ieatcarbs (original) (raw)

April 23rd, 2005

kookymonster03 **09:19 pm - Yum, yum, yum. I love carbs!**Hola everybody! I'm new here! I just thought I would express my love for carbs! All those no-carb diets are dumb! Don't believe them! Carbs aren't that bad for you, AND THEY ARE YUMMY!!!!! Later yall. GO EAT LOTS OF CARBS!!!!!!!Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative

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February 20th, 2005

mobbstamina 08:20 pmHello! I just joined. and Im trying to find a pizza dough recipe. but my internet is being whacko!So.. does anyone have any pizza dough recipes theyd like to share? (and no i cant go out and buy the already made dough.. im way too lazy ha)

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September 23rd, 2004

rockerchick_205 02:34 pmHi, this is my first post in this community.My name is Cassie (short for Cassiopia, for anyone interested), and I am a carbohydrate addict. I used to be on the Atkins diet (back in January), but I went off of it because of health problems. The lack of carbs made me feel dizzy and lethargic, and also caused other complaints.But since I became vegan, I've felt so much healthier-even though I've gained a little weight (i'm trying to become more active to get it off). I might've lost weight on the Atkins diet, but it was probably because I felt too sick to eat anything at all. :\So, yeah... just saying hello. :)Current Mood: tiredtiredCurrent Music: My December - Linkin Park

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September 6th, 2004

silveredcheetah **05:09 pm - I eat carbs!**Hello, my name is Cassie. And I have a confession to make. I EAT CARBS. LOTS OF THEM. I DO NOT INTEND TO STOP EATING THEM ANY TIME WITHIN THE NEXT MILLENIA, EITHER!I'm 5'8", I weigh 140 lbs, i'm 16 years old, and in the best shape of my life. I can jog a quarter mile in less than 2 minutes, I'm awake in class, I have friends, and despite the carb stigma, I am not fat! Thank you.

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August 14th, 2004

trinitysboots 02:53 am - Just a thought that occured when I wasn't quite awake enough to dismiss it...OK, besides the stupidity of low-carb spaghetti sauce, and how unhealthy I think those low-carb diets are, here's why I REALLY hate it... My own personal reasons. I feel like a sinner when I eat carbs, now. I can't even describe it, but I feel bad for eating something OTHERWISE deemed very healthy. I feel like I'm scarfing down a huge box of snake food or something, when I'm far from it.It's way mega lame, and it's royally pissing me off.Current Mood: annoyedannoyedCurrent Music: alexisonfire - Polaroids of Polar Bears

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July 14th, 2004

skyloon 04:10 pm - Low in CarbsHi, I'm on a high carb diet and I'm 130lbs.( Thought you might like thisCollapse ) Current Mood: amusedamusedCurrent Music: Weird Al Yankovic - Eat It

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July 13th, 2004

kaifawn **02:13 pm - carb love shack**Hey everyone --I'm a big proponent of rational, well-rounded eating and regular exercise, so the low-carb diets really tend to irritate me. Last week I stumbled across a comment thread in which someone suggested that a Cafe Press shop be put together for carb lovers/anti-Atkins people. To make a long story short, I did just that. Take a look, and please feel free to pass the link on to your carb lovin' friendsCarb Love Shack(cross-posted to a few different communities)

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July 8th, 2004

night101owl **10:22 pm - Atkins Debate Community**You are invited to atkins_debate. This is a place for pro-Atkins folks and anti-Atkins folks to sit down and talk about the diet without invading and disrupting each other's support forums. Topics for debate include the healthfulness or risks of Atkins, whether it works, etc. So far, there aren't a lot of people who oppose Atkins, which is why I'm checking communities like this. Everyone is welcome.

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July 7th, 2004

whatamunky 12:32 amhey guys, i'm helping to promote this site. they make some cute shirts that i thought you might be interested in. if you happen to buy anything please tell them that melanie sent you! thanks :) here's the link to the site

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July 2nd, 2004

theh 03:11 pmMy mom's cat has been on a low-carb diet for all four years of his life, and he's FAT AS HELL.( see catCollapse )

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