafından geliştirilen ve Bayraktar (2001)'ın Türkçe'ye uyarladığı "İnternet Bağımlılık Ölçeği", Ames ve diğerleri (2006) tarafından yeniden revize edilen "Narsistik Kişilik Envanteri" (NKE) ve Tanrıkulu ve diğerleri (2011) tarafından geliştirilen, "Siber Zorbalığa İlişkin Duyarlılık Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Siber zorbalığın, internet bağımlılığı ve narsisizmle ile pozitif yönlü anlamlı ilişkisi bulunduğu görülmüştür. Regresyonun aracılık testine ait siber zorbalık ile internet bağımlılığı arasında narsisizm etkisine yönelik bootstrapping katsayı sonuçları, internet bağımlılığı düzeyinin siber zorbalığı  Bu çalışmanın bir kısmı, 02-06 Eylül 2018 tarihleri arasında Girne, Kıbrıs'ta düzenlenen 'ICLEC: 1st International Conference on Language, Education and Culture' adlı konferansta sunulmuştur. Eğitim Fakültesinde Öğrenim Gören Öğretmen Adaylarının Narsisizm Düzeylerinin Siber Zorbalığa Duyarlık ve İnternet Bağımlılığı Düzeylerine Etkisi 87 BSH=.22 ve narsisizmi BSH=.41 doğrusal açıdan etkilediğini göstermiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilere bağlı olarak siber zorbalığa ve internet bağımlılığına yönelik önlemsel çalışmalarda öncelikle narsisistik odaklı karakter ve kişilik yapısının kontrol altına alınması gerektiği, yordayıcı özellikler konusunda sağaltım ve terapi süreçlerinin desteklenmesi gerekliliği ortaya konmuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of Language Teachers' Investment in Digital Multimodal Composing (DMC) as a Manifold Application of Computer-Mediated Communication

Advances in wireless technologies and telecommunication book series, Mar 17, 2023

As an instructional potential for language learning purposes to integrate digital technologies, d... more As an instructional potential for language learning purposes to integrate digital technologies, digital multimodal composing (DMC) has mushroomed as a textual practice which involves the exploitation of digital tools in order to produce texts. In doing this, multiple semiotic modes (e.g., word, image, soundtrack etc.) are combined, and involved in the process of text production. This chapter is assumed to envision the changes in the educational landscape as a result of the age of digitization, and to understand the potential contributions of digital technologies and novel literacies to language learning and teaching. Specifically, DMC-oriented language learning and teaching will be scrutinized in order to maximize the potentials of language teachers, and thereof language learners, by investing in a post-pandemic virtual technology as an application of computer-mediated communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Rewriting the Future Through Rhetorical Technology

Advances in linguistics and communication studies, 2021

The failure to advance our understanding of intellectual rhetoric prevents opening up new avenues... more The failure to advance our understanding of intellectual rhetoric prevents opening up new avenues for rewriting the future through rhetorical technology. Rhetorical technology is the intellectual ability to use the power of empathy for human evolution through imagination and rhetorical data analysis. It draws attention to the fact that human beings can avoid repeating the same catastrophic events that their ancestors experienced with rhetorical data analysis. Within the context of this study, rhetorical technology has indeed a magical and intellectual power, and teaching empathy through writing and world languages can offer more sophisticated worldviews for humanity to evolve. For this purpose, it is quite futuristic and technological to treat writing as a resource for guiding the next generation to rewrite the future through empathy and technology.

Research paper thumbnail of Creative Digital Writing

IGI Global eBooks, May 14, 2021

Second language writers can adapt their creative skills to acquire and reflect new knowledge with... more Second language writers can adapt their creative skills to acquire and reflect new knowledge with fewer sophisticated words through more contextual and inclusive language. This process is called using the poetic function of language in a second language. One way to achieve teaching the poetic function of language as part of creative writing activities to second language learners is modeling digital writing in creative and innovative forms. This research study contextualizes a digital, innovative, and culturally sensitive language learning model that will enhance digital natives' learning experience through creative digital writing practices.

