Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu | Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa (original) (raw)
Papers by Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, 2017
Geguritan as one of the traditional literature is widely used by the authors to pour the brillian... more Geguritan as one of the traditional literature is widely used by the authors to pour the brilliant idea of character education through the medium of art language that is strung together based on the diction that is very ungrateful. Through geguritan, a person has indirectly got a character education that is able to build a good mindset, words and deeds. The development of technology and communication in this era of globalization has gradually eroded the interest of teenagers to know and learn traditional literature. Learners are more interested in the things that smelled of technology, especially social media and override traditional literature, one of which is literature geguritan. Geguritan Suddhamala as one of literature geguritan loaded with character values that can be used as guidance in improving the quality of education quality. The relevance of character education in Suddhamala geguritan is divided into three namely divinity / humanity, humanity, and environment. The entire field of character has relevance to efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
ABSTRAK Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri (IHDN) Denpasar utilize information technology to support th... more ABSTRAK Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri (IHDN) Denpasar utilize information technology to support the vision and mission. Besides utilized to assist in the administration of education, information technology is also used for the development of quality IHDN. For example, the implementation of SPMI by the Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu (LPM) IHDN Denpasar by utilizing information technology in empowering educators, staff, service for learners. Information technology can make SPMI process becomes more transparent and accountable, so as to improve the quality of education in IHDN Denpasar. In 2016, the lecturers of IHDN Denpasar have been using applications Beban Kerja Dosen (BKD) so that the implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi of each Lecturer can be calculated in a professional manner. Application Beban Kerja Dosen (BKD) which uses Microsoft Access greatly assist the lecturers of IHDN Denpasar in preparing the report of BKD, which became the basis allowances of lecturer certification. Scientific Journal Publication as research journals have been managed by using information technology in website's form http:// www.ejournal.ihdn.ac.id. Process research and community service in IHDN Denpasar, ranging from proposals to reporting already using online application that Management Information Systems Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM). Implementation of the obligations of officials in Denpasar IHDN in education have used the system of financial information which relating to applications such as SPAN and SILABI, and for IHDN affairs personnel data in Denpasar using http:// ropeg.kemenag.go.id information system. whereas for asset management or inventory in IHDN Denpasar is managed by using the application of State Property (BMN). Services to students, starting from recruitment of new students, the learning process through graduation in Denpasar IHDN also have been managed through a new Student Information System Admissions, Academic Information Systems, and Information Systems Graduation.
Higher Education (PT) is a central science, and barns civilized culture. In Indonesia, there are ... more Higher Education (PT) is a central science, and barns civilized culture. In Indonesia, there are typologies PT accordance with struktualis power limit. Namely, PT who are under the authority Kemendikbud and Kemenag. Although different house, but the same substance. All elements have the same commitment membersarkan education premises. Under the supervision of Religious Affairs, PT spread across all regions of the country. At the level of management, there are private and public PT. PT Private independently but administratively connected with the government. PT-PT private during this, the procedure of governance and there are already established there are still 'semraut'. PT-managed properly been able to provide a study room and an incredible inspiration to mental development and the custom of society. In Madura, Sumenep regency especially the private PT has a strategic role in human development and the environment. It happens, because in the life of PT contained Tridharma college mission. Insan PT determined to always be the transformation of knowledge, devotion, and conduct research for the common good. Studies in this paper will reveal the scientific facts tentrang college of contributions and dedication in the area of Madura. The method in this study using a qualitative ethnographic approach, the technique of participant observation data collection, data sources through snowball sampling. The results of this study reveal the facts, Madura College in the Region is able to provide the benefits of environmental and human dimensional. Starting from the texture of culture, civilization advanced and new, as well as the human characters more educated.