Research paper thumbnail of I Know That I Am No Good": An Analysis into the Translation Errors of Pre-Service EFL Teachers = "Biliyorum Iyi Degilim": Ingilizce Ögretmeni Adaylarinin Çeviri Hatalarina Dair Bir Inceleme

Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an importan... more Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an important role for language learners since they tend to use translation in order to understand and interpret the language utterances. Perspectives towards the use of translation in foreign language teaching and learning process have changed over the time. As the learners are not native speakers of L2, they are likely to utter some structurally or semantically deviant forms of language. For this reason, conducting an error analysis procedure might be of crucial importance in understanding which domains of language are erroneous for language learners in order to fix the problems and improve language proficiency. In Turkey, English Language Teaching bachelor degree programs include the translation course where student-teachers are supposed to handle translations from L1 to L2 and L2 to L1. In this study, the translation assignments of 30 pre-service EFL teachers were investigated through document analysis and findings point out that the errors fall into structural, lexical and translational/interpretational categories. Finally, the pedagogical implications were drawn in relation to the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Intrinsic Difficulties in Learning Common Greek-Originated English Words: The Case of Pluralization

Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Apr 25, 2016

Knowing the origin of a language helps us to determine the historical background of that language... more Knowing the origin of a language helps us to determine the historical background of that language. As language itself is such a system of a society that is continuously evolving as that aforementioned society learns and technologically develops along with its roots or origins. Like many other languages, English is also a language that has roots or origins in many different languages. In this sense, the English language, rooted as Anglo-Saxon, is known to derive most of its words from the Latin and Greek languages by whose modern cultures, it is assumed to be affected most. In this study, this derivation of words and the intrinsic difficulties probable to occur for English as a Foreign Language learners (hereafter EFLs) with a special interest upon the case of pluralization are scrutinized. That is why it is enlightened by the author of this paper within the scope of the historical background, the etymology of the English language within a linguistic perspective. As a result, the most common and confusing plural forms of Greek-originated English words, and some curing methods are defined.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of input modes: L2 comprehension and cognitive load

Participatory educational research, Nov 1, 2022

The current study investigated L2-based assumptions of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learnin... more The current study investigated L2-based assumptions of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and Cognitive Load Theory for the multimedia, modality, and redundancy principles. In this non-equivalent groups quasi-experimental design study, four groups of Turkish-speaking teacher trainees of the English language received a 12-minute non-paced lesson on harp seal pups that included English audio (audio group), English audio with video (video + audio group), English captions with video (video + text group), and English audio with video and captions (video + audio + text group). A comprehension test as well as measures for difficulty and effort rating were used to collect data. One-way between-groups analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to determine the effects of different modes of presentation on participants' learning performance and cognitive load. Moreover, Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) tests were performed to determine the groups that differed from each other. The findings showed that the video + audio group performed better and reported less difficulty and effort expenditure in the foreign/second language (L2) listening comprehension task than the audio-only group. On the other hand, the video + text and video + audio groups did not differ with respect to comprehension, difficulty, and effort expenditure. Lastly, while the video + audio + text and video + audio groups performed equally well in the comprehension task, the video + audio + text group reported less difficulty and effort than the video + audio group. The results and possible venues for further research were discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Cefr Orıented Testıng And Assessment Practıces In Non-Formal Englısh Language Schools In Turkey

Turkiye’nin Avrupa Birligi muzakere sureci kapsaminda benimsedigi ve yurutmekte oldugu dil egitim... more Turkiye’nin Avrupa Birligi muzakere sureci kapsaminda benimsedigi ve yurutmekte oldugu dil egitim politikalarinin dayanagi olan ADOCEP, egitimde olcme ve degerlendirme alaninda da uygulanmaktadir. Yapilan alanyazin taramasina gore, yaygin egitim kapsaminda olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalarini irdeleyen calismalarin yani sira, Turkiye’de yaygin egitim hizmeti veren Ingilizce kurslarinin olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalari acisindan daha once yapilmis bir calismaya rastlanmamistir. Buna gore, bu calismanin temel amaci Turkiye’de yaygin egitim hizmeti veren Ingilizce kurslarinin olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalarinin ADOCEP ile birlikte birtakim Avrupa olcme ve degerlendirme olcutlerine uygunlugunu irdelemektir. Calismada temel alinan Avrupa olcme ve degerlendirme olcutleri, Avrupa Dil Olcme ve Degerlendirme Birligi, Avrupa Dil Testleri Uygulayicilar Birligi, Uluslararasi Olcme Birligi ve Avrupa Dil Egitim Degerlendirme Birligi tarafindan ongorulen uygulama esaslaridir. Metodolojik acidan bu doktora tezi, karma yonteme dayalidir. Nicel veri, 5 secenekli Likert tipi olcek yoluyla, Turkiye’de yaygin egitim hizmeti veren, ulke genelinde kalitesiyle bilinen 3 Ingilizce kursunun belirlenmesiyle, bu kurumlarda sinav hazirlayici olarak calisan Ingilizce ogretmenlerinin gorusleri alinarak toplanmistir. Nitel veri ise Ingilizce kurslarinin ve ‘Tum Ozel Ogretim Kurslari, Hizmet Ici Egitim Merkezleri, Dershaneler ve Etut Egitim Merkezleri Birligi Dernegi (OZ-KUR-DER)’nin yoneticileri ile 6 soru uzerinden yapilan yari-yapilandirilmis gorusme yontemiyle elde edilmistir. Bu calismanin bulgulari Ingilizce kurslarinda calisan ogretmenlerin ilgili olcutler hakkinda yeterince bilgi sahibi olmadigini gostermistir. Ayrica, kurum yoneticilerinden toplanan gorusler ise ADOCEP’in olcme ve degerlendirme konusunda yeterli duzeyde uygulamaya konulmadigini ortaya cikarmistir. Bu calisma, yaygin egitim hizmeti veren Ingilizce kurslarinin olcme ve degerlendirme calismalarinin Avrupa standartlari cercevesinde gelistirilmesi konusunda cesitli cikarimlar da sunmaktadir. Ozetle, bu calismada Turkiye’de yaygin egitim yoluyla Ingilizcenin ogretiminde benimsenen olcme ve degerlendirme uygulamalarinin ADOCEP kapsaminda gelisimi tartisilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Applying EALTA Guidelines as Baseline for the Foreign Language Proficiency Test in Turkey: The Case of YDS*

International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, May 1, 2017

Within the scope of educational testing and assessment, setting standards and creating guidelines... more Within the scope of educational testing and assessment, setting standards and creating guidelines as a code of practice provide more prolific and sustainable outcomes. In this sense, internationally accepted and regionally accredited principles are suggested for standardization in language testing and assessment practices. Herein, ILTA guidelines for good practice proposed by International Language Testing Association (2007), ALTE code of practice by Association of Language Testers in Europe (1994), JLTA code of good testing practices by Japanese Language Testing Association (2002) and EALTA guidelines for good practice by European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (2006) can be cited. Amidst them, the EALTA guidelines have been adopted to 'frame a validity study' (Alderson, 2010: 63) for language testing and assessment practices. In this sense, due to the abundance of guidelines and principles, it is expected to see myriad of practices to be well-implemented and documented. However, documentation on aforementioned practical cases is rare with a few empirical studies conducted (Alderson & Banerjee, 2008; Alderson; 2010; De Jong & Zheng, 2011). Accordingly, in this paper, a practical case study on YDS (foreign language exam in Turkey) is applied regarding the EALTA guidelines with a special concern on the development of tests in national and/or institutional testing units or centers. It is, therefore, aimed to tackle the question whether YDS adheres the principles purported by EALTA with its probable high-stake consequences. Thus, the results have indicated that taking the EALTA guidelines in the course of the test development process as baseline promotes value-added language testing and assessment practices.

Research paper thumbnail of “I Know That I Am No Good”: An Analysis Into the Translation Errors of Pre-Service Efl Teachers

Bartın üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Jun 30, 2019

Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an importan... more Translation from source language (L1) to target language (L2) and/or vice versa plays an important role for language learners since they tend to use translation in order to understand and interpret the language utterances. Perspectives towards the use of translation in foreign language teaching and learning process have changed over the time. As the learners are not native speakers of L2, they are likely to utter some structurally or semantically deviant forms of language. For this reason, conducting an error analysis procedure might be of crucial importance in understanding which domains of language are erroneous for language learners in order to fix the problems and improve language proficiency. In Turkey, English Language Teaching bachelor degree programs include the translation course where student-teachers are supposed to handle translations from L1 to L2 and L2 to L1. In this study, the translation assignments of 30 pre-service EFL teachers were investigated through document analysis and findings point out that the errors fall into structural, lexical and translational/interpretational categories. Finally, the pedagogical implications were drawn in relation to the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting the Past to Shape the Future

Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design

Hailing the value of foreign language assessment, this chapter embarks on reflections from classr... more Hailing the value of foreign language assessment, this chapter embarks on reflections from classroom practices in order to forecast the future of foreign language assessment, which is molded by a historical perspective. In doing so, it provides a recent contribution to the field of foreign language assessment by demonstrating to practitioners how they can make the best out of their assessment practices by addressing both theoretical and practical issues and listing recommendations in order to empower quality language assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of World Englishes and culture in English as a foreign language (EFL) education

Ankara: Vizetek, 2020

Pre-reading Questions Find out the six official languages of the United Nations. Which is the w... more Pre-reading Questions Find out the six official languages of the United Nations. Which is the world's most widely spoken language? How many variants/varieties of English do you know? How do you understand the concept of "World Englishes"? World Englishes and Cultural Contexts 1 5 British did not colonise the countries in this region, rather, English was used as a lingua franca between the British and local tradesmen. On the other hand, East Africa (e.g., Kenya, Uganda) was extensively colonised. Consequently, English played an important role on official levels and is still the official language in