Community Learning Center (CLC) is a non-formal education institution that serves as a place and ... more Community Learning Center (CLC) is a non-formal education institution that serves as a place and opportunity for the community members to learn. CLC develops as learners' needs, educational regulations, and general society develop. The implementation of learning activities differs from one CLC to another. The quality also varies between one CLC institution and the next. The quality of human resources in CLC contributes to the quality of the CLC. The key human resource that plays a great role in determining the success or failure of CLC is its manager. Managerial ability of CLC managers is one of the key factors of CLC's success. To improve the quality of CLC, the quality of its managers has to be improved first. CLC managers have to possess sufficient knowledge, skills, and capabilities to realize the nine characters of CLC set in the Standard and Operational Procedures of CLC. Nowadays, CLC faces several problems in quality improvement: (1) whether or not the developed learning programs are oriented towards the learners and stakeholders; (2) whether or not all stakeholders of CLC are actively involved in the management and development of CLC; (3) whether or not learning implementation and evaluation been performed as required; it is unlikely that CLC will meet the quality standard set by the community without first having a tool to measure its progress and achievement; (4) whether or not all interested parties have strong commitment to quality improvement; and (5) whether or not the improvement and development efforts in CLC management and learning implementation have been continuous and sustainable. One of the quality improvement efforts in CLC is the development of managerial professionalism. The managers of CLC may implement CLC managerial development strategies, which begin with strategic planning. Managerial development strategies include effective and efficient management of resources and the implementation of skill development and public enrichment approaches.
Financing a good management is one key to the success of an educational institution to promote or... more Financing a good management is one key to the success of an educational institution to promote or increase quality. In this study, the focus of the problem is how the management of financing available to the private universities in Surabaya medium in order to improve its quality. The method used is qualitative descriptive with the presence of the researcher as an instrument of research conducted interviews to informants as a source of primary data and documents as well as supporting books as a secondary data source. Management Funding education is one of the factors that determine the quality improvement due to the financial management that is transparent and accountable will give rise to the belief of stakehoulder and it will be the motivation of each academicians Tri Dharma College in Private colleges medium in Surabaya to conduct quality improvement in their respective fields. Keyword: management of higher education financing, Quality
Students at higher education institutions are definitely adults who should be encouraged and give... more Students at higher education institutions are definitely adults who should be encouraged and given motivation to be the 'adult' learners. Each student has diverse characteristics that will make them ultimately bring different perspectives to the class (different types of backgrounds, learning styles, experiences, and aspirations). Therefore, educators are no longer possible to use conventional methods in cultivating the values to students to get them to be adult learners. The psychological condition of adults will encourage the teaching and learning process to be more directed to the Student-Centered Learning. This method is built on the principles of active learning constructive, some social activity, mental reflection, implementation of prior knowledge, and so forth. The learning process is a reflection cycle (about what happened), the idea of a thing (or something that needs to be tested), action (trial to do something), and outcomes (concrete experience). Problem-Based Learning method is an option that can be used to support the activities of Student-Centered Learning for the use of problems in the learning process can trigger the curiosity of students that will lead them to be able to solve their own problems by giving a definition of a certain problem and specify the collected information. In this way, students will try to associate the information they have and be able to specify the topics they will learn more. ABSTRAK Mahasiswa pada lembaga pendidikan tinggi adalah orang-orang dewasa yang mesti didorong dan diberikan motivasi untuk menjadi pelajar yang 'dewasa'. Tiap mahasiswa memiliki karakteristik beragam yang pada akhirnya mereka membawa berbagai perspektif ke dalam kelas (berbagai jenis latar belakang, gaya belajar,
College is one of the means to build community. Universities can also be regarded as the agent of... more College is one of the means to build community. Universities can also be regarded as the agent of change in society and even the world. Humans were expected today are capable of developing their potential throughout. Overview whole human beings has been defined in the law No. 20 of 2003 on the System Pendidian National Article 3 which states that the National Education aims at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. Based on these conditions, a University is a public institution undertaking the community to help to create students who have the expected quality. With the demands of current conditions it is necessary seoramg leaders and members who have high performance in managing and running the educational process. While universities are expected are universities which have members who are always learning to achieve a change for the better in serving the community.