Research paper thumbnail of The Utilization of the European Standards for Defining Educational Assessment: Teacher-Tester Attributes and Directors’ Control / Eğitsel Değerlendirmeyi Tanımlamada Avrupa Standartlarının Kullanımı: Öğretmen-Ölçen Yordamı ve Yönetici Kontrolü

Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 24, 2018

This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessmen... more This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessment practices of non-formal English language schools. Providing insights from a mixed-methods research design, the quantitative data were gathered from the English language teachers, who were also working as test (-item) developers at three private institutions renowned for quality with the highest course attendee capacity and branches in Turkey to reveal teacher-tester attributes, whereas qualitative data were gathered from the directors of these private institutions to screen directors' control. The results have yielded that (1) the kinds of assessment in use allow for feedback on the performance of the ongoing educational system; (2) the overall evaluation of the total program, and assessment of educational systems are taken into consideration in testing procedures to some extent; (3) what is good for the individual in assessment does not thoroughly align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; (4) the assessment applied in the selected private institutions does not mainly cover standardized tests. The results are discussed, and laced with suggestions to improve the quality of current testing and assessment practices by the exploitation of the European Framework of Standards for Educational Assessment (AEA-Europe 2012) regarding non-formal private institutions as the arteries of Turkish education economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Storytelling

Futuristic and Linguistic Perspectives on Teaching Writing to Second Language Students, 2021

Storytelling has been widely used as a strategy to develop language-related skills. Storytelling ... more Storytelling has been widely used as a strategy to develop language-related skills. Storytelling and learning are interwoven since composing a story is an inseparable component of the meaning-making process. Serving as a link between the act of imagination and perceiving the world, storytelling has been applied to promote effective language learning outcomes. Storytelling offers a language-based approach in literature by means of its activity-based, student-centered, and process-oriented nature, and storytelling supports students' negotiation of meaning by engaging and motivating them within the creative learning process. By this definition, the purpose of this research study is to initiate a scholarly discussion on innovative techniques in digital storytelling to support second language writing instruction along with significant strategies that employ 21st century learning skills.

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitsel Değerlendirmeyi Tanımlamada Avrupa Standartlarının Kullanımı: Öğretmen-Ölçen Yordamı ve Yönetici Kontrolü

Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018

This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessmen... more This study aims to scrutinize the utilization of the European guidelines in testing and assessment practices of non-formal English language schools. Providing insights from a mixed-methods research design, the quantitative data were gathered from the English language teachers, who were also working as test (-item) developers at three private institutions renowned for quality with the highest course attendee capacity and branches in Turkey to reveal teacher-tester attributes, whereas qualitative data were gathered from the directors of these private institutions to screen directors’ control. The results have yielded that (1) the kinds of assessment in use allow for feedback on the performance of the on-going educational system; (2) the overall evaluation of the total program, and assessment of educational systems are taken into consideration in testing procedures to some extent; (3) what is good for the individual in assessment does not thoroughly align with the United Nations Conven...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Technology Acceptance Model in Constructing Unbounded Learning Environments for Second Language Learners

Handbook of Research on Developing a Post-Pandemic Paradigm for Virtual Technologies in Higher Education, 2021

This chapter provides a foundation as to why second language teaching and learning as a disciplin... more This chapter provides a foundation as to why second language teaching and learning as a discipline should be refocused with caution in the world of technology, what sort of theoretical and practical implications should be in place for second language teachers to employ in unbounded learning environments, what the roles of technology acceptance model (TAM) in shaping unbounded language learning environments for second language teachers and learners are, in what ways it can be possible to provide an ecological perspective on learning to utilize web-based technologies for second language learners, which is basically different from traditional learning models. More specifically, this chapter takes an informed look at the significance of teachers' technology acceptance in constructing unbounded learning environments to teach a second language.

Research paper thumbnail of To revitalize or not: That is the question!