This article entitled " The Application of KMARI No. 702 year of 2016 as a Real Effort to reach t... more This article entitled " The Application of KMARI No. 702 year of 2016 as a Real Effort to reach the Quality Assurance of High Institution in Religion Ministry ". Some descriptions of this article cover introduction such as basis law engagement performance, report engagement, and review on report performance, some components in KMARI Nomor 702 year of 2016, understanding performance engagement, understanding of engagement performance, and meaning review on report of performance. Then also described about purpose arranging angagement performance, arranging angagement performance, purpose report performance, form, delivery, report performance yearly, performance yearly, measuring performance, indidcator performance, and indicator main of performance, purpose review on report performance, arrangement review on report performance. Last of this article namely about conclusion and reflection.
The purpose of this study, namely: (1) determine systematically the implementation of teaching fa... more The purpose of this study, namely: (1) determine systematically the implementation of teaching factory model of the learning process D3 electrical engineering; (2) determine the achievement quality D3 graduate in electrical engineering and Teaching Factory models. The approach used is a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation. Results of the assessment showed that the implementation of teaching factory model of the learning process D3 Electrical Engineering done quite well, starting from the standard of competence, media, lecturers, students, use and maintenance, production, marketing, evaluation has been structured well enough. But there are still shortcomings in the establishment of management due to the formation of management, the management structure remains unclear resulted in the implementation of the model is less than the maximum teaching factory in the Department of Electrical Engineering D3. Implementation of teaching factory in D3 Electrical Engineering UN PGRI Kediri has been going pretty well, the resulting product has a quality worth selling, economical and multifunctional, the students are expected after graduation in addition to be absorbed in the industrialized world are working as interpreneur and employers on the products they produce so with the application of teaching factory, the quality D3 Electrical Engineering increasing
This writing has main purpose that is to know head master's role in improving educational quality... more This writing has main purpose that is to know head master's role in improving educational quality, leadership, duty, and headmaster's role in improving educational quality, leardership, duty, and headmaster's role in order to produce process and product of quality education. Educational quality is our hope in facing strict life exchange in several sectors especially in education sectors for better future. For the sake of making educational quality, this needs role of leaders in educational institutes. One of them is headmaster because it is the pioneer is moving all changes to go to educational quality. Headmaster's duty is not only leading ceremony, waiting incoming letter to be signed but also making a good quality of education in school. Specifically headmaster's role in improving quality of education are doing monitoring, evaluating continually toward seccessful program determined, planning and arranging word plan agreed with improving needs of educational quality which orients on school's mission, making intensive commumication with teachers, students, student's parents and society.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality improvement activities to draw up action res... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality improvement activities to draw up action research through workshops among primary school teachers in Gugus Diponegoro Kecamatan Ungaran Barat. This research is an action research descriptive and qualitative approach. Although the results are still far from PTK relevance proposal but interest to make a PTK proposal increases. In PTK workshop proposal process, there were many problems faced by the teachers who have difficulty in using computers and many teachers do not participate actively. The conclusion shows the actions taken to improve the ability of teachers through workshops PTK proposal showed success in developing a PTK proposal.
Indonesia is experiencing social unrest because of the emergence of the behavior of racism and in... more Indonesia is experiencing social unrest because of the emergence of the behavior of racism and intolerance. Mass media social also become the most fertile ground the outbreak of the issue of the behavior of intolerance. Clear impact affect the condition of Indonesia today. All involved in the world of education is necessarily aware that the behavior of intolerance cannot happen. education must respect differences and spread the value of good character through education tolerance in the middle of the condition of multiculturalism become characteristic of Indonesia. The importance of good tolerance education in schools or in universities must be paid attention to education is lost gradually declines but. The world of education must be free of purely from the practice of intolerance. Education is the place grow any differences and foster mutual respect among the differences. Teachers or educators as the spearhead education has a special role in inculcating tolerance in the world of education will become an example to all it broadcasts.
Education is a important thing in a human civilization history. The progress of a civilization is... more Education is a important thing in a human civilization history. The progress of a civilization is mostly determined by education as a main factor. Throughout the history of human civilization, there were so many learning methods has been invented such as discussion method, discourse method, group teaching, and technology-supported learning method. The fast development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the era of information society has facilitated all of knowledge seekersnowdays to learn something better and better.E-Learning as a implementation of ICT in education domain takes the role as a education media which provide education content so that the students are able to access it times infinity.
The educational issues that stuck out today, includes equalization of educational opportunities, ... more The educational issues that stuck out today, includes equalization of educational opportunities, quality improvement/quality, relevance and efficiency of education. Serious problems that are still felt by education from primary education to higher education is a quality problem, of course, this can be solved through technological approach to education. The use of technology in education itself has three principles that dijadiakan as a reference for the development and utilization is a systems approach, oriented to students, as well as the use of learning resources. Competence of graduates who must be the benchmark in this regard in order to form a generation of people who have the competitiveness of a competitive and innovative. The role of educators is expected to further motivate himself in each learning interaction. Transformative educators believe that students should have the ability to be actively involved in the history of the creation of man.
An institution or organization can never be separated from management and leadership style. a lea... more An institution or organization can never be separated from management and leadership style. a leader whose leadership style is certainly different one with the other leaders even though it was likely to be no similarity between the leadership styles are applied in addition to the managerial skills of a leader will determine the course of an institution or organization.
Councellor is a noble, dynamic, always happy profession that relates to life. It is dedicated as ... more Councellor is a noble, dynamic, always happy profession that relates to life. It is dedicated as prevention, development, exploration, change, and remedies for indivduals living in modern multicultural world. In recent days councelling is not only needed in schools but also by societies in accordance with the Regulation from the Minister of Education No. 27 / 2008 on the Standard for the Academic Qualification and Competence of Councellor.
Harmony is a dream for every household that are nurtured with love, compassion, and sincerity. In... more Harmony is a dream for every household that are nurtured with love, compassion, and sincerity. In improving household harmony a grounding Hindu religion as guidance is needed. Household harmony is a state of peace, good, friendly, united hearts, agreement that occur in a family life with overcome differences of opinion and differences of understanding. The increase in household harmony creates a peaceful family circumstances that shows happy, life without violence, as well as inner and outer prosperous which are based on realizing the teachings of truth and religion.
Restoring the quality of the education cannot be separated from the role of the educators. The qu... more Restoring the quality of the education cannot be separated from the role of the educators. The quality here refers to the attitudes, values, norms, and system that are shared within the institution to produce quality graduates. The educators are to create the conducive atmosphere at schools, which requires competence in class managemenet. The Hindu classes teach the students to be active in order to meet the standard quality of the education therefore reach the vision and fulfill mission of the institution.
The understanding and application of ethical values are essential in providing excellent service ... more The understanding and application of ethical values are essential in providing excellent service to the community. One kind of success of an institution is when it is able to provide excellent service to the community. Tat Tvam Asi is one of Hindu philosophies that is loaded with ethical or moral values, it means that " he/she (him/her) is you. " To provide excellent service, then it is highly needed innovations and efforts so that the goals can be realized as well. By applying the teachings of Tat TvamAsi, then ASN will realize that in fact we are all the same, then there will be no discrimination in providing services. IHDN is also one of the educational institutions that seek to improve quality in order to attract people to become members of the great family of this institute. To attract people and gain the trust of society, one of the efforts that can be done is to improve the quality of service in IHDN Denpasar. Tat Tvam Asi-based services could be a new innovation to improve the environmental quality of service in IHDN Denpasar.
Professionalism to the demands of each profession. Without exception the teaching profession who ... more Professionalism to the demands of each profession. Without exception the teaching profession who daily deal with the nation's future children with a variety of characteristics of each are not the same. Teachers are an important component in the learning process. In improving the quality of learning, the teacher role and serves as a demonstrator, the class manager, mediator and facilitator, and evaluator. Professional teachers is important because those who have professional skills in various capacities as an educator. Teachers with professional it will be able to improve the learning process so as to improve the quality of learning.