This study introduces the effectiveness of analogy-based written corrective feedback to provide c... more This study introduces the effectiveness of analogy-based written corrective feedback to provide corrective feedback to ELT student-teachers on an inductive exemplar-basis. A qualitative classroom-based study was employed with the first graders of the ELT department, who were taking Structure of English course. Herein, the ELT student-teachers were given instruction on grammatical points to which reference was made by further exercises at the end of each lesson for five weeks. Further exercises were collected by the instructor to spot any erroneous learner output by written corrective feedback albeit on the basis of analogies. Accordingly, ELT student-teachers are presented with structurally similar albeit correct versions in response to their grammatically erroneous outputs, and awaited to decipher their errors through analyzing analogy-based feedback to produce exactly correct versions. Besides, ELT student-teachers were to render their forms on an individual K-W-L (what I know; what I want to learn; what I did learn) basis to report reflections about these grammatical subjects, and the course in general. It was founded that student-teachers discovered their grammatical errors before correcting them with the original forms by means of analogy-based exemplars in the long run. Results also indicated that student-teachers' motivation was increased on a long-term basis by means of syntactic and inductive alignment created between instructors and student-teachers, which was also confirmed by their reflection forms.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of AID Model of Effective Feedback in Pre-Service EFL Teachers' Professional Development

This study aims to probe into the influence of Action-Impact-Desired Outcome (AID) model of effec... more This study aims to probe into the influence of Action-Impact-Desired Outcome (AID) model of effective feedback on the professional development of prospective EFL teachers. Eighteen EFL senior students from the department of English Language Teaching at a state university in Turkey participated in the study. The data gathered was composed of three subparts. The quantitative part was constituted by the peer feedback scores on the micro-teaching practices of aforementioned sample group in Teaching English to Young Learners course through an evaluation form of teaching practice by Turkish Ministry of National Education. These scores were laced with AID model of effective feedback session grounded upon the course instructor's observation on student-teachers' in-class teaching practices within the scopes of content knowledge, pedagogical-content knowledge, teaching-learning process, assessment and recording, and other professional competences. Following these, the students were taken to semi-structured interviews on their classroom teaching experiences and the role of AID model on the process. As a result, it was proposed by the findings that: (a) the student-teachers were well-aware of the fact that theory-oriented EFL teacher education program was not satisfactorily conformed with real-life in-class practices during the application process; (b) the AID model of effective feedback had a far better positive impact both on their teaching practices and professional development as the prospective EFL teachers; (c) however; the student-teachers were in need of a more practical curriculum for the teacher training program which they enrolled in, as they believed to hinder their actual potential, of necessity.

Research paper thumbnail of Utilizing European Guidelines for Establishing Quality Standards in Language Testing and Assessment

The purpose of this study is to frame the European guidelines for good practice in language testi... more The purpose of this study is to frame the European guidelines for good practice in language testing and assessment. Herein, four types of international standards are taken into consideration in order to establish quality profiles for language tests. These are labelled as the standards of European Association for Language Testing and Assessment, the Association of Language Testers in Europe, International Language Testing Association and the Association for Educational Assessment-Europe, all of which get inspired by the implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment. The codes of practices within the framework of aforementioned standards are taken into thematic analysis in an effort to point the sub-components which are put forward separately. From that point of view, it is reported that the European guidelines embody the core components developed for test construction, test production, administration and logistics, marking and grading, test analysis, communication with stakeholders and item writing. For each component, unifiers as the integrative elements of each are defined and mentioned in detail. In the light of these, some practical recommendations are given for pursuing good practice in language testing and assessment practices, as well.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a continuum of professional development: Enhancing prospective EFL teachers' assessment literacy

It is a crystal clear fact that assessment literacy has been a primary focus of interest, which b... more It is a crystal clear fact that assessment literacy has been a primary focus of interest, which blossoms as one of the major professional requirements of an effective teacher. From that point of view, there is a myriad of standards for assessment, and measures for assessment literacy across the world. This study, therefore, aims to unearth the prospective English as a Foreign Language (henceforth EFL) teachers' assessment literacy by means of the Assessment Literacy Survey developed by Volante and Fazio (2007). Additionally, the student-teachers are also invited to have a sit at semi-structured interviews grounded upon the student questionnaire of the European Network of Language Testing and Assessment (ENLTA, 2004) on a volunteer basis. To elaborate the sample group, the participants are 36 senior students from the department of English Language Teaching (henceforth ELT) at a state university in Turkey. As expected, after four years of intensive education to become an English teacher, the student-teachers are somehow to develop an understanding of assessment literacy, and enhance their skills within. Accordingly, student-teachers' utilization of assessment approaches and understanding of underlying principles are at the core to be enlightened. As a result, it is reported that prospective EFL teachers are aware of the concept of assessment literacy though they perceive themselves as not adequately qualified. At the very same, practicum courses in which they enroll do not satisfactorily meet their expectations in developing their assessment skills. Similarly, they have judicious amount of practical knowledge on different types of assessment approaches although they are mindful of the fact that in-class practices are to be laced with various kinds of assessment applications.