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu, 2017
Geguritan as one of the traditional literature is widely used by the authors to pour the brillian... more Geguritan as one of the traditional literature is widely used by the authors to pour the brilliant idea of character education through the medium of art language that is strung together based on the diction that is very ungrateful. Through geguritan, a person has indirectly got a character education that is able to build a good mindset, words and deeds. The development of technology and communication in this era of globalization has gradually eroded the interest of teenagers to know and learn traditional literature. Learners are more interested in the things that smelled of technology, especially social media and override traditional literature, one of which is literature geguritan. Geguritan Suddhamala as one of literature geguritan loaded with character values that can be used as guidance in improving the quality of education quality. The relevance of character education in Suddhamala geguritan is divided into three namely divinity / humanity, humanity, and environment. The entire field of character has relevance to efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
ABSTRAK Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri (IHDN) Denpasar utilize information technology to support th... more ABSTRAK Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri (IHDN) Denpasar utilize information technology to support the vision and mission. Besides utilized to assist in the administration of education, information technology is also used for the development of quality IHDN. For example, the implementation of SPMI by the Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu (LPM) IHDN Denpasar by utilizing information technology in empowering educators, staff, service for learners. Information technology can make SPMI process becomes more transparent and accountable, so as to improve the quality of education in IHDN Denpasar. In 2016, the lecturers of IHDN Denpasar have been using applications Beban Kerja Dosen (BKD) so that the implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi of each Lecturer can be calculated in a professional manner. Application Beban Kerja Dosen (BKD) which uses Microsoft Access greatly assist the lecturers of IHDN Denpasar in preparing the report of BKD, which became the basis allowances of lecturer certification. Scientific Journal Publication as research journals have been managed by using information technology in website's form http:// www.ejournal.ihdn.ac.id. Process research and community service in IHDN Denpasar, ranging from proposals to reporting already using online application that Management Information Systems Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM). Implementation of the obligations of officials in Denpasar IHDN in education have used the system of financial information which relating to applications such as SPAN and SILABI, and for IHDN affairs personnel data in Denpasar using http:// ropeg.kemenag.go.id information system. whereas for asset management or inventory in IHDN Denpasar is managed by using the application of State Property (BMN). Services to students, starting from recruitment of new students, the learning process through graduation in Denpasar IHDN also have been managed through a new Student Information System Admissions, Academic Information Systems, and Information Systems Graduation.
Higher Education (PT) is a central science, and barns civilized culture. In Indonesia, there are ... more Higher Education (PT) is a central science, and barns civilized culture. In Indonesia, there are typologies PT accordance with struktualis power limit. Namely, PT who are under the authority Kemendikbud and Kemenag. Although different house, but the same substance. All elements have the same commitment membersarkan education premises. Under the supervision of Religious Affairs, PT spread across all regions of the country. At the level of management, there are private and public PT. PT Private independently but administratively connected with the government. PT-PT private during this, the procedure of governance and there are already established there are still 'semraut'. PT-managed properly been able to provide a study room and an incredible inspiration to mental development and the custom of society. In Madura, Sumenep regency especially the private PT has a strategic role in human development and the environment. It happens, because in the life of PT contained Tridharma college mission. Insan PT determined to always be the transformation of knowledge, devotion, and conduct research for the common good. Studies in this paper will reveal the scientific facts tentrang college of contributions and dedication in the area of Madura. The method in this study using a qualitative ethnographic approach, the technique of participant observation data collection, data sources through snowball sampling. The results of this study reveal the facts, Madura College in the Region is able to provide the benefits of environmental and human dimensional. Starting from the texture of culture, civilization advanced and new, as well as the human characters more educated.