Research paper thumbnail of Developing EFL student-teachers' awareness for CEFR-oriented practices

In today's world, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is considered as an es... more In today's world, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is considered as an established set of guidelines which elaborate the descriptives for language learners, teachers and testers in a taxonomic nature. In this sense, the Framework has an utmost importance in foreign language learning and teaching practices across Europe. From that point of view, this study aims to uncover the long-term effects of a national project, labeled as 'A Course on the CEFR and ELP for Prospective English Language Teachers' on enhancing student-teachers' awareness about CEFR-oriented practices. Accordingly, 25 senior students from the department of English Language Teaching at different universities in Turkey have been recruited, and their knowledge gap on the exploitation of the CEFR and ELP on a practical basis is analyzed quantitatively by the data gathered from the scales used in the study of CoE (2005) and Kantarcioglu (2012). A semi-structured interview is conducted, which requires thematic analysis and takes up the qualitative part of this study. As a result, it has blossomed that theoretical knowledge is not solely enough to implement when it comes to practice. It is also reported that universities as the stakeholders are at a position to provide CEFR-oriented language learning and teaching practices before students step into professional life. Last but not least, the project has enhanced the participants' knowledge on CEFR and ELP. Through bilateral sessions of data collection, one at the very beginning and the other at the last day of the project, students have raised awareness about CEFR-oriented practices, for which they are expected to apply along their career as an English language teacher soon.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of educational projects on ELT student-teachers' professional development

For the dissemination of pluriculturalism and plurilingualism, new policies have been developed i... more For the dissemination of pluriculturalism and plurilingualism, new policies have been developed in order to set common standards within Europe in a multidimensional perspective. For this reason, a set of common standards is to be considered in teaching/learning foreign languages, testing and assessing related practices and making proper statements of the learning outcomes and competences. Herein, it is a crystal clear fact that the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and European Language Portfolio are the essential tools for those who involved in the foreign language teaching and learning practices across Europe. Accordingly, in this study, results of a national project on teaching Common European Framework of Reference for Languages- and European Language Portfolio- oriented practices to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge of prospective English language teachers are scrutinized in respect to student-teachers’ professional development. To elaborate, the project is confirmed and supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (namely TUBITAK) under the heading of BIDEB-2229. The participants of the project are either junior or senior students of the department of English Language Teaching from different universities in Turkey. During the project, the students are expected to take courses on a practical basis of (a) the adoption of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages into school curriculum, (b) skill-based language teaching practices and (c) assessment through the use of European Language Portfolio with the help of ten experts in the field of English Language Teaching. On a six-day basis course program, student-teachers get the theoretical knowledge on each skill and related practices regarding that skill. The topics covered in the project are labelled as (1) developing English language teaching/learning materials regarding the use of CEFR and ELP; (2) testing and assessment practices in English language teaching regarding the use of CEFR and ELP; (3) developing listening activities regarding the use of CEFR and ELP; (4) developing reading activities regarding the use of CEFR and ELP; (5) developing writing activities regarding the use of CEFR and ELP; (6) developing speaking activities regarding the use of CEFR and ELP; (7) the role of linguistics in foreign language education and its relationship between the CEFR and ELP; (8) the role of learner autonomy and classroom management in foreign language education regarding the use of the CEFR and ELP. By two parallel sessions, the data have been gathered qualitatively through semi-structured interviews by student-teachers, which are also backed up by a pop-quiz on related areas as an indicator of learning achievement, taking up the quantitative part of this study. The results are also laced with a rubric used for the evaluation of the project in sum. Herewith, it is reported that students as the prospective English language teachers are the preliminary decision-makers of in-class applications; therefore, they are to be trained well before they get into classrooms in order to teach. It is also supported by the findings of this study that student-teachers are in need of guidelines in order to map the relationship amidst in-class educational practices, learning outcomes and professional development on the path towards prospective EFL teacher’s career planning. As a result, this project has provided opportunities for the professional development of student-teachers of ELT through the dissemination of CEFR- and ELP-oriented practices, which is, today, a lantern of education.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the distinction between English count and mass nouns: the concept of individuation

This study aims to explore EFL instructors' recognition of the distinction between English count ... more This study aims to explore EFL instructors' recognition of the distinction between English count and mass nouns within the scope of pluralization. Therefore, fifteen EFL instructors of different public universities in Turkey were asked to write the plural forms of fifty frequently used either count or mass nouns given as a list in an open-ended form on two parallel sessions. Accordingly, two types of scores were gathered: pre-test scores according to participants' responses through merely their semantic mapping, and post-test scores after further instruction session. Non-parametric tests were applied in quantitative data analysis procedure. Demographic information was also considered to note whether there was any significant difference in terms of gender and years of experience in the field. As a result, it was reported that there was a positively linear increase between pre- and post-test results after further instruction session as a part of remedial teaching. However, the results were not bound to the variables of gender and years of experience. The results were discussed within the boundaries of conceptual semantics, syntactic features coded in the mental lexicon and cognitive individuation hypothesis. Some practical recommendations and possible solutions to cure related problems were also proposed in conclusion.