Community Learning Center (CLC) is a non-formal education institution that serves as a place and ... more Community Learning Center (CLC) is a non-formal education institution that serves as a place and opportunity for the community members to learn. CLC develops as learners' needs, educational regulations, and general society develop. The implementation of learning activities differs from one CLC to another. The quality also varies between one CLC institution and the next. The quality of human resources in CLC contributes to the quality of the CLC. The key human resource that plays a great role in determining the success or failure of CLC is its manager. Managerial ability of CLC managers is one of the key factors of CLC's success. To improve the quality of CLC, the quality of its managers has to be improved first. CLC managers have to possess sufficient knowledge, skills, and capabilities to realize the nine characters of CLC set in the Standard and Operational Procedures of CLC. Nowadays, CLC faces several problems in quality improvement: (1) whether or not the developed learning programs are oriented towards the learners and stakeholders; (2) whether or not all stakeholders of CLC are actively involved in the management and development of CLC; (3) whether or not learning implementation and evaluation been performed as required; it is unlikely that CLC will meet the quality standard set by the community without first having a tool to measure its progress and achievement; (4) whether or not all interested parties have strong commitment to quality improvement; and (5) whether or not the improvement and development efforts in CLC management and learning implementation have been continuous and sustainable. One of the quality improvement efforts in CLC is the development of managerial professionalism. The managers of CLC may implement CLC managerial development strategies, which begin with strategic planning. Managerial development strategies include effective and efficient management of resources and the implementation of skill development and public enrichment approaches.
Financing a good management is one key to the success of an educational institution to promote or... more Financing a good management is one key to the success of an educational institution to promote or increase quality. In this study, the focus of the problem is how the management of financing available to the private universities in Surabaya medium in order to improve its quality. The method used is qualitative descriptive with the presence of the researcher as an instrument of research conducted interviews to informants as a source of primary data and documents as well as supporting books as a secondary data source. Management Funding education is one of the factors that determine the quality improvement due to the financial management that is transparent and accountable will give rise to the belief of stakehoulder and it will be the motivation of each academicians Tri Dharma College in Private colleges medium in Surabaya to conduct quality improvement in their respective fields. Keyword: management of higher education financing, Quality
Students at higher education institutions are definitely adults who should be encouraged and give... more Students at higher education institutions are definitely adults who should be encouraged and given motivation to be the 'adult' learners. Each student has diverse characteristics that will make them ultimately bring different perspectives to the class (different types of backgrounds, learning styles, experiences, and aspirations). Therefore, educators are no longer possible to use conventional methods in cultivating the values to students to get them to be adult learners. The psychological condition of adults will encourage the teaching and learning process to be more directed to the Student-Centered Learning. This method is built on the principles of active learning constructive, some social activity, mental reflection, implementation of prior knowledge, and so forth. The learning process is a reflection cycle (about what happened), the idea of a thing (or something that needs to be tested), action (trial to do something), and outcomes (concrete experience). Problem-Based Learning method is an option that can be used to support the activities of Student-Centered Learning for the use of problems in the learning process can trigger the curiosity of students that will lead them to be able to solve their own problems by giving a definition of a certain problem and specify the collected information. In this way, students will try to associate the information they have and be able to specify the topics they will learn more. ABSTRAK Mahasiswa pada lembaga pendidikan tinggi adalah orang-orang dewasa yang mesti didorong dan diberikan motivasi untuk menjadi pelajar yang 'dewasa'. Tiap mahasiswa memiliki karakteristik beragam yang pada akhirnya mereka membawa berbagai perspektif ke dalam kelas (berbagai jenis latar belakang, gaya belajar,
College is one of the means to build community. Universities can also be regarded as the agent of... more College is one of the means to build community. Universities can also be regarded as the agent of change in society and even the world. Humans were expected today are capable of developing their potential throughout. Overview whole human beings has been defined in the law No. 20 of 2003 on the System Pendidian National Article 3 which states that the National Education aims at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. Based on these conditions, a University is a public institution undertaking the community to help to create students who have the expected quality. With the demands of current conditions it is necessary seoramg leaders and members who have high performance in managing and running the educational process. While universities are expected are universities which have members who are always learning to achieve a change for the better in serving the community.
This article entitled " The Application of KMARI No. 702 year of 2016 as a Real Effort to reach t... more This article entitled " The Application of KMARI No. 702 year of 2016 as a Real Effort to reach the Quality Assurance of High Institution in Religion Ministry ". Some descriptions of this article cover introduction such as basis law engagement performance, report engagement, and review on report performance, some components in KMARI Nomor 702 year of 2016, understanding performance engagement, understanding of engagement performance, and meaning review on report of performance. Then also described about purpose arranging angagement performance, arranging angagement performance, purpose report performance, form, delivery, report performance yearly, performance yearly, measuring performance, indidcator performance, and indicator main of performance, purpose review on report performance, arrangement review on report performance. Last of this article namely about conclusion and reflection.
The purpose of this study, namely: (1) determine systematically the implementation of teaching fa... more The purpose of this study, namely: (1) determine systematically the implementation of teaching factory model of the learning process D3 electrical engineering; (2) determine the achievement quality D3 graduate in electrical engineering and Teaching Factory models. The approach used is a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation. Results of the assessment showed that the implementation of teaching factory model of the learning process D3 Electrical Engineering done quite well, starting from the standard of competence, media, lecturers, students, use and maintenance, production, marketing, evaluation has been structured well enough. But there are still shortcomings in the establishment of management due to the formation of management, the management structure remains unclear resulted in the implementation of the model is less than the maximum teaching factory in the Department of Electrical Engineering D3. Implementation of teaching factory in D3 Electrical Engineering UN PGRI Kediri has been going pretty well, the resulting product has a quality worth selling, economical and multifunctional, the students are expected after graduation in addition to be absorbed in the industrialized world are working as interpreneur and employers on the products they produce so with the application of teaching factory, the quality D3 Electrical Engineering increasing
This writing has main purpose that is to know head master's role in improving educational quality... more This writing has main purpose that is to know head master's role in improving educational quality, leadership, duty, and headmaster's role in improving educational quality, leardership, duty, and headmaster's role in order to produce process and product of quality education. Educational quality is our hope in facing strict life exchange in several sectors especially in education sectors for better future. For the sake of making educational quality, this needs role of leaders in educational institutes. One of them is headmaster because it is the pioneer is moving all changes to go to educational quality. Headmaster's duty is not only leading ceremony, waiting incoming letter to be signed but also making a good quality of education in school. Specifically headmaster's role in improving quality of education are doing monitoring, evaluating continually toward seccessful program determined, planning and arranging word plan agreed with improving needs of educational quality which orients on school's mission, making intensive commumication with teachers, students, student's parents and society.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality improvement activities to draw up action res... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality improvement activities to draw up action research through workshops among primary school teachers in Gugus Diponegoro Kecamatan Ungaran Barat. This research is an action research descriptive and qualitative approach. Although the results are still far from PTK relevance proposal but interest to make a PTK proposal increases. In PTK workshop proposal process, there were many problems faced by the teachers who have difficulty in using computers and many teachers do not participate actively. The conclusion shows the actions taken to improve the ability of teachers through workshops PTK proposal showed success in developing a PTK proposal.
Indonesia is experiencing social unrest because of the emergence of the behavior of racism and in... more Indonesia is experiencing social unrest because of the emergence of the behavior of racism and intolerance. Mass media social also become the most fertile ground the outbreak of the issue of the behavior of intolerance. Clear impact affect the condition of Indonesia today. All involved in the world of education is necessarily aware that the behavior of intolerance cannot happen. education must respect differences and spread the value of good character through education tolerance in the middle of the condition of multiculturalism become characteristic of Indonesia. The importance of good tolerance education in schools or in universities must be paid attention to education is lost gradually declines but. The world of education must be free of purely from the practice of intolerance. Education is the place grow any differences and foster mutual respect among the differences. Teachers or educators as the spearhead education has a special role in inculcating tolerance in the world of education will become an example to all it broadcasts.