Research paper thumbnail of The effectiveness of the CEFR as a course in M.A. programs of ELT departments

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (hereaft... more The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (hereafter CEFR) and the related documents are the current realities of ELT professionals, mainly in Europe, as part of the practices in their field of study. Although it is labeled as “common” and “European”, the CEFR is an internationally recognized framework worldwide. In this sense, this study aims to uncover whether the CEFR and the other related European documents such as the European Language Portfolio (hereafter ELP), as a course in M.A. classes, have reflected certain degree of effectiveness in relation to students’ expectations. Herein, students’ self-reflection forms and achievement test-retest scores were analyzed. Accordingly, the mixed method laced with both qualitative and quantitative data was implemented. The learners’ test-retest scores as achievement criteria constituted the quantitative part of the study. On the other hand, the qualitative part was composed of the learners’ self-reflection forms for the course and discussion-based self-assessment reports. The results of the study revealed the fact that the CEFR as an M.A course was internalized better on condition that the lecture was followed by self-study, self-reflection, discussion-based self-assessment as a part of review process and test-retest practices respectively, when applied whole and complete.

Research paper thumbnail of Language revitalization as a need or a must: The case of Laz in Turkey

Laz (South Caucasian) language, spoken primarily on the southeastern coast of the Black Sea in Tu... more Laz (South Caucasian) language, spoken primarily on the southeastern coast of the Black Sea in Turkey, is accepted as a definitely endangered language by 'UNESCO Atlas of the World Languages in Danger'. Having no official status as Turkish is over there instead, Laz is most frequently applied in intrafamilial conversations when its area of use is considered. In this study, the perceptions of people who are of Laz origin, towards language choice, language use and the transmission of the language to the younger generation are scrutinized. Hereby, the multiculturalism index is also taken into consideration to tackle the question why some use Laz as they know, some do not though they know, and some do not as they do not know any about the language. Within the scope of language endangerment as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, recent acts and/or movements for the revitalization of Laz language in Turkey are also touched upon. As a result, it is enlightened whether language revitalization is a need or a must for Laz language, having a dekko at the history of modern Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of Applying EALTA Guidelines as Baseline: The Case of YDS in Turkey

Within the scope of educational testing and assessment, setting standards and creating guidelines... more Within the scope of educational testing and assessment, setting standards and creating guidelines as a code of practice provide more prolific and sustainable outcomes. In this sense, internationally accepted and regionally accredited principles are suggested for standardization in language testing and assessment practices. Herein, ILTA guidelines for practice proposed by International Language Testing Association (2007), ALTE code of practice by Association of Language Testers in Europe (1994), JLTA code of good testing practices by Japanese Language Testing Association (2002) and EALTA guidelines for good practice by European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (2006) can be cited. Amidst them, the EALTA guidelines have been adopted to ‘frame a validity study’ (Alderson, 2010: 63) for language testing and assessment practices. In this sense, due to the abundance of guidelines and principles, it is expected to see myriad of practices to be well-implemented and documented. However, documentation on aforementioned practical cases is rare with a few empirical studies conducted (Alderson & Banerjee, 2008; Alderson; 2010; De Jong & Zheng, 2011). Accordingly, in this paper, a practical case study on YDS (foreign language exam in Turkey) is applied regarding the EALTA guidelines with a special concern on the development of tests in national and/or institutional testing units or centers. It is, therefore, aimed to tackle the question whether YDS adheres the principles purported by EALTA with its probable high-stake consequences. Correlatively, YDS has been checked against seven main concerns defined by the EALTA guidelines, namely (a) test purpose and specification; (b) test design and item writing; (c) quality control and test analyses; (d) test administration; (e) review; (f) washback; and (g) linkage to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, by means of validation study. In this respect, to answer the subheadings listed, specific examples for each section have been observed with documents to confirm them. Exploiting the EALTA guidelines as the checklist items, the data have been analyzed qualitatively as a result of a review process. Answers for the questions defined by the guidelines have been summarized for each section in detail. As a result, YDS has mushroomed two-way alternates: first, it is reviewed in terms of recognition by the internationally set standards; second, it is reviewed in terms of current applications for the enhancement of a large-scale language test. Moreover, the deficiencies in test development process blossom the need for standardization in language testing and assessment practices in Turkey, directing the path towards the enhancement of the current one in quality, or the development of a new internationally recognized language test, abiding by the principles of accountability, appropriateness and transparency to verify the qualification of the ongoing assessment system. Thus, the results have indicated that taking the EALTA guidelines in the course of the test development process as baseline promotes value-added language testing and assessment practices in essence.


Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Language and Culture, and Its Implications for EFL Teaching

World Englishes and Culture in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education, 2020

Is there a relationship between language and culture? If so, what is the role of culture in langu... more Is there a relationship between language and culture? If so, what is the role of culture in language classrooms? This chapter attempts to answer these questions. Obviously, there is a reciprocal relationship between language and culture. What is more, people’s cultural background and behaviors shape the way they interpret the world around them. Apparently, being aware of one’s own culture paves the way towards being aware of the new culture by developing a sense of cultural awareness. Therefore, communicating cross-culturally is regarded as an effective skill that can be developed through cross-cultural awareness (Gudynkunst & Kim, 2003). With these in mind, let us consider what lies behind the relationship between language and culture, and of course, how culture is integrated into language classes. The organization of the chapter is designed as follows: firstly, the relationship between language and culture is described. Secondarily, the state-of-the-art of culture pedagogy in terms of language teaching is introduced. Making the case for language and culture pedagogy, its implications are presented to which reference is made subsequently in order to deliver target culture with the priority of teaching English as a Foreign Language (hereafter: EFL). Conclusively, the last section remarks conclusions, and pedagogical implications for teaching target culture through teaching the target language.

Research paper thumbnail of Unravelling the enduring aspiration-attainment gap: Immigration, Syrian refugee students and education

Migration in Turkey: Policies, reactions, discussions, 2020

As an offspring of a large refugee influx from Syria, it is reported that Turkey has received mor... more As an offspring of a large refugee influx from Syria, it is reported that Turkey has received more than 2.5 million refugees within the 2011- 2015 quadrennium (Bağır, 2018). However, Syrian refugees have faced with financial, institutional, linguistic and social obstacles and/or barriers in their daily life practices. The case for Syrian refugee students is rather pathetic due to no prior, or interrupted formal education. Besides, there is a scarcity of qualified and trained teachers, adequate number of resources, and appropriate curriculum designed for Syrian refugee students, which may impede education (Aydin & Kaya, 2017). Therefore, taking immigration as a focal point, this chapter provides insights and perspectives from the educational praxis, and challenges faced by the Syrian refugee students at Turkish schools. Herewith, it is also described how Education in Emergencies (EiE) may function as a developmental approach for closing aspiration-attainment gap, and as an agentive response to the existing incongruity between educational policy planning and implementation.



Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle, günümüzde yabancı dil olarak İngilizce eğitim, ticaret, medya, müzik g... more Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle, günümüzde yabancı dil olarak İngilizce eğitim, ticaret, medya, müzik gibi birbirinden farklı motivasyonlar için kullanılır hale gelmiştir. Bundan ötürü, İngilizce yalnızca dilin konuşulduğu ülkelerin sahip olduğu bir emtia olarak değil, tüm dünyada kullanılan uluslararası bir iletişim dili olarak addedilmektedir (Richards, 2001). Benzer şekilde, İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenme ve öğretmede son dönemlerde kullanılan yöntem ve yaklaşımlar da yabancı dil olarak İngilizceyi araç olarak kullanmaya odaklanmaktadır. Bundan ötürü, günümüze kadar gelerek hayatta kalmış olan yaklaşım İletişimsel Dil Öğretim Yaklaşımı’dır. Dil öğrenmenin iletişimsel bir yeti olduğunu savunan bu yaklaşıma göre dil, iletişim kurmak için öğrenilmekte ve iletişimin anlamlı olmasında güncellik, otantiklik, akıcılık ve doğruluk gibi kavramların bütünselliğine dikkat edilmektedir. Etkileşimciler, iletişimsel davranışların dilsel olarak gerçekleşmesini tanımlamak için iletişimsel faydacı alanın önemine değinmektedirler. Bir paradigma olarak İletişimsel Faydacı Yaklaşım ile yabancı dil eğitiminde farklı yöntem ve yaklaşımları dikkate alarak, sınıf içi öğretmen-öğrenen ve öğrenen-öğrenen iletişimi, öğretme-öğrenme kanalları, öğretmen-öğrenen rol ve davranışları gibi değişkenler incelenmektedir. Tüm bunların ışığında, bu bölümde, İletişimsel Faydacı Yaklaşım’ın önerdiği alanın kullanım yeri ve temel ilkeleri ile birlikte, İletişimsel Faydacı Yaklaşım’a dayalı bir model olan ‘Eylem-Etki-İstenen Çıktı’ Modeli üzerinde durulacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretimi Metodolojisi