Education is a important thing in a human civilization history. The progress of a civilization is... more Education is a important thing in a human civilization history. The progress of a civilization is mostly determined by education as a main factor. Throughout the history of human civilization, there were so many learning methods has been invented such as discussion method, discourse method, group teaching, and technology-supported learning method. The fast development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the era of information society has facilitated all of knowledge seekersnowdays to learn something better and better.E-Learning as a implementation of ICT in education domain takes the role as a education media which provide education content so that the students are able to access it times infinity.
The educational issues that stuck out today, includes equalization of educational opportunities, ... more The educational issues that stuck out today, includes equalization of educational opportunities, quality improvement/quality, relevance and efficiency of education. Serious problems that are still felt by education from primary education to higher education is a quality problem, of course, this can be solved through technological approach to education. The use of technology in education itself has three principles that dijadiakan as a reference for the development and utilization is a systems approach, oriented to students, as well as the use of learning resources. Competence of graduates who must be the benchmark in this regard in order to form a generation of people who have the competitiveness of a competitive and innovative. The role of educators is expected to further motivate himself in each learning interaction. Transformative educators believe that students should have the ability to be actively involved in the history of the creation of man.
An institution or organization can never be separated from management and leadership style. a lea... more An institution or organization can never be separated from management and leadership style. a leader whose leadership style is certainly different one with the other leaders even though it was likely to be no similarity between the leadership styles are applied in addition to the managerial skills of a leader will determine the course of an institution or organization.
Councellor is a noble, dynamic, always happy profession that relates to life. It is dedicated as ... more Councellor is a noble, dynamic, always happy profession that relates to life. It is dedicated as prevention, development, exploration, change, and remedies for indivduals living in modern multicultural world. In recent days councelling is not only needed in schools but also by societies in accordance with the Regulation from the Minister of Education No. 27 / 2008 on the Standard for the Academic Qualification and Competence of Councellor.
Harmony is a dream for every household that are nurtured with love, compassion, and sincerity. In... more Harmony is a dream for every household that are nurtured with love, compassion, and sincerity. In improving household harmony a grounding Hindu religion as guidance is needed. Household harmony is a state of peace, good, friendly, united hearts, agreement that occur in a family life with overcome differences of opinion and differences of understanding. The increase in household harmony creates a peaceful family circumstances that shows happy, life without violence, as well as inner and outer prosperous which are based on realizing the teachings of truth and religion.
Restoring the quality of the education cannot be separated from the role of the educators. The qu... more Restoring the quality of the education cannot be separated from the role of the educators. The quality here refers to the attitudes, values, norms, and system that are shared within the institution to produce quality graduates. The educators are to create the conducive atmosphere at schools, which requires competence in class managemenet. The Hindu classes teach the students to be active in order to meet the standard quality of the education therefore reach the vision and fulfill mission of the institution.
The understanding and application of ethical values are essential in providing excellent service ... more The understanding and application of ethical values are essential in providing excellent service to the community. One kind of success of an institution is when it is able to provide excellent service to the community. Tat Tvam Asi is one of Hindu philosophies that is loaded with ethical or moral values, it means that " he/she (him/her) is you. " To provide excellent service, then it is highly needed innovations and efforts so that the goals can be realized as well. By applying the teachings of Tat TvamAsi, then ASN will realize that in fact we are all the same, then there will be no discrimination in providing services. IHDN is also one of the educational institutions that seek to improve quality in order to attract people to become members of the great family of this institute. To attract people and gain the trust of society, one of the efforts that can be done is to improve the quality of service in IHDN Denpasar. Tat Tvam Asi-based services could be a new innovation to improve the environmental quality of service in IHDN Denpasar.
Professionalism to the demands of each profession. Without exception the teaching profession who ... more Professionalism to the demands of each profession. Without exception the teaching profession who daily deal with the nation's future children with a variety of characteristics of each are not the same. Teachers are an important component in the learning process. In improving the quality of learning, the teacher role and serves as a demonstrator, the class manager, mediator and facilitator, and evaluator. Professional teachers is important because those who have professional skills in various capacities as an educator. Teachers with professional it will be able to improve the learning process so as to improve the quality of learning.